What went wrong?

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It wasn't Shazam

They couldn't even spell cemetery right. What makes you think they'll make a good movie?

The seven deadly sins in Shazam were much scarier than that stupid Halloween costume movie.

Speaking of costumes, what was the point of those kids in masks?

Decent build up, consistent theme about death and guilt and protecting family, but the resurrected girl fell flat.

She wasn't scary as much as weird. The scene where she dances and breaks shit had half of the audience laughing. When she finally went violent it was like a weak attempt at the Exorcist or something.

The girl being scary was key to the last act of the movie, and it failed pretty badly.

Remind me why they killed Ellie instead of Gage again.

The ending made people upset.

wouldn´t surprise me if the movie has anti Christian themes for no reason in it

What happened?

The original didn't need an update and everyone is sick of reboots.

Well for one thing, judging by that still in your picture, they added shit that wasn't in the book.

I never fucking understand why so many adaptations change shit that doesn't need to be changed, for no reason that I can think of.


I read somewhere that they couldn’t get the Gage actor to act well.

That’s what happened when parents these days are shit.

Oh. Well, I guess that's at least a semi-valid excuse. They should have put more effort into casting, then, but at the end of the day I understand that there's only so much you can do.


Everyone dies/becomes a zombie


Zombie Daughter and Zombie Mom kill Dad, then bury him in the Pet Cemetery. Dad comes back as Zombie. Approaches car that has the still living son in it.

And it just ends like that?

Was that ever their motivation? I only ever saw the old movie but it didn't seem like the zombies wanted to make more zombies, they were just violent and evil



What ceremony?

The movie is an allegory for NPCs

Bland and pointless "disturbing" shit. In the book, the kids just bury their pets on the cemetery, there's no such thing as a sectary ritual

Sure, what's the point on going further? A sitcom about a zombie family?

Funeral procession for their pets.

So that people wouldn't make cunny threads

hope you're pretending to be a tard.

this triggers me. the returned people are supposed to be mindlessly evil. to give them agency like that is a pretty big diversion from the book and the first film. and I was fine with the daughter/son switcheroo.

Because creepy kids are SPOOOOKY OOOOOOOO

It was hoping having IT in the ads would be enough to carry the film.

Holy fuck

Pet Semetary is honestly just not a book that translates well to the screen. The slow crawling details in the book are what make it creepy and that just doesn't translate to film.

Stephen King injects 'muh scary christians' in all of his stories.

The masks were just there for the advertising, then?

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If it didn't work for this, then it's probably gonna turn out worse for the Child's Play reboot

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Pretty much, yes. They were there mostly for cosmetic purposes cause the spooky/deranged kids concept always sells well

Maybe Hamill can save it?

>The screenwriter wrote another creepy kid movie with “spookiness” on faces released two months before


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No based Ramones soundtrack

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>Implying he’s going to be in a lot of it