I don't get it, why did he transform into a house?
Also Sopranos thread I guess
I don't get it, why did he transform into a house?
Guys, he didn't LITERALLY turn into a house, he's yelling out the window
You can't prove that he isn't a literal house.
look at this guy he thinks people can't turn into houses
This meme was never funny. Its literally sub"Dunnhier" tier
This is the objective answer to all of Vito's questions and enigmas. Please refrain from ever discussing them like the pleb ignorants you are:
>Was Vito gay?
>then why suck the guy's cock?
It was a joke
>why did he he make such a homossexual joke?
Because of the medication
>what does the medication have to do with it?
It changes a mans sense of humour
>was he still under the effects of the medication when he ran away?
>was living with the fireman a joke?
>why did he leave the fireman and the happiness he had found, even knowing Phil wanted his ass dead?
Because the effects of the medication wore off
>how did Vito sneak behind Jackie Jr and "nothing personalled" him?
Objects of large mass can collapse upon themselves, create black holes and teleport themselves in wormholes. Vito was a man of large mass
>did Vito also teleport the car and the driver?
>Could Vito have teleported himself to another place when his jokes were found out?
No, the medication made him lose too much mass
>how did Vito kill Jackie Jr with a toy gun?
He didn't, Jackie had a collapsed lung, as we can see by the snow already having blood when he falls, and Vito took the credit for it. Lots of luck
>why does the scene where Vito threatens Finn DeTrollio look like bad CGI?
Objects of large mass, such as Vito, can deform their surroundings due to excerting a stronger force of gravity
>was Finn really his arch nemesis?
Yes. Thin. Kind of tall. Looks like Daniel Day Lewis' son. Couldn't take a joke
>would Vito kill him in the Yankees' game?
No, he just wanted to make a new friend, and share some jokes
>why did Phil want Vito's death so much?
Because he was a closeted faggot
>wasn't it all a joke?
No, he wasn't fat, so he wasn't on medication
>memes need to be funny
It's all about context you autistic retard.
was this the most scariest scene in the show?
Its neither funny nor useful. Just let it die. Its literally contact-autism.
Hilarious and instructive
>I don't understand. Why is he like this?
It couldn't have been any more clear from Carmine's incredulity that Phil had turned into a house.
Shuttup retard
it had something to do with a shiny box afaik
you're not a funny person
And you are even less funny than I
That's irrelevant because I'm not trying to be funny, I'm trying to be realistic.
of course he's the house. that's why the only place they could kill him was at the gas station. have you ever seen a house at the gas station? fuggedaboudit
He served 20 years he can do whatever he wants
Is Phil more of an Autobot or a Decepticon?
I was watching the Danny the Street episode of doom patrol and it reminded me of Phil the House
I've never watched anything of the Sopranos other than scattered youtube clips and never seen this episode and yet I thought it was a pretty funny joke. Also the Wire is the best show of all time.
>Also the Wire is the best show of all time.
So anyway, I'm watching the 3st season of The Sopranos and I just got done watching the episode where Omar Little's daughter teaches Jackie Junior chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when she was teaching him about the chess pieces, she actually meant that MOBSTERS were the pawns and the MOB BOSS is the king!! What an amazing metaphor!
It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.
Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say that The Sopranos is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.
Also the acting is phenomenal! James Gandolfini does a great job pronouncing difficult words such as capicola and capocollo.
subtitles here seem to disagree with you Are you sure you watched the show all the way through or just kind of tuned out toward the end?
Okay, you catched me.
let me tell you a couple of three things
we go way back to when moses wore short pants
A. She was a hooah
B. She hit me
C. That wasn't my kid she was carrying
D. I was on a lot of coke
E. I don't give a fuck what any little slit thinks of me
F. They didn't have flat tops in ancient Rome
G. I was born handsome instead of rich
H. There was a lot of wine that night
I. She slipped, she fell, I don't know
J. It was the Indians and the commie fucks
K. I had my hearing aids turned down
L. I caught the clap from some hippie broad I was fucking
M. She wanted to stick a dildo up my ass, make believe she was pimpin' me out
N. He wasn't that smart to begin with
O. Fucking Gladiator ya fuck
P. She didn't even say hello to me
Q. She was a cock sucking slob
R. 350 only buys you a hello
S. My balls were bigger than an Irish broads ass
T. No accountability, this kid
U. She was a little pig- headed if you ask me
V. Last year, you believed a flyin' saucer was over East Rutherford.
W. I had to reclaim Rome for my people
X. I hear Ginny Sack's getting a ninety five pound mole taken off her ass
Y. It was a fucking hooarse
Z. I can be on time tomorrow but you'll be stupid forever