Is looper a good movie?

I’m looking for suggestions on really good sci fi movies

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rian johnson

I hated TLJ but enjoyed this, it's decent

Not really, it's incredibly predictable and breaks the rules it sets out almost immediately. There were some interesting moments but overall it was a real letdown from the trailer.

I ended it

>I’m looking for suggestions on really good sci fi movies
Have you seen 2010, the sequel to 2001?

Oblivion is a Tom Cruise movie that has many flaws but somehow manages to become more than the sum of its parts. Perhaps it's Tom Cruise, the effort put into the visual effects, or the stunning soundtrack, but I’ve watched it multiple times, and enjoyed it on every occasion. Sunshine is also pretty good. It has a good cast at the very least, and I think it had good atmosphere. Other than those, I’m not sure what to recommend (other than movies you’ve probably already seen, like District 9). Sci-Fi movies have a tendency to be shitty, probably because Hollywood hacks don’t think audiences are smart enough or have the attention span to enjoy true Sci-Fi, so they fill it with pointless action, and other bloat, so that it can be accessible to wider (perhaps literally) audiences. I think 2001 might be the only Sci-Fi movie I’ve seen that’s just pure Sci-Fi. It’s not Sci-Fi/Horror, or Sci-Fi/Action, it’s just a Sci-Fi movie. And I don’t like 2001. Sci-Fi literature is honestly more enjoyable.

Good post. In the same year as Oblivion, we got another Cruisekino which was almost as good.

Attached: Edge of Tomorrow 2.jpg (1000x1481, 448K)

Both Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow are kino.

Yea Forums used to fucking love Looper and then TLJ happened

Looper is one of the best horror movies ever made

Manga kino turned movie kino.

No we didn't

Yes. And it's why everyone expected TLJ to be good and were shocked at how terrible it was instead.

I really wanted to like this movie, but I fucking hate rian so fucking much. Not just his shitty star wars movie, but his gay twitter antics are worse. In fact I just hate twitter all together.

no, it is not

Good premise, shit execution.

Watch Predestination instead if you wanted to watch a decent time-displacement shenanigans

Attached: predestination-lg.jpg (600x400, 45K)

It's ok but the prosthetics on the guy was stupid and they should have done more of what was happening in the future.. Classic paul dano is in it too

I litterally just watched this, it's such an entertaining movie


Attached: star-wars-episode-8-rian-johnson-dl.jpg (630x420, 169K)

>time travel
>breaks the rules

Predestination was better

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Watch this and In Time

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Looper is literally a pointless trash movie. Can't even follow a simple storyline without completely fucking it up - which makes me wonder why he chose to do time travel if Rian himself does not even grasp the concept. Pic related pretty much explains that.

If you are looking for some good sci fis to watch then check out
>Starship Troopers
>Total Recall (arnie)
>Edge of Tomorrow
>12 Monkeys
>Dark City
>Source Code
>The Lobster
>Primer (very very well thought out but utterly boring upon first watch through unfortunately... also the acting is terrible - but the story once again ... very well thought out)

Just off the top of my head..

kekdajej I forgot the pic

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It's a "turn your brain off, bro" movie, but I really enjoyed it. Very entertaining. Couldn't believe it when I saw "Rian Johnson" during the end credits.

Both of these are surprisingly great.

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Brick was better

Predestination and Coherence.

>Is looper a good movie

Holy shit, no. No.

Time travel is really hard to write well and this is like a little kid wrote it and and changed how it worked half a dozen times during the story.

Even the premise. I mean my god you have access to a time machine so you use to... hide bodies? It's asinine.

The entire problem with The Last Jedi is someone saw this trash and thought "Wow, it would be a great idea put this guy in charge of a trillion dollar franchise with no oversight". Why not just save time and burn the studio down you dumb queers.

I liked the ending