All the zoomers who grew up on boogie298, pewdiepie...

>all the zoomers who grew up on boogie298, pewdiepie, and philip defranco are now here stinking up Yea Forums with battle alita and found footage generals, joker spamming, twitter SJW spamming and entry level opinions about kino

I miss the old Yea Forums where its IQ was about 10 points higher

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Zoomerism will be the death of humanity

>alita stinking anything up
i think the issue lies elsewhere

Bane was the greatest meme Yea Forums ever made nothing will ever be better anyone that disagrees is a faggot

The fuck are you talking about?


>battle alita
Alita: Battle Angel is a great film and Battle Angel Alita is an even greater manga but /alita/ is fucking cancer full of nanefags fanficshit, shipfags and waifufags, at least it contains their faggotry and doesn't stink up the place like marvel fags and marvel baiters

yag was underrated tho

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>back in my day
Welcome to being old.


wow, are you so new that this is your first experience with the cancer that is generals?

I don't watch tv series so I avoid generals
I haven't watched starwars so I avoided these generals
Alita was a film I really enjoyed and took part in the general before nanefag and fanfic fags took over
Also I'm from /g/

I mean nuwars

old tv sucked ass just as it does now, someones just mad bane is not spammed as much

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Every generation in history has said a similar statement, and everything is just fine

mother fucker im starving

I remember Yea Forums circa 2014 (?) had a lot of feet that weren't deleted by jannies and a lot of bane
Honestly if you remove the marvel threads or at least allow a maximum of 4 marvel threads is fine

they should ban all the marvel threads and stop deleting cunny

No worse than the gaian invasions. If you weren't here for the Gaia vs Yea Forums wars then you shouldn't even be talking.

I knew Yea Forums back then but I didn't visit because I was afraid I would end up in a police watch list
Too late for that now ;_;

Problem Child 2

>Old tv

>Newfag detected

This meme is good but it doesn't work because it's anti-reddit by format and Yea Forums is reddit central

Blame the janitor and mod that allow them to do it

unironically based post
look at all the seething incels ITT

Mmmm tasty pidser


No every single generation was right. We've been on a downward spiral since the Roman Empire fell.

Extremely accurate and based.

People were bitching about how much better things were before even when the Roman Empire was quantifiably on the rise.

“Man the current year sucks” is based in leaving childhood. It is only ever accurate in the sense that being young is better than being old.

philip de franco is a whole generation behind pewdiepie and no one who watched him was a zoomer

>hating Alita
ur dum

Why are twitter cap threads allowed when they're about capeshit from disney or wb?


Tv has been shit since the dark night rises


Something has to pay the server costs since everyone has ublock origin installed and nobody clicks the ads

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Yea Forums has always been an autism containment board, just before (2006) there was something other than wall-to-wall autism.

I’d posit that there is the same amount of non-autism as there has always been, but it’s impossible to see through the ocean of autistic sewage.

Fuck off pablo/tranny

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Grew up on? Nigger I am 36 years old.

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>not mentioning sneed posters


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Also fun fact, I wasn't anywhere near 30 when I got here, and all of you under 30 won't exactly "grow out" of posting here after 30.

the Greeks and romans sodomized young boys on the regular so they wouldn’t think “man, times were so much better when I had old man dick in my ass”

Literally twice my age

You realize you’re confessing to watching eceleb garbage as a middle aged man, right?

Yea Forums was always retareed newfag.

That looks like a good 'za

Listen faggot, you lured me in the with the picture so is this a cheese pizza thread or not because if not then im out


OP is an obvious newfag. This place has always been zoomer central.

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums's autistic little brother.


No, I just read the manga years ago and then enjoyed the movie

Nope. It's different now. You will never understand.

I wish this wasn't true. 31, been here about 10 years

>all of the people claiming they are oldfags
i bet none of you children know alita generals were a staple since 2010

Am I just too boomer to understand why there's unironical reylo/alita generals, or is it a marketing campaign? It can't be the former because not a single post in them looks natural or even fitting for this place

Alita was a great film and boomer core, trust me you will love it, it's old Cameron kino only directed by Rodriguez which makes it even more unique and special
The alita general is unfortunately faggotry now
Check out the manga too, I'm not even reading manga but battle angel alita is boomer and great

Congrats my friend.

>hating Alita
Nice try, Jerome

The /alita/ generals were pretty good until the last 50 or so. The namefaggotry/soc tier stuff has gotten a bit cringey of late.

Found footage is horror for faggots

This is the end of all that though. Nobody has questioned it as much as the zoomers have and it means we are entering the end of days.

How do we kill the zoomers? I want them gone.

No other generation grew up with social media.

>not a zoomer
>not a boomer either
Alita was actually the best movie I've seen as an adult. Be healed my friend :)

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This statement is true excluding the last century where things really did change for some reason, probably the world wars, globalization, rapid advance in technology, resource abundance and mass media all happening in parallel and humanity not being able to adapt well enough to the rapid change. Think about it, this is the first century in our entire history that's devoid of any great men and where the reproductive strategy of females has effectively shifted to promoting mediocrity and males not taking themselves seriously over the reproductive strategy of the past that valued the strong desire for power and order over the weaker males who did nothing. In fact, "toxic masculinity" is now being painted as a negative trait and macho culture is on a strong decline.

This is also the very first century (or several decades rather) where loyalty has been drastically numbed all over the world and people are no longer loyal to anything - be it their nation, their employer, or even their relationships. As a result of that, social connectivity is drastically eroding and people are either straight up shutting themselves away from social interactions or limiting their interactions to just the workplace and a chat service of some sort, which is something not seen in such levels so far in our history. Then come things like an all-time high of atheism and people refusing to adopt any religion, all-time high of suicides per capita, people being more hedonistic and uncaring for long-term investment than any historical sample of societies so far, and so on.

It's definitely different this time.

I'll further this more. Every generation has heard this yes, and it seems to be wrong because it gets repeated again and again. But it isn't wrong. Each generation had to work and try to be better to prove these sentiments wrong, though less and less of each generation took up this task. The zoomers are close to, if not, the end of this degenerative process. Not enough of the youth are listening to the past generations and worrying about not being good enough replace them. Soon they simply won't be.

bring back megan threads

pewds is based and Im a boomer


Keep crying bitch nigga

I just want capeshit and starwars (scyfy capeshit) to have its own fucking board. I can tolerate the game of thrones and Dr who autism because they are usually contained in their autism generals but starfags and capeshit fills this fucking board.

zoomers don't even know what it's like to have a bowl-cut unironically.

they must be stopped.

Probably stinky, mouldy toes

Not that guy but I just realized I'm twice as old as someone legally able to post here now. Jesus Christ.

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You are either a boomer or a zoomer or a LITERAL boomer there is no middle ground in the meme wars friend.

You're as old as my dad when my younger brother was born

You're also 36? Jeez there are a lot more 30 somethings in here then I realized. I've been here since mid 20s

I have no stakes in this meme war, nor do I partake in it. I just have fun and shitpost. Be healed friend.

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Wtf why are there so many old people here

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32 here. Kill all zoomers.

Yea Forums has been around for like 14 years now, of course anons age. Most of the dudes who were 18 or 20 are now in their 30s.

>thinks 32 is old

lord to be this carefree again

A Marvel thread died for this.

>this generation was worse than th last is just a fallacy for faggoty old people
Most generations don't have technological advances that change the entire basis of how people interact and relax. When the generation of people who grew up without television phones or radios thought the next generation was a bunch of brainwashed pussy boys they were probably at least somewhat correct in comparison to an age that grew up during rougher times. Now you are dealing with a generational gap of people who grew up preinternet and mobile phones/on demand access to entertainment etc etc etc. Zoomers grew up with more media propaganda and other bullshit attempting to manipulate their opinions rather than formulating their own. Never before have individuals had access to being able to spend their entire life in an echo chamber while being able to repress anything they disagree with.

And that's a good thing!

capeniggers are the real issue

I remember oldfags on Yea Forums saying that rage face comics would be the death of Yea Forums over a decade ago, and yet here we are

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I'm 32 and hate YouTube. It's not my fault I was born stupid

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cause you're still the same person past 30

Honestly its one of the only places left where you can still call people faggots and speak any way you want without repercussions, how the internet used to be. It won't be that much longer till that's gone as well. I just like to shitpost while I work.

fortunately there's tons of other chans out there that would thrive if Yea Forums died
not speaking of cripplechan

>my state is pushing legislation to make 26 the legal voting age
Just fucking kill me.

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Yea Forums pre BANE BANE garbage was comfier. After that stupid shit the redditors flooded in


Just call their favorite movies "mcdonalds arthouse" it's the new fedoracore and a good amount of them will fuck off


This would only work if they capped it at 67. Senile old fucks are destroying the country so they can get their paltry social security checks

Captain Marvel posting made the board absolutely shit the worst levels of twitter screencap posting and fake seething incels going back and forth trying to stir shit up and false flagging every day in threads

Meant sixteen.

>tfw born in late 90's
>not a '90's kid'
>not a zoomer either
there's no place i belong, litterally the worst time to be born

We found out who was behind all that shit and 99% of the capehsit spam on Yea Forums and the mods text filtered it
this board is literally sponsored by warner and disney

Meant sixteen, so apparently you would be old enough to vote but not old enough to be able to be considered an adult.

what are you talking about the same /pol/, bots and shills are still trying to stir shit up with the Joker trailer

look at the state of threads like this

late 90s too. I feel your pain, fren

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>Late 90's
>Not a zoomer

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It genuinely isn't /pol/
They spam both boards in hopes of keeping capeshit wars going on Yea Forums. ginger filtered their twitter accounts so you get spam/banned when you post it

Me too user
>Zoomers think we're boomers
>Boomers think we're zoomers
you can't fucking win

but it's also promoting neetbux for everyone

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Literally the first zoomers

You're a zoomer you fucking zoomer.

i didn’t grow up with
>tik tok
>tide pods
>spider-man homecoming
so I don’t consider myself a zoomer

I don't know, that seems like a pretty big post user.

Do you have any regrets now?
Was it really worth stopping Yea Forums from discussing the dark knight rises on Yea Forums?

It doesn't matter what you consider yourself. You were a small child when smartphones became a thing. You are a zoomer.

What are up with these Facebook groups that mimic Yea Forums? Why not just come here?

Born in 83 here so we lumped in with the millennial tag back when that was being thrown around as the fresh insult until we moved on to boomer zoomer which sucked as being on the tip of the start of a generation means you don't share a lot of the same ideals or experiences as the rest of that generation. I had more of a genx up bringing than a millennial one. Tldr feel our pain zoomer.

Assuming you were born in 97 to 99, you arent even allowed to drink yet. Anybody who was below high school age when Instagram launched and grew up with MCU is officially a zoomer.

People your age grew up with Justine gayber, icrappy, Johnny test, Bayformers, Minecraft, etc. so you're definitely Early Zoomers.

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>not allowed to drink yet
excuse me but what fucking country are you from?

Well you were 6-13 during the early millennial childhood era here, do those resonate?

Anyone else remember when this was a slow board like Yea Forums and Yea Forums shitposting was trying to out intellectualhipster each other by name dropping Tarkovsky, Bergman or the most obscure foreign art house directors or am I too old

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Now on social media you've got Early Zoomers posting childhood nostalgia for the 2007-2012 era. This feels really weird, 2007-2012 used to be widely considered the "downfall into shit era".

It's all over, the Zoomers took over and raped everything.

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Fuck you

There's contradictory things on this infographic you made. I was born late 90's, but I remember 9/11.

Zoomer zoom zoom

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You were 2-4 on 9/11. Nobody remembers being that age that well.

Remember when Yea Forums used to stream shows with each other and every popular show pretty much had its own weekly general dedicated to discussing/watching the show live with each other ? The heck happened to those? Its like they all disappeared at once. It’s all capeshit and politics now.

zoomers happened

Boomers were the beginning of the end, gen x millennials and zoomers continue the descent

For older folks like me who grew up in the 90s. I can tell you are dead wrong. Commercials and everything was better in that era. No sjw bullshit.

I was 5
That's definately not me then, cause I was born in 96. Guess that makes me a Millenial... dammit

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you can mindlessly label all you want but i could never just play fortnite and pokemon go and shit. And at the same time i'm not old enough to reminisce about the good old days of the ps2. I'm stuck between generations and have no one to relate to
You can remember bits and pieces, i remember when i once vomited in my bed or that faggot raphael who wouldn't let anyone on the tobogan

I miss when people didn't need the dopamine rush of yous and likes and just wanted to talk.

>it's a zoomer or third worlder posts a capeshit thread

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Basically both the gen x and early millennial apply to my upbringing. Literally everything on the left was my childhood, While the right was middle school. Most sites consider to be 79-81 the cutoff for gen x while only a few go as far as 83.

Unless that was before this board got fagged up by shit like lost threads those posts were a minority even then. We still have them now but its most ironic shit posting instead of actual dick measuring.

>being this much of a faggot

Holy shit, kys.

Why won't they fuck off?

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>I miss the old Yea Forums where its IQ was about 10 points higher
80 isn't much higher than 70.

I'm in my late 30's and having more fun now than I did in my teens getting girls to send nudes over ICQ.

Millennials are 1983-1996. I'm 1990-born. I'm kinda iffy about having post-1996 kids be in the gen because they would at best be only 4 years old when 9/11 happened, although I'm sure they would have slight memories of Gulf War II.

I'd say 1987-1992 is the core of Millennials; 1982-1986 it really depends on personality whether you're X or Y, 1993-1996 are Late Millennials. 1990 is DEFINITELY Millennial no argument. Not that I'm proud of my "Millennial-hood".

Generations by year groupings are all bullshit.

This still happens with shows like the terror and faggot shit like game of thrones. Honestly lost threads were cancer. There's just not a whole lot of tv everyone's watching any more as a collective.

Gen Z has effectively destroyed this board.

It's all capeshit and "Look at this tweet" now.

Agreed, thirties have been pretty great.

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I miss slow Yea Forums

There was a lot of thirsty anons gushing over actresses feet, but also many great discussion threads

I mean I can kinda see it. The names are kinda dumb but the era splits feel real.

>made 200 dollars in tips in 2 hours while shit posting on a Mongolian goat milking enthusiast forum
Sometimes I love this job.

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Using major historical milestones (Berlin Wall, 9/11, Obama) tends to work best, but some people are more aware of current events at younger ages than others.



I miss endless matrix discussions
>inb4 there were 4-5 last month anyways

Yeah that's true.

But what I was getting at was like, for example, the popular TV shows, movies, and video games coming out post-2005 had a rather different vibe from the pre-2005 ones. I couldn't put this era change into words for a while, but then I learned about concepts like Millennials and Zoomers and I was like "Oh shit now it all makes sense".

>t-this time for sure though!

>claims to be oldfag
>posts delicious cheese pizza.

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Its pretty fucking redundant now. Its always the same opinions. We have had this discussion before and we are exceedingly retarded at it.

>that winter where everyone larped as Driver
The board is shit now but we've had some good times lads.

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>I miss when Yea Forums was about kino
>therefore I will post the most facebook attention seeking blogpost I can think of


The Alita guys actually have a janitor on payroll, I guess they gave him a raise but if you even go slightly off topic or troll in their little safe space he will start spamming reports to the mod who will eventually ban you just to get him to shut the fuck up

They don’t need a pocket janny, they’re autistic enough to report spam and there’s an auto delete/warn at a certain threshold.

Which is something more people need to abuse so they’ll get rid of it.

No shit
it's the same people behind /reylo/
>there’s an auto delete/warn at a certain threshold
There is no such thing like on the site and never has been. Even the whole meme "enough illegal content reports make it auto delete" thing isn't true

Its worth sticking around for the occasional kernel of gold threads, Yea Forums's always been that way.

We live in a society
Alita is best waifu
What is moot?

Born in 82 here, still considered a millennial by people over 40 but gen-x by a few. It's weird to think we're not even really gen-x'ers because they were young adults / late teens in the 90s.

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Boomer here. I actually prefer the zoomer boomer as millennial was broad people that were millennial were using it as an insult while fucking being one. Zoomer boomer is far more specific generational wise.

Well, which era(s) here resonated most with your childhood?



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30s have been fucking great, but I wonder if its because we bought into the lie that being in your 30s sucked ass in our youth (so it was a surprise when they weren't that bad) I guess it does suck for people going bald/fat or have done a bad job at maintaining their health.

And of course having a few random friends die of those rare genetic cancers that appear in late 20s/early 30s sucked.

Mostly the early Gen Y, but very familiar with the late Gen-X. The image really doesn't take into account all the late gen-X stuff stayed in syndication FOR A LONG ASS TIME.

Why is Yea Forums allowed to post whatever they want here

Bane was/still is lame as fuck and I've been here since 2012. Every shit-tier Yea Forums meme was inspired/regurgitated by it: The sneedfags, robert, crab legs, bang's root beer, couples only theater, etc.

Tl;dr - Yea Forums never had a good meme

I wish Yea Forums would get back to intelligently discussing cinema instead of stuffing it with reddt-tier 'dat boi" memes.

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Oregon Trail was also installed on most school Apples and pcs for around a decade, so anyone who attended elementary school from around 1986-2000 experienced it in some form, especially if they were from a shitty school district. People don't realize today how slow technical turnaround was, and that education was poorly funded even back then.

Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the most obsessed with finding epic news memes on here

cameroncucks have been around long before alita though

Shut the fuck up boomers.
Civiliation has gotten so perfect that people are intentionally finding shit to get upset at. Everything is fine, people will still be retards, and old people will forever be wrong about the next generation. That is just how society progresses.
Can't wait for you old fucks to die.

what's with that alita general anyway? Why would you make a general over a single movie? Just seems weird to have a general over a movie that came out months ago. Should probably just move it to /trash/ along with all the other off season generals too.


They also made a few spin-offs, including Yukon trail and Amazon trail(the latter being nearly impossible to win because you would get bit by a poisonous snake 2 minutes into the game

why is there so much garbage up today thats usually deleted instantly any other time?

Go ride your hoverboard, faggot.

Yah, I remember when Yea Forumsused to be good too.

I will, and have fun with it. While you guys are all dying in retirement homes I'm going to be enjoying the future that YOU fags didn't contribute to.
Please remember that when boomers die, someone is celebrating their death.

5G is going to turn your brain to mush, so you'll be in a retirement home right along with me future boy

Nah. Also when we're old you'll be old too. You'll only be remembered as the fags with pink mohawks that everybody laughed at.

You'll be remembered as the fags who couldn't dare handle anything newer than the year 2000

You're off your schizo meds. You won't need them when you die from elder abuse grandpa.

kek this is one angry little flosser. the adults are talking, sweaty.

PLEASE have sex

I've been here the last 5, 6 years. Yea Forums was never a place with kino opinions or real debate. Its always been shitposting, so it gets what it deserves. Gets fucked in the ass by the Zeitgeist.

>i got here when bane caner was big so it was always bad

newfag scum fuck off

yag sbarro :)

Yea Forums was good until December 12, 2011.

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boomer fucks like you deserve to get raped FAGGOT

yep 30s is the best yrs of our lives objectively, if you fucks are in your 30s and miserable you're fucking up. this is it. all downhill after this.

zoomer tears are delicious

we know everything you know and then some and you can never change that, sweaty.


Fuck that noise, who Millennial Master Race here?

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Aren't millennials now called boomers on here

Go back to Wrinkly-face-book dot com lol

That's all I hear from you.

Is that an offer? I love older women

>I miss the old Yea Forums where its IQ was about 10 points higher
Oh, you mean the baneposting years

Yeah man, I sure loved constant cunny threads and the checking of the doubles.
Yea Forums was never good.
Also, check em.

He's talking about pre-baneposting newfaggot

I just want /Alita/ to be over with. I can't stand those weeb pedos. It'd be done deferent if their thread wasn't complete shit and they didn't cry to mom every time there's a post they don't like.

>everything is just fine

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this place has always sucked

see: all replies to this thread above this line


just let it die already

fuck off. Captain Marvel was kino and by far the best MCU movie so far.

This argument is the dumbest shit ever.
>"Look, this ancient Greek said the world was going to shit, see?? Nothing's changed."
For him, his world -was- going to shit. His civilization fell to Rome.
>"This ancient Roman said the world was going to shit, see?? But the world hasn't ended!"
His sure as hell did, Rome was falling. Rome is fallen.

I do think it's likely that each generation is dissatisfied, but you can't ignore the truth that a culture can decay, rot from the inside. Just because we have technological conveniences doesn't mean we live better lives. They're just easier lives. An easy life isn't a good life. It's not that simple to make someone feel happy or alive. A human needs meaning, struggle, triumph.

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>remembers being on Yea Forums during the endless spam from that Abatap faggot

Nope, I rather not go back.

Hey I'm a early zoomer just turned 20 but holy fuck other zoomer have the worst sense of humor they just copy whatever gets big and run it into the fucking ground

FB turns you into an addict for recognition. Posting anonymously to get (you)'s just doesn't trigger their reward centers hard enough.

I don't understand why but alita threads piss me off so much, they're clearly on the wrong board or website altogether

reddit and /pol/ since 2016 but Yea Forums was a heading toward today current condition pre 2016

Zoomers are more insect-like than Asians.

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in alitas case its extra creepy because theyre literal pedophiles. i dont know why the generals are so damn low iq

They freak out if you say anything remotely bad about their sex robot. And why the fuck do they post so much? It's a non stop stream of pointless posts