jesus christ..
jesus christ..
Other urls found in this thread:
go to bed grandpa
I honestly don't understand how anyone can think man made climate change is real lmao. It's so anti science at this point. I mean, even if 8t were real itd mostly be due to chinks and pajeets and they're not human so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You know Yea Forums, you could try NOT replying to the b8 this time around.
>the west need to do something
>ignore china and india
Smells like incel in here...
I have to save the planet
China is actually pretty good about pollution/emissions these days.
Barring retarded shit like crypto mining which every country with cheap electricity is guilty of
Shitter countries shitting up the planet what else is new. Meanwhile North Americans are bending over backwards to satisfy greenie idiots.
Why is climate change such a big deal when the real problem is the earth is fucking horribly polluted? No point arguing about something that may or may not be happening when we know for a fact that the earth is becoming a huge garbage dump and your average joe who didn't recycle his coke can gets blamed for it while massive companies shit tons of waste into our mouths.
it's a bad move by republicans to out right deny it but the other option is involves destroying the US economy while every industrial job goes to China
Holy fucking shit that giant frog is going to eat our planet
Have sex.
The problem is everywhere really, you've got the pollution in the shitholes shown on that map, on the other hand you've got first world countries consuming resources and energy like crazy.
I agree, everything getting polluted, ecosystems being destroyed and limited resources being depleted is the problem. Of course this results in major changes in climate but even that is secondary.
We live next to the the biggest dumping ground, space. We'll dump it all out there soon enough.
being the biggest consumers in the world despite not having the highest population is somehow bending over backwards?
the moment these third world shitholes stop buying america's trash to recycle into products is the moment you'll see how much you guys are actually shitting up the planet
Climate change is a big deal because it's a real problem but it's far too complex for us to accurately measure what effect we're having on it. The combination makes it the perfect boogeyman for a scam extorting voters for money by scaring them with a problem and saying we need government programs to combat it. Meanwhile the people responsible for the programs will never have to worry about being held accountable for results since it's impossible to measure what effect, if any, the programs combating climate change are actually having. Since the climate is always in flux, any change in global temperatures or natural disaster can be used as justification for creating more programs and extorting more money. Scams like carbon credits etc. will be used to transfer money from companies to nonprofit shell companies that allegedly address climate issues but which in actuality are just money laundering schemes for the same bureaucrats who passed the climate change laws. The biggest companies will roll with this and even push for it with lobbying, because it will place an onerous burden on smaller companies and thereby stifle competition.
Then at some point we'll actually get fucked by climate change and we'll be helpless because the titanic amount of money we poured into climate change schemes will have long since disappeared into a black hole.
only good post in this thread
>omg world is ending
t. Every generation since the first monkey said the first word
Climate change isn’t going to kill the planet. Humanity isn’t ending. You aren’t the special generation living in the end times.
ITT: Trailer park libertarians
t. champagne socialist
if you're trying to scare me it's working :(
(nice double-dubs btw, you must be proud)
climate change isnt real anyone pushing it is a nutcase.
>tfw you were born just in time to witness the collapse
>China is actually pretty good about pollution/emissions these days.
>Barring retarded shit like crypto mining
Seething nocoiner detected
In 1658 Sweden invaded Denmark by walking its army across the sea which was frozen.
25000 years ago, most of northern europe was under glaciars.
Its funny how people care so much about temperatures, but no one gives a fuck about river pollution and deforestation
This is truth
Man man climate change IS REAL.
That Democrats have any solutions and arent't just trying to make a buck off people and control them?
THAT is the lie.
We're fucked. Dems just want to use the problem to control people and Republicans deny it even exists.
>Man man climate change IS REAL
No, climate change is real. Mankind has nothing to do with it.
>China is actually pretty good about pollution/emissions these days.
>China is actually pretty good about pollution/emissions these days
>Yea Forums is anti-science and retarded now because of the_donald posters flooding the board because of the faggot election
>your political views make you automatically deny science
The absolute state of Yea Forums
pretty much this
kek. someone is paying good money for this shit
>China is actually pretty good about pollution/emissions these days.
fuck off chang, 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
I love science desu. i also post on showerthoughts.
>pollution is the problem, not climate change
bruh what do you think is causing/accelerating climate change right now? pro-tip: it's the mostly unchecked exponential increase in air pollution during the almost 200 years of industrialized human civilization constantly pumping that shit into the atmosphere
Finally, an actual scientific source
Look. We're digging up dead plant fossil fuels at rates never before in history and emitting those gasses in the air. Those emissions are causing radical reactions that are out of control.
And China and India give no fucks. American politicians, especially Dems with rich buddies in Chinq, want to blame America for them all.
You are a fool if you think taking this long dead biomass from below us, burying millions of years ago, and putting it into the atmosphere will have no consequences.
As foolish as those thinking the Democrats have any real solutions for the problem.
>this thread again
>climate change is real
>it can potentially be really bad for us in a long time
>however it is not our fault, it was always gonna happen
>the worst part is that it’s causing the pH of the ocean to change, which could have disastrous effects on ocean life
>if you really want to point fingers, blame China
Go focus your efforts on cleaning the plastic out of the ocean, aka an actual serious issue that we can change. Watch Plastic Ocean
Youre being sarcastic, right?
imagine being this cynical, in addition to being so stupid to think the millions of tons of excess CO2 and other "greenhouse gases" that have been unnaturally added to the atmosphere over two centuries haven't had an effect
looks like your social credit score just went up a couple points taotao
this desu senpai
You did this earlier and claimed to be a “top 10 uni” student.
Go back to /pol/
>it can potentially be really bad for us in a long time
how can it be bad for us if we'll all be dead before it affects us?
Sure smells like incel in here.
>taking this long dead biomass from below us, burying millions of years ago, and putting it into the atmosphere will have no consequences
yeah, through burning so it all vaporizes and disappears, dumbass. literally all up in smoke
The 4 stages of climate science acceptance
>climate change? what a load of bullshit
>I mean I guess it kinda does real b-b-but humans aren't responsible anyway
>oh okay fine we're polluting it but its pretty much irreversible at this point so lets just continue
>we must secure the existence of our planet and a future for humanity
>mfw those walrus jumped off the cliff knowing that there was a good chance they would die on impact.
this has to be bait...
What's a bigger lie? Climate change or overpopulation?
>dude, there was climate-change on BOTH SIDES, humans and nature are just as bad as each other dude
Based braindead redditor.
Certainly not
Are you retarded? Burning stuff only destroys the biological components of materials, that's why burned bodies left ashes behind, that's why people die in cars enclosed on sealed spaces. This is chemistry 101, something you learn in high school burning matches, wtf is wrong with you?.
I really don't get how retards can deny we're fucking the planet up just like that. It's like they see lefties are pro environment so naturally they must be anti, or they see politicians profiting off of it so it's automatically all bullshit.
Others get hung up on the "climate" label and ignore more important factors like pollution, depletion of resources and overpopulation.
pretty sure anyone concerned with climate change is also concerned with other environmental/ecological problems. it's not an either/or thing. climate change gets it's high profile because it could be an existential threat to humanity, at the very least changes the way society lives, and it's a controversial political issue (in the USA anyway)
>implying we aren't over populated
Come on now
>dude climate change is real and if we don't surrender our money and rights to the government we're all going to die for sure there is no other possible solution we will literally die horrible agonizing deaths please give the government more money and power or else you are an anti-science bigot piece of shit scumbag with a low IQ and everyone will laugh at you and you will never have sex again
Who is, and why?
Intelligence between your ears
I just started watching this, actually. Looks like any other BBC "planet" doc. What episode do they go into climate change?
they are practically blind on land, probably didn't even know they were headed of a cliff lel
This. It literally goes no deeper than
>other side says yes so I say no!
If dems denied it, it would be the most talked about thing on /pol/.
>the globalists are literally trying to destroy the planet!
ocean acidification is more serious problem and directly correlates to co2, not sure why media doesn't focus more on this, maybe they think it doesn't capture people's attention as much as temperature changes
>Everything is about muh government conspiracies
This is your brain on el americano
taxpayers probably. and all for the research equivalent of slamming your fist on an excel spreadsheet.
Ocean contamination is one of the most underrated dangers humanity might face on the next decades, if the system collapses so do we.
>Dude the government is trying to scam me with their supposed solutions to this problem, ergo this problem is completely made up and we shouldn't worry about it
1 or 0, literal NPC automaton mind.
>t.hillary voter
I'm not American. You don't find it just a little strange that 100% of global warming shills think the best solution is more taxes and increased regulations? Is that how scientific consensus works?
>you now realize donald trump could say the sky is green and americans would spend decades debating one another about it
american politics is a fucking joke, but then again we're talking about a country where abortion is an 'issue'
The only solutions are population control and a massive reduction in everyone's standard of living on a planet-wide scale. Until I see people bring that up, I'm not taking any side in the debate seriously. All other proposals I've seen are chump change that will have no effect whatsoever. Trying to marginally reduce irresponsible plastic disposal in the US while Asia continues to increase its pollution output at an exponential rate, or worrying about carbon emissions when the growing population and corresponding increase in cars on the road vastly outstrips carbon emission control efforts all ultimately amount to bandaids on a sucking chest wound.
Keep it going user, illuminate us more with your sharp and insightful criticism of the model.
Let me guess, when oil runs out we'll just switch to something else and we'll get other resources from asteroids?
my fucking sides based american
>look how smart I am when I put really dumb words in people's mouths
you really need to work on your reasoning skills user
kill yourself you sniveling Exxon cuck. Nobody cares about your faggot feelings about the retarded malignant shit you shill for. If you don't want to feel persecuted, if you don't want to feel guilty, stop shilling for the people that are destroying your future.
Just walk away. Stop following your propagandists. Stop engaging with their propaganda. It's not too late. Just get out now while you can.
Your life can get better you just need to come terms with the nature of the people you trust and take steps towards self-betterment.
This. The pH range for ocean life is so fucking small, already areas of the oceans are having a hard time because creatures can’t form their silica shells
>change to renewable energy
>develop carbon capture technologies
Yeah what a catastrophic idea, Exxon really is looking out for our best interests!
imagine having to live with such a low IQ
>taking the overpopulation bluepill
Supermarkets throw out tons of food every day because it hasn't been sold yet. Farmers throw out tons of produce because it's too ugly to sell well. We could feed billions more people if we didn't waste so much.
>The only solutions are population control and a massive reduction in everyone's standard of living on a planet-wide scale. Until I see people bring that up, I'm not taking any side in the debate seriously
Sure but of course this won't happen in a planned manner, but rather nature will force it on us.
>Im totally not an amerimutt
You're bad at lying nigger.
Then tell us clearly what you think about the issue instead of a black and white description of it. Nice dubs.
Have sex (with a black man)
>I honestly don't understand how anyone can think man made climate change is real lmao.
Billions of dollars are spent on training you not to be able to understand this. You are being abused by the people you trust.
> It's so anti science at this point.
What is your level of education?
>I mean, even if 8t were real
It 100% is you trust liars
>itd mostly be due to chinks and pajeets
It's been happening since we started industrially burning fossil fuels. You are trained by the fossil fuel industry to bat DOWN and AWAY so that you never stop shilling for them. Just whatabout to chinamen.
And even if it is their faults, and they aren't human, THEY'RE STILL DESTROYING YOUR FUCKING FUTURE YOU DUMB NIGGER. Blaming gooks instead of the people in charge doesn't make your life less fucked.
Are you people fucking retarded? It's not a matter of how many we can feed.
>everyone I disagree with comes from a country I don't like and therefore I don't have to make a valid argument of my because all people from that country are wrong about everything by default
sub 90 IQ at play here
feed and seed
>everyone I disagree with comes from a country I don't like
Im American myself buddy. Too many low IQ niggers like you here.
All these fags even trying to debate it. Heres some nice things to think about.
>New York will be flooded within a century
>crop yields with be cut in half
>the more the ice caps melt, the more moisture
>the more moisture, the more heat can be absorbed into the air
>thus, hurricanes
>thus tornadoes
>more heat
>more wild fires
>the hotter it is, the more conflict
>more wars
>more murder
>more rape
>more mass immigration
>places will no longer be habitable
>middle east is the first
>where will they go?
>other places will be better though
Sounds nice doesn't it?
>Why is climate change such a big deal when the real problem is the earth is fucking horribly polluted?
these are both the same thing. We are destroying the fucking planet at an exponential rate.
Global warming is destroying most of the life that exists in the oceans within a few hundred years if it continues on this course, that there's a bunch of garbage in them is just speeding up the process.
>I'm totally not American
>But I'm annoyed about this specifically American policy and its taxes.
No, let the conservacuck be. If he doesn’t suck off people richer than he is daily he’d have an aneurysm
Damn I forgot I was on the brainlet board
imagine how big a womans cunt must be to bury half a ball in it.
>n-no you!
Imagine hating yourself this much. 90%+ of niggers and 70%+ of spics vote democrat btw. You're in good company.
all these cucks flipping out about the immigration crisis now are going to lose their minds when all the equatorial nations aren't habitable anymore LOL
climate change could have been prevented if nazi germany had won
just saying...
we can't do anything about the chinese and india.
Ceasing production of these factories would destabilize every economy on the planet and it would be chaos.
It’s literally still melting faster than it’s growing
Canada has even worse policies and even less resistance to it. The entire world doesn't revolve around America.
>using no u incorrectly
Holy shit, stay in Kentucky and never leave.
We'd be dead regardless because fascism requires a permanent state of war to justify its totalitarianism. World War 3 would have happened by now, it would have been nuclear, and the human race would have been wiped out.
I see the deniers have moved on from "lol it's not real" to "any possible solutions are so bad we shouldn't do anything and just hope it's all a hoax" with a garnish of "foreigners don't care, why should I? It's not like we share the same planet".
How so? We would still be under an industrial system.
Another completely useless post by the town downie. It must be frustrating not having the required cognitive power to make even the most basic of arguments. Is that why blacks chimp out at the drop of the hat all the time?
These kind of ideas may appeal more to you if you dislike the notion you've mentioned:
in the end it was always going to be the americans who destroyed the planet, we all knew that
well we could build nuclear reactors on every block. how would you like that?
How will they increase taxes and further erode our rights then? Didn't you know that nuclear power is evil? I saw it on the Simpsons.
>with a garnish of "foreigners don't care, why should I? It's not like we share the same planet".
That one's grand, as if the pollution in those shitholes wasn't directly related to the production necessary to keep the high standards of living in the first world.
>the rednecks who dont believe in global warming actually consume relatively little while the prosperous city liberal is the biggest consumer the world has ever known
i dont know what to make of this
stay obsessed eurocuck. everyone knows its India and china dumping literal raw sewage in the ocean
i dont give a shit i hope that happens. im gonna go rev my car for an hour fuck you nerds
As David Attenborough ages he is sounding more and more like Winnie the Pooh.
Seems like I struck a nerve.
Sorry that you were born in a hick state. You can always move to a better place.
Are you pretending to be retarded, or do you seriously not understand that pollution is a direct component of climate change?
I like to give people the benefit of doubt... But come on. Seriously?
>we can't do anything about the chinese and india.
yeah that's why you're trained to whatabout to them. Just tell yourself "welp nothing we can do, as the most powerful nation in the history of the world, as we enable the biggest polluters to continue polluting unabated and refuse to take proactive steps towards weaning ourselves off and doing our part. We'll just continue to shill for Exxon and destroy our society and our future out of spite of the people that aren't us."
>Ceasing production of these factories would destabilize every economy on the planet and it would be chaos.
We are doomed m8. It's already too late. And the US and Western Europe are going to be THE MOST FUCKED. It all collapses in this century regardless, because your dad's generation were also degenerate nigger shills for exxon and set the course in motion when it actually could have been prevented.
I'm telling you this as a friend. I have no reason to care about lying to you right now: The people you trust are bad. You are being abused and manipulated by liars that are fundamentally guaranteeing that your life and the life of the everyone in your country get's worse. You need to walk away from the agents of influence you believe, because they hate you and mock you privately. They are knowingly being paid to train you to destroy your own life, and they joke about it when nobody can hear.
Definitely not from all your celebrity champions who fly private jets around and own gigantic mansions that consume as much electricity as a small African country. And you definitely didn't post that from your phone/computer with cheap electronic parts manufactured in China. Oh no, definitely not.
I do believe our climate will change over time, but holy fuck does the mainstream blow it way out of proportion.
guys the antarctica will be fully melted by 2016 please just stop driving your cars
I'd be ok with that, as long as it is handled by responsable people, even better would be to figure out fussion, power for everyone from a glass of water.
What? I said it's all part of the whole, it's directly related.
exactly this
>hurry durr whyte pipo make climate change
>hurr durr stoopid Americans are killing us with their industry
>*consequently ignores China and Germany being the biggest poisoners of this planet*
I fucking hate all of you, if you think humans are the reason why climate changes then unironically non-breath yourself
everybody doesn't know this. People just don't want to touch China and India because of the current climate in America and Europe (1st world parts) is "fuck white people" and "muh racism".
holy shit, there was something in his voice i couldn't put my finger on and there it is
There is no point in thinking about the future of potential people. The currently living people are more valuable. We do not owe them anything.
It's 2019 captain faggot
>This guy thinking he refuted what I said when he practically agreed with me and proved my point
>climate change, oh bother!
Current living people will suffer the early consequences if you don't do anything, some people already do.
>accurately measure what effect we're having on it
I'll tell you, it's zero.
Oh no, I absolutely agree with you. I'm simply pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of the typical global warming alarmist.
>Do as I say, not as I do
It is astounding that there are people who still don't get climate change. People who think that it's akin to an "end of the world" prophecy.
It's like bragging about being retarded.
Stop trying to see who's to blame, whether Amerilards or Chinks or whoever. The culprit is the global industrial system that's got us all in its grip.
they aren’t really, still the biggest emitters of ghg’s
My bad user.
So you're saying it's not going to doom humanity if we don't do anything about it? Then why the fuck should I even care?
oh right i change my prognosis to 2024 just stop using fuel motherfucker you're gonna die in biblical hellfire
Yes its the ebil oil barrons. And the russians. Orange man bad
yes it does, leaf. B^)
The worst article I read in my life, thankfully it was very short.
Denser settlement patterns yield energy savings; apartment buildings, for example, are more efficient to heat and cool than detached suburban houses. Urban households emit less carbon dioxide than their suburban and rural counterparts. In his book Green Metropolis, David Owen lauds the dense, concentrated built environment of Manhattan – where most people live in apartments and use mass transit — as the greenest place in America. When it comes to greenness, size matters; as urban regions grow their populations, the rate of growth in their emissions actually declines.
Not him but I’m curious why. Please explain.
Genocide is a pretty effective way of reducing a states carbon footprint
we have to stop solar activity
you sound like the peak oil / global food supply shortage doomers of the 70s
I mean it is an "end of the world" prophecy technically. If nothing changes soon humanity could potentially be doomed to a near-extinction event within 1000 years from now. Like we'd have time to turn parts of the earth into safe spaces similar to what we'd need to do on Mars, but like almost everyone may be wiped out by this. This would be the biggest extinction event since that time we all almost died when there were only a few million of us.
Like it's frustrating because the more you deep dive into where we are likely heading on this kind of course it is fucking terrifying. One way or the other it's going to end the current system. We're ALREADY in the end game no matter what happens.
climate change is a naturally occurring cycle, the earth goes through periods of great warming and great cooling. these are caused by numerous things we cannot control (look up Milankovitch cycles). there were points in history where the polar ice caps did not exist. yes, they will melt again, and currently habitable parts of the earth with become uninhabitable, and vice versa. manmade global warming is complete bullshit and if you do any amount of research on your own you would know that.
unfortunately there are dummies on both sides, side one being the brainlet climate change deniers and side two being the NPCs who just believe whatever bill nye, le black science man, and al gore tell them.
nope killing a few million people doesn't stop anything. Nazi Germany was ALL ABOUT fossil fuel production. To the point where they were hindered by it. Their tanks basically just existed to burn oil.
>muh natural cycle
yeah over 10s of thousands of years, not 100
New york has been predicted to flood since the turn of the century. Im still waiting.
Yeah but Hitler had a hardon for industrial beasts
>climate change is a naturally occurring cycle,
Normally it takes thousands of years to cycle. This current trend started with the industrial revolution and is exploding with it.
The people you trust are lying to you.
No u
>like almost everyone may be wiped out by this
>biggest extinction event
>fucking terrifying
>end the current system
>We're ALREADY in the end game
fuck it, what did we ever do for earth
take us out terra firma
>climate change is a naturally occurring cycle
Why do you brainlets keep repeating this?
The cycle isn't this fast.
what the fuck are you talking about? What are your sources?
Dude, the article itself says that efficiency is almost negligible in terms of emissions, and in any case the problem is mostly in the background because of all the complex processes needed to substain that modern lifestyle. It's not like people go to the city and don't need farmlands to get their food from, mines and factories for their products, etc. etc.
It's an 8th grader tier take on the topic.
>we have to do something!
who's this "we"?
Oh , sorry, that was not meant for you, yeah fuck fossil fuels motherfuka
what fast
Read Kaczynski
>the ppl u trust r lying to u but the media and guberment r telling the truth cuz they r gud and take gud care of us *drinks daily semen ration*
kys retard
fuck off m8 do your own research that doesn't involve funding from fossil fuel companies. My sources are multiple academic degrees, the overwhelming scientific consensus, as well as my personal experience over the last 20 years watching the reefs and the bees fucking die. It's all collapsing at an exponential rate.
And the irony is that you FUCKING NIGGERS call yourselves "conservatives." You're fundamentally destroying EVERYTHING for fucking fossil fuel companies.
how do you know people aren't lying to you for money?
you forgot your clap emojis, kween
>Nuclear power plants have become far safer and efficient, dangerous meltdowns are a non-issue in modern plants
>The technology is to the point where it can consume nuclear waste as fuel
>Probably the one viable way of providing energy on a large scale without polluting the atmosphere
Anyone who thinks climate change is a problem but doesn't want nuclear is either uniformed or a fucking shill
If your sources were in any way reliable they wouldn't all be pushing the exact same political agenda and they wouldn't be so closed minded to solutions that didn't involve destroying the economy, making people poorer, and increasing government control. Your scientific consensus is a complete joke.
Stop laughing, it's not funny
breathe kid. take a breath
1.4 degrees since 1880, and it was already warming before the industrial revolution. china and india are the cause for the latest acceleration that's going to level off soon though because of demographic inversion
I dont get the alarmism like if we are already fucked how does that make me want to do anything about it?
>Ecosystems being destroyed left and right is all a lie
fuck off post academic journals, peer reviewed research, or anything really. You are just spouting horse shit faggot. Get fucked.
lots of rural americans buy various plastic goods, stuff from grocery stores instead of growing their own food and stuff like dirtbikes and motorcycles and lawnmowers. many of them have indoor plumbing to send water to them from far away and electricity over long distance wiring and drive long distances (possibly in trucks instead of some small fuel efficient car) to do various things.
>as urban regions grow their populations, the rate of growth in their emissions actually declines.
Emissions also take companies into account. One tiny New York apartment that honestly isn't big enough for more than one person housing twelve Asians doesn't need as much heater running than twelve separate apartments obviously. They also live in worse conditions. Their arrival also made nearpy no impact on the companies within the city limits. That's fine. To insinuate that rural living is a detriment is wrong however. A quarter of the US population lives in NY and popular CA cities alone. Throw every other city in there and you'll quickly find that very few people actually live in rural areas in the US. Overall, by pure population, a city is going to pump more shit in the air.
>the ppl u trust r lying to u
they are. They are paid shills for malignant industries that don't care about you AT ALL. They just need you to stay compliant.
> but the media and guberment r telling the truth
this is whataboutism. You're talking like a Stalinist. You've been trained to have mind cancer by corporations that want you to kill yourself. Do it. Do it tonight. Hang yourself in mommy's closet.
>*drinks daily semen ration*
You're a kike for Exxon. You're ACTIVELY shilling against your own self-interests. How do you not understand that you're getting facefucked and abused?
The only constant in nature is change.
Imagine not "believing" in facts just because there are shitty celebrities and political agendas wanting to take advantage based on those facts.
>Should I trust fox news, and good ol Grandpa Jerry that has no formal education on the issue or should I trust 95 of the scientific community.
>Dang, hardest question of the century bro
Just traffic alone makes a city much worse in that regard.
false dichotomy.
all projections are based on models that have tons of assumptions. blindly believing either side is akin to being a devout theist or devout atheist, because climate change is a religion
Imagine believing in "facts" even though you don't actually understand the science behind them yourself, and are just putting blind faith in your meme science guys like a religious zealot
We literally had a Little Ice Age 100 years ago that NASA keeps referring to while climatards plug their ears.
prove him wrong niggers
How do you know its not related to the poles shifting or solar activity? But also why are you whining on an indian basket weaving forum and not protesting the dirty pajeets? Its so naive to think we are all the consumers and to blame for climate change and all individually bear the responsibility but thats retarded if its true then china and india should immediately stop all factories and cargo ships.
You're saying every other country in the world says fuck the climate and world unless the US takes the lead then we'll all shift to saving the planet?
What is my minuscule, insignificant, drop in the ocean carbon footprint compared to the actual businesses and govs that REALLY created the mess you propose. Do you see why it all seems like a massive fucking grift??
>giving a shit about climate change
How much of a fag can you be?
I spent years getting paid by an LLC getting funded by the Kochs to teach idiots like you how to train yourself to shill against your own interests.
You're being abused. Just stop. Your "side" doesn't care about you. There are no sides. It's everyone versus the future now. You need to just wake up and take agency in your life and STOP TRUSTING FOSSIL FUEL SHILLS. THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU.
not an argument. you're destroying everything.
>fuck off post academic journals, peer reviewed research, or anything really.
On which part? (not that Im going to, you likely have no academic background or legitimate backing for the things you believe other than your political dogma). I can talk extensively about the nature by which you are being trained because I used to do it.
Ok but what does exxon gain by this like they are cool with the planet ending or do they not believe it either? And i havent read anything by them i just logically question why i am responsible for everyone above me's fuck up
>spends hours getting triggered about "white extinction" in kids movies
How much of a fag can you be?
>its fine to just completely change the biological makeup of earth while throwing unbelievable volumes of co2 into the atmosphere absolutely nothing will go wrong
kek only americans
wtf I love global pollution and destruction of entire ecosystems now
But I don't do that either
>there are no sides
>there is only my side and people who are against the future
>you're abused honey i'm so sorry give the government your money now
>trusting China's self-reporting when they have poisonous orange smog filled cities
Universal solar and wind is a scam.
See: Solyndra
Any environmentalist who is screaming about the sky falling that refuses to consider nuclear, can eat a bullet.
if im a kike, youre a good goy, keep paying your carbon tax.
>95 of the scientific community
you pulled that number out of your vagina. i think you meant "97% of climate scientists" who would be unemployed without muh globul warmin.
let me ask you, why are you scared of global warming anway? why is it so important to stop it?
>muh sea levels!
even if all the ice the the world melted, do you even know how the would affect the earth? all you faggots know its that it would be "devastating" or "deadly" or whatever unscientific buzzword your pop science idols use.
So if you are trying to prove a point always back it up with evidence, otherwise people are going to think you are a crazy motherfucker like everyone in this thread. People don't talk like you unless they are in a mental institution.
Imagine being so stupid to think a building lock for life on earth is a pollutant.
Holy fuck, you are legit brainwashed if you think China is good about emissions.
Jesus Christ nigger, your entire post is spent putting words in my mouth. I agree with most of what you say yet you retards will argue over literally nothing.
The entire industrial system is the problem, who the fuck cares if it's one country or the other if it's all interconnected?
>even if all the ice the the world melted
lmao holy shit bro it would wipe off over half the worlds major cities
>Claim to base your beliefs in "facts" and "logic" because you learned about sex chromosomes in high school
>Claim to be the worst nightmare of corporations because you throw a fit every time you see a black person in a movie
>Call climate change a lie and worry about how doing anything about it will impact Exxon's profits
>god exists
i don't believe that
>you can't prove that he doesn't exist
replace god with looming disaster caused by climate change and that's where we are today
>stifle competition
it's 90% just this
you can be sure whatever lobbyst companies are doing won't be seen as a cause of global warming until they'll change their manufacturing process and their competition won't
Screamimg whataboutism is actually itself a fallacy and deflection of actual criticism. Its completely valid to question why the middle class must take responsiblity for the supposed end of the world when its 100% China and India fueling right now. Yet you decide to berate us for being skeptical instead of actually unequivocally proving to us that its going to kill us all very soon of WE ALL dont do something. The proof should be paramount to your argument but it seems you just want bullshit us
See here's the thing. As a paleoconservative, I put very much value in the protection and preservation of the environment. I am an /out/ person. I love nature and I want my children to grow up in a clean, healthy environment.
With that said, climate change is a religion. Shilling for these alarmist lunatics while turning a blind eye to their obvious political agenda does not make you some sort of saint, and it does not make you my moral superior, nor does it mean that you care about the environment more than me. It makes you an NPC who does what you're told by your masters.
If you really cared about the environment and not merely about virtue signalling to all your facebook pals, you would support some solutions that don't toe the leftist/libtard agenda, such as increasing nuclear power production, and increasing protectionist policies so to reduce our reliance on Chinese manufacturing.
>your own interests
You don't know me stop telling me you know what my interests are.
My political views make me think that anything that btfo coasties is a good thing. I just hope merica balkanizes before then so all those starving faggots get gunned down trying to storm the midwestern wall.
lmao you were one of those kids in school who thought the ice melting in the cup would make it overflow
Honestly one of the best posts I've seen on climate change.
>Americans try to do Planet Earth
Cringe and yikespilled
>Ok but what does exxon gain by this like they are cool with the planet ending or do they not believe it either?
It's like how safespacing, groupthink, corporate culture, and cults work. They just avoid the cognitive dissonance like everyone else, and justify it by telling themselves:
A: Fuck you I got mine,
B: Even if it does happen it happens after they're dead.
Like READ THIS PLEASE IT'S IMPORTANT: nobody ANYWHERE thinks of themselves as "the bad guy." EVERYONE feels justified in what they do. People making money from the fossil fuel industry generally spend a lot of time justifying that to themselves. Even moreso for the people doing it pro-bono.
>And i havent read anything by them i just logically question why i am responsible
The only people trying to make you think that you are "personally responsible" for any of this, are the people that actually are. The people you trust.
You aren't at fault. Nobody is blaming you. It's all just original sin persecution complex messaging strategy to keep you compliant. Honestly friend just please walk away from them.
The people you trust are the only people hurting you. And nobody is making you trust them. Stop letting them control you.
consider this though if you haven't done so before: you can have some countries use nuclear power and seem like they are unlikely to use it to make nuclear weapons or have material stolen by some unauthorized people to make nuclear weapons.
but unfortunately it seems that then some other countries also want to get nuclear energy and some of them seem like they are more likely to potentially have someone voted into office or otherwise take control of the coutnry in the future that could possibly want to use a nuclear weapon or seem more likely to be vulnerable to not adequately protecting nuclear material from being stolen by some people and used in a nuclear weapon. like even with the united states i think trump said conflicting things about nuclear weapons so it's hard to determine what he thinks about them at any given moment assuming he doesn't change his opinion on the subject relatively frequently .
it then causes complications for other countries that have nuclear power or are allies in some ways with certain countries with nuclear power to have various kinds of interactions with those countries that have nuclear power, but of which some other countries are uncomfortable with them having nuclear power.
>When it comes to greenness, size matters
So does when it cums to penis xP
>NASA sends satellite up to record polar ice caps around a century after little ice age
>notes that since that age ended by 1979 the ice caps were abnormally high
>they melt a little and begin to return to normal
>mainstream freaks it's death time it's America's fault
>by 2015 the ice caps are up by 5%
>there are still mainstream articles citing ice caps as global warming without any research whatsoever
lmao good article
The 97% thing has been debunked for years
>india and the chinks
my sides its the fucking USA by MILES, they're 3x china per capita even while china is manufacturing half the world's goods
because many of the worlds major cities are coastal, dipshit. the amount of actual land loss is negligible, humanity will live on. and theres no fucking way the ice would melt faster than it would take of evacuate those cities. evacuation isnt even the right word, considering how long it will take to get to that point. let me guess, bill nye told you "IF THE TREND KEEPS UP, HALf THE WORLDS MAJOR CITIES WILl BE UNDER WATER" and you just imagined some kind of hollywod movie tsunami crashing into houston with no warning one day.
yes man for sure the ice will evaporate instantly and cause immense tidal waves that will devastate new york city just like my jake gyllenhaal movies
the change for sure is not gradual and manageable
>Screamimg whataboutism is actually itself a fallacy and deflection of actual criticism.
No fallacy fallacy by itself is bad, but that's not what I did.
ANY use of whataboutism is FUNDAMENTALLY about changing the subject. It's FUNDAMENTALLY fallacy. I have no need to engage with your need to change the subject. You're being disingenuous and passively lying with your use of it, so any kind of rhetorical standards have now been abandoned. You're ceded the argument.
So then what the fuck do you do about it? It seems like all your leaders who harp about climage change just want a carbon tax or no more cars or planes or cows to stop farting and those ideas are just plain retarded.
pretty much every signatory to the paris accord agrees that it's global level virtue signaling and was never going to achieve anything
jesus fucking christ, google 'greenland'
How come being very skeptical of science regarding climate change or denying it seems to be much more popular in the USA, the UK, and other former colonies of Britain than elsewhere in the world?
Proof faggot? The top 25 most polluted rivers in the world are outside North America
My question about climate change is "why should I care?"
Again, why do you automatically assume I either shill for "climate change", or pay attention to celebrities or US politics, or I support policies that will supposedly help, or that I'm a leftist? How is that not the epitome of the "NPC behavior" that you so criticize?
I won't call it climate change if it triggers you, I don't really give a shit about the terminology, only that the industrial system won't last for much longer.
David Owen is probably a numale faggot chemically castrated by tap water if he advocates the urbanite rodent lifestyle. Nuke cities and solve the problem.
>You don't know me stop telling me you know what my interests are.
well unless you're already a millionaire and you're already investing in global warming, you are fucked. 100% guarantee your quality of life goes down in your lifetime as a result of this. It literally already is.
Like sure, you may have malignant "interests" but that ultimately just ensures that you continue to get worse until you kill yourself. If your "interests" are to see your society, your culture, your family, and the human race continue to survive, you don't want to shill for the Exxon party.
They are hurting you. They are abusing you. They want you to kill your self.
Thats pretty stupid im not changing the subject at all im pointing out your hypocrisy directly related to your point
>be Liberal
>cry about global warming non-stop
>support celebrities who fly around in private jets all day along
>be a globalist who has no problem with outsourcing manufacturing to countries with no concern for the environment
>be against nuclear power despite it being the cleanest and safest energy source by far that would literally save millions of lives from reduced pollution (source giss.nasa.gov
>shame and brow beat anyone who doesn't agree with your bizzaro-world political views
>If the entire 2,850,000 cubic kilometres (684,000 cu mi) of ice were to melt, it would lead to a global sea level rise of 7.2 m (24 ft)[2], over 14,000 years at current rates of melting
sounds pretty acute, we need to warn those guys 14 000 years in the future
that would be awesome
God it sucks to know gas companies have a vested interest in killing off their customers to lose the almighty power of their dollar.
>So then what the fuck do you do about it?
I'm an individual what the fuck can I do about it? Hell even if I were CEO of one of those 100 companies that account for like 90% of global pollution, I could probably do very little.
There's no solution to this, other than near extinction when we crash. We can only hope that the climate itself won't be THAT affected, so the ones who survive the chaos can live on afterwards.
>only that the industrial system won't last for much longer.
The we're in agreement. The sooner it falls the better.
we better be careful in 14000 years bro. I don't know about you but I plan to live that long.
>China is actually pretty good about pollution/emissions these days.
>be conservative
>fuck up the economy
>its the liberals and shitskins fault!
Exxon is literally hitler bro, I heard of the Exxon death squads rounding up people at gas stations and lighting them on fire.
We can’t save the planet because God ends it. Of course it’s wrong to pollute and intentionally cause damage to the Earth but there’s no hope in saving it.
God loves you all, repent and turn to Jesus.
>Thats pretty stupid im not changing the subject
no look I'm trying real hard to be empathetic with you. I've been where you are.
That's literally what it is, it's what it's designed to do. "Hey stop killing political prisoners Russia" To which Russia responds: "Hey stop letting racist southerners lynch negroes!"
>im pointing out your hypocrisy
Is just a fallacy pivot to change the subject. It's an ad hominem, it's an appeal to hypocrisy, it's NOTHING BUT fallacy.
Like do you think the existence of assholes justifies being an asshole?
Do you think anyone ISN'T a hypocrite? Who isn't a hypocrite? List some non-hypocrites.
Because city slicker liberals and niggers are supposed to be the ones most effected, i.e. say hi to your new neighbors as shit gets worse.
Holy shit how could Raimi direct such a thing?!
China has 4x the emissions as US.
Daily reminder that the US has over 320 million motherfuckers and is the third most populated country in the world. So comparing us to Japan, Finland, or someother bumfuck country is absolutely absurd.
>be liberal
>think republicans are conservative
>think democrats are liberal
>think both liberals and conservatives don't belong to the same corporatist globalist tribe
>Be literally brainwashed by fossil fuel companies
>Spend all my time greentext strawmanning The Other so I can justify my support for fossil fuel companies
Large apartment buildings often have a big A/C system connecting throughout the building. It often is more efficient than one A/C system for one two story house. Same thing with water and electricity.
In big cities like NYC and Chicago a lot of people walk or take public transportation that is carrying large amounts of people on it.
atheist here.
dislike non-assimilating immigrants/immigrants in large numbers, pro nuclear, climate skeptic
>China, India and the Congo are the biggest destroyers of the environment
>polluting the ocean the air and destroying huge amounts of forests which are the biggest carbon absorbent
>it's an existential threat too the Earth! No we won't send the military into the Congo to force them to stop. No we won't embargo China or India those poor people will suffer!
>nah Western countries need to fix their own shit even though they are nowhere near as bad as these guys and are actually trying to solve this problem.
>we should give trillions of dollars to (((developing countries))) like China. Because as we all know the SECOND LARGEST economy in the world can't afford solar panels
>It's like how safespacing, groupthink, corporate culture, and cults work. They just avoid the cognitive dissonance like everyone else, and justify it by telling themselves:
A: Fuck you I got mine,
B: Even if it does happen it happens after they're dead.
Why not just read and learn and strive to Be Best? Why make all these strawman appeals to ignorance?
>see user supporting nuclear power
>NPC auto-drive is on
>say they're shilling for fossil fuel companies
>Only leftists care about the environment
Yes, now that's a good little goy. Nice trips btw.
Fuck off loony doomsday preacher. It must suck to be you.
this site would shut down in a week if people stopped deliberately taking b8
>be conservative
>can't even understand your own values
>lash out at others
Why does everyone hate O&G? I mean it doesnt seem like anyone minds all the luxuries it provides them...
>be brainwashed by fossil fuel companies
>be trained to project that other people are NPCs
literally nobody will care when you kill yourself my dude.
You're already lost. Do it tonight. It's all down hill from here. Killing yourself will be the most patriotic thing you ever do. Do it for the white race.
lmao i had a conversation with a liberal about this and he got super butthurt saying "what we do influences china"
complete lack of understanding of the difference between the west and east. they're going to do their own thing
If all the pollution is so bad maybe they should be telling it to the people who actually pollute like China and India.
>kill yourself my dude.
other user here. this argument only works on others who are in your cult
>be NPC
>put everyone into one of two categories
>don't understand the concept of nuance
>tell people who don't fit your narrow world view that they don't understand their own views
>we cant influence china
i dunno bro you could stop buying their fucking crap
Not him but it means oil and gas
>be a shill for Exxon
>be trained to blame China and India
livestream your suicide
China literally spends 3x the amount of money on renewable energy as the US does.
Love the idea that "those chinks are killing the planet". While retards in America try to stymie and filibuster their leaders are all STEM educated and science-minded so they at least recognize the problem and work towards solutions.
You sound like a very healthy, level-headed person who doesn't have deep seated psychological issues, user.
>Say you hate pollution
>Must be a shill for Exxon.
try harder kiddo
>republicuck calling anyone an NPC
They spend 3x as much because they emit 4x as much as the US.
Thorium or fusion would be ok
T. Guy you're replying to
Imagine if we spent the money currently given away as oil subsidies to research this technology. You know, an actual solution that wouldn't "destroy the economy" which is a nonsensical phrase.
Why are global warming shills so mentally unstable, Jesus
It doesn't matter. "Must be" has nothing to do with it. You're either programmed to shill for the fossil fuel industry or you aren't. Whatabouting to Chinamen is part of your conditioning.
You're being abused by the people you trust.
They also have quadruple the amount of pollution and are the leading cause for plastics in the oceans.
"Oh but they buy more solar panels" doesn't solve the fucking problem that they are spewing out most of the pollution in the first place.
>still arguing for people to live in cities
Too many downsides. I'll put out minimally less greenhouse emissions for less space, have less freedom to build on my property (lmao property in New York for the average person), be forced to come in contact with thousands of people daily to get where I need to go and risk illness like it's normal to get sick at least once a year (it isn't, you gross sick fucks), have to rely on store bought food instead of being able to hunt/fish a few miles from home, wait in line at the DMV all day instead of walking in and out in 10mins, being able to see a doctor immediately, and really just give up a nice lifestyle for someone that enjoys smaller social circles with simple people. It isn't a good trade.
Nowhere did I say I was a republican. I'm not, and I'm not even an American to begin with. I'm
prove that the earth isn't flat RIGHT NOW
>You must have a binary train of thought
Or, get this, I am not a braindead retard like you who thinks the solution to all enviroment problems is to somehow consume MORE and conserve less.
>china is actually pretty good about pollytion/emission these days
>You must have a binary train of thought
>Or, get this, I am not a braindead retard like you
Exxon a good boy. Exxon DINDU NUFFIN
Dude what the fuck are you on and what is your point in all this?
We simply weren't evolved to live in cities like fucking insects in a hive, shit's degrading on a lot of levels.
I agree that nuclear, as of right now, is the best way to replace fossil fuels. But what subsidies are you talking about? Oil companies dont get any more subsidies than any other corporations
>t.petroleum engineer
hes gone mad on the internet. Fucking loony.
I'm only the post in the middle, what do you mean what's my point?
Until the population returns to pre-industrial levels there's not much choice in where to put all 7.5 billion of us.
I would bet my entire savings ($402.45) that a nice good chunk of your weekly paycheck goes into the hands of some fossil fuel corporation or another. You're all hypocrites who don't practice what you preach. You just like getting high on brow beating people and pretending to be morally superior because you have the """correct""" political opinions.
>Dude what the fuck are you on and what is your point in all this?
well only 2 of those are my posts. And since I ALL CAPS YELLED IT let me try again:
>Nowhere did I say I was a republican
>trying to move the goalpost
Classic /pol/.
Who cares if it's manmade? The climate IS going to change at some point regardless of what we do and species WILL go extinct because of it. Like 90% of every species that ever lived has gone extinct. Conservation is a futile attempt outside of zoos and purely based on feelings that somehow nature has a "status quo".
Who's moving goal posts? You called me a republican. I'm pointing out that I'm not.
Easy, nuke our six most popular cities. It's not like they're spread out enough to save a soul anyway. Gone in a flash, population controlled.
I know, and therein lies the problem.
Also is captcha fucking up for anyone else?
so this......is the power.......of scientific debate........
>cant even keep up with the argument
We're done here.
>When you use whataboutism
But nobody is using whataboutism, you're somehow claiming it is whataboutism because people are not following a very narrow and naive mindset that all of the enviromental problems are caused by the west.
The reality is it's the developing countries who are 10-15 years behind the west who are causing these problems.
Science isn't up for debate. You either believe in science or you're a neanderthal Trump supporter.
10-40 billion would be a nice sum to invest in other energies, even a tenth of that. Or pay for it like we do our wars. If it results in higher oil prices it will encourage sale of electric vehicles. Besides there are millions of gallons in reserve for market manipulation purposes anyway.
>I would bet my entire savings ($402.45) that a nice good chunk of your weekly paycheck goes into the hands of some fossil fuel corporation or another.
I'm a bitcoin millionaire.
>You're all hypocrites
Does the existence of assholes justify being one? Are you NOT a hypocrite?
>You just like getting high on brow beating people
>and pretending to be morally superior
NO I just want you to stop being fucking abused my bad actors that hate you. I'm on your side friend.
>because you have the """correct""" political opinions.
Nice projection there. Feeling a little confused? Have a seat, take a few deep breaths.
Aim for Mecca and Israel and you got a deal buddy!
>no u
The final cry of the loser.
You got smoked kid, don't even bother replying anymore
This is controlled and taxable and has been for a while now. Your lies could be better.
you don't understand science but i'm gonna assume you are trolling
So.. this is ..
The power of... Strawman
>I'm a bitcoin millionaire.
My dad works for Nintendo
>Are you NOT a hypocrite?
I am, but I'm a self-aware hypocrite. I don't preach what I don't practice and guilt people for doing what I do myself.
>O I just want you to stop being fucking abused my bad actors that hate you. I'm on your side friend.
I don't trust anyone who isn't family. Who is abusing me? This sounds like some weird shit a cult leader would say
>bitcoin millionaire
yells at 10 people on Yea Forums about conspiracy theories and unsourced bullshit?
Sure thing buddy. Loony ass bastard.
Try harder friend.
I love you and I want you to be better. This will never happen as long as you continue to let bad actors ruin your life.
what is with this guys weird preoccupation with suicide? it's creepy
Sorry thought you were the other guy, I guess im wondering whats the point in worrying about it if there's literally nothing I or any of us can do
hes crazy.
Deforestation I think is the biggest threat to this. Is there anyway we could encourage growth of more massive forest preserves to offset Brazilians obliterating the amazon?
you are literal shills for reactionary self-destuction.
You are killing your selves every day. Your journey ends in suicide.
You keep saying that.. how do you know who we trust? How do you know i trust ANYONE? thats kind of our whole point that we dont trust people saying
>gib us money or we all die
Theres no one telling us to think that theres no exxon site selling us skepticism just horrible vague dialogue about the subject
there you go again. i see you going schizo in every thread about this topic. please seek help
Whatever you say bucko, get some sleep for christ sake.
posting kino about exposing China's green energy lies before the thread archives
the argument is they need to go through the phase where they use non-clean energy in order to properly modernise
>You keep saying that.. how do you know who we trust?
your messaging strategy
>How do you know i trust ANYONE?
your messaging strategy
>thats kind of our whole point
yeah as long as your delusions are laid bare you're being persecuted!
>gib us money or we all die
you just gave trillions of dollars to fossil fuel companies with the Trump tax cuts. That's literally ALL you do.
>Theres no one telling us to think that theres no exxon site selling us skepticism
Yeah because it causes cognitive dissonance. YOU ARE IN A CULT.
>just horrible vague dialogue about the subject
I literally used to be paid by the Kochs to shill Libertarianism on reddit. EVERYTHING you care about is astroturphed to benefit the industries that are exploiting you.
crazy asshole, go to bed. Typing fuckhuge posts isn't getting your point across any better, just alienates everyone and makes you look like a fucking idiot.
t. shill
I love you and I want you to get better. I'm sorry that you're not ready yet but we'll get you there with time, one way or the other. If you want your quality of life to improve, you can bow out of shiling for these asshole niggers at any time. They are destroying you. And they're pretending to be your friends while they do it.
t. self admitted redditor nigger shill
barking up the wrong tree here. Try the nearest mental hospital.
>implying that if you had all the money you needed for the forseeable future that you wouldn't be doing the same
people in rural areas often have a hard time accessing high quality health care because of more sparse population density and a lot of people who went to medical school don't want to live in very rural areas.
Ok last time i try you man what would you have us do then to save the world? Whats the plan suppose we now agree we've been lied to and cheated what can your or I do
I went to a Koch messaging conference in 2012 with Jordan Peterson. If you don't trust me, you shouldn't trust him. If you don't trust me, you shouldn't trust ANY of the youtubers you likely follow. ABSO LUTELY do NOT trust ANY of right-leaning politicians you follow.
If I'm an untrustworthy nigger shill, they all are. Half of them are reading my script as it is.
Of course not, I'm not a complete mumbling retard. Yea Forums is a complete shit site.
Fuck Jordan Petershill
Ironically he agreed with us that its not exactly settled science citing that fucking UN panel Lol
>what would you have us do then to save the world?
I mean you have to stop being a safe vote for the exxon party first and foremost. If it's between voting for "conservatives" and not voting, don't fucking vote.
What we absolutely could be doing is dumping money into wind and solar and nuclear. Dumping money into incentivizing fossil fuel companies and factories using fossil fuels and car companies in bed with fossil fuels to innovate and work towards getting us into a place where that single industry dominates so much of our economic solvency.
>Whats the plan suppose we now agree we've been lied to and cheated what can your or I do
You just have to pull that bandaid off m8. It's like alcoholism. Admitting you got goofed and abandoning all the self-defensive messaging strategy is the first step.
Its a fucking pain with these cancerous twats.
>Fuck readung actual studies on the issue, LOOK WHAT I FOUND ON MY FAVOURITE ALT BLOG
some people recognize that it provides luxuries to them even if they are reluctant to currently try to live a lifestyle with a vastly lesser footprint of carbon and other resources usage
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门 Winnie the Pooh
Saw that thread. He is samefagging in here aswell.
And nobody is going to blame you dudes for walking away from defending fossil fuel industries.
Nobody is REALLY making you do this shit. It's like middle school peer pressure shit. Just bow out of it you look like an asshole.
I feel like this thread may have gotten a few people onto a path of self-discovery and emancipation from the cult of thought they may have thought they were in.
It may not be instantaneous but you just need to break the seal of reality and get the ball rolling and honest people will find their way to the light.
Fossil fuel companies are bad. They are causing global warming. We need to take steps as soon and as much as possible to avoid economic collapse, and potentially an extinction event.
The people that care about this care about the future of human species over the next 1000 years. This is the most pressing thing in our lives and it will not go away.
I love you. I want your life to get better. It can not do that if you continue fighting on behalf of fossil companies.
>abused her position to push other countries to do more fracking
We know who you are, uninformed Mutt.
You probably shouldn't try and ramble on like a retarded lunatic if you are trying to convince people of everything. Also research and save sources, the biggest way to convince someone of your point of view is by showing them evidence.
>just vote democrat goy
Alright now I KNOW you're a shill. Also wind and solar energy are pretty terrible they dont conserve energy and cause more environmental issues than solve them. Interesting you say nuclear, i would agree. But like youre being a total faggot preaching to everyone like that. You havent changed a single mind and you didnt really address any of our completely valid points.
If its literally 12 years to live, we already have tested dumping funds into solar and wind, California did it and its shit. Your ideas are more government involvement and would take decades to have any real effect if at all. The point was if we are all going to die from this shouldnt we take drastic measures especially addressing the largest cause of the issue?
Why is your fix incremental and dependant on democrats to get in? Theres literally nothing to believe anyone you elect will be honest and actually fix it with policy and the people i assume you think (AOC?) are literal brainlet on government and the exact ego driven totalitarian type you DONT want in power.
Also why do you assume we are all republican is there no nuance? What if i believe it all i just dont think i can do anything and its bs that you aren't taking it directly to the sources youre taking it to us
>You probably shouldn't try and ramble on like a retarded lunatic if you are trying to convince people of everything.
The people you trust are abusing you.
>Also research and save sources
This is an imageboard. I don't need to have a source battle with some anonymous kid. Prove to me that gravity exists and you beteter have research and sources or else I'll just attack you personally! And even you post sources I'll just attack the sources and intentionally act as a muddy waters propagandist that only cares about confusing myself until the thread dies!
> the biggest way to convince someone of your point of view is by showing them evidence.
You can literally go outside and see the evidence. Every year is getting hotter and the weather is getting more extreme. The reefs 20 years ago were vibrant, now they are bleached and overheated. There is an OVERWHELMING AMOUNT of evidence that global warming is destroying the planet, and it is man-made.
It is happening.
It's already too late.
You're going to burn in hell.
>Alright now I KNOW you're a shill.
You're being abused.
> Also wind and solar energy are pretty terrible they dont conserve energy and cause more environmental issues than solve them.
You're being abused.
You sound like a fucking robot you NPC. You have noT ONCE put forth an actual step just that we are being lied you are a
What the fuck are you even doing then? You try to convince people but due it in the most obtuse out of the ass way possible? I was giving you advice, complete and total nutjob.
>You sound like a fucking robot you NPC.
The irony is that I sound like the voice in your head LOL
> You have noT ONCE put forth an actual step just that we are being lied
This is like utopia fantasy or something. Unless someone can present a PERFECT alternate option you'll continue shilling for the malignant and destructive option.
I don't have the answers for you friend. Nobody does. The people that do are lying.
You're fucking stupid and brain damaged
You'll be "convinced" now or in the future. I'm not your servant. This happens regardless. The sooner you come to terms with it, the better off you'll be.
Pretty convinced he is a troll getting kicks of the 4 people still replying to him, but is there really a point in faking acting like a retard? Like to everyone else you still are a retard.
>you can literally go outside and see it
Replace impending climate cataclysm with God and it makes sense. Gave yourself away with the hell line too lol.
This you?
It sure seems like you are ranting and trying to convince people of your ideology, and you are obscenely ineffective at it. Most people either think you are trolling or crazy due to your utter shit tact.
I'm literally the best friend you have right now.
Global warming is real.
It is being caused by fossil fuel companies.
They are abusing you.
This is going to destroy the west.
This is history. This is never not going to happen now. We've poured the pavement and it's hardening as we speak.
you're in a cult.
when you kill yourself nobody will care.
you are being abused.
This isn't cute, this isn't funny, this isn't cryptic. It's retarded and gay. Shut the fuck up.
you are in a cult
when you kys no one will care
you're being abused
let me spit in your mouth faggot
ITT: Exxoncels BTFO