>perfect copules don't exi-
/got/ general
nth for cute dany
More wine, your grace?
They both die in season 8.
cast her
Episode 5: A Song of Ice and Fire
Three scenes to Cold Open -
Cersei huddles next to a small fire. She can hear wights walking outside the room but they pass unaware. The Mountain stands guard, and Qyburn spies out of the window. Cersei asks if they can send a raven. Qyburn responds: “Even if we could, your grace, who would we send it to?”
Danny stands on a hill overlooking Winterfell, the wall of Unsullied, and the frozen north. She is visibly pregnant, and holds her stomach with sorrow in her eyes. Jorah and Tyrion look on.
Bran voiceover: “He used to sing to her.” We see a vision of Rhaegar playing the Harp to Lyanna. He sings a new song for the show before the scene cuts to a boat crossing the lake to get to the God's Eye. Jon stares at the island, Bran is entranced. Ravens encircle the Heart Tree at the top of the summit. Bran's voiceover: “He'd sing to her of love and loss, of winter roses and summer rains, he'd sing to her visions of fire and ice.”
The group exits the boat and head towards the Heart tree. Arya notes how the island is called the Isle of Faces, and Jon talks about how the Children of the Forrest and the First Men used it to broker a peace between themselves to fight the White Walkers. Sam points out that according to the lore the Children created them, but there must be some way to unmake them. Bran says that's what he's trying to find. He uses the Heart tree and goes back deeper into history to find the answer.
Jaime, Brienne, Podrick, Bronn, Tormund, The Hound, Gilly/Little Sam, Meera and Gendry are on the island as well. Gendry talks to Jon about how his father actually killed his real father. Bronn talks to the Hound about how he wanted to kill him at the Battle of the Blackwater. Arya confronts Jaime about pushing Bran out of the window and how she still doesn't trust him.
On the Northern front Varys joins the encampment. Tyrion questions where he's been, but Varys is coy as usual.
Tyrion pressures him harder than usual, noting the severity of the circumstances. Varys still doesn't answer. Jorah and Danny have a conversation about her child, Jon, etc. Danny is realizing her whole claim to the throne was built on a lie, that Jon is the rightful heir. Jorah says Jon doesn't want the throne, to which Danny adds that he doesn't want her either and that she was a fool to try to find love again. Jorah tell her he'll always love her, to which Danny finally comes out frankly that she could never love him in that way. She then walks away leaving him fully heartbroken. She notices Missendei and Grey Worm entering their own tent as she does.
Later Tyrion sneaks into Varys' tent. He rifles around and finds scrolls from his “little birds” indicating he has been in contact with Qyburn/Cersei. Varys walks in on Tyrion and they have a tense standoff. Ultimately Tyrion leaves the tent unharmed. Bran sees the vision of how the Night's King was captured by the Children and turned. He then sees the building of the wall and the Children adding magical spells to it. Then he sees Jaime pushing him out of the window and the vision skips between that, Jaime and the Mad King, and a vision of the Army of the Dead marching on Winterfell. Bran starts having the same type of seizure that Jojen had. Meera rushes to his side. He starts shouting “Burn Them All” as he sees Drogon burning up the wights, then the Mad King shouting it with Jaime rushing towards him to kill him, then Jaime pushing Bran out of the window again with Cersei watching. Bran finally stops jerking and sees the Night King sitting on the Iron Throne, Cersei hiding in the cold, and a man with a flaming sword stabbing a White Walker with a crown, who shatters into bits of ice. The army of the dead falling to the ground.
Jeyne Pool
you have 3 seconds to show your respect to Stannis Baratheon by posting your best meme related to him
this would be more believable if you had even parts of the eps before and or after
just stop already nobody is buying this weak garbage
Bran finally wakes up and tells everyone what's happened in King's Landing. Jaime says he must go rescue Cersei. Brienne wants to come with him. Bran tells Jon that the only way to stop everything is to kill the Night King. Jon decides to take on the mission, and Arya insists on joining him. Gendry, Tormund, and Meera volunteer as well, all of them having dragonglass. Bronn unsurprisingly backs out, and Brienne tells Pod to stay back with him to guard Bran, Gilly, and Little Sam. The Hound says he'd go, but not without something better than dragonglass daggars. Sam then fetches Heartsbane and gives it to the Hound to use.
Tyrion drinks heavily, then decides to come clean to Danny about Varys' betrayal. He advises her that exile to Essos is a perfectly honorable decision, but she immediately has him apprehended and brought before Drogon. Tyrion tells her he knows she's angry but to reconsider. She has Varys tied to a stake and burned alive. Sansa and the Northern Lords/Ladys look on in horror
On the way to King's Landing a figure appears to the group of eight. They at first think it's a wight and prepare to kill it, but instead it's revealed to be Melisande. Arya says she's one of the last three on her list. Jon says he promised to have her executed last time he saw her. She says she needs to go with them, for “The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors, and the Living are now so Few.” Jon agrees to let her tag along noting she doesn't have any weapons. She says the Lord of Light is her weapon.
Bran wargs into ravens that fly towards King's Landing. Danny starts to walk away from Varys' burning corpse but suddenly goes into labor, Jorah rushes to her side. The Night King sees the eight coming from afar.
Episode 6: A Dream For Spring.............
gay bromance lol
Whose ready for the Bran Sansa sex scene?
cast her
Ashara Dayne
Or this
Sweets + Sweets = Jon
It was beautiful
The rape, Sansa
killed by teryn fucking mrant
>Sam then fetches Heartsbane
Nigger we already know Jorah is the one using Heartsbane this season. You just typed all of this shit for nothing.
into the abyss
Septa Lemore
rhaenys targaryen WEW
What was even the point of this scene honestly?
was this cgi or they actually killed them
To characterize Edmure and the Blackfish
Why did Maario act like dancers weren't complete shitters?
they have been using under cloth body harnesses for fake hanging since for 50 years
friendly reminder that fire in this show is not cgi therefore this show is superior to 99% of the shit you watch and consider passable
>or they actually killed them
Why is this even a possibility to you?
>rope isn't even touching his neck
one of caster's daughters (not gilly)
>Don't worry reddit, I'm writing le book!
True. The stunts and effects are really well constructed.
did they use a double for this scene or they actually slapped a kid?
think thats child abuse
I don't know why you people keep posting "leaks". There have been over 10000 leaks about s8. Almost every single of them contradict each other. It's embarissing.
>just lift bro
Are leaks out yet?
someone posted what seemed like really legit leaks here a few weeks ago but nobody seems to be confirming it
only for episode 1 and that tyrion betrays kelly c and is executed in the finale
There hasn't been any leaks. And if you think there are actually any real leaks, you haven't been paying attention that HBO has been online all day long shilling fake leaks on the internet
Only episode 1 but that’s because people actually saw it already at the premier
I think they died, didn't see them in any of the later episodes, rip
magic penis
lol damage control
thats not what he said
that is very clearly cgi though. look at the rocks in the left
>in couple with plebs
that bobby b posting has become worse than laser /got/
will he take over little fingers brothels?
what? those are the fucking spoilers, summary of episode 1 has been out for a bit now and the tyrion twist for months
realistic medieval weapon
the guy said they filmed 3 endings. i dont give a half a fuck about what people can already confirm from the premiere being shown. thats not really a leak or a spoiler as its past tense
worst ship ever
I hope John makes it to the end and that Cersei blows up but that trailer shot of the dragon feeding pet really have me worried that some one based is going to get fuckt hard
magic penis
the tyrion betrayal will happen, only it makes sense in the books but they made him too likeable on the show for it to work one bit
They didn't, there's 0 reason to waste time or money on filming fake endings
Go on, do your duty
Was this the first truly embarrasing thing D&D added? I fully expected some reveal where Tyrion had paid off the whores to boost his ego, but nope, he ACTUALLY has a magic penis that makes whores work for free.
It's going to be Sopranos ending all over again is it?
yeah nobody has ever done that before lol listen to yourself.
Tripod was quite funny tbf
Yeah it’s stupid believing this. They can’t even afford Ghost in the first episode Jon comes back apparently.
lmao wtf was that reaction
it was a light joke, dont be a bitch cunt virgin
>t. D&D
Top 10 saddest anime deaths
Got a chuckle out of me
The first really embarrassing thing they added was robb marrying talisa under the light of the seven instead of by thr old gods
>Olly kills one guy
>show watchers hate him
>Tormund butchers innocents villagers
>"haha Tormund ! that's my dude !"
>Stannis burns a girl alive
>show watchers hate him
>Drogon burns a girl alive
>"I love the dragons !"
>the state of tv fags
This is a high level shitpost. It's too organised to have been selected randomly but the choices make no sense at all. C'est ne pas un shitpost
>Olly murders the women who murdered his father in basically the same way
>this isn't treated as a heroic moment
>Jaime and Cersei fuck
>"yeeeew, incest"
>Jon and Dany fuck
>"omg, yeaaaaah!"
Tormund and the wildlings' perspective in general has been covered through multiple seasons, same is not true of Olly. All he's really gotten is boring angry stares, the show never gives you the chance to see things from his perspective although it tries in the initial attack on his village
Today I will remind them...
i buy 7.5 Stannises
>Stannis, Bran, Robb, Bronn, Hound, Tormund, Sam and his fat pink mast
Besides Dany the rest of the $5 people are pretty correct. Bran is bullshit levels now, Tywin is one of the greatest strategists in history, oberyn is definitely better then the rest of them and Wun Wun is a fucking giant.
cuck kid that wanted to kill people that werent the assassins of his parents but came from the same geographical area, then killed the man that wanted him to be the boss of all the parade in the future because couldnt handle the butthurt
yeah it was right to hang him
JonxSansa should take JonxArya's place and MargaeryxJoffrey should be in legit.
Wheres Robert x the whore that smells like blackberry jam fit on this
She has large dragons, that’s why the price is high. Only problem is she will refuse to use them until you’re all losing.
Stannis - Jaqen - Tywin - Bronn - Khal Drogo
who the fuck put the prices? kek
Stannis, Jaqen H'ghar, Tywin and Robb (Robb commands the army, Tyson everything else), and Sandor
>that fat arm
You think they would've edited it.
bronn kills oberyn
Why did they cast a latina to be the lady of the north?
Wasn’t this he actual age Lyanna should’ve been when she was kidnapped
Bronn was afraid to fight the Mountain and Oberyn made the Mountain his bitch until he went full retard.
Reminder thousands died and 300 year old dynasty crumbled for this.
Stannis will always be the one true king of my heart
kek, bronn doesn't want to fight if he doesn't have to, if the price was good enough he would have fought the mountain
Hard to wear a crown when you don't have a head
and stannis wasn't even recognized for his war efforts during that fucking war, fuck robert he deserved everything that happened
holy shit is this pic real
Not much put for gold if you're dead
Which is another reason why he'd be a shitty fighter.
Stannis will turn that crown into a cock ring
your boy is dumb, bron would destroy him if they fought :)
Stannis - Bran - Tywin - Bronn - The Hound
Stannis keeps everyone in line, bran knows everything and with Brans magic Tywin is unstoppable.
>bronn wasn't sure he'd be able to even take the mountain and did state that hes afraid of him
>meanwhile oberyn made the mountain look like a retarded child who had never fought a day in his life
>Sansa hates Dany in the leaks
Is Jonsa back on the menu boys?
its cgi
>Game Of Thrones has had a whole bunch of musical guests over the years, whether they’re making physical cameos or just putting a new spin on “Rains Of Castamere” or whatever for the end credits
>HBO is going to sneak in at least one more special musical appearance, this time from The Weeknd, SZA, and Travis Scott. The site’s sources say that “Game Of Thrones asked The Weeknd to record the song for fans,” with The Weeknd then bringing SZA and Scott on board. That’s the only real information we have, but Pitchfork expects this song—whether it’s some new composition that is Thrones-related in some way or another new version of “Rains Of Castamere”—to be released “soon.”
It’s a new one
The only thing I want from the finale is an Arya nude scene lads.
He can't keep getting away with it
God how embarrassing must this be
There needs to be a true lies imagine being kit harrington pasta about this
How does this happen? Why didn't they cast someone taller?
yeah... he is jon fucking snow and can soak 95% of the panties in existence. im sure he's all broken up some freak of a woman stands taller than him
>Tfw only 1cm taller than Kit
>tfw when shorter than kit
>6'3 woman wearing heels
Be honest, there is literally no one in this thread who wouldn't be completely mogged standing next to ber
Hello, Kit
Never heard that one before
Jon Snow in the books isnt very tall, its mentioned that Stannis towers over him.
Why a general? The show aint started yet
It's guy's love that's all there is.
>dr who general
>jazz general
>found footage general
At least got is an actual tv show
its true though, he towers over ASR
That's not an achievement, ASR is only 5 feet tall
why does Emilia always go around kissing everyone
Jaime will be dead by episode 3 or 4 you dumbass
meryn fucking trant
Because all women are whores.
I'm 2m
demonic trips of truth
she is fucking stunning
What is she doing now ?
He was Prince of Dragonstone though and a part of the high counsel.
user pls, she is 4-11 absolute tops
What the fuck is with that filename
Anyone have the pic of her petting a horse while not so discretely positioning her tight arse for the camera? Its her hottest pic but she took it off instagram.
You're missing Brienne x Jaime in enlightenment tier
What's unclear?
>House and home
They are the same stuff, strategically perfect to defend.
>adventure pals
I just like the guys, gags would be neverending.
Pure and with values
Also hot, would be first choice (notice i put a post purification pic) but her former sins didn't allow that.
>Commander of army
Can call the most fearsome infantry in the whole world to help
A demi giant body with the mind of an omniscent shit, so it can comunicate effectively with the commander that feels the blood link.
Literally resurrection powers, plus plenty of other cool tricks.
Best archer of his village. One shot the brute equivalent of Legolas. One shot Jon, who is known as one of the best warriors around.
We know no king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark.
robert gave dragonstone to renly tho, stannis got a gloriefied pat on the back
Found it
i meant storms end, fucking castle names
Maario Naharis
where's the horse
I'm glad /got/ is back, lads. I haven't even watched the past 2 seasons but these threads deserve to be here.
This is the greatest OC scene from the show. The only thing dabid and dabid did right in their wanting to make OC.
I'm so sorry for you, I hope you're at least not ugly
I rewatched a few of the BobbyB scenes in youtube and god damn are they kino
>the scene between him and cersei where she asks if it was ever possible for them to love eachother
realistic medieval animal
Yes but Dragonstone always went to the Heir Apparent. What's Lord of Storms End compared to heir to the throne?
I love Stannis but a big flaw of his was thinking everyone hated him, he was always salty.
Lol then joff is born and stannis is no longer heir and has a shitty little rock for his accomplishments he got screwed badly
As well acted and written the scene is its kind of shitty because its DnDs way of making cersei more sympathetic because they hated Robert and Ned. Also almost all of Renlys lines in the first season arw OC and its not a coincidence that the writers use their pet favourite Renly to vouce their own negative opinions on Robert, Ned and Stannis. The Tywin amd Arya scenes are OC and just as kino but they dont twist character motivations like the Robert and Cersei scene.
just so you know, they were considering the guy who played ramsay. he's the same height as kit.
what? he didnt give storms end to stannis. he gave him dragonstone
he gave renly storms end
I don't think so. I fell for the yellow fever meme though, my gf is asian.
They've even kissed in the show yet. And the spoilers make their first on screen kiss unromantic. They won't end up together.
not him but what's so desiderable about storms end to trigger Stannis?
jonsa is the most hilarious pairing possible. like the characters thing is one thing, but kit is such a fucking shorty and sansa is such a tall bitch sex between them would be hilarious
pic related? or flat androginous shortie with broken teeth
They kissed during boatsex lad
Storms end is the baratheon ancestral castle and controls the stormlands, one of the seven kingdoms. Dragonstone is a shitty stormy little island with no resources, vassals or baratheon history behind it.
Dragonstone is a shitty little island with no resources and Strom's End was a giant mother fucking fortress with lands that could be taxed.
it was the seat of house baratheon for 300 years
nah her teeth are fine. she's korean, just a little bit taller than me. she doesn't have big tits like that girl, and her hair is longer. not androgynous, just normal
ahh i see
dragonstone seemed a cooler castle but i guess that's all it has
really tho, why did bobby give it to Renly, Stannis proved himself by defending it until the end while i guess Renly was busy getting sucked off by some twink
To show that Brutus was a fuckup even when he jumped universes.
Oh right, still, kiss after sex is still not romantic, it's secondary to the act. And that he then kisses her whit his eyes open, eyeing her dragons...yikes. Dany will lose one of her babies and her boyfriend.
Because Stanis only works as a military man and in peace time that is useless.
traditionally (for 300 years previously) the lord of dragonstone was the heir to the iron throne
in theory it meant stannis was next if anything were to happen to robert. in another theory it would seem robert should have shipped joffery away to dragonstone if that were the case
the first image i ever made that other people regularly use on Yea Forums
I thought he was that fellow from the Terror.
Nice use of the fire
Brutus did well in his third life
basically bobby? he never gave two shits about ruling
really sounded reasonable to give whatever big castle to Stannis, he was the only true warrior brother he had, surely more in common than with Renley, despite being boring
this makes all more complex
After the siege of storms end Robert sent Stannis to capture Dragonstone because thats where the mad king sent dany, viserys and their mom/his wife to hide. Before Stannis set sail they were already gone but Stannis got blamed for losing the targaryen children and dragonstone was roberts way of punishing stannis for it.
and languag too
tell me i used good language
Wrong. Stannis and Jon Arryn pretty much ran the seven kingdoms for Bobby and Dragonstone was very efficiently run as well.
I don't really know, it's been a long time since I've read the books. I think honestly, Bobby and Stannis just didn't like each other. I don't think it was meant as a direct insult or show of hatred, but Bobby just gave it to Renly because they liked each other a bit more and he didn't realize that it was a great insult to Stannis (personally and publicly).
But your post brings up a side point I'd like to talk about. First time reading the books I didn't even really get the references that told you that Renly was gay. Maybe it was just me being dumb, but basically it was all subtle references (or not so subtle like the that one about him "sinking his sword into that knight" line or whatever it was exactly). My point is, that's some more fucking bullshit that pisses me off about D&D. They turned Renly from an interesting character to just some faggot.
You did Gods work user the lord of light protect
You did good language
>tfw he sits on the Iron Throne
Based Jon thread. Ty OP
I always thought Bobby was fairly jealous of Stannis as Stannis was everything Robert wasnt: a capable ruler, in control of his desires and of a stronger moral fibre. Stannis is a living reminder of Bobbys failures and bobby does his damned best to close his eyes to anything that makes him feel bad.
I don't know about that. Maybe after he became King and became a depressed alcoholic haha could you imagine being that?, I could see what you said being true, but I think back in the day when they won the war and he was giving castles to people and setting up his rule, I don't think he was really jealous of Stannis. He was a great warrior and took pride in how strong and awesome he was.
None of the Baratheon brothers particularly like eachother but I dont think it was jealously. I think Bobbyb just fucked over Stannis more because Stannis refused to ever take any of Bobbybs shit while he knew Renly was too young/too much of a little bitch to ever really challenge him.
talk about being a bitch
well in the show the only good thing going for renly is that he married a tyrell and has the shekels from them, but that aside he's a twink faggot with no fighting skills and no moral
always seems like they find him just too serious, they respect him as a person but dont like him
overly serious people are actually quite annoying irl too, yeah you are doing good man but ease up a little
new Nan
Reminder Jon is Azor Ahai and his sword Lightbringer will be the sworn sword Jaime aka 'The Lord of Light'. aka. 'The Gold of Hand'.
Like Aegon the firsts one handed bastard brother being hand Jaime will also be this Aegons hand.
Lord and Light in Valyrian is near identical with a one letter difference to Gold and Hand.
shush away with you demon, away!
Jaime is a such a badass he has a religion inspired about him.
Living under a rock
when episodes available
when they air
We might get a form of Stark Bowl this season finally after the buildup. Jon apparently sides with Dany on the succession and Sansa hates her and probably will hate him even more
than she already does after she finds out a Targ gave away the North to another Targ.
Keep in your minds eye the fact that someone out there has actually sat down and typed this up, with the sole intention of a little bit of hope someone would think it has the potential to be mistaken as being genuine.
>"I'd hoped you had learned your lesson about overplaying your... position."
Based Jon Thread. Thank you, OP.
Based reply to OP. Thank you, user.
Can /ourguys/ pull it off?
>You can stick your Stannis meme up your bastard arse
>early seasons
>someone's acting against you
>plot and scheme in devilish ways against them
>late seasons
>someone's acting against you
>lmao just blow them all up
>be outsmarted
>resort to pure violence
Seems standard and logical.
He was 18 during filming I think
Cersei will most certainly lose her head in s8
GUYburn will slither out and become the QUEENS new head apothecary
So the actors all signed agreements where they would actually be hanged until death for the realism and then paramedics quickly revived them.
Craster inbred daughter
Her feet can even get some screen time
That’s actually really impressive. So was Kit really stabbed?
What does this feel like bros
I honestly hope Qyburn survives. He doesn’t care about the conflicts of the realm he just wants to do science.
>last scene of the show
>night king riding on sindragosa
>sam tells jon that they have only one dragonglass arrow left
>don't worry I know just the man
>cast her
Yunkai whore #359
take it back, don't talk shit about my waifu she is pure
First for the hooded man of Banefort.
>cast her
Yunkai whore #360
>nights watchmen giving a speech
>says lesser
>Stannis mutters to himself “fewer”
One of my favorite moments in the entire show.
>Was this the first truly embarrasing thing D&D added?
"M'Lord, the King is coming!"
"Quick, put the giant retard right in the front row!"
"Right away, m'Lord!"
>mel, did I ever tell you how much I hate blood magic, sorcery, your religion and especially you for practicing all those things, manipulating and then abandoning my king, burning his daughter alive and being responsible for the death of my son, to the point where I already tried to murder you once? Now, with all that said, could you please perform this almost never before seen miracle on this random dude I don't really know or care about and whom I met like two weeks ago? He was a good friend.
What did Davos mean by this?
I dont even like him ,that much but
Stannis' face in response to ,"hundreds will die" at 4:19 was priceless.
>Lol then joff is born and stannis is no longer heir and has a shitty little rock for his accomplishments he got screwed badly
Stannis doesn't even get Dragonstone, as Joffrey would receive it as his demesne once he was of age, as essentially a "practice kingdom" prior to becoming king himself.
Stannis literally got nothing from Robert.
>Bobby just gave it to Renly because they liked each other a bit more
Renly was just a little kid when Robert won the rebellion and granted him the Stormlands, which would have been under the administration of Cortnay Penrose until Renly came of age.
Maybe if Eddard has stuck around, he could have acted as a break on Robert's stupid behaviors because Jon Arryn simply let the guy do whatever the fuck he wanted and tried to fix it afterwards.
maybe you know also who gave him that uggo unbreeding wife with a fetish for collecting formalined abortions?
really, the guy had ZERO good things happening to him
>house Banefort of the Banefort
Lazy George
>I always thought Bobby was fairly jealous of Stannis
No, Robert was essentially a frat-bro jock and simply didn't like Stannis and didn't care that he was fucking him over.
I get the feeling robert simply didnt like Renly but for Stannis it was something deeper. I always thought it had to do with the fact that anything that reminds robert of his failures triggers his depression and he forcibly isolates himself from that (his brothers, his family, the kingdom and pretty much anything not pleasurable) and that Stannis being such a great ruler triggers roberts insecurities that he has over his own misrule (something he admits bothered him very much) having such a hyper competant younger sibling would have to trigger some one who is so insecure like Bobby.
you know nothing
If eddard or jon had become king every thing would have been better in general.
Robert screwed Stannis over and over again in general i always sensed there was something more to it than robert simply disliking stannis.
>maybe you know also who gave him that uggo unbreeding wife with a fetish for collecting formalined abortions?
That was probably Jon Arryn's doing, as he would have negotiated the marriage, seeing as Robert didn't give a damn about anything except fighting, fucking and drinking.
Because he wanted Young Griff to win the throne instead.
>>house Banefort of the Banefort
>Lazy George
This was pretty common back in oldy timey days.
"The village of Grantchester is listed in the 1086 Domesday Book as Grantesete and Grauntsethe. It is also mentioned briefly in book IV, chapter 19 of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People. John de Grauntsete, a lawyer who had a successful career as a judge in Ireland, was born in Grantchester, c.1270."
Ned and Jon aren't ruthless or cunning enough.
Robert did get wasted as fuck at stannis wedding and fucked stannis' wifes cousin on stannis' wedding bed.
Couldnt have done worse than bobby at least thered be no bastard civil war crisis and Ned wouldnt isolate and pit his brothers against each other out of spite
>worthless cumdump having room to complain that the literal undead horde is stopped
It was all about drawing attention away possible from Aegon by getting Robert to keep his focus on Viserys, whom Illyrio and Varys knew was a dumbass and thus not a real threat and even if he and Daenerys survived, they could be co-opted into supporting Aegon when the time came.
I think his skills could be used in the fight against the WW. After that, he can remain free but have serious oversight so he doesn't do some really fucked up shit.
>I get the feeling robert simply didnt like Renly
I don't think Robert had a problem with Renly until he got older and it became obvious he was a fag and even then, Robert didn't really care as Renly was still a chip-off-the-old-block and enjoyed partying and hunting and such.
Remember that in the books, Renly is pretty much a carbon copy of a young Robert; big, strong, handsome, charismatic, etc. The tv show fucked up by casting a twink as Renly because D&D are utterly incompetent, so to them gay = weak and feminine.
> Stannis being such a great ruler triggers roberts insecurities
Except nobody thought of Stannis as a great ruler, least of all Robert. Everybody recognizes Stannis as a stick-in-the-mud whose overly strict behavior only pisses off the people around him.
>gay = weak and feminine
Maybe not completly true, but all weak and feminine guys are gay. The opposite is debatable.
>If eddard or jon had become king every thing would have been better in general.
Only Robert could have successfully carried off the rebellion, as he had Targaryen blood and Jon Arryn could "market" this to the nobility of Westeros as not necessarily an overthrow but more of a change in administration.
Had Jon Arryn or Eddard Stark tried to seize the Iron Throne, all the nobility would have gone to war with each other to seize it themselves, which ended up happening after Robert died, as he set the stage by eliminating the Targaryens who had unified the continent.
naw he is described as looking like him but several inches shorter and much less muscular. he is also described as keeping his hair neatly groomed and no beard
Stannis ran the seven kingdoms alongside jon arryn, he was recognized as a good ruler by many characters its why Ned Stark backed him and why Tywin was the most afraid of Stannis in the war of five kings. The only ones who talk shit about stannis are characters whi they themselves are corrupt schemers such as littlefinger, varys and the tyrells.
>all weak and feminine guys are gay
lol no
I meant it in the sense that Ned or Jon would have been better rulers also Robert regrets taking the throne by the end and probably would have fought to put Ned on the throne if he had the hindsight back in the rebellion.
Why aren't you faggots watching the superior kino
t. weak and feminine
>Robert screwed Stannis over and over again in general i always sensed there was something more to it than robert simply disliking stannis.
I don't have any siblings myself but I know a guy whose sister took out a restraining order out on him, as she claimed he wanted to beat her up while he said she was looking to hire someone to beat him up (or maybe kill him) all over who would inherit the shitty house their dad left them after he died.
Stannis simply was an annoying person who rubbed everybody the wrong way and Robert being a dumb aggressive jock, didn't see or just didn't care how much of an insult it was in fucking over Stannis by granting him Dragonstone (until Robert's son came of age).
By the time they were older robert should have gave the stormlands to stannis as it was obvious renly was a massive retard and a yes man to Robert. Robert lashed out or ignored anything that triggered his inadequencies and Stannis seemed to do this the most frequent.
Yeah except Stannis served Robert faithfully and pretty much ran his kingdom for him and was a good brother yet robert kept fucking him over again and again. Its stated outright that Robert hates anything that triggers his inadequecies of a ruler and person and its easy to connect the dots as to why he dislikes Stannis so much. On a personal level i do have one brother and we very much have a Robert/Stannis type relationship yet he's always there to talk and i'd never think of fucking him over so hard simply because we dont connect that well, it ran deeper than simply personal dislike between robert and stannis.
What's the obsession with height? There's nothing embarrassing about anything in that webm.
t. coping manlet
Its a running trend on Yea Forums lurk moar and youll see plenty of heightposting
Catelyn literally stops in her tracks when she first meets Renly at Bitterbridge, as he looks just like Robert did back in the day.
>seething because a fictional character didn't get a fictional castle
Yikes. Have sex
Not that user but the other guy and you are both right. Renly does look like a young Robert like you said but is overall a less impressive version like the other guy said.
and he also wore flamboyant costumes
>Stannis ran the seven kingdoms alongside jon arryn
Those "in the know" knew this but for everybody else, King Robert was calling the shots and they laughed at Stannis behind his back for trying to pull shit like banning whores.
>By the time they were older robert should have gave the stormlands to stannis
Too late by then, even if Robert had suddenly given a shit.
Been around since 2011, it's only that I like to sometimes point out what someone without the brain damage that is Yea Forums would think about something. Did it start with RDJ's shoes or does it predate them?
She's ugly
>Robert hates anything that triggers his inadequecies
Robert was ragging on Stannis even when they were kids.
Mostly everyone but the lowest lords and peasents would have known that Stannis and Jon ran the kingdoms instead of Robert who was only at a handful of small council meetings his whole reign. In real life it has always been well documented when rulers are not entirely in command of their own realm as was the case of Edward IVths first reign who was also one of the inspirations of robert. Its telling that corrupt schemers hate stannis yet honest characters such as ned, jon and davos have nothing but admiration for Stannis. Are you that guy who made two anti-stannis threads last week and got utterly btfo because im getting the same vibes from you.
Magic penis
they asked her if she dated white boys
If stannis is so good and holier than thou than why didn't he warn ned of the lannisters incest and how come he sacrificed his daughter to stop some snow?
>Mostly everyone but the lowest lords and peasents would have known that Stannis and Jon ran the kingdoms instead of Robert
No they wouldn't, most everyone stayed in their own demesne and dealt with their own issues and it's not like there were newspaper and other media to keep people up to date on the latest happenings in Kingslanding.
Sure, word would have gotten around to high nobility like Tywin, the Tyrells and such but even then, most would have seen it as just shit talk'n.
this dude was the best guy to play the mountain in the show, looks downright menacing, what doesn't happen with the current mountain, who looks like a nice guy trying to play hard, even if he is big as fuck
>ditched got to play the villain in the hobbit
>gets replaced in the movie by cg shit
>watches got become the number 1 tv show in the world from the sidelines
Stannis doesnt mention robert tormenting him relentlessly or anything like that. Nothing was there to explain the extremely insulting treatment stannis got from robert as time went on, you just need to connect the dots from thr very factual and stated trait that robert ignores and hates anything that makes him face his inadequencies and stannis as a human who is the embodiment of everything robert should have been.
he talks a bit about what happened
I was a fookin legend
>robert ignores and hates anything that makes him face his inadequencies
Prior to winning the rebellion, becoming king, marrying Cersei and having kids, Robert wouldn't have felt that he had ANY inadequacies.
Until then, life was a never ending party for Robert.
Stannis was spending the entirety of the first season/book building up his power over the inevitable power struggle coming up but i do agree it wasnt a good choice not to include ned but stannis didnt think robert would have believed him and it doesnt erase the fact dragonstone and its surrounding islands were well ruled by stannis as well as the seven kingdoms during roberts lazy neglect
Don't forget getting his face chopped off in Spartacus.
Nobles have spies everywhere user especially in the royal capital, throughout history its well documented when the king is a massive chump like the historical example i gave in edward the ivth who was partially and inspiration for robert along with henry the ivth who as well was well known for nobles conspiring against him because of his political weaknesses.
New thread
fucking based populares poster