And he would've gotten away with it

If it weren't for his wife's snoopy friend.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why did he do that guilty stance, was he a retard?

Summarize that pose in a single sentence.

>jew kills his white family
every time


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>daddy, are you going to do that to me too?

fuck, beat me to it.

He was a homosexual. Pic related was his gay lover.

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The Felony Stretch.

He's a good looking man. I think he honestly was Stupid enough to think his dumb ass self could pull it off. He's clearly retarded.

It was about the money. He didn't want to pay for a divorce. He was MGTOW.

>Is the same thing gonna happen to me that happened to [my sister]?
still fucks me up the subtext of resignation and trust

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I've been watching these cases lately, what's your favorite murder fuck up Yea Forums?

Nah he would have got caught days later, he was a morAn

He got stung by a bee?

cuff me

There are lawyers out there willing to defend this guy in court. That bothers me.


Submission Cobra

Did he kill the kids at his workplace, where he disposed of them? Never read about that

He claims that the guy who killed his family paid for plastic surgery on his lips. It's on Inside Edition YouTube.

goddamn zoomers stop making up acronyms

There'll be no more video games

me too, I don’t even like kids but I have a visceral reaction to things like that

what is this about?

what gets me the most is these crimes are usually solved by the luckiest circumstance.
like the creepy guy who killed a lawyer girl and he got caught because a garbage truck didn’t pick up a body part he tossed in a dumpster.

I'll never understand why he killed his kids. They didn't have shit to do with his marriage problems.

he knew they would grow up to be like their roastie mom

No he wasn’t. Stop falling for the lies of attention seeking fags.

The kids were likely witnesses and would have told people what happened. Also he was very motivated by money concerns.

They would have caught him anyway. There is no way the retard is capable of fooling the forensics team.

Yes he was. He hated women and was a homosexual. Watch the video. The gay lover had his texts.

He wanted to kill her friend too. You can see it in his eyes.

he drove the kids and the dead body to his work, choked the older one with her blanket and the youngest one asked that question

yeah same, it went from a funny thing i was reading on Yea Forums and youtube clips to something that hit me hard

>Watts loaded his dead wife's body onto the floorboard of his pickup truck and buckled his two daughters into the backseat. They were both carrying blankets and his 3-year-old, Celeste, was holding a stuffed animal.

>When he arrived at the oil field site, Watts hauled Shanann's sheet-wrapped body from the truck and laid her on the ground where he would later bury her, the report states.

>“What are you doing to mommy?” his daughters asked as they looked on.

>He said he doesn't remember what he told them.

>The father strangled Celeste first, wrapping her head with a blue Yankees blanket and covering her mouth and nose with his hands through the fabric. Bella was sitting next to her in the backseat the whole time, but didn't say anything, Watts said.

>After Celeste stopped breathing, he dumped her body into an oil tank, feet first, locked the hatch, and walked back to his truck.

>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Watts recalled Bella asking softly when he returned.

>That's when he said he grabbed the same blue blanket, put it around Bella's head, and "did the same thing."

>“Daddy, no!” were the last words she said before dying, words he still hears whenever he shuts his eyes, Watts told investigators.

>He then carried her to a separate oil tank, manipulated her body so it would fit inside, and locked it.

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how can you go through your life relatively normal, get wife, a house, job, have kids, and do this? how does a human being ever contemplate doing something like this?

i mean this guy was a real jerk

>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?”
goddammit i hate this so much

I really wish I didn't read this.

His bitch mistress is probably a fucking psycho too.

it's crazy to think what humans are capable of...

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perfect and based

This is why I don't allow my wife to have friends. If I ever decide I'm tired of her, I don't want to worry about snoopy fatties.

It's their job, retard. Just like the people serving your fat ass McDonald's regardless of the clear damage it's doing.

hell has to exist or we should make it for people like this

He had racy texts with a homosexual who he paid for plastic surgery for.

I think it's safe to assume this guy is mentally ill and wasn't thinking logistics or acting on empathy here. He's just the kind of guy who explodes. Being violent and retarded rarely has anything to do with common sense. It's an emotional response with little thought behind it, clearly. He didn't do a single thing right. Exteme dumb fuck crime kino.

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>The father strangled Celeste first, wrapping her head with a blue Yankees blanket
the original statement said it was a "yoda pillow" but was subsequently changed after the ny yankees outbid disney for the product placement.

Disney are cucks who don't want their brands associated with child murder unlike based George "Youngling Holocaust" Lucas

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“I’m fucked”

"woah, she left her wedding ring...we had been arguing the night before about her not letting me do anal"

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Thanks. I needed the levity.

based normposter

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at the time he was killing them the lover was searching online how to do anal and "threesome porn" (i assume it was DP because she's a whore)

Ok tv, I’m gonna be the elephant in the room. What am I lookin at here

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damn you have to be really fucking cold blooded

Watts is king just for the sheer incompetence of the murder and the kinography of the cops bodycams, but for sheer fuck uppery I gotta go with my boy Russell Williams. An airforce colonel, so he's supposed to have some level of intelligence, but nope he drives his regular vehicle through muddy fields behind his victims houses and keeps the tires, wears his regular boots, etc etc. His interrogation is top shelf too.

Honestly though, most serial killers are fuck ups. The reason why they used to be able to go on sprees was because boomer generation cops were also fuck ups.

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that's why i said it :^)

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Pure Kino series on this

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I really shouldn't be reading this right now.

>the evidence against your client is so overwhelming you don't even have to bother putting effort into the case
>you get semi famous being seen with the most sensational murder of 2019
>you get paid

The fuck do you got a problem with? It's not like his lawyers think he's innocent or what he did was good. Go back to /pol/ and kvetch about degenerates you unemployed muh morals autist

This guy is several months younger than me and gained and lost everything while I still have nothing


see reality hired the shittiest Law & Order intern writer and he added a suspense scene where the killer is about to be found out on a cop's bodycam and the tv plays a ad with a baby in a oil thing (the killer put his pregnant wife and his daughters in oil tanks just hours ago)

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>Remember this fucker
>Look up how he was initially considered a suspect
>27-year-old Jessica Lloyd went missing on January 28, 2010. Investigators identified distinctive tire tracks left in snow near her home. One week after her disappearance, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) conducted an extensive canvassing of all motorists using the highway near her home from 7 pm on February 4, 2010, to 6 am on the following day, looking for the unusual tire treads. Williams was driving his Nissan Pathfinder that day—rather than the BMW he usually drove—and an officer noticed the resemblance of his tire treads. These were subsequently matched to the treads near Lloyd's home

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I can't really comprehend being this evil. Taking your tiny little daughters out one and a time and killing them like he did, after killing his wife no less. I just don't understand.

Dammit Norm

I firmly believe every person without a prior criminal history is easily able to get away with at least one murder in their lifetime. Perhaps not someone who is directly connected to you like your wife or parents, but you could EASILY kill a stranger and get away with it if you have no blatant motive or prior inclination.

Just a thought.

I wonder if Ulysses is translated into pidgin

It's not luck it's good police work. They shut down the neighbourhood and combed the most likely dump spots retarded killers would use. Stephen was a lazy ass incel gamer who murdered his neighbour in her own apartment. His dna and finger prints were probably all over the place, shoe imprints too. He couldn't fit a balaclava over that greasy jew fro of his either so his hair was probably all over the place. What was he going to say, his dna was all over her apartment because they were banging?

The body part was a convenient find by the cops would've been taking Stevies games away from him regardless.

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BBC pidgin is so fucking great. I check up on it anytime I'm feeling down. Always a quality laugh to be had.

The guy was a manchild beta bitch who had been handed everything in his life. He was sick of having to raise kids who probably already didn't like him. And odds are his roastie girlfriend made it clear they weren't going to start their new life together if Chris also didn't make the kids disappear too.

Obviously that depends on not leaving dna at the scene (now even non offenders are recorded even by proxy with ancestry testing) and not being seen by cameras. There are a lot of things to consider and perhaps the biggest question is why would you murder someone without a motive?

Based Norm! Have an upvote sir.

Edit: Thanks for the Gold kind stranger!

Muse do dis Achilles im no happy