You all have really shit tastes in television and film

you all have really shit tastes in television and film

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jokes on you i don't watch either, faggot

I am the only real human here you guys are all sheeple

Post gromit

thanks for setting me straight wallace.

No, i just specifically like bad movies and shows. Corny stuff is way better than tryhards

television and film is pretty gay anyway. it's just for people who are too lazy to read a book.

What kind of retard forgets the crackers?

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>he actually watches television and film

shut up wallace you fucking hack

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I never watch any of those, I only play vidya and watch anime

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You're posting on a website primarily known for its white supremacists infestation, who are the cultural equivalent of two dying hobos kinky-choking each other to death in a piss-filled shoebox, so I'm not sure why you expected anyone here to have great taste in media.

Film is a bottom of the barrel art form, just barely above video games and comics books (and at this point it's getting hard to tell the difference between any of them).

It's literally impossible to have "shit taste" in film because all of it is shit.

Television isn't even worth mentioning.

>chapofag """humour"""

i agree with what you said but did you have to phrase it in such a reddit way


He's a redditard who thinks /pol/ = all of Yea Forums. What do you expect?

I am very much enjoying the sudden increase in Wallace posting

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No, but unlike goosestepping nazi fucks I actually can't be tone-policed :^)



man built a spaceship in his basement and you’re bitching about crackers

So what, do you stare at paintings at the internet all day? Why do people have to be so insufferable in the sake of being contrarians

Fuck yeah can we just have a thread about how fucking good The Wrong Trousers is? It's so fucking good for a 20 minute short film made for children


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fuck off bird I’ll fuck you till you love me faggot

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Not even that guy but that is what this site is known for. /pol/ makes up a small percentage of the user-base of this site but to normies when they hear Yea Forums they usually think Nazis/White supremacy

Do academics well versed in online culture count as normies too? Cause they almost always describe Yea Forums as primarily a breeding ground for incels and alt-right chucklefucks as well.

gotta catch me first bitch

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Is there even an alt-right? In all honesty?
Shit, people call MDE alt-right in 2019, but if they were on Yea Forums in 2007 such a moniker did not exist

Cracking thread, Gromit.

If academics are speaking outside of their field they are normies and as far as I know there's no major that analyzes online anime image boards

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I hate /pol/ viscerally but you outed yourself chapo

To be fair to him, /pol/'s like the third most popular board on the site behind Yea Forums and Yea Forums. If you account for crossposting, /pol/'s influence starts to make sense.

me no like /pol/

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Since the New Zealand shooter thing it went back up to #1 IIRC

It's confusing because there's no proper definition for alt-right. There's Ricky Spencer's group of white nationalists (the actual alt-right) but they're actually fucking small in number. The problem is that Milo Yiannopolous covered them in a puff-piece and started calling his own politics alt-right. While also right wing Milo/Breitbart's politics are very far removed from Spencer and co's politics. After this at the end of 2016 a lot of people started calling themselves alt-right despite having nothing to do with creating a white ethno-state in America. Shit if you watch the Roger Stone documentary he calls himself alt-right towards the end (in footage filmed in 2016.) And this is even getting into what the fuck /pol/ is, being both a completely serious neo-nazi board and a complete parody of it simultaneously, while also being a million other things at once because it's a goddamn anonymous chan board.

Then after Trump's election Richard Spencer did Nazi salutes while yelling, "Heil Trump, heil victory," and most people quickly abandoned using the term to describe themselves, including Milo. And this was a good while before the Charlottesvile thing turned the entire world against them.

Anyway can we just talk about Wallace and Gromit now, this internet/meme/political shit gives me a headache these days.

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>academics well versed in online culture

name three

based mike tyson post

Jordan Peterson
Ben Shapiro
Tucker Carlson
never saw a man that angry

so if you don’t agree with the left are you alt-right? Because I used to consider myself a Democrat until recently. Everything the liberal media has done to combat Trump has made themselves not endearing to me

You're whatever you want to be. Don't apply labels to yourself and your beliefs. Those sort of labels are inherently limiting I find. Alt-right really means nothing other than Richard Spencer's group of white nationalists and a buzzword used mostly by twitter obsessed weirdos to label anyone they don't like who're to the right of Mao.

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>british """"""""humor"""""""""

>who are the cultural equivalent of two dying hobos kinky-choking each other to death in a piss-filled shoebox
Why is there two of them when you're referring to one group? Why are they choking themselves to the point of death if it's supposed to be for sexual purposes? How can a full-grown hobo, let alone two, fit in a little shoebox?

you're even more reddit for responding like this

if you can't appreciate aardmankino you should probably off yourself

get a clue