movies where frauds get exposed for the liars they are?
Movies where frauds get exposed for the liars they are?
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There's no verifiable proof that she was a fraud while the guy who first claimed it is the mathematician equivalent of the doctor who said vaccines cause autism.
Assuming you wanted a real answer, and weren't shitposting, you'd like "Shattered Glass" with Peter Sarsgaard
>vaccines cause autism
they do
So you must have been inoculatesd dozens of times as a kid.
>The paper is not peer reviewed and relies exclusively on circumstantial evidence. One of the paper’s key evidentiary points, for instance, is a Facebook poll of 224 people reporting that Calment did not “look” like a supercentenarian. At another point, the paper tries to justify Calment’s alleged tax fraud by writing that she “hated socialists.”
Hahahaha based supercentenarian lady causing butthurt in commie russkies. "I-it's her daughter assuming identity" Hahaha they think they live in a movie or what?
yes, that’s why i have autism
Ruskie faggot trying to deny that a lifetime regimen of french cheese and french wine make you immortal.
So they accuse "Jeanne" of actually being Jeanne's daughter, Yvonne being officially dead of tuberculosis in the 1930s.
It's not exactly what you eat, but how much. Smaller quantities of food have been shown to improve longevity.
Yeah just dige her out. Until then I'm just gonna say it's their usual bullshit.
That ruskie forgot for how long we have been a developped nation, with medias and official civil documents being widespread since the 19th century. It was extremely difficult for Calment to fake anything.
On the other hand in places like Russia or South America there have been several wild claims of people being 140 or 160. None of them were cerfified because in the 19th century civil records were very sparse in those shitholes. I mean Russia doesn't even know how many of their people died during WW2 with 10 million margins for fuck sake.
My dad actually has been swearing off eating on the Fridays or something. I forget the reasoning he had for you but what strains your body the most and ages you most supposedly is the digestive process.
So a long-winded way of saying I heard that from someone else.
Still I'd bet on a French, or Italian, or Japanese on holding the world record for longevity given our respect of the culinary rites.
Shattered Glass.
old ladies hair seems so flammable. every time i see one i want to light it. but of course that would be insane hahahhaa
the one where the old lady says she drinks dr. pepper every day
no fucking way
Can't forget about based 250 years old chinaman.
>7 feet tall
>married 24 times
>over 200 children
any kino that exposes the holocaustianity fraud
6 gorillion is definitely wrong
how many was it really?
250k? tops
It's really amazing when you think about it. You live until you're 60 years old and then you're not even finished with the first half of your life.
Unironically this
>Over twenty years of continually improving medical care later, no one has broken her record
>No one else has even hit 120
Her record is complete horseshit, right?
>continually improving medical care
epic meme, medfag
it's an anomaly
>Her record is complete horseshit, right?
Unlikely. Her entire life is very well documented, there are no gaps or discrepancies.
the Bible says no one can live past 120 so she lied
You jest, but this is probably the actual reason a lot of people cast doubt on her lifespan.
which came first: the Yea Forums shitposting or the autism?
>no one has broken her record
The elites of the Earth live hundreds of years, it's just that people like you will never see or hear of them.
United states doesn't even know how many illegals are in their country currently.
It's not just better healthcare. She's a complete outlier.
>Nate Cobalt.
>that dip in ww1
I honestly thought that was the older Bilbo Baggins in Rivendell at first.
Then why did Noah, Adam etc. live to like 900?
The guy who made the chart is, I shit you not, David Goldenberg
The verse in question came after the antediluvians. You might as well ask why King David wasn't a Christian.
>m-muh science
There are verified records of her birth in 1875, her childhood, her family, her wedding in 1896, and pretty much everything about her since then. Plus, she always lived in the same city, and the people there knew her quite well and were able to confirm she had basically been there forever.
Dont worry Yea Forums you wont make it past 60
I won't make it to 30
Because it was translated wrong from the old Jewish texts that counted age in months not years.
Noah and Methuselah lived to 75-80 which is 900+ months
I'm not claiming either way, just pointing out she is waaaaay out on the far tail of the distribution. They should dig her up for DNA samples just to find out how she did it.
>The verse in question came after the antediluvians
No it doesn't, it's right before the flood.
Genesis 6:1-4
>When people began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took wives for themselves of all that they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, ‘My spirit shall not abide in mortals for ever, for they are flesh; their days shall be one hundred and twenty years.’ 4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterwards—when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.
Except the Hebrew word is literally "years" Bullshit theories about it meaning months are only pushed by poor apologists.
That's not true, either, unless you want to say that Enoch was having children at the age of 5.
It's obviously lifted from ancient Mesopotamian myths where mythical godlike kings would live for exceedingly long periods of time (on the order of tens of thousands of years) before the great flood.
And how long did Noah's sons live? Or their children? All of the Antediluvian patriarchs weren't bound by that restriction. It was only when humanity began to get completely wicked did God place that restriction on their lifespan.
Not that it matters, anyway, since none of that shit is real.
>Biblical /ss/
there's weirder stuff in there
the story reads like straight out of seinfeld or curb
imagine just trying to do some kind of inheritance scam or whatever she was trying to do and then ending up as the oldest person of all time lmao
>In 1965, aged 90 and with no heirs left, Calment signed a life estate contract on her apartment with notary public André-François Raffray, selling the property in exchange for a right of occupancy and a monthly revenue of 2,500 francs (€380) until her death.
>Raffray died in 1995, by which time Calment had received more than double the apartment's value from him, and his family had to continue making payments.
>Calment commented on the situation by saying, "in life, one sometimes makes bad deals."
Once you reach age 100 your odds of dying every year becomes static.
The Bible isn't real.
based "doesn't read the comment chain but still gets worked up and replies without knowing the context" poster
you can blame plastics for that
Everyone uses smartphones, microwave ovens and processed food that gives you cancer and mental retarsation
My favorite musical instrument is the porcupine.
you're the only one here getting worked up, user
And how have YOU heard of them?
Climate change is shortening our life expectancy.
That thing is most definitely jewish.
she isn't
She was unironically a nordic dipshit
based jidf
>Dude the daughter just replaced her mom and totally fooled the rest of her family and entire town!
Then what did they think happened to the daughter? This Russian guy's full of shit.
Sarah Knauss > Jeanne (((((Calment)))))
Kek based granny
kill yourself
>Sarah Knauss
Died just 2 days before the new millenium, how sad.
daily reminder that wanting to live forever is the greatest sin imaginable. There is no such thing as an “eternal man.” We have another word for that already, it’s called a “Demon.”
>movies where frauds get exposed for the liars they are?
We have a word for you, too. It's called "Faggot".
goddamn I can’t even argue with those digits guess I have to go suck cock now
why would god make that a sin? seems kind of dickish
Looks like your average britbong “woman” when they hit 30.
well done
Post your Yea Forums loicense mate
Absolutely obliterated
Autism causes vaccines.
Why would anyone want to be old
because your body is temporary. Clinging to the flesh is a sin, he has a new body ready for you
I was vaccinated and I ended up getting autism.
include me in the screencap!!
t. Russian bot
it's an old lady, tinfoil hat wearing autist
Enjoying life is a sin too. so just eat mush and die miserable at the age of 40 so you can live in eternal happiness in a world that's has no proof of existing. I'm not mentally ill you are :-)
>this level of rekt
Enjoying life isn’t a sin, you just haven’t found the true joy it’s trying to lead you to
fucking based
fucking based
holy shit
Learn how to read you retard. The ones accusing her of having lied are a bunch of dumb Russians,
Based, I wanna be a demon then.
Daily reminder the concept of sin is a spook
power level doesn't lie
Holy shit.