Is it just Yea Forums that hates it?
Is it just Yea Forums that hates it?
Fuck that i hate how they made Ein a le beddit husky instead of a corgi
>listening to VanityFair headlines
I bet you though Kim K's photoshopped ass actually "Broke the Internet" as well
>mongolian goat herding board that is always against everything
>hating on a normie move
They didn't though, that was a fake article someone made up to troll Yea Forums. You're a very stupid and gullible person.
>Is it just Yea Forums that hates it?
Yea Forums actually watches anime.
When these blogs say "The Internet" they usually mean their personal twitter mentions and they usually say what they want The Internet to think not what they actually think.
I think the worst miscast is that Mexican bitch but not because she's Mexican but because she has that horrible nigger tooth gap
Basically this. Every "the internet does X" headline means they were wasting their day browsing through internet, woke up to the fact they had to get an 'article' out there, and basically half-ass something that quotes every tweet they hearted during the day.
So "the internet is loving John Cho as Spike" means the article is two paragraphs long, one giving context on Cowboy Bepop, and the other paraphrasing some tweets. Then there's a collection of 5 tweets they linked as evidence.
So that's the "internet", five faggots on twitter.
Addendum to your point: five twitter randos with a combined following of a hundred people, no retweets, and one of them created by the author to say exactly what they needed for a preview pic.
Only white guilt faggots and the WOKE crew like it
I doubt it.
There's about zero chance of it being anything other than a shitty version of Firefly.
Netflix adaption anything is trash.
How did they ever get dafoe to sigh up for this crap
Yea Forums is usually needlessly (and incorrectly) contrarian. Look at the colossal failure Black Panther and Captain Marvel were, for instance. But in this case, plebbit and normies hate it too.
Of course woke media is going to play it up regardless.
>You're a very stupid and gullible person.
Yeah, the rest of the casting has been so faithful to the source material I can't imagine why anyone would think yet another retarded liberty had been taken for no reason.
You know what I realized watching Into the Spiderverse? That live action superhero/anime films are fucking retarded. Animation will always be superior, imagine if the MCU was literally like a comic book like spiderverse, think how great that would be. Instead we have to make concessions and the live action will never be as good as the original.
So what's the fucking point? Why does anyone give a shit that their favorite X series is going to be live action? Do they think it validates their love for the original material or something?
Genuinely baffled by this. Cho looks like a complete faggot as well.
>That live action superhero/anime films are fucking retarded. Animation will always be superior
Woah there let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Complete shit compared to the source material, only the first one was decent.
trinity a shit
Some motherfucker's always trying to ice skate uphill
No. Most people who actually watched the anime are confused about the casting decisions.
>why John Cho's Cowboy Bebop Casting Has me and my faggot friends so excited
Journalists can eat shit, they've betrayed us.