Is this actually funny or do i lack a sense of humour

is this actually funny or do i lack a sense of humour.

Attached: best_of_will_ferrell_360_538631.jpg (1280x864, 213K)

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Will Ferrell has never been funny.


You had to be there.

Will is pleb tier. Walken in that skit was genus though


When I was younger I kind of laughed along as everyone else did but never found him that funny but thought it was something wrong with me

Now I'm in adult hood I know he's not funny, everything is so forced to be funny I don't know what people saw in him

Attached: 1553707373266.jpg (800x522, 48K)

SNL has never been funny.

It was very very funny. AT THE TIME.

But it was very very quickly oversaturated and worn out.

It used to be but seeing hundreds of faggots who think they're comedic geniuses parrot "I need more cowbell" whenever I look up Don't Fear the Reaper killed it.

Walken made it memorable. Funny is subjective.

Attached: fever.jpg (1920x1080, 128K)

the sketch is really good but has probably been over-referenced at this point.

is correct, walken was the best part of the sketch

>let's take a dadrock song and add something annoying to it
It's one of the first major examples of millennial humor. Don't try to understand and just laugh.

walken makes all his skits good plus I like to picture norm is there making fun of catan the whole sketch

>Funny is subjective.
Wrong. If this were true, then comedians would not call out hacks and joke thieves.

Its funny,

The only unfunny part of it is Jimmy Fallon breaking fucking character and laughing while playing a role in the skit.

Dumbest post i've seen in a while

>>let's take a dadrock song and add something annoying to it
it's not adding anything to it, the cowbell is there in the original

t. retard

It was made by gen x
What a shock zoomers getting everything wrong

Its funny. But far from Ferrell's best, Christopher Walken is the funny one in the skit.
The best Ferrell skit was the sports announcer doing astrology or the Robert Goulet nonsense.
Best SNL skit ever though was Tracy Morgan's Brian Fellows