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Emily Browning shows her tiny breasts and nipples in this episode.
It's really ridiculous what kind of ranting against white people this show has become, the black people last episode and the indian lesbo girl with the polaroid camera in episode 2. I'm only watching because I have a giant goddess fetish which occasionally pops up.
literally fuck drumpf: the show
What's there to cover up?
Her shame
god dammit, it seriously turned into another one of those shows?
I haven't seen it since season 1 with the faggot Muslim, but other than fag Muslim I didn't think it was that bad
disgusting. it's like she never went through puberty
her sex scene in that episode was soo hot!!! he suck her pussy, she was so horny in that moment
i hope someone make HQ screenshots of her sex scene from the 1080 video size
Is this gay or pedo?
delicious flat chest
the girl is 30 years old
Shit season
Did you know black people are oppressed? It's literally impossible for black people not be oppressed due to toxic whiteness.
i are you call her underage boy?
this but unironically
This. Not enough actresses with flat chests doing nudity in TV and films.
This whole season has been absolute garbage. I didn’t think it was possible to be worse than last season, but they did it.
>black guy
I am no longer interested
TFW I was an extra in season 1 and I still haven't seen the show.
It's the scene in a Persian night club. I'm one of the dudes who barges in with guns.
....I don't remember that scene at all. I'm not sure it's even in the show m8
It's like the goddess of love or some shit having an orgy then a bunch of dudes burst in with guns.
That's the music from the scene. It's season 1 episode 8.
did you get to see tiddies? Is your boner visible?
I found, it was one of those coming to American flashbacks. It was so short I forgot about it.+
What an unfortunate series of tits
Shame about the British face
just watched this nigger rant for 10 minutes about black oppression. fuck this shit, I'm out
It was always one of those shows. The program centers around a white looking girl getting buttfucked by a nigger and the nigger loving was so good she came back from the dead.
Kek no way that's real
That's what was exactly in the show.
You realize the whole time she was married to the big nigga who also happens to be the mc?
Was the book also a massive blacked cuck fantasy like this?
We pretending she wasn't cheating on him with Dane Cook (afaik he isn't black) and based Swedgin killed her mid cocksucking.
Is this season really that bad?
why is no-one doing 4k webdl rips? They did last year.
some of us we watching it only for Emily Browning, are you call bad (ugly) Emily?
Anything made by pic related feels like a 13yo fan fiction.
based pablo
literally nothing happens and you never really know who is doing what and why and how they get anywhere and what the rules are
It's one of those shows you have to be paid extra to even pirate.
the book was so good, what the fuck happene
The music has been good....
well the MC in the book definitely isn't white but I think overall its much less fuck wyppl
Why did Bryan abandon this show?
I think they cut his budget too much and he left.
It is.
First 2 episode were good, at least the plot moved in some direction. The show should have been a 13 Episode serie and stop. Their are just trying to milk it.
As someone who has a fetish for ugly, sarcastic Asian women, I'm liking New Media.
in the book he's half black (who people say looks part native american).
Not enough Nick Sobotka this season.
Why are episodes 6 and 7 also available?
I cringed so hard during the last week's "black people are opressed" episode it almost broke my jaw.
Can i expect the same kind of nonsense from todays episode?
Should I watch this if I enjoyed the first season a little? I only hated the zombie girl parts if I recall.
The second season has completely different writers, but i'd need to fact check.
It may explain why the show went from pretty passable to fucking cringe.
I love that incels are triggered by this show LMAO
Weak bait
I'm a nigger and I don't like to see this heavy handed on the nose shit. It's very lazy writing that is already aged badly.
post palm
you could smash your shoe on the keyboard and it would give a better delivery of this nigger nonsense than what the writers of this show vomited out.
It was just sad to watch this, such a lame and hamfisted attempt of an obvious political speech.
Yeah, but your life is so empty that you will keep watching.
yeah I don't get it, I thought the show was about this war between old and new gods, instead we get
>we wuz kangz of the nile n shieet
>fuck whitey
>more BLM memes
it's hilarious how mad people got at a guy literally just kneeling down, america is brilliant.
im not even american so its even more hilarious that show put in a segment with a nigger god crying that poor black boys cant take a knee.
the degrading quality of american tv shows is just sad.
you could seriously take a fifth grader and that kid would write this better than this drivel.
It's like you haven't seen the first season's nigger ship scene (completely TV original, of course). Poor blackies were just living peacefully in their homejungle and suddenly evil whities came and made them all slaves! But our poor blackies love freedom so much that they would rather choose death over slavery! Yeah! Me like history!
Episode 6 and 7 have also been released.
I'm ready to drop this show after they killed Sweeney. Literally my only fucking reason for watching this show besides Odin.
I guess they could or are going to have to resurrect him somehow to get gungnir , but if they don't bring him back I'm fucking out.
The first season scene was nice because it looked like the trickster god tricked the slaves to kys for lulz
there were no references to wage inequality, taking a knee, alt right or whatever shit. It was well written.