let's talk about the movie, us.
Let's talk about the movie, us
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Me in the back.
Do you think the thot on the left is even aware that Black Flag is a band and not just a clothing brand worn by deep, cynical, edgy people who go against the mainstream like herself?
Yea Forums party tonight
i lived on the beach Us was filmed at for a few years. ama
to be fair they were one of the cringiest hardcore bands ever. And it is just part of the whole 1111 motif apparently
Oh I'm completely in agreement, I just find it baffling how many thots I see wear "edgy" band merch who exclusively listen to Drake, The Weeknd, and pop country
>on the beach
They let you do that in Santa Cruz? I was hitching through Cali once and that town seemed hard on the homeless.
those guys look weird
They also love Kurt Cobain despite having a vacant stare if I reference In Utero
A lot of the towns on the west coast have started to be a lot harsher on the homeless considering the sheer volumes they have to deal with of homeless that get flooded there from parts of North America with harsher climates.
>hard on the homeless
The fuck are you on about, there's a ton homeless in SC these days.
did you go to UCSC?
>screams in angst
Where did you piss and shit
isnt it a bug spray?
>mfw I see gutterpunks and other junkies in santa cruz
No I'm not giving you a cigarette or any change lmao the fuck
I wanna take that chicks titties and put them in my mouth and go BRBRBRBRBRBRBRBRB
Idk maybe I was in the wrong place. I was also a drifter obviously with my huge pack.
yeah for a while
Gas station
they let you do it if you don't get caught.
A bold sentiment.
What is this type of girl called?
Bryan Silva on guitar
Normie. Wannabe Stacy.
reminder that even Black Flag got tired of Henrys shit
they give you a vacant stare because you’re ugly and unappealing
How can you tell the difference between this an an actual Stacy?
Seen him on Joe Rogan? The first 5-20 mins I was impressed. I turned it off after an hour. He's so far up his own asshole and has some undiagnosed condition. Maybe ADHD or something.
Good point. I know it when I see it
I think the better question is are Wannabe Stacies easier than actual Stacies?
there is a minimum level of attractiveness which neither one of these slags meet. school must've been hard for you fellas
What’s a 1111 motif, asking for a friend
Yeah, give them hunch punch and you're good.
Nah, not all stacies are hot, they can just think they're hot and act the same way and still be stacies.
Us had a |||| motif running through it, Black Flag's logo fit into it well.
you just described a wanna be stacy.
Double dubs in Yea Forums terms.
shit you're right
I just hate people that ask for change and shit period.
Had some fucking mong on a crutch with no front teeth hop up the street and put his fucking crutch in front of me to stop me.
He said he did it because he thought I didn't hear him as I had my headphones on, but the fact that I looked him straight in the eye and ignored his plea further up the street apparently didn't register.
He made a big show of looking out of breath, as if it would inspire pity in me.
Fuck, I'd give cunts like that some metal alright if I had a gun and no chance of being imprisoned.
Santa Cruz is Portland teir with homeless people now
did you just delete your post to edit out the "man" after shit? could've sword that is what I read
I work in an "artsy" part of town where I live and you see these fuckers everywhere, perpetually looking down for cigarettes and change.
Walk up to you and give you their rambling life's story before stuttering out "Hey uh, shit, y-you got any change?"
They know when you see them, too, they know you're thinking "Fuck off."
This movie made me realize that moss is undeniably hot and fuckablw outside of being on Madmen.
>Walk up to you and give you their rambling life's story
fuck i hate that
ask me for shit but dont waste my time
Does wearing headphones and looking at your phone help?
>in Santa Monica with gf
>riding the electric scooters and shit (in the street not the sidewalk like animals)
>go to restaurant
>know its just going to be okay and not great but definitely overpriced
>coffee served in a tiny ass cup instead of a mug
>whatever the food is fine
>suddenly im alerted by the sound of screaming
>a homeless man, the lower half of his body obscured by a concrete wall, is yelling across the street
>his hands are near his dick
>realize he is peeing
>sounds like hes pissing razor blades
>finally finishes
>starts walking away
>remarkably enough I see he is holding and Starbucks cup filled with urine
>he dumps it into the gutter
>my gf hasnt noticed any of this
>almost wish she had so we dont have to come back to Santa Monica again
You know the situation is bad when my first thought in this scenario was “hey, at least he made the effort to dump the pee into the gutter”.
>Be havan smoke outside work
>Skulker walking around parking lot
>Looking in planters
>Sees me having a smoke
>Mills around some more
>Know he's waiting for me to "notice" him or look his way
>Finally makes his way over to me after a few minutes of walking around
>"...Heeeey..could I like, get a smoke off you, if you've got one, please?"
>'I left my pack inside.'
>It's not taking it's cue to fuck off and leave
>"..You look kinda mad, dude."
>"It could be worse..you could be out of heroin like me."
I don't care, fuck, go away you smelly junkie.
Yeah, but really sell the act, sometimes they're persistent and if it's a nigger they might actually follow you
Probably good to have full headphones so you can't hear shit.
Keith Morris is the only Black Flag singer that matters.
Just saw it last night, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would, especially considering how much many of my friends were trashing it. I thought that, despite the comedic elements, it managed to maintain a constant level of tension throughout the film without falling back on tired shrieking violin scares or anything like that. Lots of scenes were generally unnerving, especially any scene with Red moving around; her movement and speaking hit me with a feeling of unease every time.
I'm glad the plot point of everyone having a tethered and not just their family was kept under wraps (as far as I could tell, I only saw the first trailer). Ending twist was kind of predictable but not in the exact way I would have suspected.
Overall, I enjoyed it more than Peele's last film and I'd probably see it again.
im a big mean looking dude and nobody ever messes with me but i have people asking me for smokes all the fucking time
cigs are like a magnet for social interaction. i smoke when walking around the city cause if someone comes up i just give them one and go on my way
well lah dee dah, cigarettes are close to 10$ here so I don't give them out for shit
Immediately disregard any lawmaker or politician or talking head that calls it a housing problem rather than a drug problem. From coast to coast this is what happens when you legalize weed and lower the criminality of drug use and it's symptoms in society. The only way to help these people is to remove them from their pushers and isolate them for rehabilitation.
Fucking stoners don't @ me
Fascism bros, think about it.
People are stupid and they need to be controlled for the good of mankind
I thought the movie was alright but my expectations for horror movies are so fucking low. Things that I didn't like:
>"oops teehee I forgot the keys I hope nothing bad happens to me" TWICE. Such a bad cliche in horror movies and they had to use it twice
>not that scary overall? I dunno just normal people with scissors really isn't that scary
>Having a character near the end monologue for 30 minutes and explaining the entire plot
>Having doppelgangers in your movie and your big twist is....there was a switcheroo. How very creative.Never saw that before
>apparently literally everyone in the world (besides our main characters family) is defeated/killed by their doppelganger armed with scissors. Whatever
It was still pretty good though. More interesting to watch then most things that are released now
>plz watch dis moobie
>it haz these white girls
She nor the writers have any clue.
don't what narc
Clearly the solution is to pack drug addled psychos into affordable housing! After all, everybody deserves to have a beach house :^) No in case you're wondering my parents' house won't be affected by this legislation
that's all nirvana deserves
Nirvana was shit, Blur spoofed them with Song 2 and it was better than anything Nirvana has ever put out
Hank is real impressed with himself these days. Tough to watch.
>Live in Tucson AZ
>Gf bikes to my apt on safe path every night
>Homeless man assaults her on bike, nearly knocks her over and tries to rape her, chasing her a huge portion of road
>Gf distraught with some ptsd from suffering attempted violent rape l
>Tell unhinged Maori friend
>Tells me later that week he went to the circle k near my house and “found the hobo rapist that tried to hurt your girl”
>Proceeded to explain that he kicked and stomped the man to death behind the circle k and left his corpse bleeding in the alley
>Mfw probably wasn’t even the guy who did it
Tfw you lost contact with bro who committed premeditated murder for your friendship
based friend
still shit though
Your Maori friend deserves your GF now
>not doing it yourself
>not bringing your gf along
>not romantically torturing the subhuman to death as a couple
Holy shit, based as fuck friend
>things that didnt happen
Black Flag turned to shit when Rollins joined, the bars became the mark of the poser. If she were wearing an OFF! shirt I would be in love.
It's probably bullshit but I believe it.
based and awesome pill
Black Flag was always shit.
How the fuck could you hear his piss from across the street?
Good god those are some hot pieces of ass.
I really do love listening to punk music but Black Flag is just unlistenable. Did people just go to their shows for Henry’s autism fits?
Holy fuck. I didn't even think of that. Obviously that's why Peele put the shirt in. Not because he's a punk fan or anything like that. Justfor an image and all that Easter egg bs. What a hack
Henry Rollins is a kike so BF is a kike band who gives a fuck if that thot knows anything about kikery
It was a cool premise and it was well shot, the story was just boring and relief on 2 monologues explaining the plot for no reason other than the inability to show us the story
But Jordan peeles wife's brother is jonah peretti, the CEO of buzzfeed and co founder of Huffington post... so anything he does gets a massive media boost
It’s called being a Jew.
I've found that if you just shake your head and say no, you can avoid their story. Don't even have to time it right or anything. Just blurt out "No!" if they try to talk to you and wah-lah! They fuck off
>he didn't already realize this
K, Bateman
>Jordan peeles wife's brother is jonah peretti, the CEO of buzzfeed
Jfc user. Thanks for the info. BuzzFeed was literally created in advance circa 2010 to help sway elections and dumb down the Internet.
I'd really like Peele to share his opinion of Ilhan Omar and Palestine, and I bet he'll never be asked even though he's quite political. Know anything else? Who is Jonah married to? Charlize Theron wanted to know.
hey, at least he was courteous enough to not just piss on a wall
My biggest complaint is that they explained waaaaaaaay too much, which might've been producer meddling. In any case by the end of the movie I felt like I was being bludgeoned over the head with flashbacks and exposition re-explaining stuff that we've already gotten like 3 times over
I heard something was being filmed while going to UCSC and figured it was just an obscure art film
try living here and having that attitude all the time
>haha welp' some bum is shitting by my car, neighborly thing to do is to wait em' out, heh
>ah nuts it smells like piss everywhere because these things claim a protected species status
>oh well squatters are people too haha
>Maori in Tucson
It's just mexicans and white drug addicts down there
Why are white women so lame? Can't stand these faggots.
I went to a Henry Rollins spoken word show.
They took photocopies of every-bodies ID cards, like they were gathering intel on potential terrorists.
I stopped giving a flying fuck about him because of that. .
they look like they fuck black men
>Boy digs whole at beach
>”He weird”
It's used as social commentary. The guy in the 80s at the whack a mole on the pier had a black flag tshirt. One with someone in red holding a knife... And her wearing the more modern shirt is a play on how after time, views on things are used in the wrong way. how what was once a nonconformance band merch is being sold at Urban outfitters. Her wearing the shirt in it of itself is ironic because she's the opposite of counter culture. Just how the hall of mirrors turned from native American to Merlin themed because of PC. Also the 1111 mirror the four family members
lame? I doubt that
That's actually not lame at all. I just changed my mind.
Not as good as Get Out. The theme was very broad and muddy, the script not nearly as tight, and it took a lot of logical leaps and jumps to get to where it ends up. The more you think about it the less sense it all seems to make.
One of the benefits of being orc ugly is that nobody wants anything from you(except maybe the bravest TSA agents). My gf noticed that from the gypsies to the addicts nobody makes eye contact with me. I'm actually really nice and only got into fights with hobos twice in my life(one touched my car at a red light and the other approached me too fast on a parking lot.)
I thought it was cute how Peele fetishized the two white girls through his camera, but not one "critic' had the balls to call him out for "male gaze."
Absolutely precious, it was. Truly.
I don't think everyone in the world was killed - there were helicopters flying at the end.
I don't quite get why the shadow people hooked arms across the country though. I get that the original little girl saw the ad for the 'hands across america' thing, and that she had the T-shirt and that that is where the idea came from, but why?
Why not just kill everyone?
Also the shadow lady's voice was comical and stupid. Maybe she would talk like a deaf person, but not a stage 3 emphysema patient