All they would have had to do to make the new Star Wars films serviceable is change Rey from a well spoken know it all...

All they would have had to do to make the new Star Wars films serviceable is change Rey from a well spoken know it all to a wild, mute and, at first, animal-like character.

She could be a great fighter from her time as a savage scavenger orphan (and even have a mysterious innate mastery of the force) but if - like Leeloo or Tarzan - she had to learn to communicate properly, freaked out when they went into space, dressed back to front or tried to eat circuit or something she could grow as a character over the films, learn to express herself which would make for some good emotional moments and some good comedy.

Maybe it is her reckless behaviour which alerts Kylo to Han’s position at the end of the first movie which would actually give the character some hubris.

I would have accepted her as a master brawler with a mysterious connection to the force if she was also poorly adapted to the world around her. Characters can still dote on her but like a child, not like a soul mate.

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I too liked Miranda from Firefly

>All they would have had to do to make the new Star Wars films serviceable is change Rey from a well spoken know it all to a wild, mute and, at first, animal-like character.
No, the narrative problems and her character as a whole lie much deeper than that.

And dress her like this.

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bro that kind of character is v problematic nowadays

So you are only comfortable with women being represented in films if they are borderline mentally disabled and showing off their tits in every other scene?

I never said she had to show skin or that she would be stupid, just inexperienced and poorly adapted to the new world she is in

leeloo vs the reylian who wins?

Have sex, incel

>leeloo was a genius
>mentally disabled

if i remember right in the first trailers for the fifth element they kept saying "star wars for a new generation" or something similar

most of the media these movies draw inspiration from had half naked women.

damn and they never made it a triology. What a lie.

would have been amazing

I love posts like this
When /TV autists post their ideas for movie plots and details
Its always so retarded it reminds me you literally have mental illnesses

Thanks user im shutting down and going outside to interact with normal people again.

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why do i get the impression you have written down his idea

>I only like competent women if they're also autistic like me


>genes don't affect intelligence
Explain Leeloo she is a supreme being
Checkmate libtards

she shouldnt be able to pilot or accurately headshot 3 people in a row, but other than that it makes her character better, even though i hate that trope.
theres still poe disappearing on jakku, finn hollerin' while shooting down his mates and the status quo being the same as the start of ep 4. fixing rey alone doesnt fix the garbage pile tfa was

leeloo makes more sense than rey. Leeloo is like a read only harddrive everything she needs to be perfect is coded into her.
Reys just a mary sue.

Rey was to much of every thing right from the start with no explanation how she got the skills

And they filmed scenes that would have made her a better character

Like on Junkoweeine it was mentioned the Sheriff (Pictured) taught her to staff fight, but she still needed his help against a gang that tried to take BB8.

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