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What did he mean by this?

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This nigga eatin beans

Yea Forums - alt-right faggots cry about literally everything

honk honk

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>mfw too oblivious to know if that is a political reference?

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do you incels just dig through twitter to find stuff to get offended over? I don't get it

>Mueller's report just came out, folks. *audience claps* WHO CLAPPED? WHO FUCKING CLAPPED? MUELLER IS A TRUMP STOOGE AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN!

Everyday wake up, for a while I am dissaocyoated from myself. I just follow the urges to eat and go about my day. And then at some point, I realise who I am. I am Incel, day ruined

no joke I fucking don't understand, plz explain



He knows Trump is going to win in 2020.

It’s because DC isn’t as popular as it used to while clown town is just getting started

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A better metaphor would be no Joker and 300 million Batmen

>The DC Cinematic universe is all villains


>2 and a half years later and they still can't admit Trump was an average president at worst

>98% of his material is anti-drumpf shit

it's all so tiresome

Don't even know what he's upset about in this original video. Is there a source?

not sure. I think maybe after the Muller investigation blew up and he went on a rant about how Trump is still evil even if he isn't a Russian spy. could be wrong though,

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Anybody has a god emperor as the Jester? that'd be EPIC

So, Stephen supports Nazis?
Who would have thunk.

He was doing what he thought an Alex Jones impression sounds like.

Based Woods.

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Exactly what I expected his audience would look like. Imagine the smell

but a lefty made this thread

>the lack of Steven's self-awareness is staggering


keep being mad, i'll keep being glad

stephen colbert is a child abuser


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Steven Colbert is a huge TV star not some nobody. What's the problem?

>literally IRL kino

I really wish he had been on that plane with his father and brothers

Why this hack’s famous?

honk honk

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Stephen Colburn here ton reminding that you are my, and I drumph bad. Okay America honeybee fun sheree

Watching Colbert become a political prostitute hurt the worse out of all of em. I loved him in highschool when he was in Daily Show, and the early years of Obama. He even did a whole week in Iraq. Watching him dryup and shill himself out sucks


Is he ever gonna shut the fuck up?



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