The Pride of Hong Kong

>The Pride of Hong Kong
>Said to be the next Bruce Lee
>Beloved by white people, black people, non-Asians everywhere
>'made it' in Hollywood
>sold out to the commie CCP and turned on Hollywood

What went wrong, Yea Forums?

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what went right you mean
fuck hollywood and fuck capitalism and also fuck america

all of his hollywood movies were total shit that no one watches. meanwhile his hongkong movies have all become classics and inspirations for shitty third worlds on how to make movies

people liked rush hour

Work for Jewish producers that think you're subhuman or work for your home government as a hero?

Hard decision.

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He was Bruce Lee's Stuntman though.

>>sold out to the commie CCP and turned on Hollywood
I think you mean "he took of his mask and started acting like the person with his upbringing would, a conservative". nothing went wrong, he just does not have the same values as your fat ass. I bet you did not have to do porn to get into the industry or suffer many other humiliations.

Unironically woke

You guys don't understand China

The CCP kidnapped Fan Bingbing and kept her in a rape dungeon for months and then made HER issue a public apology

If Jackie didn't comply with their demands they'd probably just disappear him and people he cares about

No fucking way.

Then why did Chow Yun-fat never sell out?

Checkmate, pleb.

t. Sanders 2020

The more ties you have to mainland the more leverage they have on you so it's probably related to that


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>Mainland China is pretty conservative as hell.
>Jackie is old-style Chinese conservative.
>Modern HK society with its SJWtendencies and weird youth culture is jarring to Jackie's background.
>HK youth society is also against Chinese Nationalism. Jackie is a Chinese Nationalist.
But even more important
>HK and Taiwanfags don't like martial arts films anymore and are into sappy dramas.
>Mainlanders still do. Just add some cgi lol.
There's little fucking wonder why Jackie would pander more to the Mainland. That's where his market is now.

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>Jackie is old-style Chinese conservative
He believe that cannabis is worse than meth, dragons are real and powdered endangered animal penis are medicinal.

What movie is this


>China believes dragons are real

well he is right about cannabis. its more available so its a bigger danger. society also acts less freaked out when they find out a 14 year old smoking pot.
>dragons are real
as valid as sky daddies.
>animal penis are medicinal
are you a doctor? are you sure they are not? some meds are made from animal parts.

This post is why the world sucks so bad for everyone. Remember that. If you ever hear anyone make these arguments irl, remove them from your life for the betterment of everyone.

Nothing went wrong, kung fu movies are an alegory to the Chinese struggle against Japanese imperialism, they're extremely nationalistic even if dumbed down for Western audiences. Look it up.

The truth is why the world sucks? I guess I can't argue that

America is less capitalist than Denmark

Authoritarianism is the source of all suffering. It is a plague that needs to be eradicated.

Nazis are literally commies. The animosity between them is a battle for legitimacy not one of opposing ideals

Jackie Chan is a fucking saint. Take his name out of your mouth

Cannabis is worse than Meth

His son turned into a drogadict and her daughter is a lesbian which he forsaken.
He surrendered to China because of the sins of west civilization gave to his descendence, asking for forgiveness from his homeland.

good Authoritarianism can save the world. also you only care about Authoritarianism when its against stuff you like but you are fine with using it to hurt your opponents. the weed has rotted your mind

I love watching asian cinema because they are so racist against each other, its parodic.

Holy shit you bootlicking faggot, go live in China


Chinese Authoritarianism is not my cup of tea.
>you bootlicking faggot
beats being a directionless fag who gets tricked and exploited.

Anarchists are retards
Communists are authoritarians


Danish person here. You are aware that the welfare state still has a capitalist mode of production, right?

>beats being a directionless fag who gets tricked and exploited.
Except every authoritarian country is a shithole exploiting it's citizens.

sure, buddy and communism is what makes people poor. your shallow thinking was already obvious from your stance

Didn't believe it. Googled it. God-mutherfuckin-damn.

They're literally natsoc, and that makes the open borders SOIcialists on here seethe.

>t. USSR was ackchyually succesful

Maybe China isn't that bad after all.
They don't care about race mixing, or any of the degeneracy being pushed in the west.
I say let them take over the world. They will cleanse the west of its degeneracy and destroy (((them))) in the process.

nah, I don't want people shitting on the streets and acting like 17th century plebs . + Their court system is garbage

Nothing wrong with Jackie Chan.
Also despite what 'popular opinion' has you believe most HK people are pretty much indifferent to Jackie Chan. They neither strongly like nor dislike him.
Even when he was relevant in the 60-80s, you had as many people who didn't care about him as you did people who liked/disliked him. My entire extended family and their circle is proof of that. Even though they were born in HK in the '50s, they didn't really consume popular culture and only have a passing knowledge on the major HK celebs.

Saying 'HK people feel this way about Jackie Chan' is the equivalent of saying 'Americans really like/dislike Clint Eastwood'. It's a meaningless statement. The majority of people probably are/were indifferent to Clint Eastwood even back in the day.

>nazis are literally commies
You couldn't be more wrong. The only people who thinks this are retarded boomers who refuse to actually read the basics of each ideology.

Ancap Natsoc desu

Yes you retard. Can you read. Denmark is one of the most free markets in the world, and while free gibsmedat programs and a 50% tax rate are basically in one way cryptosocialist, they are only possible DUE to the strength of your unmolested markets. Capitalism is that good that it suceeds in SPITE of the heaving burden of gibs.

Wrong, you stupid bootlicking boomer. Don't try to resort to quasispiritual flavour based arguments.

This lmao shiites are not muslims lol

>literal natural plant is worse for you than some shit made with battery acid, gasoline, paint thinner, and other dangerous chemicals, not to mention the toxic waste left behind from production

thanks man, maybe ill hit up my local meth dealer later, you so totally convinced me

fucking retard

>dude it's a plant
>poor understanding of rudimetary chemistry
You do know table salt is not an explosive metal or poisonous gas

dirt is natural too and so is poppy, are you going to eat it? also you act like you have access to both, when we know the truth

He's too fat to get rid of.