>The sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with Earth >It will be 50 years before the Earth is habitable again and you are selected with 12 other people to wait it out in a bunker >You are allowed to bring 3 kinos for the team, no more
>The sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with Earth >It will be 50 years before the Earth is habitable again More like infinite years
Earth colliding with the sun would scorch fucking everything down to the core, nothing would survive, not even in some stupid bunker
that's retarded i'd just bring all my hard drives with hundreds of movies
Carson Foster
Inception Ghostbusters (2016) Skyfall
Sebastian Jackson
The sun orbits Sagittarius A, the super-massive black hole in the center of our galaxy. And for the first time ever, were gonna be able to see images of it next week
Levi Watson
>the earth is vaporized after being torn into millions of pieces by the immense gravity of the sun >20 years later humans begin to pick up the pieces and rebuild civilization Coming this July on SciFi
Eli Harris
The sun literally cannot fall out of orbit you retards do you even know how science works?
John Turner
If the earth can the sun can too retard
Ryan Bailey
I'll have you know that I fucking love science!!
Jack Price
Don't forget that it'll be habitable again 50 years later.
Jeremiah Allen
>entire series of >Columbo >Mary Tyler Moore Show >Taxi
Chase Torres
It can, but all the planets would 'fall' with it.
Asher Gray
you never said that the kinos had to be movies so I'd probably go with some really long TV series that can provide entertainment for years >the sopranos >every episode of jeopardy ever (like 7000) >the simpsons idk
Isaiah Nguyen
>the sun has fallen out of orbit and is on a collision course with Earth
>Bladerunner 2049 >Napoleon Dynamite >LOtR: Return of the King
Ethan Jackson
>Goodfellas >Training Day >Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
Liam Howard
>50 years Doesnt even matter what you pick. Thats a lot of time.
Maybe some nature documentaries would be a good choice. Could run in the background and make it feel less cramped. Some of those artsy ones without narration.
Didn't Best Korea make some spy thriller that was ridicilously long
Like 40 hours or something
James Roberts
>Coming this July on SciFi
Starring Eric Roberts and Danica McKellar
Jose Anderson
>see images of it
See images of a black hole? That would be a first. No black holes have ever been directly observed, only the effects. Is this real?
Parker James
I'd bring 3 copies of Starship Troopers so that when one breaks in some fashion we have backups.
Charles Roberts
But the Sun is in orbit around the center of the galaxy which is thirty thousand light years away. Even if it fell out of orbit, it would bring the solar system with it and it would be millions of years before it made any difference to us.
Dylan Kelly
damn, it's been a while
Isaac King
actually you raise a good point. most all of jeopardy knowledge would be completely irrelevant if society collapses. dunno what else i would pick