The fuck went so wrong
The fuck went so wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>A woman who cares about her son and family is a sign of something "wrong"
No user, what's wrong with YOU?
This is what an atheist society looks like.
this, unironically
Where's the television and film?
but this is absolutely based
This is neither television nor film
I think you mean 1789
Television & Film
So aren't a ton of threads up right now, Yea Forumsedditer
>pretend jannies
What is OBJECTIVELY wrong with this?
If she really cared about her family she would have exterminated her son when his gay contagion was exposed instead of harboring his spawn. Where the fuck is the grandfather in all this?
perro caca jajajaja
>the husband nutted inside the grandma
doesnt seem that bad
Thats a beautiful thing to do for your son, whats the problem here?
61 is too old to birth
every time
>incel rage: the post
You best be pro choice if you think like that.
delete /pol/
>wanting off topic garbage to be deleted makes me a Yea Forumsedditor
My pic didn't even have anything to do with Yea Forums
except the article LITERALLY proves you wrong
t. Support of faggot degeneracy.
Man, that really hits you with three different waves of fuckery
the dangers to her and the child's health as a 61y/o pregnant lady, if you just ignore the incestuous part of it all
Theres that word again
Delete faggot degeneracy.
have sex
If Hitler practiced what he preached, he would have been 100% pure instead of taking drugs and killing innocents. I'm sure his ideology would have had a firmer foothold for many centuries thereafter.
Now we have to deal with deviants in the land of the free. These people will do anything for attention. They will let a gay man impregnate a 61 year old woman so that his gay husband's mother can have their child.
This is beyond insanity. And people wonder why people waste away on internet forums instead of participating in society. You stumble upon one of these abominations and your heart sinks. You are reminded that the world truly is fucked beyond repair.
Absolutely we should also tie these women’s tubes
Go back to /pol/
I actually cringed.
Holy shit, please tell me you're the same autist sperging over wordfilters just now in another thread.
>a picture being posted on a board means it's related to that board's topic
You're a fucking retard
you aren't on reddit, pal.
You guys watch shows about dragons and super heroes. This shit is just as degenerate.
>call someone an incel
>other incels get triggered and jump to support the undue rage of a fellow incel
Any more meme pics?
This of topic obnoxious outrage baiting would get A LOT worse without a containment board like /pol/
You're laughing, but she managed to bypass the genetic dead end that was her son.
there's nothing wrong with this other than "i don't like" ie. muh feels
kys facist nigger
>television and film
have sex
have sex
Thanks for reminding me to watch this, I watch it at least once per day
Gotta admit it would be a great biopic/docu
Dubs and I get a girlfriend and leave this board.
Shonenshit is not all anime
>he would let his faggot boyfriend knock up his mother
I suggest you eat a .45
Why didnt he adopt? Nature made him gay to control over population. He could still serve a purpose by taking care of unwanted kids
imagine trying to explain that shit to her when she's older
>daddy why don't i have a mommy?
>well sweetheart, sometimes little girls and boys don't have a mommy or a daddy
>because they have two mommies or two daddies, no mommies or daddies at all
>but how was i born?
>hey nanna you mind coming in here a minute?
sorry, yer here forever, fren
im not gay. not an argument
I don't think that's what they (or anybody) actually think, and yes, there's you on the right lolz
>you don't like fags having their frankenstein baby grown in their own mothers womb??
please be bait you fucking jew
hypothetically you would need to be for that scenario to happen, you room temp IQ moron
>I watch it at least once per day
i love how the new ebin alt-right maymay is that we live in a "clown world" because people are now able to do what they want and live their lives as they want to thanks to modern technology and increased acceptance of individual liberty
>.b.b.but i dont LIKE it!!!!!!!!!!!!
deal with it
Wait, who's the father?
nothing is objectively wrong you fucking idiot. go out and kill babies if you want. nothing is objectively wrong with it you 90 IQ redditor faggot
The wrong side lost.
bite the bullet user
This cuck shit ain't right
it's gotta be the husband
lmao you're so fucking mad
samefag is mad as fuck
>listens to rap
>is retarded
check out
>people are able to do what they want
>how dare people make fun of faggots who fuck their own mothers to have kids you're just alt right
you're really out of touch. i bet you read buzzfeed or huffpo or something equally as gay and irrelevant.
how is this ok but i'm not allowed to adopt a little girl to raise and have sex with her?
How/why does it affect you?
>calling everyone mad because she's too new to realize nobody agrees with her r3ddit opinion on based Yea Forums
Kill yourself idiot.
gays always abuse adopted children
nigga no amount of technology can fix a 61 year old womb
This shit is wrong and that kid is probably gay and retarded lile her other son.
no she fucking didn't. she gave birth to her son after being inseminated by a man who is not her husband and who fucks her other son. this faggot son is now going to raise his half brother portending to be his dad. wtf is this shit. why are people like this
everyone of the decision makers above are consenting adults you disgusting pedo
That's an entirely different question. You're a fucking spineless worm to just change it up like that. Fuck off.
>fuck their own mothers
except that's not what happened.
nice edit
>How/why does it affect you?
this is what it comes down to. it literally doesn't affect anyone in this thread in the least bit