Halfway through s1, when the fuck does it get good

Halfway through s1, when the fuck does it get good

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Unironically season 2. The reason why people tell you to watch S1 is the same as TNG. You are missing tons of context and setup for the later seasons.

just watch it for smg x

you had to be there

angel was better

Don't watch the HD remaster. It looks like shit.

2 is much better than one though the series as a whole is eh, it's the characters you watch it for really

best episodes are the body swap, The Gentleman, The musical and one or two others

I see

I don't mind the outdated makeup and effects

Yeah, I saw the comparisons

When they introduce Spike, early season 2

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you might be a homosexual my dude

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Season 2 is when it starts getting good, Season 3 is peak.
But nothing besides S3 and a few episodes here and there ever comes close to Angel spinoff series imo.

God she's so cute with some fat, why did she have to lose it?

It's very close for me, both are among my top 10 favorite shows. Angel is more sophisticated and has better character development, but Buffy is funnier, comfier and more rewatchable. I'd say overall I prefer Buffy by just a hair. Oh and season 5 was the peak imo

Well, honestly I have no problem with watching prime Sarah Michelle Gellar in early 2000s outfits for hours on end.

I honestly found Angel more comfier and that took me off-guard when I realized it recently. I even think they have a stronger family dynamic than Buffy


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>I even think they have a stronger family dynamic than Buffy
Oh I definitely agree with that, also their dynamic feels more organic and natural compared to the Scooby Gang. However I think Buffy herself is a stronger protagonist than Angel is. Also there's just something about BTVS... I dunno, maybe it's simply more nostalgic for me?

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I will discover time travel just so that I may go back and fuck prime Gellar

You'd have to discover a drug that makes successful actresses irresistably attracted to repulsive weirdos first

How long until we have real life Buffybots bros?

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that cabinet seems very inconveniently placed

End of s1 and onwards. Then again I also liked s1 thanks to how comfy it is, even though the MOTW storylines are retarded.

He tried to bar the doors with it not realizing they open the other way lmao, in the episode he does a love spell that goes wrong and makes every girl in Sunnydale want his dick

I can't tell if this show was so good due to actual quality, nostalgia or the late 90's being a better time.

Nostalgia. The answer usually is nostalgia.

A combination of all three most likely. Mid 90s to mid 00s was literally and factually the peak of the medium we call television. Buffy, Angel, Sopranos, X-Files, Farscape, Hercules, Xena, Homicide: Life on the Street, Sports Night, etc

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It's actually good. Introduced it to some people lately who has never seen it and they enjoyed it as much as I did back then.

>Mid 90s to mid 00s
if that includes 2005 then add Supernatural in

FUCK NO, Television and Film have only gotten better with age as more innovation and technology has increased and shows have been able to do larger scaled storylines and create more interesting worlds.

Season 2.

aw come on season 1 is fun


Around S2 Buffy beomes a uber bitch who thinks she is the centre of the universe and it gets awful

The other characters are nice, byt skip the buffy scenes

it's like star trek discovery. in the next generation, the cameras would barely move. it was so slow. but now, with new technology, the cameras don't ever stop moving! things are better now, because i feel sick! every interaction is a new hell!

Absolute pleb opinion. Modern TV dramas pale in comparison to what was put out in the 2000s. Every single one is a bad knockoff of shows like The Wire, Rome, Sopranos, Twin Peaks, Dead Like Me, Strangers With Candy, TV shows were far better back then. Not mention the shows from back then weren't filled with racial quotas and anvil-on-the-head propaganda.

The people who think were are currently in the golden age of TV should be gassed for being so fucking tasteless

buffy's the best character wtf learn to empathise with her situation

The scene where she pretends to be the bot to shit test Spike is unironically better romance than the entirety of the Buffy/Angel shit was.

welll Buffy/Angel is the very definition of a gradeschool idea and romanticism of love so yeah

I tried to, I really tried to, but she is SO FUCKING ANOYING, talking back to Giles, thinking the life of the Scooby Gang members orbits around her, she is really annoying, I really hate her

She's the chosen one, who probably won't live to see her 21st birthday and forced to fight evil for the rest of her short life. If anyone has the right to be a bitch it's her. Her friends Willow and Xander are far worse, Buffy had to kill her boyfriend to save the world and when she comes back to Sunnydale all they can do is give her shit because she "wasn't there for them" over the summer. Fuck them

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In hindsight I think that was the point. Didn't realize it when I was small but their sex and Angel's consecutive turn to evil is basically a giant fucking metaphor for a pump-and-dump one righter. It was never meant to be anything but the incorrect one.

Buffy-Spike and Angel-Cordelia are OTP.

user, don't spoil it for OP


>Willow's face when Buffy gets to the part about Heaven


Nerdy Willow is best girl though

Based Willow taking the bitch out of Heaven to suffer more in real life. Hope Buffy ends her days all alone and miserable, with no one around to hear her bitching

I really don't know why I hate her so much. I know this is stupid and irrational, but I really hate Buffy for some reason. I don't understand, I like the other characters as well, it's not a Stacy hating thing, I always liked Cordellia, even in season 1. But I honestly hate Buffy with a passion, and how the show treats her like she is the sun. After halfway of Season 2 the only time I was on Buffy's side was during the whole Potentials thing, because they managed to even be somehow more of cunts than Buffy

And I also don't understand how Spike could have left Based Drusilla for Buffy
>inb4 muh cucking
They had an open relationship and he could have easily conquered her back

Buffy once had the best teleportation visual effect in all of television's history. In my opinion, of course.


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i forgot this scene nice, i thought you meant the storm-like effect that Anya said wasn't teleportation

They didn't have an open relationship, Drusilla was just a turboslut. Spike clearly didn't like her being with other men.

>Buffy loses her virginity to Angel
>turns him into the most evil vampire ever, pretty traumatic event
>more than a year passes, Buffy goes to college
>has sex for the second time, this time a one night stand with Parker
>alpha chad dumps her in the norning, possibly a traumatic experience as well
>some time later, Buffy gets a boyfriend, Riley
>time to consumate the relationship
>montage of they undressing and getting ready for sex, with Buffy with her smug face, acting like she is a sex goddess or some shit


wew, i'd forgotten how hot dark willow was

No it's that. The subtlety of it implying the sheer power difference between Willow and Buffy. The fact that you, the audience, don't notice it until it's already too late. She pontificates to draw attention from what she's doing. It's great.

i have to rewatch Buffy. I did last year but I stalled around season 3. The rewatch will probably wait until 2020 though because I need to rewatch Supernatural before the final season first.

I rewatched it for its 20th anniversary, and was surprised by how much my tastes have changed. I used to look down on the later seasons but season 5 is now my favorite, and season 6 is so much better than I remember. Season 7... still as disappointing as I remember. Caleb is great though

>Buffy and Spike

It doesn't

>name is Buffy
>Whedon casts Sarah Michelle Gellar: a nudist

two nudists

@_smoking wucks

Never cared about these shows. I always associated it with Star trek faggots and thought Joss whedon was a hack

Angel was wholesome.


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Buffy is better than Sopranos and everything supposedly groundbreaking they did Buffy did first and it annoys me greatly the later is still praised to this day and the former has been kind of tossed to the wayside.

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She was a nudist in the 90s

Based Cordy. She really outgrew Buffy, in every sense of the word

The two shows aren't even comparable, and the only reason Buffy is shit on is because Joss won't stop doing embarrassing shit like creating his own PAC to stop Trump.

Cordy was the worst character on Angel and that haircut she got in season 2 made her look like she was 40 years old

Buffy is still credited as one of the most seminal genre shows though. A lot of new shows today still reference Buffy

I compare them because they're both from the same time period and are both seen as the beginnings of the "golden age of tv".

Go fuck yourself

The golden age of TV is 1990-2007, fact!

Cordy was the backbone of Angel's Investigations. The moment she left everything turned to the worse. She literally had to come down from the higher realms to remind Angel to not get swept up in Wolfram&Hart. And to show him one last vision, which kicks off the final act of the show.

Fred did the "heart of the team" shtick better than Cordelia did. I liked Cordy on Buffy but on Angel she just got on my nerves. When she got possessed and fell into a coma I was honestly glad

Her smile is so goofy

Fred was never the heard. She was the brains, like Wes.

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a nudist played a girl named Buffy lol

This. you're 20 years late zoomy.

The bug lady was pretty hot by the way

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Not really true, buffy is one of my favourite shows and I watched it recently.

Nah, she was the real heart of the group. Cordy's entire arc was terrible, in Buffy she was set up as the foil to Buffy and in Angel she was just... this secretary cunt who tried to turn everything into a joke. When she got superpowers in season 3 it was pure cringe. Her floating with her eyes glowing like a fucking Goa'uld, what were they thinking?

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Buffy is one of the most important and influential tv shows ever made. Its always great even when its bad.

I'm 30.

based and angelpilled

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This lol.


Sarah was a nudist back then

Buffy who?


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>It's a Spike is getting relationship advice from Joyce episode about Dru
>It's a Spike tries to kill himself episode
>It's a Spike is enjoying his soap opera's episode

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Angelus was fun as fuck but Angel is best away from Buffy with people shitting on him for his stoic hero in the night shit
I spat out my drink when
>I don't dance
Also David is very pretty

Xander's episode of him being out of the loop and group as they faced an apocalypse was comedy gold
>when he walks in on Buffy and Angel's super generic drama
This show is funnier than I remember

around season 4

The best part of that episode was the very end when Cordy tries to bully him and he just stonewalls her and walks off smiling.

He grew up.

Buffy's problem is that so many people ripped it off combined with the fact that Whedon was perceived to have lost his edge.
In reality, Whedon losing his edge was just the result of him not having people with equal or greater creative control over his projects

many tried to rip it off and failed, unless those that took notes from Buffy established its own identity to stand by itself later on.

Burger joint was double meat palace.
Third season is probably the peak because it hit so many buttons when it comes to pop culture tropes, high school drama and parody of that. 5th and 6th season main villains and even stories might be worse than 2nd, 3rd and 4th seasons, but all the other stuff. On later seasons Buffy starts to pretty close to actual horror in addition to being parody of it.

so when does Angel get good? I bought the boxset yeeeeears ago after hearing so many people rave, but immediately found it tiresome and a chore to get through. Felt like a forced ratings grab. I don't remember how far I made it before I just sort of... stopped watching.

What did we do to deserve going from Babylon 5 to that pile of shit?

>pile of shit

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>The people who think were are currently in the golden age of TV should be gassed for being so fucking tasteless
This. TV has been on decline for about bit over decade. Everything went over the top when it comes to being dramatic and plot twists for sake of plot twists. Slightly improved visuals and sets due to increasing budgets aren't substitute for good writing.

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I went in on Angel as a casual completionist Buffy fan and Illyria was my main intrigue and motivation. Faith and the idea of Spike returning were also lesser motivations. I'm a huge mytharc guy and while I found the spinoff to be a slow burn, I was a complete fan by the time Angel 4 arrived. The apocalyptic arc was kino. I'd have posted the webm but I'm on another computer. Anyway, to fully appreciate the Buffyverse, one must have seen both shows at least once. The parallel and contrasting arcs between Buffy 7 and Angel 4 are amazing.

Definitely one of the most underrated shows of that era.

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> Everything went over the top when it comes to being dramatic and plot twists for sake of plot twists.
Yes, all the subtlety/ambiguity of GRRM's writing was removed by season 2 of GOT, and no show has greater influence on the current obsession with over the top shock.


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Assuming you've seen buffy, you should be hooked on Angel after the faith two-parter, episodes 18 and 19 of season 1. If those didn't mean anything to you, you're probably not gonna like the rest anyway so just drop it. Not every show has to appeal to everyone.

also you're kind of supposed to watch buffy and angel in tandem because that's the way they aired, not sure if you're doing that

>tfw we'll never get something as cool as a main show and an intertwined spinoff airing at the same time with frequent crossovers

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Watching them back to back only highlights just how bad they were at keeping the shows in sync. Like Buffy Season 7/Angel season 4 where two apocalpyses were going on at the same time, it's laughable when you watch them side by side. Better to go a full season of one then a full season of the other

then you're missing out on episodes playing directly into one another though

You can always just rewatch them together later

it's not the same

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Maybe but it's a small price to pay for appreciating each show in their own proper context, instead of diluting the importance of what is going on by having "OMG it's Armageddon! What were are doing right now is world-shattering!" happening in both shows at the same time which instead of improving the experience it turns it into a big joke

>where two apocalpyses were going on at the same time, it's laughable when you watch them side by side
how come? They were orchestrated by two different and competing powers with different goals and methods


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I'm in the same situation OP.
How does this show even work? In the pilot people clearly see Buffy take down vampires, so why isn't there outrage? So many people have been killed by crratures, but no one cares. The fucking principal was eaten by studsnts, and no one bats an eye.
It's beyond stupid. I don't need an explanation that makes everything believable - but no explanation has even been hinted at.

Sunnydale is supposed to be what, a few hours away from LA? The idea that the two goings on wouldn't overlap is beyond stupid. If they took place in different continents that would be a different matter. The First Evil has its master plan, millennia in the making, come into fruition at the same time some Fallen God has her master plan come into fruition. And somehow neither beings acknowledge each other, and there's no crossover except Angel and his fucking amulet, dumb

actually tried to do exactly that. i was watching Buffy for the first time and was hooked, so I bought the Angel boxset in order to sync up my viewings, but the early shared universe stuff wasn't doing anything for me, so I wound up just finishing Buffy and never following through on Angel. womp womp.

if I just watch Angel now without rewatching Buffy, does the series stand well on its own merits without the interconnected narrative? Because I sure as hell won't remember what was happening in Buffy at any given moment while watching...

Spike > willow >> angel > cordelia > faith >>> Giles >>>>>>>>>> dawn > Oz > Xander

I don't rate anya even if she's actualy the best girl of the show

season 2

wasn't the First pretending to be Darla to try to stop Jasmine?

Yes it does stand on its own, but like I said you're missing out on cool interconnected stuff. Like, there's an episode in Buffy where Spike digs up a ring that lets vampires walk in the sunlight and then Buffy takes it and gives it to Angel, and then there's an plot with the ring in following Angel episode. Or more minor things, like in one Buffy episode she receives a call in the evening and nobody says anything, and then in the next Angel episode you see it was Angel calling but he just didn't have the courage to say anything. Stuff like that.

Only in your headcanon

Faith and Willow both needed to be in LA first before they could join the front in Sunnydale--Faith to rediscover what it means to be a slayer, and Willow to reperform the first spell she ever cast as a witch so she could be more confident in the control of her powers

People know that there is something strange about Sunnydale, most of them just choose to pretend they don't because the alternative would be accepting the supernatural. The series makes frequent nods to the apparent obliviousness of the Sunnydale residents, but humours and serious, but it does get addressed. On top of that, as you will find out in later seasons, there are some forces at work to make sure things stay under wraps as best as possible.

So in short if that's really something that bothers you, stick with the show, you'll get your answers.


>The fucking principal was eaten by studsnts, and no one bats an eye.
Speaking of, does anyone have good webms from that episode. You know the scene.

Yes, and I realize I completely forgot about Willow coming to LA, but it still doesn't solve the problem of two very big things happening at the same time. Ignoring the logical issues, and in-universe explanation, it just comes off silly to watch two shows set in the same universe dealing with a different apocalypse at the same time. Explain it all you want, it doesn't come off right, it's corny. Both shows are better off watched separately

well I don't think I can change your mind about that but
>Both shows are better off watched separately
I agree with this one. The tonal differences and the respective mytharcs being cut short in favor of "continuity" that isn't hard to keep track of anyway isn't worth it. Especially how the first halves of both Angel 4 (the Beast) and Buffy 7 (build up to the First/"From beneath you it devours") have among the best string of episodes that it's impossible to put it on hold.

>the best way to watch buffy is some european DVD release that doesnt butcher the aspect ratio or cuts the frame in a weird way and it's impossible to find online

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>Yes, all the subtlety/ambiguity of GRRM's writing was removed by season 2 of GOT, and no show has greater influence on the current obsession with over the top shock.
Probably most retarded part of it is killing off characters way too early. Before audience even know 'em.

>Sunnydale is supposed to be what, a few hours away from LA?
Bit closer, couple hours from LA.

>when the network tells you that lesbian displays of affection are absolutely forbidden so you write a sex scene entirely in song


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Based Drusilla poster.

Does Sarah still got it?

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she cute

One of the few qts from the 00s who aged well enough

Season 3

dont open

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One of the most disappointing finales of all time
>Every girl who can have the power, will have the power

She used to be a nudist back in the 90s

She can still get it

I liked it. If feminist messages make you cringe I'm surprised you made it all the way through the show.

Always hated the cgi on that effect. Plus her performance sucks a bag of dicks. She's generally enjoyable but she don't die good.

Season 2.

I don't mind girl power messages at all, it was just really hamfisted. The other producers were smart enough to hold Joss back from doing shit like that most of the time. He even felt the need to include a fat chick, jesus

I'll admit it was very obvious, much more so than usual in the show, but then again it was the finale. I'll cut him some slack.
Spike got to be badass, that's good enough for me.

Fair enough, part of it for me is just season 7 in general. I got a very distinct feeling that both the cast and the writing staff were tired of the show and going through the motions. It was Zombie Buffy

>start watching a show with the first episode of the first season instead of skipping to the middle of season 2 to see if it's any good and then watching the following episodes of that season if it's good and if the first half of the middle episode of the 2nd season isn't good, then skipping to the an episode 2/3rds into the the third season, and if the first half of that episode is good watching the rest of the episodes of the third season after that and if the first half of that episode is bad then skipping to the episode 1/3 into the last season, then if the first half of that episode is bad then going online to see what people say are the good and bad episodes and if the first half of that episode is good, then go back and start watching the third season from the beginning

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It get's better in s2 and it's probably the peak year for normie fans (chicks mostly).
s3 is more enjoyable still - many faps (Eliza Dushku).
s4 is pretty shit but there are a couple of standout eps (Restless is fun).
s5 is a solid season - The Gift is excellent and s5 is very balanced throughout.
s6 is a matter of opinion - many fans hate it, many love it, I'm the latter - fav eps are the last two of the season.
s7 - pretty mediocre-to-poor throughout (Storyteller was amusing) with a dogshit finale; N. Fillion's talent is wasted.

In order of quality:

In order of (my personal) enjoyment:

she needs to cameo on Supernatural before it ends

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agreed. not a fan of SN but its a good callback

Season 4 is a great season that gets shit on just for its bad story arc, which is barely even there as most of the episodes are standalones, and good standalone episodes at that. Always weird to me that people bitch about it but their only criticisms are about what takes up maybe 20% of the season

people shit on s4 too much because of its weak overarching plot (mainly due to forces outside of the show's control) but when you actually look at individual episodes, it's a fucking fantastic season

>the freshman
>living conditions
>fear itself
>wild at heart
>the initiative
>something blue
>a new man
>this year's girl
>who are you
>the yoko factor

That's 14 really good episodes out of 22. It just doesn't become more than the sum of its parts like other seasons, but it is a great watch regardless.

>a good callback
that it is

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I also strngly suspect that a lot of hate is from Buffy/Angel shippers who are buttblasted their ship did not happen and fell apart during this season

The story and the characters. The professor is absolutely crushingly boring. Riley eats a bag of dicks. Were it not for Marsters going to bat it would be an interminable bore. Restless, Superstar and Hush are great stand alone episodes. Wild at heart actually tugs at the heartstrings. The rest are mildly amusing or out and out trash. The lack of a quality arc is a major deteriment to the season as whole.

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>people shit on s4 too much because of its weak overarching plot (mainly due to forces outside of the show's control)

What "forces" are you referring to?

prof was supposed to be the big bad of the season but her actress wanted out of the show for whatever reason, so not only did they have to kill her off the moment she started to becoming interested by showing some edge, they also had to scramble together a season arc with adam

so I don't want to be too hard on the show, they didn't intend for things to turn out like they did

also oz was not supposed to leave either but seth green wanted to film a movie
but seeing how great tara and willow turned out it's a minor thing, still in contributed to the show being a little all over the place in s4

about 2 years after you finish the entire show.
Its main fall back is Nostalgia


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what the hell, giles and xander are absolutely based

I did not know that. That's bizarre. The actress as a career long TV actress with very few episodic runs (I think her biggest was 5 episodes of Hill Street Blues a decade before her Buffy run. You'd think she'd be clinging to the opportunity with both hands. Maybe she has a big Broadway career I don't know about?

>Spike got to be badass, that's good enough for me.

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This is super fucking cringe of me to ask, but is the initial aether leaving his body at the beginning of the CG supposed to be his human soul leaving his vampire body?

>I love you
>No you don't, but thanks for saying that


S6 he get's his balls back. With the finale he proves it.


considering spike says he feels his soul right after, I doubt it
just a thingy that bursts through to the sky to make sure the vampire is bathed in sunlight I suppose

I watch Penn & Teller Fool Us and I still want to fuck Allison. Mombod works for her.

She's got enough. I would smash till my balls shot dust.

take this

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not directly but Jasmine was calling supporters to flock to her to LA just as the First Evil was causing people to leave Sunnydale en masse

Right...forgot about that. It's been just shy of 16 years since I last saw it.

"Would you like me to lie to you now?"

That line hurts a bit.

A good finale that could have been great if there was more buildup and if they didn't have a random stupid "Trip to Italy" episode just a few weeks before the finale

I just got done re-watching s6 yesterday. It used to be my 2nd least favorite, but I've grown to really appreciate it as I've gotten older.

Dark Willow had some cringe worthly lines, but I really do love when Buffy is being full of herself and Willow comes back with,"You really need to have every square inch of your ass kicked." Then after said ass kicking, "I thought you were going to show me what a slayer was."

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Best girl

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I watched the first 5 seasons, sort of scattershot, here and there. Never really got into it. Just thought the girls were hot. Then in university I watched season 6 and realized how close to the bone it struck me. I was the same age as the main characters. It wrang true. Then I went back and watched the show from the beginning pulling down episodes off of Newsgroups and burning VCDs (video cards and media servers were not widely available or user friendly back then). Got to appreciate, somewhat nostalgically, looking back on my highschool experience. Season 6 is what hooked me as a fan.

Her and that actress from season 1 of Angel make my penis become big penis

Elizabeth Rohm, yeah she was a definite semen demon. A shame that her character was a dumb boring cunt with a cliche backstory

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It hasn't ended?

Last season this fall slated to end 2020

Good fucking lord, 15 years.

What will teenage girls in tumblr watch after that, I wonder.

She is best asst district attorney from Law and Order

British TV shows used to be excellent.
‘The Avengers’ was true Kino, which is the reason it’s still routinely airing on TV in reruns.
‘Man in a Suitcase’ is also very good.
Numerous TV shows from that era were filmed on location, or with very good sets.
I’ve seen later British TV shows, and American TV shows with far crappier production values.

Boardwalk Empire and A Game of Thrones are great examples of this, edgy adult shows that are always throwing twists and curveballs at the audience and retards lap it up. Every episode ends on a cliffhanger.

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>you will NEVER anxiously look forward to the latest episode Buffy and Angel airing
>you will never go back to the comfy 90s or early 2000s
>you will never be as cool and good looking as Angel
it's not fair bros. the nostalgia of re-watching buffy is too painful.

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What's so bad about it?

Only 7 years between the first episode of Buffy and the last episode of Angel but Boreanaz seemed to age about 20 years

British TV now is LITERALLY only ever boring period dramas about rich people/royalty, crime dramas and shitty laugh track comedies (somehow we have regressed from The Office/Peep Show etc already). Awful.

8 years

Buffy began in march of 1997 and Angel ended May 19 2004. That's 7 years and 2 months

>David Boreanaz says he'll "never" do a Buffy reunion or play Angel again
what was this guy's problem? and so much for women hitting the wall and men aging like fine wine, he seems to have aged worse than SMG
I heard he had a back injury that caused him to gain a lot of weight or something, not sure if that's bullshit or not.

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>Begins the video by talking about how we now live in a "gilded age of television"
>Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones are his examples
Why should I listen to anything else this stupid faggot has to say?

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>aged worse than SMG
thats not possible

Skip to 0:50 and mute it if it triggers you that much

apparently him and the rest of the angel crew are preparing something this summer for the 20th anniversary

the prisoner

Or I could just look up articles instead of listening to some pleb, which I did

He's such a likable, goofy teddy bear on screen, but everything I hear about him personally makes him sound like a complete asshole

He's a blue collar guy from NYC, they're all assholes

The research is done by autists (not the narrator) and it's good. His pretentions are for the regular viewing audience.

>He's a guy from NYC, they're all assholes
fixed that for you friend

Season 2, episode 3. One of the first scenes when Randy Giles here shows up.

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Based Giles

Honestly Wesley was such a based character. Such an incredible transformation from Buffy S3 to Angel S5

When he went through his changes I was either indifferent or outright disliked him depending on what he was doing. Then Fred died and he got PISSED and I suddenly liked him.

I guess I also liked his thing with Lilah, but that was mostly because I just really liked Lilah.

Attached: wes.jpg (276x182, 5K)

When Doyle dies/Wesley shows up, is when Angel gets good.

The show originally was supposed to be Angel with Cordelia/Doyle as his sidekicks but the actor who played Doyle was a huge fucking drug addict and was such a huge dick to work with from day one. He was such a fuck up, that Joss had to pull an audible and basically wrote him out around episode 13 and then beg Alexis Dennisof to come back as Wesley (with Wes's character arc going for pathetic nerd to badass hunter, being done as the carrot to get Alexis to revisit the role)

The recent for the lack of overlap was due to the fact that Buffy was ending and Whedon was wanting to keep Angel going. Also, WB and CW had beef going on (hence why we never saw Angel/Buffy's reunion when Buffy came back) and Willow's guest appearance in Angel/Angel showing up for a cameo in the last two Buffy episodes, was a literal 11th hour thing that Joss had to beg and plead to be allowed to do (and even then, the Angel cameo amounted to nothing more than Whedon showing Buffy had moved on from Angel)

Idk about that, the drug stuff sure, but Alex is largely responsible for his own portrayal e.g. in the S3 finale Joss asked him if he wanted am action scene, Alex said he wanted to charge out heroically and immediately get btfo

Boreanaz was dead set on not being typecasted like most of the Buffy cast. Nor did he want to end up a loser like some of the Buffy cast, who basically cling to Whedon and eternally sucking his cock to get a bit part in his future productions.

Boreanaz lucked out in that he landed his gig on Bones, which turned into a huge big titted mega hit destined to be rerun forever and a day as background noise in syndication.

What is it that makes him look so much worse? I always wonder this when I see these comparisons. Maybe I'm faceblind but there's no one obvious thing that jumps out - he's not super wrinkly or anything, his hairline is still good, etc.

Alyson Hannigan did well enough on her own, though

>it wrang true.

sorry bro, your entire existence up until now has been wasted because I've dismissed all your worth as a human being due to your spelling error.

Any websites where I can watch the non-remastered version?

Television before 2005 was cliche garbage. Buffy didn't reinvent the wheel but it helped break it. Plus it's one of the rare monster hunting genre shows that just isn't about monster fucking. All we have for thosr are this and supernatural (and to a lesser extent the x files).

Rome was the only show that needed a huge budget and modern film making techniques. Every single modern show has been shit.

Dude, just buy the complete series in physical form, its super cheap

>tfw I have both entire series as a dvd box set
I'd like to thank my 20yr old self for buying them