Neytiri is

Neytiri is...

Attached: Neytiri_1569.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)


a terrorist

Dis cgi so dated

I appreciate Cameron's ambition, but this movie was way too fucking long and it sucked. I'm happy the modern standard for film is 2 hours, and 2.5 for epics.

no she's not

Going with blue.

I hope you get perma-banned you stupid fucking faggot. of all the stupid threads that are made here daily, this has to be the most retarded one. I hope you are proud of yourself OP, I really do, you fucking twat

second movie never ever

621 days fren

Attached: mommytiri5.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Imagine if the love of your life turned out to be a crippled little goblinoid creature with a bizarre skin-colour who only projected his conciousness into the body you fell in love with.

Disney property.

have sex

Would Jake have chosen the Navi life by merit and beliefs alone if his human life wasn't so shitty?

Neytiri loved Jake for his personality

an example of OP masturbating to furries.

I'm just contextualising it a bit.

Probably not. I think a lot of things could drive a man to adopt the tribal life; love and getting a functional body are probably big ones.



My personal cum hole

>me on the far left

>t. just bee urself bro

Attached: uOESBh2.png (450x325, 269K)

but she did