Why are they having identity crises and trying to be taken seriously as "artists" now, when they obviously have no talent? Why can't they just be happy making dumb comedies and being rich and famous for that?
Why are they having identity crises and trying to be taken seriously as "artists" now...
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In all seriousness it's really harmful to smoke weed consistently when you're under the age of 25
Hill is talented in his own way despite his desperation to be a Chad that hangs out with other cool Chads and Stacies and be taken seriously. Franco is succeeding cause he's not a short goblin and can be taken seriously. Cera... hasn't he disappeared?
gee, i wonder why jewllywood is promoting these untalented hacks.....
>I'm so smart for recognising ethnic cronyism exists!
What next, genius, that the sky is blue? Also, Cera's not a Jew.
I think Cera is basically semi retired at this point.
Cera looks so low test and underdeveloped
>michael cera
>not talented
Cera had some projects, he tried to make music, directed short films and was pitching TV shows a while ago, none of which took off because he didn't realise that if you're not good-looking nobody is going to be interested in your self-reinvention where you display your "artistic side"
Jonah was actually pretty good in Moneyball and wolf of wall street, he’s definitely had some kind of psychotic break but hes still a good actor
James Franco is one my favorite actors
He's usually good in everything he's in
So what's that about him not having talent?
I specially liked him in 11.22.63.
He has good range and is good looking. Can you say the the same about you, you fucking nerd? While you are studying IT to become a retard programmer he's not doing shit and earning millions for doing stupid comedies and he'll soon be Dr. Doom and get a shit ton of movies being the antagonist for at least 8 upcoming hit movies
While you are depressed masturbating at traps you find in /r9k/ he's raping Allison Brie's asshole
Enjoy being a fucking loser stupid bitch
Pretty much. Franco is the only one of the three that can reinvent himself. Hell, Franco came across as more of a Chad in his small Buster Scruggs role than Hill could ever be. Hill's brand of sensitive artists can never be anything approaching sexy.
Nobody wants to be clown forever.
Wait Franco is gonna be Dr. Doom? Lol
Michael Cera was in fucking Twin Peaks?? Why didn't you faggots tell me??
Nobody is disputing their acting, retard. Franco ruined pretty much every William Faulkner adaptation he could get his hands on. They're mocking that "take me seriously pls" angle.
>when they obviously have no talent?
I don't know if Cera's really trying to be taken seriously, he's doing some bizarre roles but they mostly seem to be in a comedic vein. Franco is a bad artist, but to his credit, he seems to genuinely care about art and it's not just bullshit posturing. Hill has low self-esteem and thought that he could be taken seriously as an artist by making a Hollywood version of Kids, but is mostly just pathetic.
What has Cera done beside some indie movies and now is a theater actor? It’s mostly Hill and Franco that’s gone up their own ass. It’s especially bad with Hill since Mid90s was just a pastiche flick.
They have no talent for filmmaking, they have talent for acting.
>While you are depressed masturbating at traps you find in /r9k/ he's raping Allison Brie's asshole
You're thinking of his brother
Hill is a sad case of how even having all the money in the world isn't enough to make him a Chad men respect, women want, etc. He will always be a short goblin.
Dave Franco? I thought women were attracted to him too.
Gif related is Jonah Hill in a nut shell. You'll never be Brad or Leo, Hill.
they share her
They're the bagel and she's the lox.
that can't be... he looks like a drag queen
surely you're mistaken
Only when dressed up like Greg Sestero
always get james franco confused with the butterfly effect dude
>Cera's not a Jew.
why are you kikes hiding behind your jewish heritage?
Hey james
Don't you mean hiding your Jewish heritage
So if one of my parents is Jewish can I claim my JewClub membership? James Franco is fucking Portuguese lmao Franco means Frank in Portuguese
Franco has always been an artfag though.
yup and that's his only scene
Only if it's your mom
It's just how the human mind operates.
You're this ugly nerd who spends every moment of solitude daydreaming about one day being famous enough to fuck every chick you know, like they all do. Somehow this actually happens, you move up to the league of the celebrities and you stick it to all these jocks and good-looking people who thought they were better than you, so for a while, life's great. But after a few years, these people become a fading memory, and you're more worried about how you're perceived in your current milieu of celebrities and artists. The feeling of having beaten the people from your school is no longer satisfying, that was over a decade ago, you've moved on, and now there's a bunch of actors and producers and journalists making you feel small instead. You're still ugly and you do lowbrow comedies, so in an industry with tons of serious, handsome, cool actors from affluent families who act in prestigious films, you're the loser again, the bottom of the barrel, even if you're rich and famous.
That's why all these comedians freak out and go artsy eventually. Just like they started making comedy movies or performing comedy to prove their worth to the common people who rejected them, now they try to do cool artsy movies to prove themselves to the celebrities who reject them. It's a bit sad, but it's also a testament of what people can achieve if they're always struggling to win people's respect and admiration.
>Cera... hasn't he disappeared?
literally has a show on broadway
That was such an odd appearance.
How long do you think they can churn out their brand of comedies? The weed comedy has already worn out its welcome.
James Franco - shitty actor, garbage person and a pedophile (picrel is him hitting on underage girl). Everyone knows it and yet this faggot still tries to shill himself here.
>How do you know?
Well I watched almost every interview with him, read his book (pirated it to avoid giving this hack any money) and I know exactly how this guy types. Plus he verified it through Twitter when we asked for proof few years ago.
>But why?
Since #metoo his career is ruined and it's safe to assume he knew how this was going to end since at least 2016 because that's when he started to shill himself. Anyone who is here long enough remember his thread. He was also the one that revealed Buster Scruggs and probably other movies. So why is he doing that? I think there are two reasons. First is appeal to Yea Forums audiance because given he only stars in underground movies with low budget we would be his main audiance. Second one is fake leaks that he is supposedly staring in MCU. We all saw those threads and he probably counts some news site like CBR will pick it up and Marvel is going to contact him. HAHA. Imagine living in such delusions.
>Okay I believe you, what we can do to stop him?
Well for starters you have to identify him. It's easy because his shilling is really obvious, there were two threads made by him last night. He usually uses words like "cute" "comedian" "director" "underrated" to describe himself. Basically every thread that praises James Franco is made by him. What you can do? DO NOT REPLY TO HIM. DON'T GIVE HIM ATTENTION. IF YOU HAVE TO REPLY TO HIM USE SAGE OPTION SO HIS THREAD CAN BE QUICKLY ARCHIVED.
That's it guys I hope I helped.
based schizo
Sure thing James.
Michael Cera in Twin Peaks was badly entertaining. I have yet to see anything worthwhile from the other two recently; isn't the other Franco more talented? Rogen's only spectacle was when he failed to act in an interview. Cera has early Arrested Development too. His death in This Is the End was also notable.
only a pleblet would put franco in the same category as these two fucktards
Gtfo James.
I was never really big into dude weed comedies so I never really had much exposure to him but something about Jonah Hill in Maniac really resonated with me. I’ve watched that entire series maybe 8 times at this point and usually just have it playing in the background every time I’m doing something else.
You can rape your brother’s gf if you’re weird like that.