When was the last time you got your ass kicked?

>when was the last time you got your ass kicked?

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Louie did everything right in this episode

Nah he didn't. He shouldn't have acted tough for the date because he should've known about it backfiring. Just get up and leave, go somewhere else. Let chad do his business with the boys.

You either don't say anything to the loud kids or if you do, you have to be ready to confront them, not pussy out midway.

When a pack of dumb teens are loud in a cinema I am ready to fucking strangle every single one of them, telling them to shut the fuck up while literally wishing for any of them to just mutter any stupid shit back just to have an excuse to stomp them all down.

when I told a bunch of chads that I didn’t like Sneed

grade school

I love how we are all tough MMA vets here.

Lol shut up youd get your ass beat in an instant

The ones that are not "tough" would never even say a word to those loud obnoxious kids, so Louie should've either not say anything or said but followed through.

Decade long unreleased incel rage is a special superpower, I too sometimes feel like I could bite someone's jugular off because of the slightest inconvenience.

Confrontation aside, following the kid home is kind of creepy

>the chick admits that she primally think hes a loser because he didn't step up to a Chad and end the date

man that episode was so surreal.

how many dates does he fuck up?

imagine being trashy enough to go somewhere rowdy teens would ever go

Most of them, in one he talks about how on the way to a date a homeless guy got decpatitated by a truck in front of him and she calls him a freak for opening up about it and I believe literally jumps into a helicopter and flips him off as it takes off

Imagine sheltering yourself out of fear for mean high school kids

>That feel of blood in your skull

It isn't all bad.

Man I forgot I used to like this show. It’s a real shame how much of a weak virtue signaling pussy he became. Didn’t he literally dress in women’s makeup and get fucked in the ass with a strap on a few seasons later?

nothing wrong with that

Well the one fucking him was dressed like him and they were both ashamed after, also I'm not sure she used a strap on actually

One can recreated this feel by jumping from a height of 3 or more & landing on your feet. Mouth ajar.

Nah, he acts like a pussy once he sees the dad slapping the teenage goon around.

louis ck didn't become anything, even in O&A clips from 10 years ago he was the same "cuck"

if you enjoyed his show and content before, and don't know, he didn't change you did user.

3 feet