pic not related
Best site to download movies?
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piracy is illegal you fucking goof
Nice try, FBI.
I get all of my movies at the official movie buying store ofcourse mister fbi man
most movies: passthepopcorn.me
obscure movies: karagarga.in
go away C.I.A.
back to Yea Forums faggot
Why the homophobia?
thanks yify!
Don't need anything besides these two, unless it is too underground.
Also, YiFi is shit. Try to always get stuff on BluRay 10bit.
It is fun desu ne.
wtf? i dont play games you fuckwit. get a job and you wont have to pirate movies
>Yea Forums
>not shilling piracy every waking moment
>get a job so you can start wasting money on movies that you could download for free
unironically snahp.it for big boy bluray remuxes
yeah you can steal food too but I pay for mine
Fuck off Homeland Security
>yeah you can steal food too but I pay for mine
Piracy isn't theft.
Sorry but I don't pay for movies, games, music, books, or programs. I pirate everything.
The only thing you should pay for, is a quality VPN.
>he doesnt search through the client using Python
low iq
>he doesn't just use his phone as a remote to cast from streaming sites to his tv
>>he doesn't just use his phone as a remote to cast from streaming sites to his tv
I'm not a "he".
rarbg, just don't visit without some kind of adblocker
Are you a vanilla thot, or a mentally ill degenerate who falsely believes himself as being a woman and will comit seppuku close to the 30's?
If you're the first, show tits. If you're the later show tits
what is it then
I have pass the popcorn but haven’t downloaded anything in years. I use teatv to stream everything off my fire stick. Get with the times dudes.
I do miss the torrenting days tho. Demonoid was my fav public tracker. Heard the feds use it to lure normies these days lol
>what is it then
kill yourself
>he streams @ low quality instead of torrenting remux rips
Oof and Yikes
>not streaming 1080p
Like I said, get with the times dude.
But I do still have an HD full of stuff I’ve torrented over the years. It was good times.
>kill yourself
Not an argument.
fuck off cia nigger
>he thinks streams that say 1080p actually is in 1080p
I bet you think yify is constant 1080p too
I bet you think netflix and itunes are great quality
>government making new things illegal everyday
I don't even care anymore, fuck the government and fuck the land of the "free"