The American

About to watch this, what to expect?

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sort of artificial but nice movie

I know exactly what you mean, I think, but can you explain?

Its fictional

It was a sled

Extremely slow that you will not watch it, then revisit it years later to find out it was pretty good

George Mooney dates a hooker and there's a gun

Not him but it's a good movie, not great. 7/10 imo. Good acting, filmography, nice little bit of action, etc. But its by the numbers for the type of movie it is. depressed assassin takes a foreign job and mopes around, meets a hot chick, he gets back some zest for life blah blah. Script and pacing are generic

Can you recommend any more types of film like that? I'm in a melancholy mood

Clooney made so many good but forgettable movies in the 2000s, this, Syriana, Good Night and Good Luck, Michael Clayton, although Up in the Air is comfy as fuck.

all george clooney movies are kinda artificial when you think about it. it's always "george clooney playing some character" and not an actual character. it's not always bad though.

ok so he wears black gloves at some parts of the movie, keep your eye out. they have three wavey stripes going down the back of the hand from the knuckles toward the wrist. ok?

i have those same gloves too

that's all

Im sort of too tired to explain but it feels almost like a self aware reconstruction of older European crime movies with a Hollywood actor

It was very pleasant to watch though

Michael Clayton is severely underrated. Or rather unfairly forgotten.

Its decent the book is better (A Very Private Gentleman-Martin Booth)

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if you want a fantastic, but slow and meloncholy spy movie watch Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

These are his best films though
>The American
>Michael Clayton
>Up in the air

I watched this with my father when I was young expecting a James Bond like film and the actual result was George Clooney fucking broads in Italy for hours one end. As an adult its pretty great but as a young teenager it was a horrific watch

Up in the Air and Michael Clayton if you want more meloncholy Clooney that don't suck

I can't do it. I've tried 3 times, I can't make it to the end

LOVE TTSS. One of my favorites, glad you appreciate it too.

Up in the Air is another one of my go-to faves for that "mood". It's so beautiful and sad.

O Brother, Where Art Thou? is the best and I will fight you

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They're all good but they didn't exactly leave a long lasting impression. People remember Everett McGill and Bat Nipples though

Honestly tried watching it in about 02 and didn't finish it. Ill put it on my to do list