Comes out in and week and no hype?
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its a garbage reboot starring shit actors what did you expect
They reboot it and promised it to be more similar to the comics. Trailers give me more GOTG vibes than Hellboy vibes. Felt soulless compared to the del Toro films.
I was going to make a post about hellboy today. Like what the fuck happened to that movie? Didn't it come out?
why would you respond to a thread that literally says it comes out in a week asking the question didn't it come out? Are you fucking retarded by any chance dipshit? Stop posting
nah I just dont' give a fuck
you retarded douchebag s o i loving capeshit scumbag
shazam and pikachu should be little white guys
In the age of capeshit and still they can't get Hellboy right. How hard is it? It's not about quips and tearing people in half
No you just don't know how to fucking read retard. Dont try to play it off now
I will watch it at least twice just because I despise ron pearlman
how will watching a movie without ron pearlman affect ron pearlman at all? you know that guys filmography is 80% straight to dvd garbage, he dosent give a shit if a reboot does better then the one he was in, all he cares about is the paycheck
apparently the reason the movie looks so shit is because the director didn't even show up on set because he was too busy banging Charlotte Kirk
also lmao
Looks better than the old films desu. I saw Hellboy 2 in the cinema and it wasn't great
Prosthetics like that are kind of cringe now too
>Piper Perri
>looks like a legit 13 year old
>is a legal adult
So, this is genetic engineering, huh? Spooky, real spooky.
I have probably downloaded every movie she had a role on.
Piper Perri is my porn waifu.
Looks like shit.
Ron Perlman made a good Hellboy despite the fact that he's now a parody of himself.
I don't understand why Lobster Johnson and Ben Daimyo are in this. Daimyo didn't even show up in Hellboy.
What the fuck? how does a director just leave and come back like that?
Stop using this disgusting image
(((I don't know)))
piper is fucking nasty looking tho. could not even watch this whole scene.
You waifu's kid was killed by her bf after he shook it to death while she was getting railed by 10 guys at once.
I mean... he can clearly read. He responded coherently to your post. I think you just got rekt is all user.
Stop replying and pretending you're a different person
didn't del Toro want to use Lobster Johnson in 2 and Mignola wouldn't let him?
Is this a fan made movie?
>he thinks I give a fuck
If I were a moralfag, I wouldn't have a porn waifu to begin with.
I actually think this was a good thing: Having a kid growing up in the age of internet would make her retire soon, and I don't want that.
Looks unironically better than Del Taco's
The fucking Haden's in it?
Sold. That's all they had to show from day 1. Love me some Haden kino.
THC as Lobster Johnson. This whole trailer reeks of desperation. They panicked after realising the movie wasn't going to sell on the Hellboy name alone and have tried multiple ways of selling it to any potential audience since - now they're promoting it as a CGI gore-fest.
Whole thing has been a clusterfuck from the get go:
>tried to distance themselves from GDT and Perlman
>picked a storyline that's from late-on in the comics run
>strange casting choices that appear to be simply for diversity's sake
>first trailer showed a complete lack of understanding of the character and world
Bleh, that's me hitting the post button earlier than Lobster hits nazis
>THC as Lobster Johnson.
... is a great thing but it's coming too late.
Yeah, I was just taking the piss.
The first trailer said it all, and tried probably to show the actual tone of the movie.
Second trailer realized that showing the what the movie was actually like was a huge mistake and tried showing its more serious side (and blowing its own good joke in the process).
This is just throwing every goddamned thing at anybody who might possibly pay for a ticket.
Should've just made a Lobster Johnson movie starring the Haden.
>Should've just made a Lobster Johnson movie starring the Haden.
They never should have pushed another hellboy film,
they tried and somewhat achieved a passable adaptation with Taco,
I get that mike wants money, but he is blatantly lying (cause they buttered him up) when he says the movie is in any way like the comics.
No shit gen. audience wouldnt like a "true" hellboy film, but that doesnt mean we gotta get this instead, im just sad..
They raped the source material so much. I'ts gonna be a fucking trainwreck.
another capeshit movie nobody besides 12< year olds or mentally retarded manchildren care about
it will be on blu-ray and dvd within a month after release. the movie was made just to keep the franchise for the studio... just like the recent "predator" movie, and all the other shit announced like doom. they do that because contracts usually stipulate that a studio has to produce something within the given IP to retain the rights.
yeah ok.
They can't even understand lighting and instead made it 3d glasses, what did you epect?
That can't be a real trailer, right? That is just horrible, like it was made by someone deaf and blind.
Why do they keep turning Hellboy into wisecrackng smart ass?
His humor in the comics is quite dry and deadpan.
This movie would have been fantastic, in 2005, now, its a movie only some edgelord would go watch, and its rated R to boot.
Meanwhile grown adults will be flocking to cape shit, cape shit, and pokeshit and it will rake in more thanks to the added children viewership.
Mark my words, the Pokemon movie, will make as much as Endgame.
>Mark my words, the Pokemon movie, will make as much as Endgame.
I can guarantee you a 110% that it won't.
not the guy, but hes right,
pokemon will draw as much if not more ppl to the cinema.
Hell yeah gore!
Hell yeah foul language!
Hell yeah Hellboy!
wtf is wrong with the make up?
>Charlotte Kirk
this is the ugly tranny btw.
Also it's the same cunt that got the Warner Bros. CEO fired for fucking her.
Anyway, I'm not going to watch this shitshow out of principle because they turned a white character into a subhuman filthy nigger ape with rastas yet again.