is this a good thing Yea Forums?
is this a good thing Yea Forums?
Now he'll have free time to make a bunch of movies nobody wants to see.
Good news. Burton is creativly bankrupt, the movie would be Dumb & Dumber 2 tier.
Wasn't Winona was hyping this shit up?
>wanting to see anything by Tim Burton
The dude has made nothing but utter garbage for the last 15 years.
I'm fine with this. Beetlejuice never really needed a sequel. Not this late anyway.
Big Fish was his last good film.
sequels to old as fuck films and remakes are cancer
Yeah and it's from 2003.
It sucks because this one could work. Keaton is covered in enough makeup his age wouldn’t matter. Ryder is still hot and could be a milf Lydia.
Could even have CGI version of Davis and Baldwin looking the same as they did in the original
Yes, stop making sequels to movies that came out 30 years ago that nobody wants a sequel to
I haven’t seen Big Eyes the post
I feel bad for Winona
Big Eyes and Frankenweenie were decent. Dark Shadows was also worth it for Eva Green. But yeah I agree on the whole the last 15 or so years have been pretty lousy for him
Yeah but the concept was so weird that it could have been fun.
Eva is Tim's waifu now
so a remake is inevitable then?
Beetle what? Who gives a crap about sequels to stand alone indie crap? What is this, the Burtonverse?? I feel like puking
Is this porn ?
Burton is a hack
No its from the broadway adaption
What would've been Beetlejuice goes Hawaiian became Captain Ron.