What is your favorite piece of Lucas approved true canon?
What is your favorite piece of Lucas approved true canon?
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Probably Kotor.
>tfw Rey out mary sue'd Starkiller
Bravo JJ
The only "true canon" are episodes I-VI and they're all great. In terms of EU stuff, probably KOTOR II but I'm not familiar with a lot of it.
Shit was kino
Red Tails
>all these guys with guns sprinting towards him
Mfw Disney doesn't ruin Darth Icky
i also liked parts of the Star Wars MMO
>Lucas approved
Literally the only Star Wars media besides the movies that George approved as Canon alongside his movies pre-Disney was The Clone Wars.
Which is good because it would have been my answer regardless.
No one cares what you answer is.
Still drives me crazy this is canon. It's by far and away the worst thing in SW, even more than the new trilogy.
It's not canon you retard
Then why is OP asking? :^)
Recent change. Lucas was heavily involved in this one and deemed it canon.
It was. Not anymore.
It wasn't.
Nothing besides 1-6 and TCW was ever considered Canon by George.
This is false, widely mis-spread information. George had some involvement, but he always, ALWAYS considered the EU non-canon to his true Star Wars continuity. This was spoken about at length by himself and Dave Filoni during the production of The Clone Wars, when explaining how adapting EU subjects for his Canon show would often meant re-purposing ideas or changing them entirely, while being as respectful as possible to the EU source material.
Jedi Outcast.
Fuck Jedi Academy btw. Literally just a bunch of JO mods.
Lana Beniko
Based and redpilled
Unbased and unpilled
>Nothing besides 1-6 and TCW was ever considered Canon by George.
Explain the whole SotE package. It was a whole big thing meant to be a preamble for the SEs, which in turn were a preamble for the PT.
Lana Beniko>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>Rey
No one asked you
Huh. Didn't realize Lucas had any input for EU stuff.
I like MovieBattles 2 mod on Jedi Academy
Rogue Squadron was a shitty game. Finna bouta play it right now to see if I fare better now than I did in my youth.
She looks like she ____ _____ ____ while you're encased in carbonite.
>Lucas Approved
I don't remember them ever calling him Darth Icky or Darth Insanius
Experimentation that was largely a pet project by Lucasfilm, George had literally no involvement in it.
His input usually came down to "Hey this is neat." and "I think you should change this.", he usually just let the Lucasfilm subsidiaries do their own thing, happy for them to do it as long as they don't step on the toes of whatever he was doing for his true Canon. One thing you may have heard was the story about Lucas suggesting "Darth Icky" as a name for Starkiller during the production of The Force Unleashed, and teasing that Darth Talon and Maul should be friends despite existing centuries apart because they were both black and red, although this is more widespread misinformation that developers have since explained was just Lucas's deadpan sense of humor not landing properly with some people.
Sometimes he would veto things outright that he hated, like that time he had artwork of a group of Yoda's species removed from some card set.
IIRC I read that one time he told Bioware developers that while impressed with what he was shown, he didn't like their interpretations of the Force in KOTOR 2 and that should they change the game he would be interested in pursuing that story and its characters as a part of the true history of Star Wars. However Bioware were already struggling to meet deadlines and released the game (in its already incomplete state) without changing anything about the presentation of the Force in the game.
He did eventually develop a scene in The Clone Wars involving the ghosts of Darth Bane and Revan, before Lucas ultimately decided to cut it as he still wasn't satisfied with how it contradicted his views on the Force, believing it was poor storytelling and undeserving to allow Sith Lords to become ghosts. (He did allow Bane to show up in later episodes as some kind of Spectre/Illusion left behind by Bane, but not a complete conscious ghost incarnation.)
This really gets too little love.
It's fucking amazing.
Bioware didn't make kotor2. Do you mean Obsidian? Or kotor1?
Pure as the driven snowbunny.
Probably Obsidian. All I remember for sure is the game in question was KOTOR 2, which makes sense in the context of the game
I remember him hating vibroblades.
Yeah, because they cheapened the uniqueness of the Lightsaber. Not really sure where his limits were, considering he seemed fine with Electrostaffs.
He did allow Vibro-weaponry to exist, the Commando Droids in TCW have Vibroswords for example, but I think Lightsabers can cut through them now, so they weren't just a cheap and easy way for normies to get swords that could go against Jedi, who have to earn their Lightsabers after years of training.
The force unleashed was cringe as fuck, how could anyone enjoy that garbage is beyond me.
>Yea Forums's taste in video games
I never played force unleashed 2 but I did play the first one and Maris brood was so fucking hot, shame there is barely any porn of her.
He's such a damn autist about that kind of stuff.
He never sees the forrest for the trees which explains a whole hell of a lot when it comes to the prequels. The devil's in the details sure, but it's like we never get to see even a quarter of what's hinted at.
What's that? You want to see the clone wars?
Okay here's the very first battle and here's the very last battle.
You want to see jedis in their prime?
Okay here's them dying.
You want to see light saber dueling instead of two geriatrics flailing around?
Okay here's some flips.
He needed to focus on the most important beats of Anakins story in the movies.
Before Episode 2 even came out, he knew he wanted to show the bulk of the war in animation with more freedom to focus on action like that, which culminated in Genndy Tartovsky's show. And midway through production of ROTS, he decided he would produce his own full length tv show for the Clone Wars, which he did for 121 Episodes, so...
I can understand his motive but he completely botched the execution.
If only he thought to hire someone to plot the movies and write the dialogue like he did for the TV show
He did, everyone he asked to write or direct would refuse and tell him he was capable of doing it himself. Names include Lawrence Kasdan, Steven Spielberg and Ron Howard. (Spielberg actually shadowdirected some of the prequels though, the greivous chase scene for example was him.)
>Nothing besides 1-6 and TCW was ever considered Canon by George.
Except he was essentially the co-writer on the Thrawn trilogy with how much input he had and how many meetings and discussions he had with Zahn and was so impressed by how it turned out that he gave the books to people as christmas presents and those books are the actual reason he never made episode 7--9 himself, because he didn't want to step on any of it.
>guy waves his hand
>things start floating and moving as a result
wtf? so unrealistic