Sometimes the 80's version is better

Sometimes the 80's version is better.

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>Jason Clarke


who the fuck hires this plankwood anyways

it's cool though that Starcrawler got to put out a cover of Pet Sematary through the movie

I still don't know why Danny Trejo was at one of their shows

honestly the first movie in a long time where I really wanted my money back, felt like a huge waste of time and money

desu the only thing that I really like in the 80's version was this song by Ramones, the new version I'm not even planning to watch

>The Eight Cats Who Played Church in ‘Pet Sematary’ Were “A Pack of Divas”

>It turns out it takes more than one cat to play the perfect Church — it takes eight. And all eight of them were divas, according to Widmyer.

>“Little did we know how hard it was going to be to find, like, eight cats who looked exactly like that. It was really just about finding the trainers, and then we tasked the trainers with now finding a lot of cats that could do that, and to their credit they did. I mean, they say you can’t train a cat, and Kevin and I always joke around that our apartments are living testament to that, because our carpets and our couches are torn to hell, because we can’t train our cats not to scratch them. But these cats, they were able to train them and every cat had a different specialty. There was the cat that could hiss, the cat that could jump, the cat that could stare… They were like this pack of divas on set. You know, the cat would get on set and have to get acclimated, so all the actors would have to shut up and just kind of let the cat sniff everything for like ten minutes. So, we just sat there, and watched the cat.”

This movie was so vanilla. Completely unremarkable.

I cannot suspend my disbelief for this movie. I mean the medicine cabinet turned into an elevator? Wtf mate? Also that Somalian dude that kept re appearing for no reason made me lol Funniest movie of 2019, not even joking.

What got me was the basement door. What the fuck, what's the significance? Why does the basement door lead to the semetary? Why were Louis's feet muddy when it was a dream? I really should read the book. Maybe it would make more sense.

That medicine cabinet part with the lift sounds coming out of the sink was so King. I thought that part where Zelda falls down the shaft was the only good scare. Everything else with her was kinda lame. Pet Sematary just doesn't work in a visual medium. All the hallucinations come off as campy and the last couple minutes of him wrestling in a graveyard with a 9 year old is really anti-climactic.

>Why were Louis's feet muddy when it was a dream?

Because it wasnt a dream, obviously.

That movies was so dull and I dare I say lifeless ?

>Pet Sematary just doesn't work in a visual medium.
I think it could work. They just need to focus a bit more on atmosphere and spooky instead of Conjuring-style jumpscares. The whole shit with Zelda could have either been cut or shortened. It took up way too much time and didn't even really play any significance. In the books it's not given that much time.

Hard to compete with Jud Crandall.

But it always comes down to some shitty child actor. Demonic kids are easy to make spooky in a book, not so much when you have to get a kid to act. They even changed which child dies so they could work with the older one and it still doesn't work.

Was there a windego in the woods? I'm not watching if they didn't include the windego.

Watched it last night with my GF

>Bad camp
>Terrible acting, even fucking Lithgow phoned it in
>No good scares, not a single fucking one
>The only person who thought to grab a fucking weapon gets killed and no one ever takes his gun
>That awful fucking ending
>Cut to credits with the worst song I've ever heard for a horror movie credit roll leaving an even worse taste in my mouth than the movie did

I really didn't think it would be this bad.

You only see a silhouette. And Lithgow talks about it.

This movie fucking blew. This story is just shit, imo. I get that grief makes you do stupid things, but the decisions made in this movie are beyond retarded. And everything with Zelda was fucking shit. Are we supposed to sympathize with the wife? Leave it to some thot to make someone else's horrible disease and comically embarrassing death about themselves.

And after the wife gets killed, the movie seems to just be so done with itself. It's like they hit the 90 min mark and decided to just fucking end it like bad improv. Fuck this trash movie.


yeah its shit

I feel like horror Stephen King movies don't work for movies

if you think that the Kubrick's Shining is a Stephen King movie, you are an actual retard

OK, all of the people hating on the movie: Fuck off. This was legitimately one of the best horror films made in this decade. Perfectly paced and acted.

Earlier this week I went to watch Us and I almost demanded a refund, stupid movie with a fuckload of plotholes, then I watched this piece of KINO and I figured hey, maybe TV will be praising this movie too. But of course not, no, you faggots always find shit to complain about.

Because it was a hallucination dumbass. And Pascow shows up even more in the 80s version and in the book. He shows up the entire time the guy is digging the kid out.

The basement door doesn't lead to the sematary, there's no significance, basements are simply a common horror trope.

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It and Cujo both work

Just saw the 80's film, i liked it but it was sometimes campy and the acting almost bad at times (Jud was fine).