Oh no no no

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grow a pair of... nogs?

look at its monkey kids


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a ~40y/o lady who adopts exotic pets? sign me up

Her best days were on Arrested Development, so hot as a retarded Brit

>normal person steps up
>date for a few months
>her non-availability attracts the celebrity chads who like a challenge
>she dumps the normie faster than liquid shit being flushed
What women say they want and what they actually want are very different.

I'd fuck her but I don't want anything to do with her nigger children she keeps around as a fashion accessoir and for SJW points and also raises them to become trannies

Nobody wants her. Your incel theory is garbage.

yeah boys why arent you man enough. Its your fault she doesnt have aman

>someone should grow a pair
Yeah, she clearly forgot to list the requirements like
>body of a god
>willing to look past the fact that she has multiple kids
>willing to look past the fact that she killed someone
It's always so simple with these retarded American women, yet they are never satisfied with the guys that come up to them. Fuck right off. Thank fucking god I have an intelligent polish girlfriend who literally never uses social media except in order to look up some weird recipes she can cook for me

>grow a pair! I want a father to my negro pets!

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She's probably terrible in bed.

>>willing to look past the fact that she killed someone
kek, people always say this but is there any proof to that or is it just a meme?

once a QT. shame desu

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#meToo killed the desire for men to act like men

Oh nonono ahahahahahaha

Are liberals for against this?

She's a good actress and still very attractive but she's a politically retarded celebrity living inside the liberal bubble of wealth and fame

Yeah maybe if you didn't adopt someone would want you

>>willing to look past the fact that she killed someone


>b-but mommy thats all I am, yo!

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she killed her dad, with a shotgun i believe.
He was african though, so it was okay

>tfw you get your kid on hormone blockers because he's too rowdy

Charlize is from Africa, though, not a Burger.

You know what I was just thinking this morning that some woman out there should grow a vagina and come ask me out

sounds based, where do I sign up to take care of her kids

I think she needs to drop her standards, she was attractive 10 years ago, not so much now. The wall hast claimed another.

well, her "mom" shot her father but we always make fun of it here by saying she did it. I mean, it's not that farfetched anyhow

she's lived in Hollywood long enough, might as well consider her as an American. She definitely acts like it

The expression is grow some tits

heard her bjs are amazing. pure frustrated fury.

no that doesn't sound right

I don't wanna get shot