How do we solve the McDonald's arthouse problem in cinema?
How do we solve the McDonald's arthouse problem in cinema?
fuck todd phillips
>Paul Thomas Anderson
>Wes Anderson
Have been pumping out McDonald's arthouse for years, decades, and you pick a fight with the director of fucking Hangover, yikes
>Paul Thomas Anderson
You wouldn't notice if you didn't watch too many gay old movies.
>McDonald's arthouse
what is this?
Why isn't Nolan in the list?
I like this meme, do you have any more besides the 2001 one?
I love how absolutely seething the pseuds get when you use the phrase "McDonald's Arthouse". Expose them for what they are, capeshitters in poor disguise.
Can't recall any "arthouse"-like shots, acting, color coding and other snoozery from his movies. They're pretty operatic overall
jesus man, it means fast food artsy films without depth, copies of already existing films
Is that googletranslate-italian or?
Cringe thread, dishonest term.
He described himself as a commercial filmmaker and not an arthouse filmmaker.
At least he is self-aware and honest about what kind of films he makes.
looks like a big joke if ya ask me
Literally everything made today is McDonalds arthouse or just McDonalds
Post blade runner + captain y
I love what a pathetic psued you have to be to actually use it
Kek it's begun
So which are you? "muh artistic suberheros" or "muh incel simulator"?
Embrace it, nothing is original
>what is post modernity
>or just McDonalds
Then how was Blade Runner 2049 burger king noir?
How come not a single soul here compared to new Joker to You Were Never Really Here?
Literally the same exact trauma filled PTSD narrative with the weird mother relationship, just without the capeshit sensibilities.
>muh artistic suberheros
Probably this. I wouldn't doubt for a second he's a huge fan of Logan too
>that one guy who posts "McDonald's arthouse"
It's not going to catch on , and nothing about the Joker makes it seem like it's attempting to be anything but a retro"new Hollywood" crime drama. How is it even attempting "Arthouse" besides simply not being MCU
Holy shit. Joker is a god damn copy
hollywood is having its pagliacci moment
he was fat as fuck in that movie
fucking christ
>taking advice from a man who had the most treatable form of cancer but refused to get the tumor removed for nine months and instead decided to use alternative """"medicine"""" before realizing he dumbly ended his own life and regretting his boneheaded decision while he lay on his deathbed
Decent artists copy. Great artists create. Great salesmen steal.
This post is stupid. They're barely similar.
BR 2049 was just McDonals posing as Burger King. It's inferior to the original.
"Small brain produce lots of word
Big brain say the same in a few"
user, 2019
This has to be a joke or shill
By banning all disneyshill damage control threads like this one on sight
you leave PTA out of this you cocksucker
This movie is exactly the type of dogshit they would watch
"muh mcdonalds art" is what they love best. They can't handle real emotions or sincerity so they flock to ironic "fun" crap like Aquaman, Deadpool and other marvel movies. Anything more than juvenile "fun" is too "2deep4u hipster shit". It's "fun" shit and superficially meaningful "dark" movies that get the most fedora attention.
They'll watch Joker for what they think is their intellectual main course and then wash it out with something like Guardians of the Galaxy for desert. Before settling into a night of video games.
“Great artists steal” isn’t a phrase that’s supposed to be taken literally retard. It’s implying that all great art borrows ideas from other art, without actually copying it. And it was Picasso who first said it, not Steve Jobs.
Am I getting baited? The places are different. The camera angles are different. OP's post and the "You Were Never Really Here" post is more similar than that post.
You are this dumb.
>At least he is self-aware and honest about what kind of films he makes.
Just look at this dude. "At least he is self-aware", woah, what a great validation from some anonymous idiot posted on Taiwanese cartoon board. Like, how far up your ass your head should be to fucking behave yourself like that?
Original comic Joker used The Man Who Laughs as a template. It's literally his development origin.
PTA is the dictionary definition of entry level cinema. He not only steals from better directors, but he does it without any irony like Tarantino.
I am personally fine with it though. Because through PTA, all these freshmen college students will discover Robert Altman, who was the real deal. They will discover Scorsese, the most important American film director of our time, they will discover Kubrick, and the Coen Bros.
Through Altman, they will discover Renoir, through Kubrick, they will discover Ophuls, Scorsese to Fellini. Suddenly they realize PTA was just a child with no original thoughts in his head, that his films just revolve around quoting better directors while adding epic catch phrases like "I drink your milkshake!" and "Pig fuck!" Really there is no bigger clue in to how meaningless his cinema is when the only thing people discuss when mentioning his movies are 'le epic catch phrases, dude!'
You might say great artist steal, but what Picasso meant by this is that great artists are able to understand what works and manipulate it. PTA merely 'mimics'. This is why it is completely obvious who he is mimicking from film to film.
>joaquins massive jewnose
cannot unsee bros
The Joker was entirely based off of The Man Who Laughs
>woah, what a great validation from some anonymous idiot posted on Taiwanese cartoon board
You can listen to the man himself
It starts around 19:50. Also thisSo why would anyone describe him as arthouse Mcdonalds when neither the content of his movies nor the man himself display such sentiment?
perfect blue reminded me of black swan
How do we solve the McDonald's film criticism problem on Yea Forums?
>To me it's about reaching a wide audience and speaking to a lot of people.....I consider it to be my guiding principle.
This is something you would expect to hear from Bay. I always assumed Nolan to be like Snyder who thinks he makes large budget arthouses.
This isn't a good philosophy to have for a director.
No, Bay would say something like "To me, it's about making a whole of money and making something cool people want to see".
>Pretending like Jobs, a Syrian atheist, wasn’t deliberately killed in a Jewish conspiracy so they could seize control of Apple
It's simple
We ban Yea Forumseditors like you that promote capeshit and pleb culture. Then we work on banning Yea Forums refugees and their reddit comrades that flooded in with them.
Finally we can be a highbrow board again where people like you cry to the mods that "Yea Forums is too pretentious".
THEN we repeat the cycle, 3 years of making armond white blush, 1 year of invisibro taking out people that hurt pleb feelings and finally the current state we've been in since bane got big
this is great but what do you really think?
Taxi Driver is only good because it was ballsy as fuck for its time.
You can tell that "mcdonalds arthouse" is a very real thing. Not since "fedoracore" has some quick meme term caused this much ass hurt among plebeians.
is this bait?
>capegoys will defend this
Are you a retard? They bioth sit in restaurants talking to woman, it's clearly the same thing. Fucking dcdrones really are retarded to their very core.
This has to be a joke
Reminder they never post this macdonald shit at Marvel movies despite being the literal definition of fast tracked, mass produced, paint by numbers "movies" ever made and this board being swarmed with shills to the point we had blatant sponsored threads about early ticket sales for the new Avengers movie just last week. So in light of this dishonesty you can dismiss these threads without further argumentation
Marvel movies are just straight up mcdonalds. This movie (which also isn't connected to your favorite meme universe and capeshit company wars by this very same thing) is like Logan.
If they started pumping out "stand alone" movies like these two then these threads would be made for them too.
This is called evocation. Lots of good movies are made this way.
He makes blockbusters
third and fourth shots are nothing alike lmao
You guys don't even know what arthouse means.
pta = meme, the david foster wallace of cinema
wes anderson = art school meme but good
villenueve = soulless
refn = someone who can only draw anime tier artistry, 15 year old taste
cianfrance = slowcore hipster wankery
chazelle = decent filmmaker
mcqueen = affirmative action
You can do this with almost all Woody Allen movies
Lots of good movies in that list, though.
It's clearly a nod to Taxi Driver. Hell Robert De Niro is even in Joker.
>affirmative action
Are you kidding? Hunger and Shame are good films.
Joaquin makes everything kino. He's a much better actor than De Niro.
I bet you say that about Tarantino too
>it's a homage!!
>forgetting the biggest offender of mcdonalds arthouse
Is Baby Driver any good?
because it was nothing alike
>filter the words 'Mc Donald' 'arthouse', 'incel', 'sneed'
>fixes this board
Wow it's like a board without forced memes
>new Joker movie is literally about living in a society
the sound editing was interesting but thats about it
just more reddit fodder from wright
Hamburger helper high kino
Inception is an arthouse blockbuster
You sure about that?
what's the anime
>tfw forgot about her and the parking garage scene
By not using retarded labels, to begin with.
It is probably intentional in this case since Baby's costume does resemble Driver's a lot and I doubt Wright wasn't aware of that. That said, some of those are reaching hard, like the car shot is generic as fuck, as is shadowy criminal mastermind one or the mask. And frankly, Baby Driver doesn't even pretend to have arthouse aspirations, Wright's got a decent eye for setting up action scenes but that's about it.
Pretty standard shots. A woman's face? Seriously?
Do you not have the cinematic knowledge/vocabulary to do it yourself?
Not worth the effort. The scene says it all in a succinct and demolishing way.
>A woman's face? Seriously?
A woman smiling at Joaquin sitting on a date at a diner.
The only difference is the race of the woman and age
ITT: OP finds out what a homage is
yes just because it has similar shots doesn't mean it's similiar thematically
There is picture that compares 2001 qith Godzilla and also Full Metal Jacket with movie that came before it
I'm not surprised at all now. You don't because you cant
>being this fucking stupid
So now every movie that has a guy sitting with a woman on a date is a refrence to You Were Never Really Here? And Joaquin wasn't on a date with that kid btw, did you even watch that movie?
I'm so excited for this movie. There's a real buzz on Yea Forums about it, I can feel it building all around me. It's going to become a memetic dankery that we'll all bond over and remember for years, just like the dark knight.
>Commies = paragraphs of text
>Conservatives = a few words.
Made me think
>BvS along with Nerdwriter, Tarantula, GotG 2, and other cucks
nice try MCUck
This thread lol.
Someone find similarities in joker movie with an anime with qt waifus for meme potential
why would you admit you're a brain dead pajeet?
Nah, it's not worth writing for faggots in this site and enging into gratuitous internet squabbles. I've done it and it's not worth it. Maybe if I had a blog or wrote for some website.
Pretty much this, but mods will never do it
>the dark knight
You mean a movie everywhere else praises and Yea Forums calls plebshit
or did you mean TDKR where everyone here also called shit and then admit the memeing to stop plebs from discussing it ruined the board in the long run?
Only the first shot is somwhat similar faggot lmao
A deeply troubled trauma filled mentally ill Joaquin Phoenix that has an off kilter weird relationship with his mother seeks ways of dealing with said past trauma in an extremely character focused narrative shot in New York City.
Which film am I talking about?
So what you're saying is, it's 720D backgammon?
You're part of the dankery too, even though you think you're not. That movie effected you just as profoundly as anyone else. It has shaped you, molded you. The fire rises.
Depends on the context ;^)
just watch it, it's fun.
It is also nothing like Drive, because it's not directed by a complete autist.
The point is it's the exact same scene
So the latter then? Makes sense that a bane redditor doesn't know why it happened
They're not a fucking date you creep, she's literally a child
>seeks ways of dealing with said past trauma
not at all present in Joker
>extremely character focused narrative shot in New York City
Wow the influence is uncanny, it's character focused AND it was shot in NYC. It's like the same movie
It literally isn't. That is the moment where K becomes a man with purpose and identity, the anime twink stays an anime twink forever, just a bit le sad.
>not at all present in Joker
>"I used to think that my life is a tragedy. But now I realize, it's a comedy."
Also funny how you skipped through the mentally ill and weird mother relationship part.
That is literally a teen version of drive though
What about just banning capeshit back to Yea Forums or is that going too far for you plebs?
ye and strong
Whats the one on the left
>they both sit in restaurants talking to woman
Are you fucking kidding me
These are getting funny
Why do plebs dismiss this as memes? Is this how they "cope" with their complete and utter lack of cinema experience?
t. pearl clutcher
Joker is dealing with a reality that surrounds him not his troubled past. He realises that the only way to surive in the world is to give in to his insanity. Joaquin in YWNRH is suffering from PTSD and he's trying to find a purpose in life and to make up for his wrongdoings as a soldier. HOW IS THAT FUCKING SIMILAR? Character being mentally ill or having weird mother relationship is not exclusive to fucking YWNRH. Are you trying to tell me YWNRH rips off Psycho?
Because it is a meme, by definition. You'll now see "le mcdonalds arthouse" for literally any non Hollywood film released after the 90s.
The funny thing about it is that the mental midget that spout that meme actually never even watch actual arthouse films, literally just brainfart coping on all fronts.
Wouldn’t solve the forced incel meme
The plebs here are nothing but memes. They live on that shit. It's pathetic.
dumb bad
smart good
- me, 2019
>You'll now see "le mcdonalds arthouse" for literally any non Hollywood film released after the 90s.
You mean like how when fedoracore was introduced and the plebs who got upset at it started spamming it for everything to try and derail its meaning? It's good to know what your plans are already
I love how everyone talks about the Joker as if it's already out and everybody has seen it.
>K becomes a man
By helping an old guy he just met see his daughter and dying on the steps outside
So brave.
The scene is the same faggot, it's about isolation and disillusion.
You don't know what arthouse even means if you think Joker, a literal DC movie, even remotely counts as arthouse.
does anyone know what year the joker movie is supposed to be set in? some thing looks 70s, others look modern day
I demand more mcdonlad arthouse joker memes please. Its salt mining time
it's 2019 user, don't tell me you haven't mastered time travel yet
That's why it's called McDonald's arthouse and not simply arthouse. Just like soi horror is different to just horror
Based DChad
>By helping an old guy he just met see his daughter and dying on the steps outside
>So brave.
Are you a tranny or a woman? That's the only explanation of this retarded mental midget plot point simplification.
Does anyone know how to combine webms? The filming for caps 5 and 9 are literally the same
Based and BTFOplebspilled
why not call it "sharthouse"?
>mcdonalds arthouse
Fauxbrow comment right there
>look, I know memes!
lmao, the absolute state of mcucks, poor creature
>he posts this unironically
atleast post the complete version
Is it safe to say a24 the masters of mcdonalds arthouse?
just go back to your subplebbit
tell me how is Under the Skin mcdonalds arthouse
Well theres this, but "McDonald's arthouse" is still a small thing so a lot of people won't understand it yet
Lmao holy fuck of course zero creativity braindead poos and shitskins love capeshit
Npc just adding random shit to well done charts. Cringe
This should just turn into the "im 16 and my comedy tastes are superior picture" and just make it meaningless by adding literally every horror film ever made
Joker isn't connected to the "DCEU", it's complete stand alone movie. LEAVE capeshit company wars scum
You're doing no different by posting these lame comparison macros. Where's your vocabulary? You don't have any. You offer no insight or criticism beyond "visual pattern is similar". You imply that total originality is the only quality of value. You act as though an artist who cribs from their predecessors is trying to fool you - but oh, you're too smart for that! Because you, like any sentient creature, can identify visual patterns! Congratulations, friend. You have demonstrated your worth. Your life may not have turned out the way you had hoped and dreamed, but at least you've watched more films than most; at least, in some way, you are superior to someone out there.
Am I retarded? What's the fucking difference
If i list off the myriad reasons why Birdman or even anything else by this trashmaster is complete garbage will you stop liking it? Of course you won't. I won't waste my time and everyone else's. What you mean by engage in discussion with you is ''Why don't you agree with me ;__;''. If i engaged and curbstomped you thoroughly i would receive a swift retarded rebuttal full of insults (just like that one) because that's all plebeians like yourself can do when faced with people like me.
My ''elitism'' (as the insecure state so oft) is merely inherent from my ciniphilic nature and want for a better board with a better community. I mean not to startle and insult those below me, but one must pave the path ahead with the blood of the common man. And that is you.
Try IMDb, after you fail to kill yourself like you fail everything else in your pitiful life.
Have sex
have sex
McDonald's arthouse would be like Terrence Malick's Tree of Life. Doing arthouse in Burgerland is dishonest and comes off as fake, hence the name.
I implore you to have sexual relations with another person.
If you're going to accuse Baby Driver of plagiarism, you should be comparing it to The Driver instead of Drive. Wright admitted that he took quite a lot from Walter Hill's film. By the way, Drive ripped off both The Driver and Michael Mann's Thief. You clearly didn't do your research.
pretentious faggot BTFO
Is it pretty mucj confirmed joker will be in its entirety a ronald mcdonald arthouse? Is this a carbon copy of other movies
So is a John Cassavetes film mcdonalds arthouse?
You think if it does well they won't make it canon and desperately try to squeeze money out of it?
Why is pta such a shameless piece of shit?
pretty much this, "look at us we're first worlders yet here's our art film hehe", pretentious fags
Note all the replies
Why are there so many newfags on Yea Forums now? Is this why they deny the words "MCDONALDS ARTHOUSE"? The entry level teen from Yea Forums, the Yea Forums crusader?
>I swear I am one of you guys!
The absolute state of mcucks today!
>shot-countershot in dialogue is a rip-off
you absolute fucking mongoloid
>Doing arthouse in Burgerland is dishonest
So Orson Welles, Robert Altman, David Lynch, and John Cassavetes are garbage?
Is it some kind of remixed copy pasta, or what
Marty said no and phoenix wouldn't sign up for it either if that was the case
Why won't you post this comicbook/movie comparison?
the highest iq board
Fuck off newfag
Based Snyder.
Been here since 2007 but okay
The term McDonald's arthouse hurts the pseudo intellectual deeply as all his identity is based on 'superior taste' and contrarianism. When you out those movies (joker, a24 shit) as the conveyor belt shut copies they are they will seeth and cry and moan but ultimately give up to the truth.
It's about the context you fucking idiot. Both female characters in Joker and Taxi Driver are the only human connection main charcters has with the real world and hope for better future and they have a dinner together. Grow a brain faggot.
>i've been here since 2007
>but i don't recognize that
Now tell me about how you were here for lost and abatap
In America if you aren't rich, you're a fucking scumbag.
Except that The Joker isnt arthouse you mongoloid, its a fucking capeshit movie.
honestly calling something "art house" is cringe to begin with. Is there even a real definition other than
>dude it's like am ovie except like the director actually makes it the way he wants dude
Nothing more pseud than acting like you know better than to enjoy something because you saw something like it before.
Reminder that D. W. Griffith, an American, invented the language of cinema. Reminder the French new wave wouldn't exist without Howard Hawks, John Ford, Nicholas Ray, John Huston, Orson Welles, and other American filmmakers. Reminder Akira Kurosawa was heavily influenced by American cinema. I could go on and on. Cope harder, pretentious europoors.
It really does. Its starting to feel like that period in 2012 when everyone here was a high cinema IQ poster and the plebs started crying to the mods for help.
This guy gets it
Eisenstein > all those niggas
>Orson Welles
Based and Snyderpilled
>Howard Hawks, John Ford, Nicholas Ray, John Huston, Orson Welles, Akira Kurosawa
All of them are proper filmmakers. How are they "arthouse"?? You Amerifats think any non-superhero flick is "arthouse". Come the fuck on, faggots.
>people still don't get what TDKR was all about
this is demonstrably false. he talks to a psychiatrist in the trailer and he could have other acquaintances as well.
it's me on the left
>How are they "arthouse"??
They significantly influenced arthouse. Go take a reading comprehension class.
>he talks to a psychiatrist
wow what a real human relation
influencing arthouse =/= being arthouse
Misguided attacks. Typical Burger.
Chaplin > Eisenstein
Tarkovsky, the king of Russian cinema, put a Chaplin film (City Lights) on his top 10 list, and completely excluded Eisenstein.
>admittin being a redditor
>surprised redditors in the capeshit boards he frequents are brownies like him
MCUcks everybody
who knew Tarkovsky was so cringe. Glad that his mainstream legacy is some shitty videogame
>influencing arthouse =/= being arthouse
No shit, Sherlock. The point is your precious arthouse wouldn't exist without American cinema. You pretentious europoors are so ungrateful.
Literally everybody excet pseuds loved the trailer, thanks for outing yourself
>shitting on Tarkovsky because he recognized Chaplin's undeniable genius
Lmao, you pseud.
Nobody is criticizing your proper filmmakers, retard. They're criticizing your dishonest "arthouse" filmmakers. And I'm not even European, you pretentious burger. You don't even know what the fuck it is people aren't talking about but once you hear America or American you vagina dilates and you get all angry and defensive. Have sex.
So it's pleb shit then?
America has always been the forefront of both popular and fine cinema. Anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant, a seething yuro or a pseudo intellectual.
I haven't seen a single Chaplin movie, but he's cringe as fuck.
wait I just looked it up, and apparently he's not even Jewish??? I might have to check out his filmography...
>McDonald's arthouse
so literally every "art" movie made in the USA?
>I haven't seen a single Chaplin movie
You just played yourself
Wes Anderson has always been garbage.
>posting a picture saved from Yea Forums is now being from reddit
Also I have nothing to hide, can you say the same?
Cassavetes is not arthouse, though.
There are many reasons why one should not enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
For one, he is a pretentious hipster douche with a derivative aesthetic that, although not seen often in mainstream cinema, is nothing new, original, or engaging. Furthermore, he masks his stale tropes, plots, and dialogue with this trite aesthetic, hoping that his ignorant audiences will not catch on to his obviously disingenuous charade. As such, his films are the true litmus test for detecting plebs that think they have good taste in film, yet are really cinema cretins, groveling to a false a lord.
Second, the very aesthetic earlier criticized has not changed throughout the entirety of Wes Anderson's career, proving that this "visionary" filmmaker is nothing more than a hack, a one-trick pony who cannot step outside the box or take cinematic chances.
Third, Wes Anderson is clearly a pedo and pedo-enabler, making films that sexualize little children all so he can get him and his giant child loving ego off.
As such, please do not enjoy his films, for enjoying the films of Wes Anderson is doing a major disservice to us all.
fox movie and rushmore movie were comfy, though.
>Third, Wes Anderson is clearly a pedo and pedo-enabler, making films that sexualize little children all so he can get him and his giant child loving ego off.
can you recc some films my dude
>I-I saved it from Yea Forums
>it was magically made out of thin air for all I know l-lol we MCUcks aren't redditors and shills
You aren't fooling anyone, MCUck redditor
>There are many reasons why one should not enjoy the films of Wes Anderson.
Stopped reading there. If you have to tell people not to watch a director's films, you're probably a pathetic asswipe.
Based. Fuck those pretentious Europoors.
what a gutter of snobbish brown nosers this site would be
where is your arm picture?
Wet hands, are you afraid of me?
My nigga
Are you a fucking homo besides a redditor? Also thanks for the admission
What idiot made this image?
Shave your hands
where is the picture? why are so scared, rajesh
Based white poster telling it like it is
Lmao not showing you shit until you timestamp that Pablo, after you admitted being a redditor you'll understand it's hard for me to trust you. Now go back you fucking redditor nigger
are you posting from a phone? you have no reason to not post it now
>clown movie has clown imagery
>other clown movie also has clown imagery
holy fucking shit my eyes are opened
>Scores of people unironically Society Posting on the Youtube comments.
Where is the timestamp, Pajeet? Why don't you just go back to your capeshit reddit boards with your shitskin friends? You posted that pic after all it's like you can post here anymore
>david foster wallace of cinema
The whole post is nothing but a pseud word sallad but this nonsense takes the cake. Have you even read DFW or watched PTA?
>lowcaps post
Nevermind, you're a nigger.
where is the picture, mobile poster?
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor
The Joker character was based off The Man Who Laughs.
Waiting for your timestamp, as a goodbye gift. Confessing being a redditor here took balls, it's the least I can give you
>still hasn't posted his hand even though he's admit to being a mobile poster
where is the picture?
why are you so scared?
there's no parenthetical statement explaining what this portmanteau means, I can't understand this image????????help????
Waiting for the timestamp, I already told you. Is english really that hard for you, Pedro?
why did you drop the reddit angle? is it because it exposes you as a mobile poster?
seriously where is your picture since you're posting from a phone
>Doing slightly similar things in slightly similar locations makes it a rip off
have sex and shave your hands
It really is fast food Taxi Driver.
Hair = man
>why did you drop the reddit angle?
What angle, you posted a picture of a bunch of reddit screencaps. That's more than an angle buddy, that's a fact. I can remind you every time I post if you want, redditor. Your shitskin courage is to be admired. Now about that timestamp, do you want to see my white arm or not?
but it's a saved image
this is something you should have no problem being able to tell unless you're a mobile poster(which you're confirming you are)
if you were white you would have posted it right away like the other guy since you're mobile posting too
Why are niggers so attracted to DCEU?
>but it's a saved image
Nah you wouldn't be so focused on phoneposting or deflecting towards my arm's pic (while at the same time preventing me from posting it since you won't post a timestamped one). So now what, are you finally go back to your capeshit reddit boards where you belong, shitskin redditor?
joker isn't connected to the meme universe shit
>Nah you wouldn't be so focused on phoneposting
but it is as even I have that image saved. you would know it's a saved image and not a cap if you weren't mobile posting as mobile doesn't display filenames
>preventing me
weird, so you're not actually white otherwise you would have posted it by now like the other guy. you're mobile posting and you still won't just post it
very strange
>Not "Il Pagliaccio"
One job
>goes through ~20 comments
>skips the ones that don't conform to narrative
>even the ones that are shown are from various ethnicities
Nice logical fallacy, idiot.
>I gave it a filename so I didn't make it
Hahahhahaha oh man. So are you going to post the timestamped pic or what? I'll give you another post and then I'll understand you're confessing being a nigger just like you confessed being a redditor
>even the ones that are shown are from various ethnicities
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
Watch City Lights (his greatest film), The Gold Rush, Modern Times, The Great Dictator, and Limelight.
it had a filename when I first saved it though. this is how the site works, mobile poster
where is your picture now that you've admit you're mobile posting?
>You might say great artist steal, but what Picasso meant by this is that great artists are able to understand what works and manipulate it. PTA merely 'mimics'.
>no timestamp
Well it's over. Now I have to kindly ask you to leave this board and never come back, shitskin redditor. It was bad enough when you confessed being a redditor from the deepest capeshit boards of reddit, but now that tou admitted being a negroe it's just too much. Good luck in your journey, my brown redditor capeshitter friend, shall Vishnu or whatever the fuck you pray to grant you the capeshit you want
>How are they "arthouse"??
Define arthouse, and then explain how Orson Welles and Akira Kurosawa aren't arthouse.
>you've admit
Also you need to work on your English, Pablo. It gives you away way too easily
>get exposed as a mobile poster that doesn't know how the site works
>come up with elaborate excuses when someone else clearly posted their picture no problem
>i-i-its over
is this how it goes on whatever site you crawled out of mobile poster
where is the picture?
Because korines films are actually good unlike this shit.
I felt that it was a fudruckers Giallo
Yeah it's weird that you keep posting after being exposed like this. Do you get paid by any chance?
You're talking about America's industry, I'm talking about America's artists. It's true that Hollywood is run by hacks who only care about profit. However, this hasn't prevented America from producing some genius film directors. My point is you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss all of American cinema.
I thought you said it was "over"? will you be posting your picture or will you beat around the bush until the thread hits cap and vanish?
where is the picture?
>still no timestamp
>still a self admitted redditor
Yep it's over but you keep posting, it's weird like you said
you forgot to mention reddit in the last post btw
why did the other guy have no problem posting his picture right away? is it because you're not actually white
again i mean you have no problem posting an image since you're mobile posting
holy fucking shit people are posting photos to prove they're white
>Orson Welles
>not arthouse
This better be bait. Every film critic/historian recognizes Citizen Kane as a landmark of arthouse cinema. If Kane isn't enough to convince you that Welles is arthouse, then go watch The Trial, The Immortal Story, F for Fake, and The Other Side of the Wind.
>he enjoys Burger King Bildungsromans
Both of you are utterly fucking pathetic but you know that already don't you
>not burger king noir
so you are just another failed film school student that it's mad because somebody made it? your pathetic, get a clue
Why was she so fucking cute bros
kys, please
>he spend time doing this image instead of doing real friends because Yea Forums (lol) it's his world
you must be so funny in real life, right? how high it's your IQ? you must think you are very smart
u get what we should be concerned about
if you really know about movies tell me about the differences of the use of lightning between the JOKER movie and the new Avengers film. tell me about technical stuff don't tell me about your feelings, tell about meanings, ignorant shithead
If anything it's a nod to the king of comedy you dumb fuck
that's not an argument, ignorant cunt. keep living in your fantasy, you will always be another loser in this shithole instead of making the art you admire, because your a coward ;)
It would immediately get better if youtube/ecelebs were given their own board and waifu threads were moved to /s/.
I'm so sick of zoomers infiltrating every board and spamming youtube links to people no one gives a shit about.
Hunger is great user
though if you unironically rate Chazelle I shouldn't expect much from you
I'm a director tho
>Scorcese, Coen brothers, Altman, Kubrick, Fellini, Renoir
>not entry level
Get a load of this guy. Scorcese and new hollywood is absolute garbage tier. They got nothing on nouvelle vague or classic Hollywood or directors like Cassavetes. The phantom thread was better than anything that scorcese or the Coen Brothers directors in the last ten years.
based whitey