Is snu snu the sneed of futurama?

is snu snu the sneed of futurama?

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Pretty much.

Formerly consensual orgies with intergalactic Amazons

no snu snu is the sneed of Yea Forums

it's their meme when somebody makes a Serena Williams thread

Would you rather have a 4'8" smol girl to throw around or a 6'4" giantess who throws you around?

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I'm 6'6 faggot

giantess obviously

the scene where leela gets picked up, thrown to the ground like a rag doll and sat on then you hear her defeated grunt is one of my top 2 futurama fap moments, the other being the amy vs leela wrestling scene

Shortstack and snu snu don't need to fight, we can coexist.

What are you, gay?


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Why the fuck would anyone here crossboard with Yea Forums of all places?

snu snu for serena predates all this sneed shitposting.

although I love sneed because it derails all the simpsons threads which say exactly the same shit every single time.

people on here crossboard with /pol/ even though most movies are produced by jews

because both Yea Forums and Yea Forums are inventions by (((them))) to distract and placate us

They are literally being raped. Why is a man being raped funny to them?

Sports are broadcasted on Yea Forums m8

Women being raped is a horrible crime. Men being raped is hot. That's just our society.


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In the episode itself this was treated as a joke.
Friendly reminder.

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have sex

giantess, but larger than 6'4"

6'4" is eye-to-eye (maybe my eyes would be a little bit lower because of my brain size but close enough)
7' is where the fun begins.

Formerly sneed sneed


It's all fun and games until you consider that shards of bone probably severed their femoral artery and they died from internal hemorrhaging.

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You are not supposed to bring fridge logic while you were laughing at this.

Snuud's Fuud and Suud

Formerly Zoidberg

6'4 all the way

I miss Morbo

Based Gideon Jura

Not really since its actually funny.


I'll take either

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>been into shortstacks recently
>first love have always been giantess
*sweating man at the controls.png*
If I had to choose, 4'8 girl, with the only caveat being she has to be stacked. it'd be hot to hit her with a mating press, but even better when that little woman decides to take the lead


What about a giantess who is proportionately a shortstack?

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that doesn't even make sense (because if she was proportionally a shortstack, that'd just make her a shortstack?), but if she looked like the women in that futurama episode... would still have to take the truly shortstack.
theboogie has done things to me, now i think every woman shorter than 5'5 has a dominating streak in them

t. 5'8''

/pol/ right?

Do you know what proportion means? Say she's 30ft tall, but still has the proportions of a short stack. She'd still be a giantess to you.

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I have a 5ft shortsack fat GF with titties bigger than my head so I get the best of both worlds.

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Me on the left.

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yeah, there's something i have to tell you about me
im kinda retarded

still shortstack though, it'd be very hard to downright impossible to truly dominate a giantess, no matter how much she might want it. a shortstack could play both roles, and excel at both.

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>a 6'4" giantess
Why so short?

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I'm 6'3". I wouldn't mind the giantess

haha imagine if leela and amy were sentenced to be raped to death by giant cavemen.

formerly Stu's Snu & Snu

Giantess all the way

We're really living in a society, baka

Literally every reply in this thread reinforces the trope used in the show though.

duality of man

For a gf a smol.
For a wife a giantess

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>new mortal kombat has a giantess fatality
>character is ugly as shit

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Eyes should be BIGGER

>not sticking to the template

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>I hope I'm still growing. I want to be taller than you.
Amateur hour!

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4'8". Sex with shorties is the bomb.

Leela's style inspired a generation of women. That pony tail adds a whole new level of sexiness. Big tits in a tank top and leggings will never fail to make me hard.

>I wan muh anime and vidya gf!

Jesus Christ, they should be hobbies and past times, not fucking character defining personality traits.

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Giantess are the future

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This episode proves that rape can be funny.

I don't understand why a race of superstrong warrior women would want to breed with men they could easily capture and dominate. They'll just give birth to weaker offspring.

>same sleep schedule
that one has always been pretty elusive



I love me some Daryl Hannah

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Bad things happen to women (IRL or on TV), and most Americans cringe. This is a product of Western culture because other cultures are not as protective of their women.
I'd go so far as to say it's mostly a white American thing.
In black sitcoms like Fresh Prince, female characters can get BTFO or argue with the males and it's played for relatable comedy.
White sitcoms like Friends do the same, and it turns into a dramatic episode.

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Jena Sims is my fav

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post your calves faggot

my girlfriend is 4'3'' she is just so cute

Snu’s Fue And Sue
(Formerly Chucks)

9'4 giantess.

How is that even possible? Are you sure she is not a child or a midget?

4'3" for an adult is medically a midget no matter what your ethnic heritage is
even south asians think that's unacceptable

Your gf doesn't like hugs? This seems pretty inaccurate except for all the nerd shit

I'm not polluting my genepool with short genes.

I'd take a 60 ft gf

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Sneed is the snu snu of incels.

Imagine having to rub her feet haha



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>Why the fuck would anyone here crossboard with Yea Forums of all places?
The difference a few years makes. Before the election, Yea Forums was one of Yea Forumss bigger boogymen.