My favourite simpsons was the time homer tried to jump the gorg

my favourite simpsons was the time homer tried to jump the gorg

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deenS is the dutch name for the danish language

why homer jump gorg

what about the time bart put a beer in the paint shaker and homer opened it and blew up his fucking house

to get to the other side haha

I liked the episode where Barney died and Homer didn't cry.

There's a cool fan theory that Homer remained in a coma after that and simply dreamed the rest of the Simpsons - the decline in quality representing his slowly dying brain

was that the one where he's trying to figure out his character arc?

my favorite simpsons episode was was when Lisa NEEDed to practice her saxophone


I am your character arc!

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My favorite episode is the one where Homer starts slapping people with a glove

(s)he believed a(n)d h(e) li(e)(d) ;_;

8 posts in! a new record!

Imagine if Marge was nakde and he slapped her butt with the glove? Wouldn't that be funny haha

my favorite one is the one where homer wins a newgrounds contest and he gets to meet oneyng from newgrounds and youtube

Look at the city slicker, with his fancy fuck and suck son!


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mine was behind the laughter probably

my favorite episode was the one about sneed's feed and seed, formerly chucks

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Seriously, if you find this Sneedposting funny you need to kill yourself.
Nothing is entertaining about saying SNEEDD over and over.
Everything you fuckers do is infuriating.
End this garbage meme already and find something new.
Do yourselves a favor and kill yourself.

sneeded and unironically lol

who is that man he sounds powerful