What's next for his career?

What's next for his career?

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Shazam/Superman: First Thunder in 2022

Bond, James Bond

>that fucking hairline




Hopefully still being in the DCEU (please do one more Supes film Henry)

post body

Cope 6’3 btw

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>that arm length
I call bullshit on that. I'm 6'4 and my arm length is much higher than that
You look like a fucking manlet, omega lel

I have his hairline (actually it's probably worse lol) but I also have a handsome face so women never really care, honestly it's all in the face my friend. I would be better off if my hairline was better but I'm happy as is.

Whatever Breh keep coping with that hairline

I wonder how big his hog is

I'm 6"2 and much bigger than you

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Fuck, I wish

Weird flex but okay

I thought I was on /fit/ for a sec

Who cares about the hairline if you have an attractive face?

I have great hair but terrible face. What's the point?
Also, 6'4.
It's all a meme. Would gladly be a bald manlet if it means I had the chance to attract other females.

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And I used it have a leaned out face with nice stubble but in the last year gained 120 pounds and just gave up and shaved my head

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guys, im basically a chubby henry cavill

Why are white people putting so much emphasis on hairlines now? It used to be only blacks who were super insecure about that shit, most whites just either didn't care or shaved their heads. Must be because all the zoomers are copying black culture and mannerism.

Probably gonna raid Mythic Jaina

I have my full hairline, brehh

It’s not your face it’s your terrible personality and attitude

*cocks fists*

Do you also have a chubby Ezra miller to rub your beard at night?

Because we actually care about genetics and looks unlike old motherfuckers over 23 plus shaving your head looks awful

Raiden from Mortal Kombat.

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marrying me

Damn dude I'm also like 5'10 manlet, got a number from this hapa cutie from this Thai restaurant while I was working last night too. Size really isn't everything, being secure as a man with what you got has been infinitely more useful to me than a better hairline, women can smell weakness a mile away, sorry about the weight thing, trying to work out more myself so I can empathize.

>last year gained 120 pounds
Do you drink 2 litres of melted butter everyday?

Pay for hairtransplants for a. Wedding gift

>Because we actually care about genetics
Go look back at famous men in history, most weren't pretty boys. It seems more like white people have just gotten more insecure because they have been ingesting nog culture, ask your grandpa what he thinks, he won't give a fuck about his hairline.

More like 6l of Dr Pepper and 50-100 dollars on fast food a day

Who gives a fuck abou boomers we live in a new time where being pampered and taken care of your skin and hair is in. Women wanna fuck pretty boys leave your tough burly guy last century

You look like you've been lifting for 1-2 years, think you should calm down with your arrogance, manlet.


>incel that has never had a gf knows what's in or not with women

this isn't even a workout body

Being my daddy(boyfriend[male])

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I don’t know I finished college football and was 6’3 260 and 18%bf and chilled and nice jaw and decent hair but I just have it all up and it spirals out of control

It's inevitable

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Being my friend


Boomer cope

Women want manly men and always will. They have primal urges that you sissy boys with low T can't fufill

>Who gives a fuck abou boomers we live in a new time where being pampered and taken care of your skin and hair is in.
We also live in an age were female unhappiness is at the highest levels it's ever been and trannys are normalized, something being popular means nothing
>Women wanna fuck pretty boys leave your tough burly guy last century
Lmao, literally onions the post. Go work on a car and put down the nail polish and Instagram.

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You can be manly but also have a good hairline and take care of your skin and I’m a lean pretty boy but have 910 ngdl at 18

s-stop I don’t have a boner

>in the last year gained 120 pounds
What the fuck are you doing, my man? You're going to die if you keep that up

Holy shit, I can only imagine how fucking disgusting you look now. What did you weigh before you gained all that weight? Are you 300 pounds now?

I'm a 25 year old boomer, INCEL. You have never had women intimate with you and lusting for your dick, you little homosexual faggot. I have.

I do have a car and did my high school internship in a mechanic shop not my fault you trunk ty need to choose being a slob tough guy who doesn’t take care of himself too

Start by cutting down your soda intake by 1-2 litres every week, until you are only drinking 2 litres of water a day. Also stop with the fast food and cook your own meals. Start exercising again. Slow and consistent

Yeah, pic related looks better than you.

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I literally just gave up I would go around campus just eating out of garbages and robbing stores for pastries I think it was some mental destruction kek

we need the man from uncle 2

Prove me wrong
you can't

you can tell he was a fat kid. i know he's talked about it but really you can tell he was a fat, nerdy kid and i see it in him to this day. no offence intended you know good for him he's superman and shit but still. i don't know where i'm going with this really

Kek that is what balding boomers cope as he’s good looking but you guys look terrible here is what women love if you have this aesthetic and tall you’re golden

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"taking care of yourself" just means staying healthy, it doesn't mean becoming a metrosexual out of fear women might bantz you about your hair in which case all you have to do is throw it back at them and then they don't give a fuck because they know you aren't a pussy.

You're an 18 year old retard, not even old enough to remember 911. You are probably an ugly pimple faced geek and you talk like some west coast faggot. No chance you are even better than a 5/10

>Women love androgynous skinny faggots.
Seriously, get off social media, it's frying your onion filled head.

This guy looks like a fag

All this boomer cope give up you’re too old and it’s too late

Post your fit

Anyone who uses s o y seriously is not to be taken seriously

I just showed my girlfriend and she said he looked like a pussy fucboi. Women don't like twinks like that, it's more gay men that do.

Just stop fucking posting

THICC just like him

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He's just some retard who's spent to much time on lookism.net and now thinks he has to look a certain way to pull women when you just need to act like a man and you'll have no issues.
You are literally a child, you know nothing and treat getting a woman like it's some game where you need to right stats to gain access to them, you are retarded.

Ofc does your gf also tell you she only had a 2 guys before you

sorry henry

Post belly

Go run back to Lookism.net, that's where retarded 18 year zoomers belong.

I'm 27 so I grew up in a much better time period than you and I'm much more appealing physically and mentally. You already act like a woman from all the tumblr and Instagram rotting your mind and turning you into a fag.

>Post your fit
I don't know what this means. I don't need to be better looking than someone to know that kid does not look as good as jason statham

Dalton really was the most accurate Bond


I can’t. Stache+Stubble is peak Henry

So mad , so much boomer

>that waist
stop eating fast food

Ask any women over the age of 15 and they will tell you the same thing. The fucboi cut is so out of style too. Woman prefer wavy locks or a clean buzz cut since its more masculine.

Every mother gets the fucboi cut for their sugar addled 11 year old fortnite kids so most women associate that cut with children these days.

I'm 19, also shit bait

uh oh, mad baldie detected

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t. incel that has never kissed a girl thinks he knows what girls want

You've never even gone to a social setting like a bar and talked to women, you know nothing of the opposite sex other than artificial experiences with social media and you actually expect anyone to take you seriously when you're an 18 year old zoomer?

You sound you like the delusional boomer

>eating out of garbages and robbing stores for pastries
This is some next level shit and you should get help before you kill yourself or something.

Lol shitty hairline cope for buzzcutt

Happy baldie actually, having a shit hairline means shit when you have a nice face, don't have to act like some insecure 15 year old girl.

no woman wants a bald man to spend the rest of their lives with lmao
if you're not so ugly in the face maybe you can manage a one night stand with the love of your life

It's no secret he's nerdy as fuck. When he got the call that he got the part of Superman he was literally in the middle of WoW raid and missed the phone call.
Besides being a beautiful specimen and ripped as fuck he's really one of us

I agree it’s so hard I need to go to gym I looked so good and girls would come up to me at stores and suit now I feel and look like a mutant from a sewer planet. Fuck I just need to get into habit especially when it comes to gym I know how to workout and eat well

Going bald, losing muscle mass, drifting into the past, everybody forgetting him.

No baldie is happy only certain degrees of cope

just don't cry yourself to sleep when you rest your head on the pillow tonight and start thinking about the hair you'll never have

>no woman wants a bald man to spend the rest of their lives with lmao
God it's so pathetic how little you know about women or the world in general.

I just showed my gf this guy and she said he looks weak and feminine, like the type of guy that would get scared in a physical confrontation with other men.

Why is Yea Forums so shallow?

I never said anything about hairline or balding you illiterate retards. I have a god tier hairline and hairstyle, I have multiple hairstylist so I always have the best hair.

Keep coping with your juvenile fortnite haircuts you low test manbabies. Fucboi cuts are 3 years out of style.

You two are as petty and insecure as middle school girls, and you wonder why you are so shit with women. Hang around some men with actual testosterone, like a construction site, I promise they will beat the faggot out of you with banter.

here's literally you on the pic
now quit replying, if I wanted to bore myself with old people I'd go next room and talk to my father

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I do work construction in the summer and can banter it’s just keep coping baldy and thinking you have high test cause you’re bald and pissed off

cringe and yikes

>here's literally you on the pic
I literally have Henry's hairline, so nah, like I said it's not good but I don't care.
>now quit replying, if I wanted to bore myself with old people I'd go next room and talk to my father
Wow an insecure faggot zoomer with daddy issues is obsessed with his appearance, I'm shocked.

People here are so easy to bait

Your father wishes he'd pulled out at the last minute, you pathetic incel. Interesting how you won't deny being an incel.

Sure you do, yeah I'm the one angry lol, not you who keeps screaming about COPE and thinking it's strange I'm not defining myself as a man by my hairline lol like some girl.

>get btfo hard
>I was only pretending to be a retard

Yeah not gonna happen, cope with it

My god, imagine seeing yourself lose your most important feature and not being able to do anything about it.
Baldies must suffer more than ANY other type of person in the first world.
I should thank the heavens every day from now on for my perfect hairline, cause I honestly couldn't do it, props to you guys for even doing as much as leaving indoors with a bald head

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Yeah buddy I work interlock and landscaping keep thinking you look like Jason statham with your big head and shitty hairline maybe you can buy some leather jackets to feel badass

True most bald guys should probably kill them selves cause those genetics are a big yikes from me

>believing studio PR
The fat nerd thing was from one awkward childhood picture. He’s been a chad his whole life.

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I’m neither of those guys you retard. I agree with both parties but you can’t see those guys are baiting you

yeah alright man i can tell a fat kid when i see one

You should be careful. Supposedly you can cause yourself to go bald with stress and constant obsession with hair your hairline . People like you that are afraid to go bald tend to cause hair loss in their selves.

Luckily I have a great hairline but I'm not afraid to go bald and have good genetics so I should be good

losing hair is a touching matter
I cannot blame baldies for tearing up and not knowing how to cope
I mean, how do you even recover from that? Legit would rather lose a leg or an arm and live with one of those bionic members eticetera

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>i-it wasn't me I swear

Cope retard zoomer

Goddamn, he's so gorgeous and I'm married to a woman

Im 25 but alright than keep responding to them knowing they’re baiting


>that pec gap

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t. incel with full head of hair being mogged by baldies

It's about time some old ONS of his claims he raped her. He got off too easy during his feminism scandal.


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>zoomer is a degenerate foot fag

It checks out


Amy was fine with it

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Crushing me with his thighs.

No. Too white. Too straight. Too manly.

>What's next for his career?
a headless cameo in Aquaman 2

>those digits

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Cause it's infested with incels that REEEEE over Chad and his cock. No seriously, I've read incel confession posts before about guys raging and destroying their room when an average girl hookups with a Chad and how they aren't worthy of his cock and cum.

Do you really think incels care about hairlines and height

Have you ever visited an incel forum? They obsess over it. I'm concerned with looks too, workout, do what I can to make myself look even handsomer but they take it to autist extreme when raging over canthal tilts and screaming about how 'IT'S OVER!!!' if you're not 6'2.

>they take it to autist extreme when raging over canthal tilts and screaming about how 'IT'S OVER!!!' if you're not 6'2.
most of that, at least on /fit/ are just memes

Hmm I just came back from a few years off Yea Forums and never really heard of chads and Stacie’s and incels it’s that bad

Meme that people start taking way to realise. They way some carry on, I really do think they believe you're doomed as man if you aren't 6'0 at minimum, or they have bizarre fantasies over the type of life they believe Chad leads.

Why is he dressed like he belongs in the Free Planet Alliance?

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>Actually thinking along these lines and being mystified by a light trousers-dark shirt combo as if it's strange
For fuck's sake, user...

dubs of truth, hair is the greatest gift to men

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>light trousers-dark shirt combo
For me, it's the leather boots, slim fit dark genes, slim fit jumper, and corduroy jacket combo.

>Brits are ugl-

>inb4 'all good looking Brits are French' meme
Got a lot of stunners but our ugly goblins? They are truly disgusting

Plowing my boipussy

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Hair plugs

Reminder for the insecure: even the Chad Cavill got can look... weird at times...

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>O'Pry the gay alien skull nigga

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Virgin vs. Chad

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that's old legolas

I am a fan of both DC and Marvel. It would be awesome to see him play a marvel character. Maybe Cyclops? Wolverine?

Henry Cavill may be a manlet (reminder: you're manlet if you're not 6'2 at minimum) but he's not quite the turbomanlet Wolverine is.

Oh god

I forgot this existed

what the fuck l m a o

>just a meme
I take it you've never been to lookism.net?

I'm honestly surprised lookism holds River Phoenix to such a high standard. I thought they'd tear him a new arsehold for just being 5'10, having an upturned nose, not having the sharpest jawline ever, and being a beardlet. I mean, he was definitely a very attractive man but I'm surprised those autists gave him a pass.

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is there one side that's attractive? which is it? I want to know which I'm supposed to pretend is better as to not be leftout

>Is the one with the defined jawline, leaner face, better hair, and stubble the good one or the bad one?

I guess they just like River's flow....

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They are 100%, you in-denial, coping faggot. Fuck foids.

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Why are anglos so fucking swarthy?

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not my problem that is attractive by your standards, uggo

I mean... are we really going to be swarthier than the French or Germans? Americans have way less exposure to actors from those countries cause of a language/accent barrier and less entwined film industries. I have pretty fair skin but nearly black hair and dark eyes and I get all manner of shit from fellow Bongs about looking like an Italian or a Jew.

Pure kino

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>tfw Henry used to be an overweight WoW playing nerd

Fuck I gotta get my shit together

>Yea Forums - Teenage Girls
I knew this board was obsessed with teenage girls but you don't have to act like them you dumb cunts.

You effort is going to be proportional to your potential. Cavill's apex is fucking great, and he was a fit, handsome guy in his early 20's so he already knew what that was like before Superman man. Don't delude yourself into thinking you'll become a Chad by dropping the pounds if your face simply isn't at that level. Please get fit but don't have absurd expectations.

she's a cute

Him using me as his personal fucktoy slave.

true. life is cruel sometimes.

I'd rather fuck the Hapa desu.

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Id watch out for her tho...

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I'm one of those guys that grew into their looks, so I do know what a powerful motivator self-loathing is and how nice it is to simply be more attractive relative to your previous so, so give it a go by all means.

Perfect for my dicc/tongue to slide into.

That roastie needs to get her disgusting hand off my husbando.

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I'd let those chompers near my penis if you know what I mean

>Don't you mean OUR husbando?

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There’s literally nothing gay about recognizing Henry Chadvils attractiveness

>Chad? Why yes, I am one. Thank for recognising this, kind stranger!

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It's not gay to recognize another man as attractive. It is gay if you are sexually attracted to him.

Theres a door next to you, fucking manlet

>not taking the bisexualpill
Women will always be my preference but I'd let pic related dominate, humiliate, and fuck me during roleplay

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yeah but what about your hairline?

But that's fucking gay

Sir there's about another half a kilo of coke in your nose.

Yes, it is. Any gay af fantasies I have is like 1/3rd the guy and 2/3rds me getting hard over degrading, humiliation fantasies.

what if i'm sexually attracted to henry and want to feel him in my tight little hole?

Ok good for you. I'm not gay so i'm not into that stuff but we like what we like.

>Women will always be my preference
Same here.just wanna dominate twinks sometimes

>Not swallowing the bisexual pill
Your loss, pal. You can still be basically straight and most desire romance with women whilst occasionally dappling in faggotry

Does having a slightly fading hairline really matter when you're 6'1, have the body of a greek god and a 9/10 face?

No thanks. I'm alright.

It’s literally impossible to be gay by being attracted to Henry sexually or otherwise whether you are a man or not.

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based trashpanda poster

That's really fucking gay and you should be ashamed for even admitting something like that

Last I heard, you can't change your sexuality

Is it that bad over there?

Thats a perfectly normal hairline for a 35 year old man.

On top of that Cavill is already a gigachad and you know once he has to shave it he'll be able to rock the bald look too.

>still pretending you're bisexual in 2019
hey retard, nobody cares anymore

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Sometimes the balding just stops I’ve been at a nw2 for the last 15 years

Now way you're 6'3. Your arms are too small. You're 5'10 at best

I've had a Cavill tier hairline since I was 15. I'm 24 now. I've asked my barber wtf is going on and was told its just my natural hairline. If I can make it to 35 like that I'd be content.

Same I recently shave it all off which was a terrible idea and I need more length but I’ll have to wait

I can't really pull that off. I'm pretty skinny and I've been working on putting on some muscle but I'm a complete framelet, small wrists, head, neck too long, everything. Shaved head is a no go for me. Once my hair goes past the event horizon its over for me.

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Same I can’t pull it off but I’m xbawks huge and have a watermelon skull so it looks awful i give it by the beginning of. June it will look good but I have got a haircut in two months so the sides are all puffed out and top is flat

Fuck why did I cut I all off drunk

Did a bald guy kill your family or something?

More Superman

cope hairlet

On the plus side though if you get muscular you can pull off the bald jacked guy look. You cannot be bald and skinny or you just look sickly

This is my hairline. It looks perfectly fine when you don't comb it back like that, I don't know why a dude this aesthetic would try that shit.

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any pictures of his feet?

Agree but I’m naming shaving I’ll have the judelaw until I’m dead

Please hold me, Henry.

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Cause even handsome guys have to have their hair a certain way and do certain things to maximise their looks. The pic is an example of how models/actors don't look perfect 24/7, or have never looked like weird incels ever.

I'll do ya one slightly better:

the 1970s dad look is back