Star Wars: Solo

Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Star Wars: Solo? Also, how involved was Chuck Wendig with that project? I've read that Wendig was fired in late 2018 from working for the folks in charge of Marvel, what has he been doing ever since then?

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>what has he been doing ever since then?
Sucking cock.

>Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Star Wars: Solo?
Still haven't seen it, but I thought it was gay

solo felt like it had something missing

I have not seen the movie, but how inconsistent was that depiction of Han Solo, compared to the original trilogy, and even the little we see of him in the first of the newer movies? Was that actor's portrayal anything much like Harrison Ford's in mannerisms, and Han's personality? Was he acting anything like a gruff, take no crap kind of roguish guy, or was he a lightweight, sensitive Hollywood actor dropped into harsh environments and it showed?

>Now that the dust has settled
As I said before, I will never watch Solo or any future Disney Star Wars. I stand by that, and will not watch this crap.

They utterly shit upon the franchise with TLJ all because of Kathleen Kennedy's massive insecurities and need to destroy the character of Luke and prop up her self-insert Rey.

My boycott still stands, fuck KK, Fuck RJ, Fuck JJ, Fuck all Disney-Wars.

Wasnt he fired for making an ass of himself on Twitter?

Ok, see you at Episode IX!

I only watched the cinemasins video of it but it looked stupid.

Yes, he threw her career away to attack republicans and Kavanaugh, someone that wasn't even guilty.
Must feel like an ass doing that for nothing.

You wish. I am not joking, I will not watch Episode 9. Not everyone is as weak-willed as you are. I stand by my convictions.

I liked it, like I liked Rogue One, but didn`t love it, like I didn't love Rogue One.
It was fan fiction, with added pander to Current Year. But even if they'd deleted the worst offender, who was SJW robot; it still would have had fundamental story-structure flaws.
It should have been a three to four episode miniseries on whatever bullshit network Disney wants to release that shit to.

Pointless but cool space opera, way better than TLJ imo. Felt more like the 2 hour debut special of a tv series to be honest.

Alrighty, if you say so

Not him but last one I went to go see was vii. Watched a friend's copy of rogue one (he didn't go see it at the theater, nor I)
Still haven't seen VIII nor Solo, neither has previously mentioned friend nor anyone else I know
I really have given up on nuwars. Whenever I want star wars, I now just read an old EU book
The thrawn trilogy, Han Solo adventures from the 70s, and Darth Plagueis all filled my desire for more star wars thus far

If you haven't, you should read the Darth Bane trilogy. The Revan book was pretty good too.

>Darth Bane trilogy.
Will do. there was a lot of call backs to it in Plagueis
Really? I'd heard the Old Republic book series with Revan was bad?

It missed the mark harder than anything in recent memory.

Its sad how you think everyone is as weak-willed as you are. Whatever makes you feel better, champ! Why the fuck do you think I'm going to go watch a storyline I loathe? I could barely make it through my only viewing of TLJ I hated it so much. Life is short, why waste it being disgusted watching trash?

It makes me seethe that the main Jew became an actor because his father was Spielberg’s accountant and Spielberg met the Solo actor at a Bah Mitzvah, fucking Jew nepotism.

The Paradise Snare was obvious self-insert by a roastie who wanted to fuck young Harrison Ford.
Still a fun read tho`

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I'm part Jewish, and I agree that was wrong. Spielberg should have had the foresight to hire that YouTube Harrison Ford impersonator, who was somewhat famous for a while in his own right. I feel bad that guy was overlooked, when he could have delivered so much potential to the role, probably the next best thing to having the younger Ford come back to portraying the character.

>The Paradise Snare
Thats not the Han Solo book series Im referring to, though I've heard those arent bad
Im referring to the 3 by Brian Daley in the 70s right after ANH came out.
Han Solo at Star's End
Han Solo's Revenge
Han Solo and the lost legacy
They were decent. Not spectacular, but they were good adventure stories. Han's cold blooded at points, actually spaces someone who crossed him.

It was fine but inconsequential. The comic relief was, as usual for the series, absolutely awful with the added offense that the robot actually had a point that hmthe movie never achnowledged. Yes, robots are slaves. But instead of exploring that it played it as a cheap joke at the expense of civil rights activism to pander to useless fat retards that use the word SJW unironically and who don't enjoy Star Wars in the first place.

>or was he a lightweight, sensitive Hollywood actor dropped into harsh environments and it showed

pretty much this. the movie ends with him giving the proto rebels the hyperfuel out of the goodness of his heart.

disney has been hostile to fans and their works pretty consistently

I thought that the Rebellion's cause had not won over his interests, canonically, until later in the first movie of the original trilogy? I had always thought of him as a mostly neutral freebooter, maybe contracted for some employers for periods of time, before joining with the Rebels.

Hardly a boycott when you probably torrent 99% of the movies you watch

Honestly I didn't like it very much, it made the character of Han Solo less cool. All the origins for everything felt so forced, like his meeting chewbaca, getting the falcon, etc... it just felt like they were answering questions that no one asked. I think the darth maul mafia or whatever they were is a cool concept though and desperately want to see more darth maul... But overall I felt like the movie was okay but it would've been better if they didnt try to shove a bunch of explanations for everything about Han

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Revan book series was shit

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>Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Star Wars: Solo?

Not terrible aside from Lando's sex bot. I can't fathom why that character was in the movie or why they would include the idea that Lando was fucking it in the marketing. That damn robot sucks the life out of every scene it was in, if they'd just replaced all its lines with RDD2 beeps it would have done a lot to improve the film.

The action scenes were pretty good and I particularly enjoyed the train heist, the character and vehicle and location design was also better than the unimaginative shit in 7 and 8. The dude trying to be Harrison Ford was tasked with impossible shoes to fill but he did as well as you could reasonably expect. Woody Harleson's character was a good morally grey foil to Han Solo. Some people took issue with the last minute Darth Maul reveal but as a nerdy autist who watched the cartoons I got the reference and appreciated it.

Overall 7 out 10 comparable to episode 7 or Episode I. It had major flaws but enough fun times that I don't regret watching it.

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In many instances, less is more. They failed to portray him as the mysterious, charming smuggler he was in the first film.
He was portrayed as a Rebel sympathizer too early, I think. They should have kept him as a war profiteer, implied that he would change by the first original trilogy Star Wars movie.

Jesus Christ, he actually liked Lando's fuck bot. His lack of taste never ceases to amaze me.

>Hardly a boycott when you probably torrent 99% of the movies you watch

If the only argument you can make is to come to the wrong conclusions about me, then just give it up you pathetic loser.

I make good money and support shit I love. I don't torrent anything unless its something not available anywhere. I have a massive 3000+ library of DVDs, Blu Rays and 4k UHDs. I buy shit I think I might passingly like. I will buy discs just because I like the set design or costumes in the film. I bought the 3D Rogue One even though I hate the film, but the anti-male hatred and anti-white hatred that has become unavoidable with current Hollywood and Disney-Wars has me refusing to ever support them again. Go fuck yourself, I'm done wasting my time replying to some burger-flipper troll who thinks everyone is as big a loser as you are.

well that's the problem; everything we know about Solo from "Empire Strikes Back" is that he was a dweeb when he was younger. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"
I've already cited Paradise Snare on this thread but, that's something Crispin got right. Solo wasn't always cool. He had moments of not being cool even in TESB (also written by a woman).

>TESB (also written by a woman).
The majority of what Leigh Brackett wrote for TESB was tossed out, pleb.

I mean showing him meeting Chewie and winning the Falcon off Lando were natural things to do. I didn't need to know how he got his pants, his gun, his name (why did that even need an origin?), or his dashboard dice that I'd never even noticed in the original films

>Solo wasn't always cool. He had moments of not being cool even in TESB

Which moments were those? I was under the impression that Han Solo was to Star Wars what Fonzie was to Happy Days, the perpetually cool guy of the main cast.

>how involved was Chuck Wendig
More like KEK Wendig, amirite OP???

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Leaia cucking him with her own brother. The Falcon continually shitting the bed. His blind oaf routine at the start of ROTJ.

That's about it, the rest of he time he's the coolest son of a bitch in the galaxy.

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hi EVS

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Wendig wasn't involved with Solo.

He wrote the Aftermath Trilogy and was going to write a comic series about Darth Vader, but he went on a retarded rant about Kavanah on twitter that ended with him telling all right-wing Star Wars fans to eat shit off his boot, and that was too much even for the left wing ideologues at Marvel so he got fired.

He hasn't been involved with any of the recent Star Wars announcements, including the dozens of stuff they're making for Galaxy's Edge, so it's possible he's fucked off from Star Wars for good and will just go and shit out more of his own YA books.

As for my own opinion on Solo, it was alright. Probably the most average Star Wars movie to date, but wholly inoffensive. It was always doomed to a mediocre reception due to Disney/Lucasfilm letting their pet employees pick which movies to make, and mis-judging where the real Star Wars money is to be made. (Hint, it isn't the OT) - However Solo got slaughtered in the community and at the box office largely because people were mad about The Last Jedi, which is a bit of a shame for Solo. Fuck TLJ to hell though.

The most based man in the industry.

>As I said before, I will never watch Solo or any future Disney Star Wars. I stand by that, and will not watch this crap.
But episode IX is by JJ, not that hack Rian.

JJ is a bigger hack than Rian, he doesn't have a creative bone in his body.

They're both retarded hacks.

Nothing IX can do will salvage this trilogy or these shitty characters.

>But episode IX is by JJ, not that hack Rian.

Are you retarded? Because nowhere did I say 9 was by Rian. Is 9 a Disney film? Yes, yes it is you windowlicker. And is JJ the asshole who whined about the casting room being the "whitest fucking room in history" when he was casting TFA? Yes, yes he did.

I don't know why you have to constantly keep moving the goalposts to make your insipidly retarded arguments. Fuck off mongoloid.

Oh my god is that his wife?? Or his grandmother?

Look at the bags under her eyes. She looks like pic related.

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I like it more than the Last Jedi.
I didn't watch either in theater but Solo comes out just ahead.
Not Totally Dog Shit - Solo
Total Dog Shit - TLJ

damn is this some fresh pasta?

It was dumb.
>Han getting his last name
>that chick sacrificing herself to help the heist succeed, and it still failed
>Darth Maul being in this movie

Imagine getting mad at a children's movie

There's more to getting the role than being able to do a Han Solo impression under favorable conditions (ie, making your own videos for youtube). They made the right choice by picking someone with actual film experience.

Imagine being so feeble-minded as you. If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything. Come back and try again if you grow up.

user, you wandered in here and read through enough posts to give your opinion on a "children's movie", so what does that make you, faggot?

He went on some weird anti-fantasy screed recently and sperged over Tolkien.

I'm so glad Chuck made himself so indefensible.

>Must feel like an ass doing that for nothing.
He's not self aware.

>Phoebe Waller Bridge was the voice of annoying feminist robot
She got the sweet disney money, without linking her face with those shitty movies. Good for her.

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It wasn't the most necessary of origin stories, but on its own it's more enjoyable than most people give it credit for. It's a shame it had to be released during the current Disney zeitgeist.

Not even close. Brackett's ESB was a bad script (the dialog is fucking atrocious) but what we got was, in a lot of ways, a super-polished version of it. The fact Kasdan just polished the shit out of her script and didn't write anything himself also helps explains why 7 is so fucking bad despite his contributions.

That youtube "impersonator" literally played a young Harrison Ford in that movie where Blake Lively is a time-traveling thot, unless you're not referring to that blonde guy who's Han impression went viral.

I unironically think it's the best SW movie that Disney has put out. It's almost a shame that it got caught in that firestorm of fan blowback for TLJ and shitty Lucasfilm PR.


Why does the Maul cameo trigger so many people? TCW and Rebels established that he was still alive.

The cartoons also have people using lightsabers as chopper wings, time travel, and memory wipe. I know it's "oficially" canon, but still, there is too much dumb shit there and it's not cool when that garbage leak to the movies.

What is next? Ahsoka making a cameo and saying she was Anakin's aprentice to Kylo? No, they shouldn't mix this shit.

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TCW and Rebels are the epitome of prequel apologist-bait.
I've seen an episode of Clone Wars hear or there, it's not bad, but the people who go on and on about that shit are the same ones trying to autistically pick apart the Plinkett reviews, and too many people who defend the Maul cameo will say how it's actually great when you've seen his arc where he becomes a good guy or whatever the fuck happens, completely ignoring the fact that it's just there as a shallow reference like mentioning Teras Kasi or Bossk, not as some heartfelt reference to a character everyone likes now.

There's also the added retardation of him whipping out his lightsaber in what is the Star Wars equivalent of waving a gun around at someone on a webcam, and the fact that it's the only non-blue hologram shit in the whole franchise.

There's a lot of casual like who view anything that isn't in the movies as secondary canon, and get volatile when things they don't pay attention to get referenced in things they do pay attention to.

Anything that isn't the movies is the definition of secondary canon.
And Maul's cameo was the same tier of stupid and forced as Jyn Erso running into "you'll be dead" guy AND his same aqualish friend AND both of them threatening her for a minor accidental bump, or Vader telling what's his name not to CHOKE on his ambition.
It's all lowest common denominator shit for the lowest common denominator fanboy manchild. References can be done well, but nothing in the Disney movies have been.

>Spielberg should have had the foresight to hire that YouTube Harrison Ford impersonator,
That would be the showbiz equivalent of cuckoldry and would send all the wrong messages to the wrong people, regardless of how good of a creative decision it is. The crashing of the Star Wars franchise is in part a demonstration that the fans don't own Star Wars. Disney does. It's the same with Star Trek, although that situation is a bit more convoluted. It stems from the same motivation . The people who own/control entertainment generally despise the "fans" and would much rather choose the audience they want - even if it doesn't exist - and produce films for them. Big tech thinks the same thing.

Solo was a great movie. You're just suffering from TLJ derangement syndrome. Get over it. Just because TLJ was awful doesn't mean you should take it out on Solo or Episode IX.

enjoyable fun romp - it wasn't shitty
the worst parts of it were how he got his name and shoehorning the rebellion in there and him helping them out out of goodness. You could argue he hadn't become older and more cynical yet, but this guy grew up "on the streets," and even if it were true he wasn't completely cynical yet, the rebellion angle should have been left off, and they shouldnt have made him do something out of goodness. maybe something more morally neutral

Out of all the trash they've produced, Rogue One is the least shit.
Tropical Island setting and big space war.
Actual funny robot - who was the best character.
Ending with Vader that's the only good thing Disney has done with staying power since they paid Lucas.

TLJ is one of the worst films I have ever seen. It's a joke, It's mystery science theater worthy and a step down from Spaceballs.
TFA is just a soft medium reboot of Star Wars - but with worse characters and aliens.

It's over, there's no going back.

Solo was trash, full of mystery meats, stale heist stories and no real background. Fell asleep during the torrent stream the first time.

Godzilla is hopefully good, but I bet they will shoehorn some SJW, anti-Trump, pro gay pro immigrant shit in there.


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>rogue one is the least shit

Do you know which tweets he did that on? Around which point of the month?

it wasn't as terrible as people here memed it to be
better than TLJ at least

>It's mystery science theater worthy

Speaking of which, I need to see if Rifftrax has done that.

>>rogue one is the least shit

Rogue One > all of them.

If you put a gun to my head I would say
TFA pureley for the TRA-TOR stun stick scene > Solo > TLJ.

I will never watch a single one of these movies every again.

Even the books are terrilbe, Wendig had a 20 minute scene where some imperial lesbian was thinking about her girlfriend and sexual equality or some shit. I stopped it, and deleted the pirated audio book off my computer and haven't looked back.

The only one I listened to was "TARKIN" by Lucero, and that wasn't that good either - but it wasn't full of gay shit

Star wars is dead man.

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This. The #basedcott is here to stay.

>least shit
it's like a 4/10 movie at best
I didn't fall asleep in TFA until like the 70 minute mark. Rogue one I fell asleep somewhere around the time forest whitiker said "I cannot come with you jane as disney only paid me for a cameo"

>Rogue one I fell asleep somewhere around the time forest whitiker said "I cannot come with you jane as disney only paid me for a cameo"

how is it the movie's fault that you overdosed on your boyfriends semen and passed out?

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>Ending with Vader
I clapped because I recognised him! It was fully within the context of the narrative to get excited at that point and not just fan service for boomer fatties

>I clapped because I recognised him! It was fully within the context of the narrative to get excited at that point and not just fan service for boomer fatties

That's really what people want, and these hacks and jews refuse to actually entertain the proles.

It's like a Godzilla movie with only 13 minutes of monsters and Godzilla.

star wars is as dead as boomers.

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What's with all this retarded boycott shit? Can't I just be repeatedly disappointed to the point of no longer caring?

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How was the "boycott" retarded? It showed Disney/Lucasfilm in a real tangible way that their current course with SW isn't working, and that you can't just call your fanbase names and tell them to go fuck themselves, and just expect them to show up to the theater.

Plus, while I'm sure nobody at Lucasfilm would openly admit it, I'm willing to bet that there have been backroom talks to walk back as much of TLJ as humanly possible.

Imagine being this mad

You know who else whines about white males? George Lucas. If you want to pass off as a SW fan you'll have to do your research, /pol/yp.

>Ending with Vader that's the only good thing Disney has done with staying power since they paid Lucas.
Jesus Christ this is why I'm glad that Lucasfilm doesn't suck off the fans as hard as most of the other Mouse lackeys

yes they cared so much they went and bought out FOX so they have plenty of new material to rape while people forget about Star wars as much as they can for a couple years

>Why does the Maul cameo trigger so many people?
Cause it served no purpose.

Boycotting means you're angry. They have you by the balls until you just stop giving a shit.

What do you even mean by "stop giving a shit"? Do you mean just drop the entire thing because you don't care anymore, or continue to watch them because you don't care about how bad it gets?

If it's the former, I would prefer not to, because I still like the franchise as a whole, I just don't like the current state its in, and would like for it to do better. If it's the latter, I'm not going to reward them for doing a bad job by giving them my money or attention.

>I still like the franchise as a whole, I just don't like the current state its in, and would like for it to do better.
Sucks to be you then.

>Godzilla is hopefully good, but I bet they will shoehorn some SJW, anti-Trump, pro gay pro immigrant shit in there.
I pray they don't, but everyone is these days. Jurassic Kingdom was full of that shit and the last film I bothered with in theaters. If its in the next Godzilla, I am done with the theater for good. No joke.

haha i saw that, he was telling people to read the expanse instead of lotr because of muh diversity & racisms

Just pirate it you fool

That SJW robot was so over the top that it had to be a deliberate caricature put in for the opposite effect

I haven't seen it, but I know it sucked. Certain things like this by now I can be confident in knowing and not waste my time.

forced and boring like the other DisneyWars, basically a Star Wars themed Guardians of the Galaxy. fan, own SW merch but will never pay to see Disney Wars.

You couldn't make this shit up bros.

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I actually enjoyed solo but it would have been better if it had been a comfy heist movie

>Imagine being this mad
Imagine being this impotent. I say I'm mad, you point out I'm mad like it's a revelation. No shit Sherlock. I'm actually doing something about it, which is boycotting this shit, while you lay down with your mouth open while Disney teabags you. You can go to the theater in my place and clap like a retarded seal.

I thought it was a comfy heist movie. A heist movie with a SW theme and many elements that make up the Han Solo backstory. My only complaint being that these elements were rushed through to portray all of them in a single movie. I skipped it when it was in theaters but it turned out to be pretty good. Better than TLJ and on par with RO.

>moving goalposts
>not realising George's real intentions
>telling someone else to do research
wew lad

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>Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Star Wars: Solo?

it was the best of the new Star Wars movies but that only rises it from bad to mediocre blockbuster.

>tfw no robofu that has a huge crush on you

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Clone Wars was movie level canon even before the reboot.

no way traps are gay right?