Who has a brighter future?

Who has a brighter future?

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Both of them together making mestizo babies.

not drake

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tfw chat went sickomode

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Yea, Im thinking he's based.

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1492 . png

I look a startling similar to Drake and I absolutely hate it

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His outfits are always funny as fuck

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did kids even watch these live action movies?

No idea.

Attached: Fairly Odd 2.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

kids don't watch the odd parents so no they did love those Alvin and the chipmunk movies for a few years though

Name of the hot chick?

what's that thing on the right?

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Is that grill Meadow Soprano? Did based Bell give her the bell (his dick)?


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>pure blooded indios

DESU Drake is obviously done in Tinseltown but I have difficulty seeing what roles Yaparicio could get cast for, its not like Hollywood is itching for Central American social dramas. She's the new Gabourey Sidibe I think

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He's got nice features. He just looks haggard.

I find it funny he is touring and playing shows in Mexico. Is he really popular down there? I live in San Diego and my coworker is going to Tijuana to see him live. WTF.

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gross is she trying to kiss him?

Is this from the new Avengers flick? I havent seen it yet

I would fuck the SHIT out of her
t. northern Mexican (white)

She's very unusual looking but I REALLY want to know what her pusy looks like

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Kind of. Channel 5 has been playing drake and josh reruns for fucking ever, alongside early spongebob, dbz, fairlyodd parents, etc.
I remember the girls in my class would listen to him, and that was a couple of years after the show ended.
We grew up watching the same 4-5 seasons of those shows everyday so it left a great impact on us.

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So he just dies and becomes a fairy godparent? What about his friends and family? Are they all going to think he's gone and dead or is he going to erase their memories of him?