Got my hair cut like Officer K

>got my hair cut like Officer K
Do you guys ever get your haircut like a movie character? Do you show them a picture of the character?

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My hair was styled like that before this movie ever came out, I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on that jacket though.

I got my hair cut like Jake Gyllenhaal in prisoners the other week

This autist again

What? That's the first time I posted it

when i was a kid i got my hair cut like john conner

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oh well guys i just showed them the pic and I think they did an uncanny job what do you think

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name a more based and red pilled haircut. I'll wait

Nope, I told the old hmong guy I wanted it like brade lunna and he did it.

my nigga

i always use the same picture of daniel craig bond for my haircut

I asked my gf to cut my hair like pic related but she fucked it up and now i have a buzz cut fuck women

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Just got pic related but a bit shorter. Gonna let it grow out to max Bobby

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Got my haircut like Ducky back in '86

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>gf fucks up haircut
>fuckin roasties
Have sex

The Hitler Youth cut before it was brought back by zoomers

post pics of your fucking haricuts if youre bringing it up

Lmao i got the succ after because she admitted she fucked up my hair kys virgin discord tranny

Wouldn't the jannies get mad and start banning us? As long as we only post actors, we're still within Yea Forums guidelines.

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>styling hair
My sides are at 9mm and the top is barely more. Fuck styling hair.

>tfw mid 20s bald

I'd honestly rather be fat or short or a fucking amputee. Unless you're blessed with very specific chad facial structure there is ZERO way to make a shaved head attractive. At best it's just damage control so you don't look like fucking friar tuck.

>tfw I will almost definitely know that feel

yeah, only once, showed the guy a picture of Keanu Reeves in Speed

every haircut I ever get it always ends up looking like this, even if I try to specify to be different

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My hair looked like this when I was younger. If my hair is cut wrong I have retard/JUST hair with the sides sticking out, so I was reluctant to get it cut

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sorry you got sponge hair bro

Wtf is sponge hair

You think it looked like that, but it was closer to Bad Ronald I'm betting.

Why are you in the soup aisle?!

Im trying to grow my hair out. Maybe have it in a manbun kinda. Top knot shit. Kinda like Jon Snow.

Please don't bully.

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I can't think of any good actors with really curly black hair

man-bun is for man-fun


Man buns being in style is awesome. I haven't had a haircut in years, but because I can tie it up cleanly I don't look like a bum. Getting haircuts is such a fucking nuisance.

>every man on my dad's side of the family is bald but everyone on my mom's side has great hair well into their 50s
>turned 23 and thought I might have inherited the good genes from my mom and wouldn't go bald for a while
>like clockwork started losing my hair days after my 23rd birthday
>had to get a buzz cut at 25 to not look like a complete idiot

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When Drive was just new and people weren't fapping to Gossling YET like they do now I got the "Drive" hair cut.
Before that I went with Hideo Kojima. Before that I went for the haircut of Dexter - not the cartoon but the killer.
I should be ashamed.

I just got my hair cut like this. Also I just turned 34 and recently got a 22 year old gf. Related? You decided.

Sigh I’ve done it.

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i wanna try this bros but i know it wont work

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I once took in a photo of Conan O'Brien to my barber because I wanted his hairstyle. She said she'd try and it looked kinda shit and I've never been able to get it with gel so I kinda just let it droop.

>let hair grow out medium length
>forget about taking care of it
>split ends galore

I know I sound like a chick but it sucks

Nothing wrong with that. I've thought about it too. He's cute as hell.

How can i have that kind of thick and sticky hair like that autist

I got mine done like pic related.
I showed them some stills from different angles and got exactly what I was after.
It's very comfy, would recommend.

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dont wash it and sweat a lot


Does that even count as a style? It’s just kind of short on the sides and a little longer on top

It doesn’t even work on brad pitt

> dont wash it
Its itchy af

that shouldn't happen

>tfw love getting a haircut because of the physical contact with another human being
It's getting real bad lads


I'll soon have to hairline to match

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haha bro don't you just love it when the hairdresser gets real close and breath down on you while combing on your locks? haha just as a joke bro that would be fucking sick haha

It really is great, I hate it when I have to talk though. They always ask me questions and my answers are pitiful.

>how's life going user? Got a nice job? A girlfriend?
Have no idea how to answer without seeming like a complete NEET KHV

>Y-you too

I get styled like Jay Bauman now. Not the hans klopek one but current year

I grabbed my Vietnamese hairdressers ass one time. It was her fault for turning me on

The baldness gene is always inherited from the mother.

Having long hair is a bad idea, if you are at all concerned with self defense.

>when the hairdresser rubs her crotch on your elbows

>Yeah, yeah, nah


I just tell them about my favorite kinos.

My first name is Conner and my middle name is Angus.

>*eyes meet awkardly when glancing into mirror*

Mine is about the length of the man bun now. Stick with it, user.

Perfect place for sexual harrassment am i right

>eyes meet awkwardly in mirror
>she gives a small quick smile
>rubs her hands into my hair
>"about this long?"
>"you want a shampoo?"
>"you sure? It can feel really nice. I love it when I get my hair done"
>silent til the payment
>give her a 80% tip awkwardly and walk away while she thanks me


get the zoomer cut then

I got my hair cut like Jason Statham, except I'm fat and ugly

bro you might be autistic, it sounds like she was 100% just doing her you job you mong
>tfw you are so starved of human interaction you misinterpret basic politeness as interest

Hitler Youth never stopped being popular in Europe. If it ain't broke

I got the Drive cut with a picture of Goose from 2012 to 2016

Had this for a while desu, was a mixed bag. Used to get the occasional girl in the bar who'd come up and compliment me on it but there's better haircuts out there

I just shave it myself, save a lot of money and hassle.

>22 yo never been to a barber out of fear
>don't even know where to begin
how to get a haircut?

Go to a barber

and ask for what?
The entire concept is alien to me.

Keep in mind it's normal to bring pictures with a haircut you want. I even brought an ultimate spider-man issue once and nobody looked at me weird, and I live in eastern europe.

Basic haircut
>Shirt back and sides
>Fade from 2 or 3 to a 0 or 1 respectively on the sides
>Lift your hair up on the top of your head and hold it with your fingers (like scissors) to show the barber roughly where you'd like it cut to
>small talk is optional

Think i'll just shave it all off myself desu, that sounds confusing and i hate interacting with people.
Thanks for advice though user

They'll ask what way you want to style it, Google some pics of short back and sides hair cuts and decide what way you want it (swept up at the front, swept up and left or down and right etc)

Christ on a bike. Whatever you thinks best mate

Don't use shampoo just use water. Shampoo makes your hair thin and floppy.

Thats just normal haircut.

Don't listen to that fag, I think he's legit retarded. Walk in, say "I'd like a haricut", free barber will tell you where to sit, show pic of goose, wait till it's done, pay and leave.

My haircut now

Happy for me my face structure hold it well

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Just say Barber's Cut.

E.T. go hoooome.

not movies but I'm thinking of getting my hair cut like Leon
probably shouldn't though since I'm a fat manlet

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If I need to get the hair dryer out to dry my hair thats alread too long.

My hairline is too receded for any slicked back style

>this board has been flooded by pathetic /pol/ incel stylets who can't even put a minimum effort into looking good or have to copy Ryan "he's just like me" Gosling

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yeah, I used this picture.

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all the time

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where do you think you are?


Always pretend to sleep, in fact it's relaxing when someone's combing my hair.

>80% tip
Too much

Based man with a thousand face

>thin and floppy
stop talking about your dick, wrong thread.

am i in middle school again?
that was so weak
try again

Why are underage twitter niggers so afraid of writing "fuck" on the internet?

>like Leon
good choice
>I'm a fat manlet

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Why do you Redditors have to bring up /pol/ in every thread?

I don't know how short you're thinking, but you honestly can't go wrong with a basic buzzcut. Yeah, they can look kind of boring, but they're super comfy and just feel amazing if you don't give a fuck about hairstyles/fashion

how short is a buzzcut?


They think /pol/ comparisons are supposed to be embarrassing.

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depends on how buff you are. If you look tough, you can go with no hair at all.
If you aren't, 4mm is fine I guess. 2mm looks weird and 6+ is too much compared to your bald spot.

>your bald spot

oh sorry, I thought you had one.
If you don't.. don't get a buzzcut obviously.


yeah seriously don't

I got my hair cut like Cloud once (I was an emo teen) and the hairdresser asked me what game or movie the picture I supplied was from. I said that I didn't know but I just liked his style - very unconvincingly.

that's the Trunks hairstyle

This isn’t /soc/ you gay faggot. Yea Forums might be a shit board, but it slides my need more subhuman normalfags draging it even further into gutter than it already is.

What an embarrassing group of people.

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because unless you have a 200pounds of muscle on you, having a nice haircut will always looks better than a buzzcut.

Word to the wise.
If you see a cool haircut in a film, make sure your head shape suits the style of you'll look goofy.

tunnel snakes rule!

t. seething trany

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you're exactly as embarrassing as those mentally ill surgery victims

showed a picture of captain kirk

this was like in highschool too

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For the same reason a land whale doesn’t look as good as a slim fit woman with a short style.

I just lie and make out like I have a social life and places to be. Also the girls that work at the barber I go to are so fucking hot I feel so blessed when they run their hand through my hair I hold back tears.

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Well; I don't dress up as a girl a pretend to be a girl because I'm a reject of society... so I'ld say I'm a bit less embarrassing.
Unlike you trany, when I walk in the street nobody is looking at me like I'm some sort of freak.

i legit don't understand this at all desu, i intend to shave my head bald even though i have a full head of hair because i hate maintaining hair and never have been to a barber.

I wanna try out Trak's haircut but I don't have thick wop hair so I don't think it will look as good

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That's because you need therapy

>i intend to
so you didn't?
Trust me, if you do, you'll realise it's ugly and it is as annoying as having a normal haircut.
Shaving your head (or buzzcut) doesn't last long and you have to do it very often and it's very annoying too.

>trying to defend a bunch of colossal cringeworthy newfags meeting up for a circle jerk about how much they know about Yea Forums

no, for now i just shave my head fairly short all over, i guess a pseudo buzzcut.

You are going to look like a boy who doesn't fuck.

>trany pretending to be a oldfag
top kek.
I don't give a fuck about those people, but at least they provided some fun times.
You capitain marvel spam and other trany shit is not.

Then everyone clapped.

How do I get the jesus haircut?

Why not shave your head?

>always pretend to sleep
Does that actually work? There's no way she believes you are narcoleptic, she has to believe you are a sperg.

>fun times
Oh you mean the collosal cringefest that was HWNDU?

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>when you have shit hair

4u trany.
for nomal people, it had it's moments like .

Don't listen to them, user. I think it will at least look as good as what you're currently doing, and I imagine it will feel amazing. Everyone here is so vain, live free.

>Why not shave your head?
I like a bit of hair. Don't like to have to do anything with it in order to look good. Works out perfectly the way it is.

How about my haircut?

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>internal monologue: no, this can't be happening, I'm in charge here

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>MFW haven't been to a barber in ~6 years
>occasionally GF trims it a little

Shit's easy. Comb you hair every now and again, use quality shampoo and most importantly, DO NOT USE A HAIRDRYER. That will fuck your hair up.

>Everyone here is so vain, live free.
lol; I've not been to a hair salon in more than 10y.
I'm just saying that shaving your head all the time is not a lot less annoying than having longer hair.
> i hate maintaining hair
Then just let them grow, and use a nice shampoo before going out..

You belong in a museum!

>Just grow your hair out
I do, and I haven't worried about a haircut in years.

I love it, I'm a lazy sack of shit and getting my hair cut is such a bother. My hair is almost at my ass now though and I wonder if I've gone too long. It is a big ass bun though

>my hair is almost at my ass now

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I just cut/trim the sides a whole lot (not Jimmy Darmody Tier), and tell them to leave the top mostly as is, just trim it a bit. Then I just turn the hair up like a pompadour or some shit. I just have a 2$ brush and I part them either to the left or to the right and push them up; it’s one movement. Think Draper’s cut but with more bulk.
>inb4 faggot
It’s the easiest cut for me to maintain and it’s typical and classic. It’s got nothing to do with anything else. I don’t use products or any of that, since I’m too afraid they’ll ruin the hair. I’ve got an M hairline now (from a widow’s peak to that), and get a cut once every two months, so at this point, I can’t really bring myself to care. Jdimsa...

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post pics my long haired bros.
pic related

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Are that guy in the pic? You know the one.

Your pic doesn't even include hair, retard

Mine is sort of like this, but pushed to the side, parted, and shorter on the sides

literally the standard man haircut between 1890 and 1948.

your mom clapped

literally not true

yeah what a bunch of white males

Who is the qt with blue hair?

Had this for a while except my hair is black instead of blonde. Keeping hair on the back of the head properly aligned was a bitch

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I just got this
my barber has a lisp so I didn't bother talking to him and just sat there thinking about what I read in the paper about that guy who killed a girl he was trying to fug accidentally when their speedboat capsized and how he's reformed after reading dostoyevsky (Imo he only resonated with crime and punishment due to it being a story of redemption and not because he actually found any deeper meaning to life, he clearly just like it because it said what he wanted to hear)

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what's a good redpilled haircut to get, bros?

The only hairstyle I really would love to have

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watch it user

I have this haircut

zero regrets because it looks adorable and is the prefect cut for twink with an andro face

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70's fashion is making a comeback soon. I'll be ahead of the curve. You heard it here first.

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>70's fashion is making a comeback soon

t. man from 2014

The OP pic

a girl i was into said i should do my hair like Steve from ST.
gotta say it takes a bit in the morning but damn people like it

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Not a movie character but I wear my hair like geralt sometimes, when I first got it trimmed up to fit that look I used a picture of Trevor from wkuk

Guy at work has this. Or had, rather. Problem is if you don't get regular haircuts to keep the sides short it ends up looking retarded