Hello Sharks, I need 500 thousand dollars to start a milk company

>Hello Sharks, I need 500 thousand dollars to start a milk company.

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shit I'd drink her milk

looks like she's going to get in deep with SHARKS

Did she ever use the Ta-Ta Towels?

>I'll give you 300 thousand in exchange of drinking as much milk as I want from your breasts right now, you have 10 seconds to decide. And for that reason I'm out.

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>Sharks, I'd like you to introduce you to my product: The Mommy Milkies™


>American greed all new tomorrow at 10

She accepted Robert's deal but then later complained when he pulled out of their contract and left her high and dry.

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Robert is such an obvious fake nice guy. I think Kevin is actually more straight with people and seems more needing of human connection than Robert.

Of course robert gave her some beta deal.

Robert is like 15% too insecure. He is right there on the cusp but you can still see his beta faggot shining through. He's fucking rich and he still acts like a little fag sometimes.

Sharks, we're seeking a $500,000 investment, in exchange for our little sister.

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Kevin is the most based guy on the show, but I still wouldn't want to work for him or with him. Seems like it would be a nightmare.

Kevin's deals are structured in such a way that he's going to take most of your profit growth unless you have a big time product with serious potential. He is the definition of a shark. That guy was made for the show.

>Megan Cummins was able to secure an investment from Robert Herjavec, who agreed to invest fifty thousand dollars, in exchange for a twenty percent stake in You Smell Soap. Robert Herjavec also stated that he would add another fifty thousand dollars, in order to support Megan Cummins financially.
>Following the airing of Shark Tank Robert Herjavec and Megan were unable to close the deal. Reports state that Robert Herjavec didn’t take a step to contact Megan Cummins after she appeared on the Shark Tank and Megan Cummins states that she has tried to get in touch with Robert Herjavec for six months straight; however, she always ended up talking to his assistant.
>Robert claims that following his due diligence he adjusted his offer to $50,000 for 50% of the company which Megan did not agree too. Instead Megan decided to work with an outside investor whom she later sold the company too.
>Following the sale by Megan to the outside investor the company ended up closing. On the official You Smell Soap Facebook page the last past is from 2014.

A nice girl like that looks best with some Jeans tucked into a nice pair of boots, take her for a Camaro ride to the bar and get her liquored up know what I'm saying

kevin made his fortune on literal blind luck. no way his shitty learning company sells for anywhere near the amount he got if it was sold today. basically he's a good snake oil salesman cause he really didn't do much outside that gigantic rip off in the 80's or ealy 90's can remember when he did it

How many people even have accepted Kevin's deal?
I don't remember seeing that happening

I used to really like this show until Mark said in an interview that over half the deals they make on the show don't go through. They reject most of them on tv, then the few who do make a deal end up getting nothing anyways. Fucking pointless.

I'm sure it's all the sob story ones. The sharks just want to look good on tv, then kick them to the curb.

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Are you telling me that reality shows are scripted?

I've noticed him mentioning wicked cup cakes all the time. People are dumb to write him off entirely because of stupid "nice" guys like damon, robert and cubes

the best ones are when the guy declines all the offers and really get the sharks going. like he knows he's getting free advert time and seeing mark cuban give that dead pan are you serious look when his deal gets declined gets me every time

high caliber table game designed for the 21st century lifestyle

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Have you ever bought a product from Shark Tank?

>I've got bulletball

I've tried, they go out of business too fast

bought the sleep stylers for my wife, who hasn't used them once in the 2 years she's had them

egg-less cookie dough, can't remember the name. still buy these but stores around me rarely carry them. They have 1 spot of shelf space tops

brazy bites, not as good as the sharks made them seem when it aired. Wouldn't buy again

You're talking about that wine cup guy?

you mean american drive to suceed