Why didn't they just launch a tactical nuke from orbit to destroy the beach BEFORE landing?
Why didn't they just launch a tactical nuke from orbit to destroy the beach BEFORE landing?
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Why didn't they just dig a tunnel under the beach and come out from behind?
Why didn't they wear swimming trunks so the Germans would think they were holiday makers?
>Why didn't they just launch a tactical nuke from orbit to destroy the beach BEFORE landing?
That was the Soviet plan of invasion of Western Europe. Tactical nukes at the german border causing retreat where they would advance wearing hazmat suits and washing the radioactive dust off the tanks. By the time the Allies had a plan, Germany would fall.
This plan was called "7 Days to the Rhine" and was their official invasion policy until Glastnost.
What they should have done was give up the element of surprise and shell the fuck out of the pillboxes at the 3 or so possible invasion positions.
It's all "Greatest Generation" lore anyway. If they would have been repelled on D-Day they would have just attempted again at a less severe beachhead.
The Germans would still shoot advancing civilians, even if they believed they were holiday makers. Also, where would they hide their weapons? Sure they could keep pistols in their trunks, but they'd be dead meat without rifles. Please think your posts through before posting.
It's just a movie, it wasn't real.
The Americans
that was the official plan for invading Japan though
dropping some nukes in Kyushu before sending the soldiers in
thank god the japs surrendered, they would've been starved, irradiated and raped by the soviets
Launch an A-Bomb on white people in 1944!?
The jews sure wanted to. Albert einstein said, if america won't let us make and use one, we'll go and make one for germany instead,
>"This bridge is all we've got between us and the Almighty!"
How did a Brit end up with a bunch of Americans?!
Rice survived the movie.
He had seen too much shit for death to find him.
(Seriously guys, you can check. Rice did not die).
>implying it was the nukes that made them surrender
>not the soviet army literally facefucking manchukuo in less than a month
>dropping nukes on anybody but women and children
Wow what a waste.
Why didn't they just ally with Germany and fight Bolshevism?
You don't ally with Nazi Germany. Sooner or later, you are betrayed. Hitler and Stalin were closer to anyone as natural allies (authoritarian tyrants). It didn't work out.
? Stalin was literally begging for anyone to ally with him, tho, and settled for a NAP with germany because it was the only deal he could get.
(((the people behind WW2))) wanted to use the Christian patriotic boys as cannon fodder
Why didn't they just dress up as German soldiers and land on the beach?
Why didn't they just nuke Hitler's HQ?
he got turned into mincemeat on the tiger tank
You're retarded. Nazis and commies at the most natural enemies in all of history. The only reason they colluded was because they didn't want to step on each other's toes yet and were more concerned with regaining recently lost territory than starting the largest war the world had ever seen.
>thank god the japs surrendered
They were ready to surrender before the bombs were dropped though. But the Americans didn't accept it. They wanted to show the Soviets what kind of weapon they had in the nuclear bombs
american wanted japan to surrender UNCONDITIONABARURI
Didn't stop them from carving up Poland successfully between them. Half the country was Nazi, half the country was Communist.
the crazy shit both sides planned to do if there was a hot war in Europe was absolutely insane especially in the 60's and 70's where they basically just assumed it would start with a massive exchange of tactical nuclear weapons along the entire front and deep behind it, obliterating millions of people and the vague hope that no-one went fuck it and lobbed city busters from silos of submarines at the other sides cities.
hard to call it successful when they started shooting each other shortly afterward
That's a retarded myth made up by tankies. The Japs were willing to fight and die to the very last man (even civvies killing themselves en masse on Saipan and Okinawa) rather than face defeat. They weren't going to be scared of a bunch of angry Slavs any more than they were afraid of a million Americans.
Maybe Hirohito wanted too, but thousands of Japs fighting in China and Korea refused to surrender for months after the war
Why didnt they just dress as mute german civilians and pretend they just got off a sinking ship?
I didn't know foreign policy magazine was a communist outlet
>btfos out nearly 1M troops in 11 days
Why didn't the say they were Germans returning from a secret infiltration-mission?
First of all,
>reddit spacing
Second of all, the author of that article discredits himself instantly.
>Japan’s leaders had wanted to surrender anyway and likely would have done so before the American invasion planned for Nov. 1.
They did not. They wanted peace, sure, but the US would accept nothing less than unconditional surrender, a fact the Japanese were more than well aware of considering they were told multiple times and it was just put into effect in Germany. There is a massive difference between "surrender" and "peace," most notably Japan keeps its land and emperor. The author even contradicts this later in his own article.
>Obviously, if the bombings weren’t necessary to win the war, then bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki was wrong.
Gee, this doesn't sound slanted. The Japanese were told to surrender repeatedly, and they refused, even after one bomb. The guy who wrote this obviously didn't know shit about the Japanese, because then he'd know that the Japanese were buttfuck insane and willingly killed themselves just so the Americans would have to pay a little more blood before they reached mainland Japan, which only intensified as they got closer. It was either nukes or an invasion of Japan, and the nukes were the better option.
>[Hiroshima] came 74 hours — more than three days — earlier. What kind of crisis takes three days to unfold?
The Invasion of Poland to the outbreak of war between Britain and Germany, for one. His attempts to say it should've been faster because in the future the US could react faster than a country with bombed out infrastructure and communications, plus unsafe airspace are childish at best.
Your article is fucking dogshit. The Soviets played a role, sure, but it's wrong to say they were why Japan surrendered. Beyond the annoying writing style (every sentence is "maybe it's this. Or this. But actually, it can't be that, can it?"), it's so full of logical and factual errors that it can barely be classed as academic.
Can you not read your own image, or did you post the wrong one? Because nowhere in there does it say nearly a million troops were BTFO in 11 days. I see almost all troops deserting and 20k Japanese being killed before an armistice was signed and that's really it.
Jews pioneered most sciences due to higher IQ.
Germany declared war on the US.
Because the tactical nuke wasn't on the list of killstreaks at the time.
>if they desert or get taken as POWs it doesn't count as beating them
>Jews then create nukes, revolutionary economic theories, industry, and even get their own country to fuck around in
>Jews now make shitty movies and complain about how their PAC isn't beating the other PAC
I really hope the Chinese usurp the Jews soon because they've really lost their way
>a bunch of Chinese who ran away before the invasion even began should go towards the total number of soldiers the Soviets fought
>2 to 1 troop advantage
>4 to 1 tank advantage
>only manage to kill between 20k to 80k out of 750k over the course of two weeks
That's not very impressive user.
Did somebody say birthmarks?
>(600k POWs)
>battle ends when country surrenders (a little after, actually)
You didn't know this, did you?
if they destroyed the beach how could they land... idiot
Why are you sucking the soviet's dicks so much? You some sort of fucking commie?
I mean, from a purely tactical standpoint, the liberation of Northern China wasn't even THAT impressive. Wide open land, deserted roads, scattered, non-consolidated troops with waning morale, very little leadership, not receiving any backup because Japan's already kind of stretched thin and majorly fucked on foreign soil.
It's like the equivalent of when we entered WW2 in 1941 and started claiming we won the war for everyone after everyone's already been fighting for 2-3 years.
I mean, China and Korea were already so lorded over by the Japanese, that most of the forces there were token police forces. The real fighting was done in the fronts by experienced, trained veterans. If the Soviets wanted to invade Japan, they needed a strong navy, which they sorely lacked and Japan had (and I say "had" in the past tense, because by 1945, Japan's navy was mostly touring the bottom of the Pacific).
commies blown the fuck out'ed
Why didn't they just invade a beach in Latvia or something and come up from behind the Germans?
Why didn't they just snipe the Germans manning the machine guns?
why didn't they just politely ask neutral spain to let them land their guys there