ITT: Essential incelcore

ITT: Essential incelcore

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Other urls found in this thread:

All Zack Snyder movies

Prove me wrong.

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Don’t you mean Incential?

Dubs and I get my first girlfriend.

Blade Runner 2049

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La Machina

For me? It's 'The Wackness'.

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Dubs and I remain a fa/tv/irgin forever

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he dates a girl

You thiefcore trash made for the mcdonalds arthouse generation

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Dubs and I get a big milkies girlfriend.

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holy shit

Doesn't he invite the girl he pushed away with his shit personality who is fucking some chad to his concert where he uses god level skill to BTFO the cunt conductor just so he can maybe get sloppy seconds? That's as incel as it gets.

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Oh, I I had f-forgotten about that scene

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>Hot blonde replaced by black womyn
Every time

any Refn film

Josh fucks in the movie though

He's textbook volcel. Did you watch the movie? He ends their relation to pursue music. He tried to get her back in a moment of weakness, but still it doesn't take away from his basedness.

He's still an incel before and after that, the ending is about him coming to terms with it.

Walking in the street ? Such a cinematic shot lmao

Scorsese is a producer, idiot.

The room is incelkino

Color palate is similar that’s literally it.

You can't talk about incelcore without posting anime.

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Ok. The part where they fuck in the shower is the only part I remember of that flick.

>Settling for a single mom who had a kid with a mexican gangster
Yeah, he seems pretty desperate

He was definitely more of a lowly thug than a memeber of a gang

the greatest trick the incel ever pulled was making everyone believe that slashers were teennormiecore

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I almost want to see Joker because you are such an absolute faggot, and I despise capeshit. Are you reviewscrew?

Silent Hill doesn't belong on that picture.

Since when is Poltergesit slasher?

Based jester.

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>Kill all sluts and chads.
>Their weakness is a virgin girl, only she survives.
Czechs out.

it's automatically incelcore cause it was created in japan

Yeah, but that picture isn't incelcore specific, it has Hannibal Lecter and Killer Klowns.

add Eastern Promises

You mean Ex Machina?

think about what you said and then think about who dies/ gets fucked up in both of these movies

Why not just do a reboot? Probably would've sold better.

Scorsese WAS a producer, he dropped out.

>think about what you said
I did. SotL is extremely normie tier, kino moments or not, and KKFOS is legitimately fun. I think you don't know what's being discussed here, or are too busy learning to shitpost.

Roscharch is the incel superhero, the mask symbolizes the ''mask'' incels wear on this imageboard
>Coat and fedora
>No dad
>Based and redpilled, knows about what horrors lurks beneath the surface
>Protective of muhladies but hates thots
>Does not negotiate with communists would rather have the world end in a war
>Dies because of that

There's a movie with a female lead that fits that I meant to add to this list but I can't remember what it is now. Maybe I should add Harold & Maude.

>turned into roscharch by killing the pedo

not incelcore

Can you really call him an incel when his sexual desires are never shown to us?

only incels are this obsessed with incels

Is RE incelcore ?
It would explain why no one gets together (So incels can fap to their favorite female characters while thinking they would have a chance).

>his sexual desires
Nothing there about sexual desires. This is such a simple concept, stop fucking it up.


Yeah, maybe volcel would be better; he still checks most of the boxes tho

Some do hate pedos, see pizzagate

That's the point, how do you even know he's involuntary? Or celibate? You don't.

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Resident evil is incelcore 100%. Resident Evil 4 is the epitome of that with Ashley.
The best.

dude why are you so aggressively pushing your shitty """""art""""?
get a fucking life you douche

Scorsese production company is involved with this, his right hand is right now, Scorsese was also earlier, but he needed to focus on Irishman.

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"incel", which stands for "involuntary celibate", is an oxymoron to begin with, since all celibacy is voluntary by definition. Otherwise is just called "being single", or in other cases "being a virgin". And "volcel" is a pleonasm, like saying "the obese fatso". It's no wonder retarded buzzwords like this come from a mentally deficient place like Plebbit.

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Not my art I just saved it because I think it's funny. The second one is even cropped to be square because I used it as an avatar for steam for a hot second. Take a chill pill my negro

This looks like aussie incel core, anyone seen it? Good?

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Literally cried watching this whilst my sister said she found the MC "boring".She's 12 btw, women have absolutely nothing in their head from the very beginning.

learn to lie better asswipe

>my voice
is it a euphemism for her hymen?

>popping a ventricle over literal 1's and 0's
Believe whatever you want you delusional faggot. Don't @ me again.

social network

but reddit didn't coin the term "incel", /pol/ did. and you don't interpret it literally, but it's a term to capture /pol/'s reactionary hive mind of misogyny and white supremacy

incel is the most popular insult here after the n-word

This is either a massive reach, or you're completely autistic.


Didn't incel come from a subreddit? Maybe /r9k/ coined it because no one in /pol/ talks about incel as "yea that's who we are". It became a thing in Plebbit and then people started associating it with /pol/ for some reason. Also, there was another incel online community before reddit's (which was started by a woman), so I think it definitely isn't /pol/'s coinage.

I honestly was suprised how different (in a good way) this trailer looks

Were men really that doomed even back then?

Add falling down and taxi driver and you've got the list.

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Was the MC a literal father in Falling Down? How's that incel?

That Elliot Rodger kid was the first I heard of it. AFAIK Yea Forums picked it up ironically for shitposting purposes as they often do and then downstream reddit (r/incels r/braincels whatever faggy subreddits they have) picked it up and twisted it to be unironic and they started wearing it on their sleeves as some identity like they do with the term gamer and it was super cringey then iirc some one shot up something and had posted on one of those subreddits so the news picked up the term and now normies and roasties know the term and go around calling people incels and creating some social panic over it. I find that a lot of things are rooted in shitposting taken too far by the retards on reddit.

Falling Down is wagecuck core

>Imagine thinking incel is insult
>Imagine having oposite opinion is bad
>Imagine thinking asking questions is bad
>Imagine thinking saying YES or NO good bad about a person or govenrnment is bad
>Imagine thinking freedom of speech is bad
>Imagine thinking if someone don not agree with you he is nazi alt right white male antifa tranny or whatever
Murica what happen to having different opinions, having conversations, clashing different point of views in to the forge until the truth is forged.
What happen to you changed NA
At the end seems like the comrade Yuri was right all along.

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but he fucks in the end. And PSH has a wife

It's been around way before Elliot Rodgers, reddit or Yea Forums. It has roots in message boards that have been around since the early 00s. It's just that it's become a buzzword in the last 6 years.

you should add the lobster

Badlands dude wtf
>attractive autismo sociopath male
>naive upperclass underaged female
>murders anyone that stands in his way of the pussy, her dad, cops, innocents
>they dont have sex
fucking essential

Yea Forums got it from reddit, and yes it was first ironic posting but then it became an insult and now it's just a "fuck you" to every male you don't like.

>no Taxi Driver
missing the mona lisa of honey&lonely

They do have sex, though...

Is Herbert west an incel?

Well people who are self identifying incels are stains on society and it should be an insult.

this guy was way too talented for a loser like me to self-insert into

It is an insult, thats the whole point, it doesn't hold any real meaning anymore because people use it for the most arbitrary reasons

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I don't think that's quite right. It still has it's meaning but calling someone who isn't actually an incel is still insulting them because presumable they aren't and don't want to be thought of as an incel or the are an incel and ashamed of it. It's reason for being used as an insult doesn't really determine the words meaning like calling someone a cocksucker is an insult to some presumable because they don't suck cock but we still recognize the meaning as 'one who sucks cock' despite it being levied at mostly people who don't.

Is my y key not working what the fuck?

nah I agree, but incels literally identify as such, so it doesn't really mean anything other than people I disagree with or don't like.

The most they do is kiss awkwardly and dance, rewatch it fag

They fuck near a tree or something... Watch it again.

i don't think you've been on Yea Forums longer than a year because incel is a term of endearment, the opposite of n-word. you don't see people using "incel" and "cuck" anymore on Yea Forums because the mainstream media caught on and revealed too much about /pol/'s insecurities

Glady, but no its not even fucking implied

it's absolutely /pol/'s coinage of the term because /pol/ is the only internet forum with the freedom to discuss misogyny and racism so openly. incel wasn't adopted by /pol/ out of some satirical social commentary, they created it because the term is emblematic of their ideology that combines misogyny and racism. incels blame everyone including women, brown people, the jews, the media, except themselves for their lack of intimacy with a significant other. incels would not dare think that maybe it's their philosophical beliefs about women that prevents them from finding a partner.

if i was a woman and an incel i am talking to believed i am biologically inferior and incapable of having the same positions of power or freedom as men, i would not want to date him either

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Yea there is, they fuck once and the girl says "Is that all there is to it?" and he replies "Yea". It's in the bit where they're living in the wild or something.

>it's absolutely /pol/'s coinage of the term because /pol/ is the only internet forum with the freedom to discuss misogyny and racism so openly.
Why would they insult themselves, though? There are threads about them saying how incels and terrorists have nothing to do with them despite the media saying otherwise. And the term comes from some Candian online community from the 90s.

He drops her for her career, something he's actually passionate about. You roast beef flap

its just bait

incel double nigger times hundred

He did nothing wrong.

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check google trends. incel is practically nonexistent until just a few years ago and it wasn't ever used as insult but rather as a qualifier within the community. redpill and incel blogs required you to be an incel to participate and banned volcels. you weren't a part of the clique if you didn't agree 100% with the common consensus

right, but that has nothing to do with /pol/

Pretty much any Charlie Kaufman movie

This honestly looks like a good movie.

Cringed and bluepilled
>Implying people approach women by saying stuff they do on 4chins
Gotta hide ur powerlevel


One Hour Photo

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Chris has been serving his sister up on a platter to Leon; Leon is a voluntary incel.

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Counting down the months, weeks and days for this movie

>bawwww I can't get laid all women are whores!!

Do you ever ask yourself why you want a partner in the first place? If it's children you want, there's alternatives to that. If it's the emotional support you want, there's alternatives to that. And if it's the physical intimacy you want, there's also alternatives to that. You don't believe you're entitled to having an intimate partner, do you? You have to work for that and leave your comfort zone.

>tfw helped a single mom last year while her boyfriend was currently in prison
after I realized how fucking stupid I was, I also realized I can never watch Drive kino again

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>not talking politics and philosophy with your friends and significant others

this is why you won't get a gf. reactionaries have a messed up idea of what it means to have a partner like they're only supposed to make babies and stay at home

Why are you retards pretending to know this film's plot when there's barely one trailer out that only shows a few scenes?

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Instead of jumping through a million hoops for these "alternatives", why can't I just get a woman huh? Soon society will collapse and we will institute female slavery. All whiteknight doormatts will be grinded down to food and I will shit in the trough all women eat from.

Society WILL collapse soon. If by "soon" you mean in 30 years. Time flies user, start counting the days

Images like these remind me that this very website has helped cultivate my current state in a way. Like the image describes me perfectly, you couldn't do that unless you also had this issue. Many others on this website also suffer from the exact same problems. We sought each other out and congregated, encouraging our mutual spiral downward. This website is the alienated adolscent's mind made manifest.

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Am I an incel if I'm just a single guy who doesn't really try anything, though? My anti-depressants lower my libido so I don't really care for sex and I don't really like anyone, male or female. Does that make me an incel?

Why is The Thing part of Freddy Kruger?

An underated example

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Well, why do you want a woman at all? Aren't you happy by yourself? There's nothing wrong with being single.

It sounds like you are a volcel, the incel's arch nemesis. As long as you don't lash out indiscriminately against people who aren't to blame for your insecurities like Elliot Roger, nobody cares how you live your life.

>As long as you don't lash out indiscriminately against people who aren't to blame for your insecurities like Elliot Roger, nobody cares how you live your life.
Nice normie post.

Never seen Taxi Driver, but Joker looks like it's gonna be kino going by this pic

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Okay, m8. The last thing I would do was blame muh society.

Bitch nigger faggot

i'm not reading incel blogs but is he saying you become socially accepted if you have a gf? really? it's not your racism, misogyny and class unconsciousness that repels people from you? if you believe that, you're not going to be happy even if you get a gf

millenials are single and aren't getting married. nobody is judging you for being single except the boomers who were brainwashed into breeding more bodies to die and wage slave for israel and our capitalist masters


>complains about racism
>is an anti-Semite

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>class unconsciousness
>Repealing people
Nah, only commies are repealed by this and i mostly avoid them

Commies are based

criticizing israel is not anti-semitism like ben shapiro would have you believe fuck off, MIGAtard

have sex

Most of the films on there arent slashers dude

Any movie with Dane DeHaan

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>Talking about your philosphy repeals people
>Not talking about philosophy repeals them
I guess i am supposed to talk about my philosphy but picking and choosing specific viewpoints to atract girls.
Sounds autistic as fuck and not really worth it.

Whatever you view them negatively or not, the point remains that the majority of people engage in conversations whitout playing comissar and checking if their friends are engaging in class struggle correctly.

good call user

Rorschach was asexual. Sex horrified and disgusted him.

>didn't read the source material

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>Lars and the real girl
It’s kino but he does get a gf in the end

do yourself a favor and sit down with your mom and tell her your views about women. you may be an incel just one bad day away from shooting up a school, but your mom still loves you and will try to help you. women will justifiably not be open to being your gf when you believe they are biologically inferior to you and should be subservient to men.

>these memefaggots trying to expand "incel" to mean "not with a woman presently, but sexually experienced"

Mods need to filter that fucking word already. This is far past the cancerous stage.

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Obvious reddit immigrant. Stay in your site filthy liberal

>you believe they are biologically inferior to you and should be subservient to men

It's actually rational to believe this, just don't tell them it to their faces.

A relationship is the long con with routine sex the payoff.

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Why is everyone going on about Joker being an incel when he bangs Harley like 3 times a day?

Based and reddipilled

Millennials engage in a very odd projection routine where they superimpose their own failures on fictional characters, then condemn those characters publicly to establish how clearly it is that those failures don't apply to them.

It's cringe and obvious, but hey, they're autists.

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such progress

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whew boy if misogyny and PUA relationship advice is rational, then you should have no shame in telling your own mother or sister these beliefs. don't be surprised when your gf leaves you after she finds out you "conned" her into a relationship.

"you are boring"
Never understood this one. I've worked hard at my jobs have a couple hobbies I enjoy and am open to doing just about anything. What does it take to be interesting to a girl chad please help me.

based, I get BTFO and completely invalidated by some autist's image and yet.... Nothing changes.

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>not even unique in my suffering

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>I share my innermost opinions with the women in my life

What a cuck.

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>mcdonalds arthouse
Is this what the film students are saying now a days


rather than blaming women or some other historically oppressed group, shouldn't you blame the capitalist system that alienates you from being a unique human and reduces your social interactions to a transaction for money and power? it looks like most of you would still be unhappy even if you get a state mandated gf because you'll still be a husk of a person.


>capitalist system that alienates you from being a unique human

>current year
>imagine still saying this retarded shit openly

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lel this must be why low test white boys have yellow fever. you can't handle a woman questioning your authority so you place a language barrier, huh? if you don't treat your partner as an intellectual equal, your relationship is doomed to fail. basically, you're begging to get cucked thinking that way, buddy

>historically oppressed
I am in tears about some people having to do the dishes while instead of working in a factory or diying in battle.

what capitalism are we talking here?

>because /pol/
Literally wasn't. It became popular because of that guy in Canada rammed people with a van. His life was publish and he used it in some form. The media started to push that word from there.

It would horrify and disgust me too if the chick was ugly.

That's a good thing, user. At least you know you're not suffering alone. Misery NEEDS company, my friend.

>lmfao dude you are more alpha letting a woman walking all over you
ya you definitely haven't gotten laid once queer bag

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He had constant gfs.

>if i was a woman and an incel i am talking to believed i am biologically inferior and incapable of having the same positions of power or freedom as men
You realize Chad believes all of those things right?

ronald mcdonald arthouse
pikachu plus sonic equal chris chan sonichu
piece of dog shit masquerading as human shit piece of shit
people actually think this movie is original
nah but its great enjoy your oc donut steel so deep turd

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>wanting women to go back to the kitchen

what are you, some closet wahhabist? don't you think that liberalizing women means reducing the burden men have had to be the sole breadwinner of a family? like making stay at home dads economically feasible and socially acceptable? this isn't rocket science stop falling for capitalist propaganda. nobody wants to have less freedom and liberties than others

That image is just cool and makes me want to watch both.

Jesus H you are sweating cringe.

Where is drive?

>mouse doesn't know what an homage is

>All men are either Chads or Incels

You think and speak like a brainwashed cult member

do it
see one for free then pay $20 to watch it again

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wow so just questioning your fundamental beliefs means getting walked all over? come on, man, you're telling me you want to date a dog.

It's a fucking silent movie with a wildly different story and string of performances.
Joker is more than different enough by being a color sound film set in 1981 alone.
This is the lamest attempt at bait I've ever seen. You're better off comparing this to The King of Comedy, but I'm sure you haven't seen it.

>smug, briefly forces a smile
>against a desperate and deeply upset man forcing himself to smile because his mother told him to fake it and he can't do it

I would gladly take that burden if needed.
>Stay at home dads
>Economically feasible
Nowadays both parents have to work, for all your complaints about capitalist propaganda you fail to realize that feminists were duped by industries.

I was mostly joking user I don't really believe in that ideology. But I would say I am incel because I wish I had a gf but don't. :(

>this doesn't look anything like the joker
>checks every wiki and every normie basic trivia knowledge saying the joker was stolen from this

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Man who Laughs directly inspired the entire character. You might as well be going after every single instance of the Joker from his inception. Why you're targeting the one movie that isn't ashamed of the movie that inspired the entire character the movie dedicated itself to is extremely telling. You aren't worth anyone's time, including your own. Kill yourself.

>flip playing card over
>smiling clown man
>JOKER in big letters next to it
Holy fuck what a ripoff. They didn't even try to change the name. DROPPED

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>Jokers copying this movie the most
Joker is not a fucken clown
>b-b-but hes the clown prince of crr-crrime

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Number two has a completely different context from Man Who Laughs; only similarity is that there is the main character and a girl but at this point every movie is a ripoff.

Great thread

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>not welcoming the matriarchy so your wife goes off to war and wage slave instead while you get to stay at home playing video games and making her a sandwich

what are you, stupid?

A man.

Vive L'Amour

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Pee Wee's Big Adventure is essential volcelcore

if you want incel-core anime i think this is the one

MC gets his one-itis stolen by a chad so drops out of life and rides his bike across japan

>that fuckin grin on his face
I love this movie so much.

forgot image

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communism is incel as af

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Incels are sooo 2018 why haven't you taken the volcel pill yet? Only time I think about women is when I'm jacking off then I close the tab and get back to business

That means it's delicious

Have sex

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>either pseuds or disneyshills are reaching this hard
Confirmed kino boys

No matter how I sleep with, it never feels enough. There's always something to disqualify my experience. She doesn't count, she was drunk, she's would have fucked anyone, she's not attractive enough, etc. I'll never shake this incel mindset

fuck off and die volcel cunt

Dig deeper and you'll realize most incels are just Indians and Asians who got rejected by white women. Many such cases.

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alright, i have to watch this shit now, it seems special. and i already like the mc from that alone.

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I like jerking off

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it's cuckcore.

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Working office jobs is pretty boring to girls unless you're the boss. Women will find tradesmen more attractive than your average pencil pusher.

We both know that nigress is gonna die.

Considering how everyone in the trailer seems to hate him; maybe the girl will dump him ?

>Here's your Joker, bro

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>comrade Yuri
Daily reminder that Yuri is an CIA asset spreading disinfo. Was KGB funding frankfurt school operatives? Nope, that's CIA. If you want to see root of what happened don't look in Russia. Look in your own country.

Don't know if anyone posted it yet but Hannibal: Red Dragon is prime incelcore.

Unless her name is Harley it's not going to last

This is basically an incel fantasy, Scott dates several attractive women but never stop being a cunt the entire film and learns nothing by the end of it.

>called Joker not The Joker
>film doesn't intend for this to be The Joker its just a title of a movie
>at the end of the movie he will die to a gun shot wound
>last words are Now Thats Funny
>cops say he was a real Trickster
>twist he was a flash villain

>no other characters never write at the desk
>no other characters never walk down the street
>no other characters never write shit down in a way where the audience can see it
>there are never any scenes with a shot of the characters face while he watches a show
> no other characters never eat at a diner
>there are never shot-reverse-shot scenes with romantic interests
>no other characters never watch TV
>no other characters never pose in front of the mirror
I'll give you the half-naked gun posing though

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This, captures those lonely loser high school feelings perfectly

/pol/ doesn't give a shit about getting laid. /pol/ is basically Travis Bickle - The Board. Disgusted with what's happened to society. They couldn't give less of a shit about getting laid because they despise these people.

No. Men and women both have their place in society and always have. All trying to force them to be 'equal' has accomplished is the destruction of the family and increased intersectionality.

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We live inside a dream


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Black people were brought to America as slaves. Jews control America through political and media manipulation.


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Fucking normalfaggot

for the millionth time:
the man who laughs was a direct and admitted influence on the creation of the joker by comic book artists bill finger, bob kane, and jerry robinson
scenes in the joker reminiscent of the man who laughs are a tribute to the roots of the character and not the raging plagiarism some of you dopes think it is

So sorry

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Bold and brash

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This lady is from my cite in brazil. i gonna kill her and make this a joker for your's.

>no Xeno or Predator

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Ex Machina

They're just too deep for you. Nevermind the fact that I'm incel and so is everyone I know who likes them, they're actually for Chads which I would know because I'm only 500 rewatches away from becoming Chadmode myself.

Literally volcel

what about onions

Please leave this board

Is anyone else looking forward to this movie because they're interested in Todd Phillips career direction like me?
Or is it all just memers?

RE is volcel.
Chris is so obsessed with operating he disregards females entirely.
Leon rejected Claire even offered by her brother, and no way fagged prime Ashley.

Taxi driver

Children of men?

Nah, hes a chad by the end of the film.

Congrats man.

*Gives every incel an existential panic attack*

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Nice bait. NOT lololol

wow holy shit you're absolutely in the wrong thread. Lily chou2 too i guess

i think its very board related. if you go to /fit/ you'll become a chad, just a gay one.

I'm an electrical apprentice I've worked really interesting jobs all my life in construction renovations, along with a few shitty ones but I constantly get told I'm "boring" always a feels bad man.

>people expect you to behave if you are DONUT

>being this stupid

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