Movies about extremely unlikely coincidences

Movies about extremely unlikely coincidences

How am i expected to believe that the sun and the moon just happen to be the same size in the sky, even though one is immensely bigger and farther away? What are the chances of this

fucking memery

Attached: vm.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

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something something size of the sun relative to the moon something something relative to the distance to earth something something

>What is an annular eclipse?

Do you even know the amount of coincidences this planet needed to not only support life but actually have it form? Shitposting on this site is the result of so many improbable things happening it's insane.

dude if you want to get into "what are the chances" with the earth there is waaay more "extremely unlikely coincidences". the earth is an anomaly


explain yourselves

It's not complicated. The sun is x times bigger diameter, and the moon is x times closer.

Not really coincidences, because 'coincidentally', all those things that needed to happen DIDN'T happen billions of other times and places.

He's right.

Why the fuck are they the same exact size?

Sun is 400 times bigger but 400 times further away. The astronomically chances that we're on a planet where the moon is at the right distance for total eclipses to happen must be extraordinarily low. And that we're at the right time to see them with the coronal effect and not just annular eclipses.

The specifics for a planet to support life and the odds of said planet developing life are incredibly slim, it just so happens earth managed to pull it off.

this. you can only truly understand this once you understand TRULY the size and scope of the universe as a whole infinite being.

God truly is great


Allah is as well.

It fucking isn't. The apparent size of the moon is on average 52 angular degrees with about a 14% variance depending on the period of the lunar cycle, it also appears larger nearer the horizon due to refraction of light through the atmosphere (near the horizon, light has to pass through more volume of atmosphere, which obviously effect optics, same as why sunsets/sunrises even happen). Meanwhile the sun takes up 53 angular degrees. Fucking genius religaboos dismissing 1 angular degree as "exactly the same" baka.

Attached: ( you ).gif (480x238, 443K)

That's the nature of infinity, bruh. This planet, this life, these shitposts, they were all inevitable.

All of this is infinitely unlikely but also inevitable.

Perigee and apogee make the difference between total and solar, and the duration of a solar.


Attached: math.jpg (954x661, 71K)

It's it really just that rare or is there another explanation?

i have no idea what this image is trying to communicate

It's trying to tell you that the Earth is flat dummy

There's no real explanation, it's just an odd occurrence that has no appreciable effect except for humanity noticing it. It's pure coincidence that the moon is the size it is and the distance away at a time when we can regularly observe total eclipses.

>if any of the 4 fundamental forces are tuned even the tiniest fraction in either direction existence would be entirely impossible
>they are set exactly as one would set variables in a program
its a simulation guys

>certain variables are logical to us
>these variables are demonstrable in nature

holy shit it's almost like our thinking is a product of our experience and environment, what a coincidence

Try to simulate this faggot
*sucker punches you*

What is complicated is that they are the perfect ratio of size and distance relative to each other to appear the same size in the sky on earth. That is a big ass coincidence.

Are they really the "perfect" ratio though? Yeah they're similar sizes but seems to me like the moon is smaller.

so the sun is not supposed to be visible from jupiter and beyond right?

The moon's orbit is not stable and after like a couple 100 million years it will have drifted far away enough to not fully eclipse the sun anymore

Perfect enough for a solar eclipse to work

The moon changes apparent size based on it's proximity to Earth: apogee and perigee. That's how you end up with solar eclipses and annular eclipses, annulars happen during apogee.

Attached: Annular_eclipse_-ring_of_fire-.jpg (1800x1200, 76K)

What does it matter, this doesn't do anything significant. Eclipses would happen either way.

The moon = THE DEVIL
The sun = GOD

It's not fuckin complicated.

Sun and moon represents duality

The Devil is Saturn, brainlet.

>pick two unrelated things
>they appear to be the same size from our vantage point

The Moon and the Sun are only related in any way because of our own anthrocentric perception of reality + cultural reasons.
There are trees on earth that are the same height as the highest point on my house, MUST B JESUS.
Holy shit this rock LOOKS as tall as that mountain in the distance! DEFFO ALLAH. Why are modern religious people so fucking stupid, scientists in the renaissance and earlier were all religious and they still didn't just fucking handwave everything to "I dunno, god did it lol".

the moon is growing because we've stopped sacrificing to the old gods, the time spent in eclipse will continue to rise until we realize the truth

the universe isn't infinite though.

>stopped sacrificing to the old gods
Speak for yourself.

>two unrelated things
>the only large celestial objects in the sky

but there are many rocks and many mountains and many vantage points, its a statistically inevitability
there is only a singular sun and earth and moon

>lmao dude don't think about things they're just that way because they're that way lol what do the moon and sun even matter anyway

The sun looks way smaller than the moon.

you're not looking at it long enough

They say the moon was made when an asteroid slammed into Earth and kicked a bunch of shit up into the Earth's orbit which eventually conglomerated and condensed together to form the spherical moon.

They think I'm that stupid? Like come on.

you goddamn dumbass it only works fully on a very small area on earth have you ever tried to google why it happens and what it looks like

the moon was built in 50356 UST and decommissioned in 50467 UST

There is no infinity in the real world, it's just an abstract concept we use in math. Universe isn't infinite

Real talk: why can I see the moon during the day? Shouldn’t it be on the other side of the planet?

Yeah it happens because the moon passes in front of the sun. It looks like the moon is blocking out the sun. This wouldn't happen if they weren't roughly the same size. I know perfect isn't really correct word to use since there is a bit of leeway.

I thought
>american education
was a meme but there's some extreme retardation at display here

"large" is an inherently arbitrary distinction. Even saying "The TWO largest" is completely arbitrary.

>there is only a singular sun and earth and moon
Wtf do you mean, there are tons of objects orbiting earth, many of which have at various times been defined as moons, most are not visible to the human eye but they're still there. "Moon" is another arbitrary distinction.

You didn't read what I wrote congrats :)))

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It's almost like quantum physics teaches us everything is I'm a state of possibility until observed upon and the universe naturally fell into place with ideal conditions for observers because the second the dice roll led to observers it was locked in.
The variables are not coincidently ideal, they are ideal because it is the only way they can exist in a stable manner.

>Thinks he's talking to specifically to americans on a board with out flags

And the only way in which we and our instruments can measure them.

>with out
American education everybody

Checked. And no, the moon has it's own unique orbit to the Earth. The moon circles the Earth about twice as fast as the Earth rotates on its axis. So the moon will be overhead where you are slightly less than twice per 24 hours. Aka once in the day and once at night.

Look at a fucking animation of the earth moon and sun system you dolt.

I know I’m stupid please don’t be mean to me

>Correcting grammar and spelling on 4channel

We should fire all are garbage into the sun. Then our planet would be clean again and the angels would come. Mr. Peterson has it right.

It'll help explain the revolution of the Moon around the Earth, the moon phases, and positions during each phase. Like a New Moon is in the general vicinity of the sun and is difficult or impossible to spot during the day. A full moon rises when the sun sets, reflecting the sun off its face fully to us. All of the other phases like between. So something like a waxing gibbous moon will appear in the afternoon sky, visible during daylight in the East. A first quarter moon should be near the zenith when the sun sets.

Same dude

yeah "religaboos" are somehow stupid after you described something that is clearly the act of a creative effort.
dont even reply because we both know all the different planets and stars we find will never have an eclipse that gives the viewer a peek at the plasma crown, the corona.
thats us. we are special. we are not a coincidence, the eclipse is baffling

and a womans cycle is exactly the same
when she is on her period, dint go near her. pretend she doesnt exist, even though you know she is there (new moon)

>Shitposting on this site is the result of so many improbable things happening it's insane

Attached: space-pepe.jpg (781x552, 64K)

>we are special

Everything is equally special lol, imagine believing that there is such a thing as subjective reality lmao next you'll be telling me there's such a thing as discrete objects.

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Is it really so hard to believe it's a wink from God?

Sadly, apparently it isn't hard to believe.

quantum physics only applies to subatomic particles you brainlet. Imagine actually thinking Schrödinger's cat is a real life experiment lmao.


Yeah, 'coincidences'.
Call them what you want.

Attached: Adam and God Hands.jpg (356x234, 23K)

This CAN work symbolically, but it has some problems.

>Sun is a giant deadly radioactive furnace that kills everything not millions of miles away
>Moon is a benign element that provides helpful light for humans at night

Usually it's better to just assign them a more equal paradigm; such as the Sun representing men and the Moon representing women.

"coincidence" only makes sense when you start applying value judgements to events, as in, arbitrary judgements.

>Something happens
>Very specific circumstances were required to make this something happen (ie; literally any event you could name)
>Therefore; this something that happened was predestined and intentionally designed

If you don't see the logical fallacy in this I feel like I shouldn't be talking with you.

Do you even know how many universes collapsed before this one stabilized?

aren't those assumptions open questions? we don't really know if the laws of nature are like that because otherwise everything would fall apart, or if theres lots of possible ways things could work

>you can feet the rest of the solar system planets between the moon and the earth and it fits perfectly
guys we are a fucking brochetts, now who's the one making the barbacue?

>this level of stupidity
I will give user the benefit of doubt and blame the education system.

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How does that picture refute any of what I said? I never claimed it occurs at ever location across the whole world simultaneously. Of course it doesn't as people will be looking at the sun from different angles. It's ok though I will give you the benefit of the doubt and blame your education system for your lack of reading comprehension.

is the universe infinite?

>it's just an odd occurrence that has no appreciable effect except for humanity noticing it.
What if you need a moon that size for ideal tidal forces that are somehow required for life? That'd solve the problem pretty handily, Abiogenesis is poorly understood at best. The Sun is that relative size because if we were much further or closer we'd be outside of stable ranges for multicellular life.

I don't know what kind of simulations astrophysicists have for tidal events, but I feel like we've got no good points of comparison to really understand this shit.

Do you know why we can remember things? Millenia ago a VIRUS got into the proteins that form the neurotrasmiters of our ancestors brains and the resulting "damage" was the ability to recall stimuli

Nothing makes any fuckin sense

No user. You're just bad at optics. The ring of light you see around the Moon during eclipses is not the edge of the Sun's silhouette. It's just the light of the sun bending around the Moon's gravity. It's not just black holes, the gravity of every celestial object bends light a little. You can see stars near the Sun's edge that are technically "behind" the Sun.

The Sun and the moon aren't even consistent in size as perceived from Earth, that is why you can have giant blood moons and beautiful sunrises.

You are not only failing elementary school, but acting like a degree of shut-in who has literally never seen the sun or moon.

Attached: sunrise_beach_550_349.jpg (550x349, 34K)

Space itself expands along with it's expansion, so for all intents and purposes, yes.

>some le movies about "insert dumb political/moral/science topic here"
It's all so tiring

Thanks for telling me a bunch of shit I already know.

If you already knew them then why were you sperging on about a false premise?

Space itself expands along with it's expansion, so for all intents and purposes, No.

/pol/ has made Yea Forums essentially Yea Forums.

If those specific values are the only possibility of success wouldn't you just hard code them?
You have variables so you can easily make changes and adjustments.

let me guess you're a nihilist atheist who believes piracy isnt stealing and that morality doesnt exist. You write like an ideologue from 2011

I hate the internet for giving those idiots a platform. Only because of the internet they can form a network with other impressionable dumbasses.
>Whoa, maybe the earth is flat after all! Those guys are onto something! *hits blunt*

Depends on what you define the universe as. If you mean the observable universe, no, that's decidedly finite because the energy release from the big bang is quantifiable. It'll expand outwards towards infinity, but technically speaking you could always measure the distance between the 2 furthest particles produced.

Now, the true universe, the plane our universe was formed in? That's likely infinite, although if we're in a simulated universe like 99.99999...% of universes probably are, there is a theoretical upper limit, which probably manifests as a region at the outer edge of the bubble in which the laws of physics fall apart.

Whether we're a snowglobe universe with that region existing just a few trillion light years or so away, or a multiverse with lots of slowly expanding bubbles inside one massive rigid sphere, depends entirely on the level of simulation being run and is something we can never possibly determine.

What false premise? That the sun and moon are similar sizes in the sky when viewed from earth?

>08/19(Mon)05:55:55 No

>best looking planet symbolises evil
It's not fucking fair, bros!

It really makes me wonder if the earth is special. If Jupiter wasn’t in our solar system we’d get nailed by way more asteroids and wouldn’t survive

everyone knows the moon is an alien satellite

Only good post in this garbage thread.

It's trying to say 1 foot = 2.118 meters?

Lucifer was the most beautiful angel

>implying objective reality exists
>implying anything can exist without being perceived

>eventually conglomerated and condensed together to form the spherical moon
Why would it condense instead of forming a ring, like Saturn's?

That's what I meant tho, there's no definable subjective OR objective reality, therefore comparing two randomly selected things is always going to be ultimately an arbitrary decision based on basically nothing.