White man bad

white man bad

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Well it didn't work out too good for the natives.

Americans aren't white and will never be.
So really it's American bad.

this movie is a perfect representation of the deepest fantasies of the American.

>there just HAPPENS to be some wild woman whitoid living with the Indians for Kevin Costner to swoon sine he didn't want to touch a darkie.

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based cohen brothers for showing what the frontier was actually like

Someone who have this webm?

>let me tell you about your country

I'm convinced this movie would be amazing if the narration were completely removed.

All the evil in history can be attributed to whites

How are Americans not white you retard? A real American came over from Britain since it was an Anglo colony

>watching some colonial era movie set in asia or some jungle.
>the lead falls in love with a native
>its Jessica Alba.

Is this true? My California public education made injuns out to be blameless wood elves.

even the dinosaur extinction?

To be fair, you should give Natives a break. I mean imagine if some sandniggers decided to colonize your lands, reduce your population to a single digit percentage and basically cattle you up in little reservoirs. You'd be pretty grumpy too.

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>My California public education
That's where you went wrong.

They bred with the slaves to create a mutt race of yankees

white men bad.
white man good.
red men
they misunderstood.

whiter than you mahmoud

wasn't the truth revealled that the natives acted like mad max raiders.
Their elders were unable to control them.

Honestly I'm a huge fan of this movie, the narration is sparse and necessary for developing his inner feelings

Haven’t you ever heard of the one drop rule. The mulattos didn’t mix back in they were just considered niggas by that point. Which is why blacks have a lot of European ancestry and whites in America usually have no black

>mutts in charge of comebacks

It didn't happen like that. Natives went on murder sprees with tomahawks.

Yes because whites discovered that.

One drop rule only applied to black mothers. Any child born of a black mother was black, any child born of a white mother, however dark, was considered white, because they didn't want to admit slaves were fucking white women.
When a brit or paddy goes to America, the mutts remark on how white and pale they look, because they aren't used to seeing actual white people, only mutts who call themselves white

It's very much true of plains indians that were literally genociding one another. Dunno about other regions' tribes.

Ah yes before whites they were known as dragons.

this is simply not true, the genetics of white americans show they're almost completely European, whereas black americans are 15% Euro or something on average

The claim is that settlers were the peaceful ones and indians were rabid and uncontrollable marauders murdering and pillaging for practically no reason than they could all over north america.

Gee why did the natives angrily retaliate to unwanted people invading their homelands?

I’m no Pocahontas but come on lad

>white devils didnt purposefully trade natives blankets that people with small pox had used
now my fellow redman may have killed a few whitemen here and there, which your ancestors deserved for trespassing, but you guys did all out germ warfare

>mfw im 75% native american living on the res in oregon
>mfw i have a 220k house that cost me 30k thanks to white guilt tax breaks, native land grants and government native tax grants
>mfw my casino/limber sales pays me enough a year so i dont have to work if i dont have to, and all the money i make working security at the casino is for having fun
>mfw free insurance due to white guilt
>mfw at 45 become an elder and get 2k a month from tribe and 1k a month from the fed and can retire
you know what...thank you white devils for coming over here, i dont know what real work is and thanks to you guys i never have to

>one drop rule

A bad apple spoils the bunch.

Thats the thing the same bullshit claims are made in my country for our natives.
Historical evidence indicates tomahawk indians were just violent nutcases disobeying their leadership.


>"hey guys, we're from England, wanna trade?"
>gets tomahawked in the face
>"okay, I guess we're on a warpath then"
>injuns get annihilated

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What kind of sick delusional fantasy world are you living. I’ve seen plenty of Irish and British and they don’t look any paler. About 5% of self identified whites in America have any nonwhite admixture

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well im sure there were rowdy teenagers then just like there are now. what would a you from a violent tribe do if some army dudes rolled through, raped your mom and sister and took your deerskin, and you knew they were camping just a few miles away? i bet you would raise a ruckus also

See, I feel like it's always way too on the nose and tends to break immersion by disrupting the relatively empty, lonely setting. I don't need him to tell me the dog is starting to trust him more, that he's seen an Indian, etc, almost always things we can clearly see and/or infer for ourselves.

That's factually not true though.

so you are saying indians were in the wrong? so if a bunch of immigrants from iran and iraq were to just show up on a boat, you would welcome them open arms?

Apparentoy the truth was this was a bigger more widespread issue than let on.
So the original myth of violent marauding injuns was never a myth but an actual fact.
The myth is that injuns were peaceful and innocent.
Maybe some were but not the ones doing the raiding

No, I'm saying there's neither a hero or a victim side of the conflict. Cultures who get discovered by other cultures usually don't last very long, that's just how it is.

making a parallel society isnt the same as demanding to be let into a society.
That would be like niggers walking up to indian reservations and saying ay yo we wuz indians.

Daily reminder, just in case anyone brings it up.

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oh, well think how they lived, of course they were savages. dudes wiped their assholes with leaves and twigs, then some fancy looking dudes show up with boomsticks and cloth to wipe their ass's, of course you gonna get mad.

my ancestors were west coast though and really didnt have any interaction with white devils until it was far too late, and by then it was us army in first, disarm, and put on res, so not much violence anymore

yeah but say if you attack peaceful settler you are an aggressor beligerent and not peaceful.
You can't make a claim of innocence.
Aslo attacking whites was pretty dumb. I was reading about some battle in africa where thousands of blacks were killed in a battle in retaliation for settler deaths. Only 3 people were injured on the whites sides.

Since when did the indians have borders and border control?

>gets sneezed on
>population of an entire continent dies out

I ask you... were the Natives and South Americanos really meant to settle their "oh so ancestral" lands, when all the White Man had to do was cough in their general direction, and see them drop before him like flies?

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>people dont realise whites died in the millions to sickness to make colonialism work.
We evolved stronger immune systems but there was a price on the white side.

I miss Gelt-posting. Bring back Moon Man.

white people will invent whatever fallacy they need to justify genocide and colonisation.

brown people will invent whatever fallacy they need to justify blaming whites for sucking ass.