How does each Iron Man suit manage to look worse than the last one? Here's 10 years difference and the CGI is so much better in the first movie
How does each Iron Man suit manage to look worse than the last one...
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the more efficient something becomes the more faggy and effete it tends to look
It looks like the Russo’s noticed the complaints about the suit. Because it looks far superior than infinity wars lazy attempt
they have to keep changing it to sell more toys and give the general idea to the audience that the next movie will be new and different
There were some actual practical suit effects done for IM1. That's part of why it looks so real. It is real.
Yes, but also, in the comics, Tony basically gets a new suit every time a new artist draws Iron Man.
The human figure has been modeled countless times. It is literally copy/paste. With every Iron Man suite iteration it approaches closer and closer to just a cheap human in a one-piece suite. The cgi done in Iron Man 1 is custom made for that film. Not some template model any film student can download.
Does anyone actually notice changes to the suit?
Something that’s also been a major downgrade from the first movie is the sound design. There were little mechanical whirs and creaks every time he moved, there’s none of that attention to detail in the newer movies
>Does anyone actually notice changes to the suit?
I do, but lately the suit changes haven't been that much of an impressive thing.
Infinity war you'd have to wonder how his suit functions as it's on par with magic.
*Grey Goo*
I like warmachine suit from that film, that a logical suit design enhancements that aren't full grey goo.
I suspect his next suit, tonys will be metal exoskeleton cover over a grey goo.
>Something that’s also been a major downgrade from the first movie is the sound design. There were little mechanical whirs and creaks every time he moved, there’s none of that attention to detail in the newer movies
I agree you've just got the genetic windup sound now for his movement.
>left: Let's cool our image a bit, teal/orange trend is only starting, audience will love it!
>right: Color grading, what's that?
The older suits made of seperate parts assembled together looked way better than this liquid nanomachine faggotry.
My favourite moments of iron man were the suit ups and entrances like avengers 1 when he hacked the shield plane, played boomer music and did a hero landing
I like this suit, however it's suiting up is silly.
Nanotech is a natural progression of the more mechanical suits. You're just a pleb.
Since iron man 3 they started outsourcing the suit cgi
They also started completely replacing the physical mold
Same thing with spider-man
>How does each Iron Man suit manage to look worse than the last one?
Easy. One is Paramount and the other is Disney.
I miss that. Felt like a real heavy piece of machinery.
Actual answer: why should the studios give a fuck about high-quality CGI when the ticket sales go up every single time?
7 year olds don't notice bad CGI. Their parents who are dragged to these films might do if they aren't turning their brains off watching these garbage movies but they're not going to stop taking their kids to see them because of bad CGI.
Same story for onions-manchildren; even if they notice it, which is doubtful, they'll still keep paying to see these movies.
Why spend £30 million on top-tier Iron Man 1 CGI when you know that Spiderman: Homcoming tier shit will still sell? Might as well enjoy a fatter profit margin.
In the early films of the MCU there was less CGI so there was more time and money spent on the shots like the one on the left.
Modern MCU films do way more reshooting and these CG studios are given less time to work on stuff like the fine details of the suit.
Because people stay pay for it.
Marvel coudl release a literally turn filmed for 2 hours and people would eat it and praise it.
The suit went from mechanical to organic
I could handle all the new suits up until infinity war. Nanotechnology ruins everything.
Babbies first redpill on marvel films being generic corporate committee produced soulless trash.
This suit is what killed Ironman for me
Lol thinking “kids” watch this movies.
the screenshot from the first one is obscured by smoke effects so it doesnt look as shiny and artificial
because that movie was about his suit the subsequent movies are about haha you think i watched those i dunno. you faggots
Same. Last good suit was vii
Because sojed manchildren retards are still willing to dish out billions for that.
Give me a single argument as to why shouldn't Disney cut the costs when it has zero consequences for them?
1:10 We will never have epic suit ups like this anymore.
Stop watching this paramount nonsense !!
feels good. get to the action and comedy
Full check of control surfaces is the best part for me
Every time a MCU movie is successful Disney cares a little less. They know idiots will still watch it
You guys are forgetting who the real money-makers are for these films.
The Chinese.
Those slants don't care about quality CGI, they rely on authority figures to tell them what's real and what's not, suspending disbelief is second nature for them.
Now compare to le quirky quipfest two movies later:
Still miles better than than a tracksuit version
Everybody knew it was made by committee from the start. The problem is the committee has become too lazy. They don't care about the details or making a joke feel organic. Let's just slap in a quip in there just for good measure. CGI looks bad? Don't worry about it. They know people go to these movies whatever happens and it's annoying how lazy they've become.