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Is this guy out yet?

the info is vague. He got 15 years and I doubt he served the whole thing behind bars. (How easy is it to get parole in burgerland?)

Anyway, I'd love to see a followup or interview.

I heard you only need to do half the time and then you get probation.

Yup. Nothing cool about jail/prison, boys.

And this is coming from a correctional officer.

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The guy up front knew they were about to get fucked while the sperg rapist thought it'd be a walk in the park

This Yea Forumstard is out now, right?
IIRC He bragged about having cp on Facebook and they found real cp on his computer after he got raided.

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They only found doujinshi lolicon stuff but they threw the book at him anyways cause they want to look tough against pedos.

I'm pretty sure he ended up going back in after bragging about having a second hard drive with even more.

Yes. He got jacked and survived prison because other inmates thought he was a funny guy and he's not a pedo anymore, he goes after older milfs. I think he sucked off a guy or took one up the ass one time but I can't remember which one.

Hes out, got jacked in the can and now works at Target.

He said in an interview that an impostor was behind these claims.

He's lucky he's black.
He would have gotten killed if he was the kid in the OP.

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He bragged about "fucking the shit out of almost every dude in there" those are his
Words not mine

>he's not a pedo anymore
I doubt that. I think he realize broadcasting that you're a pedophile wasn't a smart idea.

He had more than just lolicon

>As part of his many parole conditions, after release he will not be allowed to own or frequent shops that sell porn of any type, must give all online account passwords to the US Department of Justice, and can only use one Internet-connected device.

Jesus fuck the US is hard on sex offenders.

it depends on the crime and where you get sentenced.

>britney is slang for prison bitch
Any niggers can confirm this?

can you guys post the youtube link?


They use female names for any small/skinny/babyfaced/meek guys. Basically if you have any feminine qualities whatsoever you're gonna catch the attention of guys for various reasons - not always sexual but it definitely can be.
You have to behave ultramacho at all times in prison or you're gonna be singled out as a bitch and you'll get fucked, possibly even literally.


I think some slang differs between prisons/states

Is it true that if you're gay and enjoy getting fucked and sucking cock then prison will be an easy ride and you get protected because you're a valuable blowjob machine?

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thanks man
fuck you

No. You'll get used an abused literally until you die. Inmates are ruthless.

>must give all online account passwords to the US Department of Justice

What the fuck
That means they have complete access to his entire email history and bank account as well

>that part with the weights

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damn... that greentext story lied to me

literally the only reason i have a gun is to blow my brains out before being arrested

i am NEVER going to jail

Jail in your country is nothing, jails in mine have no toilets and you have to piss and shit in a bucket and you'll clean it up every morning at a public water area.

>you'll clean it up

>tfw the guy who killed 70+ people in Norway is living in a comfy studio playing Playstation 3 all day

Yeah but the rest of your country has to shit in buckets anyway so it's all relative.

It's like saying chinks make a dollar a day but a dollar to them is enough to buy like groceries and shit.

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Wouldn't it be amazing if the wealthy in the US were subject to the same laws as everyone else?

wasn't part of the torture having him only have a ps2?

pedos deserve to be shot in the street like dogs tho..

he didnt even get to rape her. just threatened her and she escaped.

only if you have a REALLY big bf
if not you better ask for PC right away

>he doesn't know
Boggs is a hard man now.

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>that thousand cock stare

I bet I could beat his ass

he looks like he fucks black guys

his ass like the flag of Japan

I was in prison for a year after getting a 3rd DUI in 2 years and it was actually okay but I can't imagine being in for any longer. I'd rather be in prison over the county jails, you have a lot more freedom. I mostly just drew tattoos for some guys, helped write letters as well as general literacy, as a lot of guys inside can't read or write.

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How much did you charge for a tattoo design?

KYS degenerate filth

What's the easiest way to get into PC and stay there?

just have to ask

At my jail just sign into it.
I dont know about other jails or prisons.


Depends on how intricate it was but generally a few soups or sweet snacks or just general favors like cleaning my cell, sometimes cooking. A lot of people will charge a lot more and some are certainly worth it, many inmates are really artistically inclined. You'll actually figure out that with all the time people have, they will often get good at a useful skill like fixing radios or other electronics.

Trust me you don't want to go to PC

That guy was a real jerk

Why doesn't everyone?

Because you're locked in your cell alone for 23 hours a day

Why not?

If you're a bit normal you'll end up going crazy, but if you're a sperg it's not much different except you won't even have internet to communicate.

Isnt laying around reading books in peace and quiet a better way to spend your time in prison than trying not to get raped or beaten to death all day?

It's where all the real weirdos are. You can actually meet some decent people to clique up with in general population if you have any interests and even a tiny bit of social skills.

because it's either or you are trapped in a small unit with a bunch of old pedos and if they don't like you or think you're mean they'll lie and say you extorted them and then you get sent back to gp where everyone wants to kill you because they think you diddled kids.

>must give all online account passwords to the US Department of Justice

Dude, fuck that, I'd be going off-the-grid at that point. I love my country and all, but this is definitely some chickenshit bullshit.

where do post-op and pre-op trannies end up in prison? with their actual sex or their delusional sex?

It's not like in the movies, prison libraries are pretty limited. You'll run out of good books to read in no time. You also don't get to have a job or to join one of the hobby clubs which reduce your jail time.

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If you have a dick you go to mens prison
If you have no dick you go to womans.

>but if you're a sperg it's not much different except you won't even have internet to communicate.

I've given it some thought and I don't think I'd be able to do time in segragation, because despite being a loner and barely needing socializing, on the internet there is some level of seeing other people in videos, hell even just reading shit in this site has some human element to it. But if they at least give you books it would probably be ok. It's kind of like that hermit who went and lived in the deep forest in Maine and had zero contact with people but he had books which was pretty much the only thing keeping him sane. Man watching prison documentaries always make me feel glad that I'm free, watching death row ones even more so

You will start to go insane.

If they have textbooks you could spend the time learning another language or something

Is american jail really like Oz, the tv show?

If you stay out of debt and or gang culture, neither of those things should be anything but a distant worry. You'll realize more common problems like boredom is the real issue, which will the multiplied by PC. Also PC isn't often as safe as some would hope. Think about who will also be in there with you. Many inmates in GP are low-tier petty criminals with no other desire than to do their time as easy as possible and then get out.

To avoid future rape and beatings, what should Britney have said/done when that guy called him Britney? Leap over the counter and try to fight him?

say the word

You should call him out first and see if he backs off. Don't just start swinging.

Only if you become a prag to an individual who has vested interests and power in that particular institution.

t. watched Oz once

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>That your mom's name?

Then wait for the other guy to initiate a fight.

This. He may have ended up in a fight but even if he lost badly people would at least have more than negative respect for him. Fighting can sometimes happen and sometimes HAS to happen but just like a school yard bully, they'd rather prey on people who will nothing about it versus someone who COULD hurt them. There will always be someone else they could prey on who will do nothing, so they'd likely move on. Honestly though, his personality was so meek that he would've probably had a repeat problem. The guy he came in with had some issues at first but I'm sure he did okay for himself after some time passed.


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nah he went on a hunger strike or something until he got a ps3, not even kidding

If you don't have good bants, is it ok to just say shut up faggot to everything?

Not unless you want to fight, you'd have to be pretty tight with someone to talk to them like that and even then, I wouldn't. Also the word "bitch" is one of the most offensive things you can say. Basically any challenge to masculinity.

Not to your friends though, I mean in situations like the cook calling him britney

He made it out boys


I'd just ask him if we are going to have a problem. I wouldn't call someone a faggot unless you want to fight. You can get your issues sorted out without causing any lasting problems.

Just call them variations of "nigger" to break the tension.

Hispanic guy heckling you? Call him a taconigger.
White guy heckling you? Call him a potatonigger.
Black guy heckling you? Call him a doublenigger.

his last known address is 616 32 Rd, Clifton, CO 81520, someone needs to go interview him, i really want to know how he survived in prison.

I'd rather have the PS2 over the PS3 anyday, cause PS2 got games

lmao if you listen to the interview

>he loved prison
>he loved making friends and being around others of his kind
>he enjoyed fucking other guys
>says he misses prison

is this real life?

I hope you stopped drinking.

Thad just keeps winning.

I haven't stopped completely but I have slowed down considerably. I really started thinking about how even something out of my control could happen while I was driving drunk and I could could seriously hurt someone. Earlier this year my cousin was driving drunk and hit a guy on motorcycle. The other guy ended up having his leg amputated and my cousin will very likely face prison time. The guy he hurt has actually gone to bat for him at his court appearances to help ask for leniency, which is really beyond what I think I could ever do.

I would want to kill your cousin if it were me desu

even less. they give them half time, time served, good behavior, then put them in dem programs for another half of their actual prison sentence and THEN the other half is probation. American jails are so overcrowed with dumb drug shit that they do everything to get them back on the streets so they don't have to feed and clothe them for years behind bars.

Blacks unironically love going to prison.

I wouldn't blame you at all. The injured guy's young with a new wife and a few kids. I guess he just doesn't want to see another young mans life ruined over a stupid but grave mistake.

why wouldn't they? free meals and bed and they can just lay around all day watching tv. It's like being back on the plantation without having to pick cotton

plus they get to pound white boi bussy all day long. living the dream.

I loved looking up the various inmates from this documentary.
>Jerome still in prison
>The black dude got 25 to life for kidnapping someone
>the Matt Damon guy stabbed someone in a bar fight
>Bogg's friend got out and then back again for burglary

What did he do?

depends. george perez talked about it on your moms house podcast recently. judging by his experience if you're white, maybe. if you're black, probably not. if you're mexican, RIP

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corned some girl in the bathroom at a mall threatening her in some way. he also had a knife

What always confused me about that is how it was like 20 lbs over his weight. Like i know absolutely nothing about lifting but on a leg press shouldnt lifting your weight be similar to just standing? So like if they strapped 20 extra lbs on him would he like struggle just as much to stand?