Are full CGI films a mistake?
Are full CGI films a mistake?
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Isn't that basically what computer animated films ever, they just don't try to be realistic
they really still haven't mastered teeth or realistic mouth movements
Within the next 30 years all movies will be fully CGI.
Toy Story is kino
>tfw nicol bolas kills her
yea sure buddy
CGI movies are a mist-
i-is she okay?
No. Next silly question.
Not if they have style.
Probably not
OP, specifically, do you mean CGI movies where all the characters are 100% motion-captured?
If yes, then no.
Man, Beowulf was kino.
CGI makes real life more real
Bolas is such a bastard. Kudos to them for managing to make me really hate a villain told almost exclusively through flavor text on cardboard and online novellas.
Nicol Bolas has really cool design.
War of the Spark trailer
Magic The Gathering. It's the newest trailer for the upcoming set "War of the Spark".
>He hates Bolas
I think you might be retarded. Just about every protagonist is intensely unlikable so Bolas is basically likeable almost by default.
Hopefully the mary sue planeswalkers all die off this set.
Just post her death, that's the only part I am interested in.
Blizzard will never admit Warcraft failed because real humans and slightly stupid plot and double down by making a pure CGI movie. They have technology. Also Warhammer 40k would be cool.
*+1s you*
THE best girl
>best girl
liliana is actually very pure and good, she's been corrupted by the people and circumstances around her
*discards lingering souls*
>a nude model of this exists but we will never get to see it
This is also true of every 3D Disney princess model
no, full CGI films are not a mistake. it's important to continue the learning process and development of advanced CGI technologies, both because it's cool but also to keep the movie industry attractive as a draw for top programming talent and capital investment.
No, they’re cheesekino
Anakin I...
Lilianna a shit
Angrath is the only planeswalker with his head on straight. Dude is just pissed that he keeps getting roped into these dumbass adventures when all he wants is to see his family again.
That story was shit and you should feel ashamed.
That movie has aged badly.
It wasn't good when it came out.
Too bad there won’t be tits like that on magic cards anymore
>Too bad there won’t be tits like that on magic cards anymore
How long must we wait for Magic to become sexy and dangerous again?
Will another game dare to be Magical?
yes yugioh is making a comeback in a sexy way get ready for blue eyes white magician girl
Gantz is ok
elder scrolls online got better cinematics
Just go play some Skyrim with an UNP model and a pile of Sexlab mods. Instead of being just magic and death it becomes magic, sex and death instead.
>Mary Sue
I haven't played in a long time but i thought they all got nerfed by the Mending
That nerfing is what the current plotline is all about. Nicol bolas is trying to undo it for himself and he's sucking out the sparks of other planeswalkers to do it.
>people genuinely liked this trailer
>people genuinely rooted for Liliana
This site is full of cocksuckers
That is true, she was a healer after all. She needs Gideon to turn her back into a loving waifu again.
Nissa and her sweet elf tiddies are in the set, what are you talking about
1: The trailer is actually surprisingly good for a MTG anything.
2: What's your problem with Liliana? She's a great character because she's classic tragedy material. She's neither "Mary Sue" (christ I hate that fucking overused term) nor cartoonishly evil, except when it's played for gags. She's a person handed an extremely shitty situation who tried to make the best of it and failed multiple times with some victories also. She's probably the most human of the planescripples.
haha the new hearthstone expansion is dropping in a few days guys that's awesome!!!
>romantic comedy with chad jace and vraska WHEN?
>not using this pic
i knew someone else would post it
A fucking card game gets a kino trailer? A card game. For nerds and shut ins. What a world we live in.
>shut ins
m8 all the action in magic takes place in weekly tournaments using decks that people shell out hundreds of dollars for. Losers? Sure. Shut ins? No.
you right
>still trying to get me to care about the Jacestice League
When did MTG die exactly?
It's for the casuals and to draw in normies.
They're loser shut-ins. Leaving their mom's basement for FNM in a sweaty smelly room with other neets and neckbeards just makes them shut-ins with a weekly manchild playdate
Hundreds of dollars cor a deck of card? Unless they're jewel encrusted that's pathetic. I'm sure there's even a 'muh lore' contingent ready to justify the spending too. Sad.
so long as they don't take themselves too seriously to just look like uncanny valley, but not too goofy they end up being a kids movie. If all your effects are going to be CGI then make the actors CGI too, and let's stop pretending movies are anything more now that videogame cutscenes.
>new set has a planeswalker in every pack
>every onions boy that still plays the game is creaming their pants because PLANESWALKERS DUDE!!!
blame the secondary market for manipulating card prices and blame wotc for not reprinting cards until their value is at most 30$
youve got no idea
the cards often appreciate value though
they're killing off the jacestice league RIGHT NOW user!
objectively worse
During Alara, after Lorwyn.
I'm excited for that because in all the time they've been in the game, I've never pulled a planeswalker. I'm gonna buy one pack to get my first one because I want it to be random.
H-hey guys Jeremy here. I wish I could enjoy this but wotzee got WOKE and when you GET WOKE YOU GO BROKE *sniff*
This version of this card is $200. For one card. You can run up to four of them in a deck.
That's just standard, the rotating format of current sets. Older cards can bring in big bucks.
I don't like that fag but it's more like:
>Get woke and make your product worse
I mean he's not wrong, I don't give a shit about MtG at large at this point. Only select few characters. Most of nu characters and walkers are boring at best.
>loverslab mods
>Skyrim moded
>Sims 3 & 4 fully moded
>Fallout 4 moded
I think I need to get some help
Looks like the tranny from shrek.
>hundreds of interesting planes with interesting stories and histories and Magic decides to focus on the brooding ebic superheroes that just travel plane and plane and fuck it up
Nah, CG is kino
>playing paper
Imo they can't really write interesting planes at this point. Old Dominaria had that mystic feel to it, had fleshed out nations and world felt real. New planes just feel like theme parks.
>tfw I got into the game with innistrad and khans(took a break) and then origins happened and turned it into sjw capeshit.
Though I don't consider it a bad thing because now I get to waste lots of money on better hobbies.
>new planes just feel like theme parks
That's basically what they are now. Sets are just "X, Y and Z planeswalkers go to the mystical plane of A and solve a mystery or kill everyone to solve a problem". It's pretty awful.
No thanks.
MCU fucks up another universe
How can they appreciate in value? Aren't these things meant to be played with. The only way I can see that happening is if someone knows they've got a misprint or something and then seals it in a box forever.
And if people were only interested in the game why not just print out a whole set yourself onto stiff card and play that way? Why do only 'official' cards count in these tournaments. That's like saying only one type of official chess set can be used in their matches.
I like the final fantasy movies. Top notch cgi.
>tfw it's Liliana purification arc
One of few nu walkers I care about at this point.
Howdy pardner. I been watchin sum mighty fine cookin by cowboy kent Rollins. Hoo whee
>How can they appreciate in value?
They provide unique game effects and can have a limited print run with little to no reprints in other sets.
>Aren't these things meant to be played with.
People don't play TCGs bare. You put your cards in plastic sleeves to protect them from shuffling and other wear and tear. You can get packs of 100 sleeves for a dollar.
>Why do only 'official' cards count in these tournaments.
Because them people would just use proxies of all the best cards ever and the game scene would grind to a fucking halt. Also, there's no reason for the game to keep suriviving if people can use whatever they print out at home. People like the game, so they support it.
Is this your first encounter with a TCG, user? I'm honestly baffled that you can't figure this stuff out on your own. Magic started in 1993. Have you never heard of Pokemon cards? Never saw the YuGiOh tv series?
A wild west setting would probably have to lean into firearms a whole lot and Magic tends to stay away from that. Guns are too normal and mundane for a magic setting.
I've never seen YuGiOh and I didn't know Pokemon had cards. I suppose you have to be embedded deep into that culture to understand it properly.
Going out once a week socially is about as well as most "normal" people accomplish.
>I suppose you have to be embedded deep into that culture to understand it properly.
>Having to be deep into a card game culture to understand that value is whatever people are willing to pay for a thing
>I didn't know Pokemon had cards.
Alright, troll confirmed then.
Not if the entire film is CGI. Like Warcraft should have been. It was seriously jarring to see Orcs in the same scene as regular, irl humans and not WC Humans.
And Disney will be at the forefront of it. What with having already created their own cg golems in Cushing and Fisher
Magic used to be for nerds, but now it belongs to SJWs.
>I didn't know YuGiOh and Pokemon were things
There is no way you could have access to a computer, smart phone, television, or a ham fucking radio, and not know of these things.
God this story sucked. Same with The Witness. Predictable garbage.
New planes have basically been diversity quota checklist theme parks which makes them feel totally insincere. I cant help but think that Arabian Nights (shandalar) just felt so much cooler and had so much more flavor than Amonkhet. Apparently they are doing a nordic set after this which continues down this path.
Zendikar was probably the last real plane, since then the new planes have been Innistrad (vampires), Theros (greco roman), Tarkir (asians/ dragons), Kaladesh (india), Amonkhet (Egypt) and Ixalan (indiana jones with full meme pirate dinosaurs)
So a lot of people are going to die, this is a perfect reset to all of the OC donutsteal walkers but seriously. They are going to do some stupid as fuck time mumbo jumbo with Teferi and Karn and fuck it all up.
I don't think they are going to advertise the death of Liliana in the opening cinematic unless it is a red herring.
The best girl is Vraska, Liliana is a busted and dried up manipulative slut who doesn't deserve best boy jace
This arc is going to end with Nicol Bolas taking control of all of the lame one-note theme park planes and flying them into the twin towers, and then we can start from scratch
Arabian Nights takes place on Rabiah, not Shandalar.
I don't wont to be like this but it's pretty much true. Old Planes - SOUL, nu Planes - SOULLESS
Best girl is obviously Tamiyo
>Innistrad (vampires)
It was a full on love letter to classic Gothic horror, far more than just vampires
Lili doesn't need that snek fucker anymore. She has a knight in shinning armor to fix her brother and dragon issues.
Meant for.
Still feels wake when plane is just about that. Dominaria had more shit in it.
It's also jarring to see Orcs, or niggers as I like to call them, in the same scene as humans in real life
>Black zombies are your classic walking undead
>Blue zombies are science Frankenstein monsters
I love it.
Wow I actually didn't know that. All this time I thought that was the case, I thought the city of brass was in Shandalar, maybe from that video game.
i havent played magic since the ice age set, wtf is up with this card?
Shandalar just appeared in some core sets as a very generic plane afaik. Its extremely generic on purpose.
btw, why the fuck did Visions, a set set in magic tropical Arfica, have a card that wholly referenced Rabiah?
>1: The trailer is actually surprisingly good for a MTG anything.
I bet you listened to Linkin Park in high school. Even the Ice Age trailer from long ago was better.
>2: What's your problem with Liliana? She's a great character because she's classic tragedy material. She's neither "Mary Sue" (christ I hate that fucking overused term) nor cartoonishly evil, except when it's played for gags. She's a person handed an extremely shitty situation who tried to make the best of it and failed multiple times with some victories also. She's probably the most human of the planescripples.
She is a literal backstabbing cunt who practices black magic, and then you tell me she got remorse for her actions when she saw a mom and her child die or some shit?
She is portrayed as ruthless and cynical in her every appearance (excluding scenes where she gleefully inflicts suffering and cruelty) but THIS is what made her realize that she is a bad guy? And you consider this good character development?
In what way? It's honestly the same as having an enchanted bow and multiple quivers of arrows with different enchantments. It just has better range, velocity and penetration.
>OP about CGI movies turns into a nerd love-in about a card game.
What a rubbish thread.
Yeah you are right, but even still it was basically the set that transitioned towards the theme park style, though you could argue that Zendikar was sort of like a treasure hunter set. Which isn't to say that theme park sets are bad, but when every set you make is one then none of them feel special at all.
Old sets used to have cards like this that hose a specific theme from a previous set (or at times, the whole expansion, like Apocalypse Chimes), just in case they fucked up and printed something stupidly OP as a safety valve.
Imagine some gang of Goblin rustlers with janky firearms. Imagine how much fun that would be.
OP obviously intended this to be an MTG thread or he wouldn't have used that picture, it was a stealth card game thread all along.
It's like you don't understand Yea Forums, newfag.
No. Absolutely not. They too can be pure kino.
Lili needs Gideon to bring her to the good side and get revenge on Raven Man who manipulated her and made her bring ruin to her family she ultimetly cared about. Then, have her start family with beefslab Gideon.
Ok, so, you know the general lore to Magic games, right? You and your opponent are two planeswalkers, interdimensionally-traveling wizards, hurling spells and summoned creatures at each other.
Well, Magic's story lore has introduced heaps of NPC planeswalker characters and they wanted a way to have them in the game. Enter the Planewalker card type: essentially a buddy "player" card that has its own effects to apply to the game. Those numbers on the card are its loyalty stat and costs. Once the card loses its loyalty, the character isn't interested in helping you any more and goes to the graveyard.
Planeswalkers enter the game with X loyalty counters, at the bottom of the card. Once per turn, any time you could play a Sorcery, you can use one of the Planeswalker's abilities. Some add loyalty, some take it away. Your opponent can choose to have their creatures attack you as normal or attack your Planeswalker, reducing its loyalty. You can have your creatures block this attack. Most non-combat damage can be targeted at Planeswalkers as well.
Don't worry, aside from the massive rules restructuring in 6th Edition and the addition of Planeswalker cards, Magic hasn't changed that much from what you remember.
Guns are more modern and magical settings are usually past-y.
>fantasy settings can't have guns
Oh, also, Equipment is a thing now, but it's just better Enchant Creature cards.
Jesus Christ, this movie was very well done for being full on batshit insane CG.
What's the name of the movie?
that's kinda the fucking point...
>expecting a dwarfposter to have reading comprehension
There are currently 0 playable equipment cards in standard and basically 1 playable aura enchantment.
read the thread, braingenius
They're not generally better, there's like 5 playable ones in the history of magic. Usually both auras and equipment are bad.
I hope Urza will be ok
Final fantasy was fucking kino and still is.
He's been dead for ages
The annoying thing is, I have absolutely less than zero interest in the card game but want to see the movie that led up to these events. That's a good trailer. They do that with League of Legends too, create great trailers for games I have no interest in playing but leaving me wanting to know what happens next.
Oh that can't be right, he's immortal
He joined Yawgmoth's Phyrexian invasion and basicly the rest of the good guys had to blow up the whole multiverse up to stop them.
Everything died about 15years ago.
The entire story is posted on the magic website, you can read everything. Warning, some of the writing is awful.
Yeah but those cards were all printed in the sets that they nuked. From what I read, desert twisters on Rabiah were sort of like portals to other planes, and one could travel between Rabiah and Jamuraa that way, so I assume it has something to do with that.
Didn't he maybe get cucked? His (or his brothers) descendants are still around
Hope she loses her skin, a lichwalker would be kino.
That's why a full movie would be very appealing to me, to get rid of the cruft before the screenplay's written.
>skeleton wearing lipstick
I don't think they could fit the enormity of the story into one movie, let alone introduce all the planeswalkers in this set.
Also if they make an adaptation they better fucking skip the monstrosity that was Kaladesh, it was the worst fucking story arc
>spooky skellington
>still has boobs
Then Karn made his own plane and accidentally infected it with Phyrexian oil, which eventually transformed it into New Phyrexia while Karn was away.
Also, it turns out given Phyrexians access to white mana makes them REALLY organized and able to steamroll over anything that opposes them, including their fellow Phyrexians.
Double oops.
it's a bodice
No, the Linkin Park sort of had me chuckling. I couldn't believe they chose that, but the video was good.
>She is a literal backstabbing cunt who practices black magic
So what you're saying is, you agree with me. She's imperfect, but sympathetic. Also, Jace is a cosmic-level douche and was asking for it. Liliana is literally too good for him.
>and then you tell me she got remorse for her actions when she saw a mom and her child die or some shit?
You haven't been following the storyline at all, have you? Yes, I 100% believe this would be the final straw for her. She's lost literally everything, after fighting and planeswalking for years to gain her independence no less, and now Bolas has taken even her freedom. She just got back from fucking Dominaria after staying away for years to free her brother by killing him. I'm sure all this shit is fresh in her mind. And now she's being asked to destroy Ravnica and kill the only people she has anything resembling any kind of relationship with left in the multiverse for someone she doesn't even like. I can totally see her doing exactly what she did. And then to top it off, she just sees the senseless death of a mother and child that she basically caused - again, on behalf of someone she neither agrees with, nor likes.
>She is portrayed as ruthless and cynical in her every appearance (excluding scenes where she gleefully inflicts suffering and cruelty) but THIS is what made her realize that she is a bad guy?
Again, you've clearly not been following her storyline at all. Liliana's dark humor and distant behavior are a mask. The girl's had a rough fucking life. This is how she's dealt with it.
>And you consider this good character development?
And you don't? Pleb status confirmed. Liliana's character arc is probably the only redeeming thing about the Jacetice League's buy-more-cards bullshit.
wish japan used CG more like that instead of the terrible way they usually do
I hope Jace dies already.
She needs to shack up with Gideon already.
jAIDS will never die.
Everyone does, user. Everyone does.
>No, the Linkin Park sort of had me chuckling. I couldn't believe they chose that, but the video was good.
It was a simple "Now you watch it backwards, now forwards" kind of thing, nothing interesting about it, except if you are a mouthbreather who likes SPECOL EFFEX in your videos.
>So what you're saying is, you agree with me. She's imperfect, but sympathetic. Also, Jace is a cosmic-level douche and was asking for it. Liliana is literally too good for him.
She is a standard edgy woe-is-me-but-i-kill-you bitch created only for nerds to lust over. She is not sympathetic in any way.
>You haven't been following the storyline at all, have you?
What fucking storyline? Oh no, her brother was sick, oh no she consciously made a deal with a not so trustworthy man, oh no her plan failed and she is evil and edgy now...BUT she has a plan she will realize through the death of the men who wronged her...fucking wow.
> I can totally see her doing exactly what she did. And then to top it off, she just sees the senseless death of a mother and child that she basically caused - again, on behalf of someone she neither agrees with, nor likes.
She is constantly killing people left and right with zombie hordes, and no doubt caused the death of innocents too. Very inconsistent of her to realize her actions have consequences now.
>Again, you've clearly not been following her storyline at all. Liliana's dark humor and distant behavior are a mask. The girl's had a rough fucking life. This is how she's dealt with it.
So, another cookie cutter plot mechanic? Sure, whatever.
>And you don't? Pleb status confirmed. Liliana's character arc is probably the only redeeming thing about the Jacetice League's buy-more-cards bullshit.
Sounds to me like you are a waifufag and/or a shipfag so you take this whole thing pretty seriously.
>Garruk out of nowhere
>Axespins Bolas
>It was a simple "Now you watch it backwards, now forwards" kind of thing, nothing interesting about it, except if you are a mouthbreather who likes SPECOL EFFEX in your videos.
You fucking idiot. Not surprised you failed to notice the timeline changed.
Why are you so mad?
If Garruk "The Undertaker" Wildspeaker doesn't show up out of nowhere and elbow-drop Bolas to death to end this stupid story arc I'm going to be so disappointed
I really enjoyed the movie Gantz:O
They wouldn't be if they were made by Blizzard
This looks fucking cool
How is Liliana a nuwalker when she was in Lorwyn?
still better acting than bREEE in Cpt Marvel
>n-n-n-no see the trailer wasn't about pleasing waifufags and cheap 00s nostalgia, it was about the timeline changing haha
it's a fun standalone movie, i recommend it
Nuwalkers are card walkers, planescripples, as opposed to walkers like Bolas or Urza who rarely get cards.
You must be a jacefag. It's literally the only explanation.
whatever you say, waifufag
I notice you've failed to answer THREE times now.
no, it's the future
>tfw probably won't live long enough to see movie stars replaced entirely with CGI versions of themselves so they can essentially live forever on screen
the day that shit becomes mainstream we will have porn the likes of which we can currently only dream of
I notice you have failed to protect the honor of your fotm waifu all the times now.
Is this Yea Forums? I thought I was on Yea Forums?
this is /pol/
She is an old walker, the idea is that planeswalkers were super powerful because they drew their power from the planes, which was abundant prior to the mending. The mending used a shit ton of this power so now there is a lot less of it for planeswalkers to draw from, which is why all planeswalkers, even the old ones, are much weaker. Sorin, Nahiri, Ugin, Karn are all old walkers, Teferi too but he lost his spark for a while I think.
once this happens capeshit will literally never die
>iron man:reboot, tony stark the early years featuring ''robot'' downey jr looking like a 19 year old
I've already explained everything. You just keep sidestepping the question. All you're doing is whining about "waifus". But that's not an argument and you know it, so what the fuck is your actual problem?
they got merged a while back
welcome to the channel, user
Bolas has 4 Planeswalker cards and is getting a fifth with the new set.
Literally no difference, desu
He's talking about post-mending. Does nobody in this thread know anything about MTG?
Apparently this id /crd/ for card games.
Not only have you not explained adequately anything at all, your posts also give the impression you spend more money on MtG than necessary, with the wish that Wizards will give you some sexy liliana art or something to that degree.
Get help and get a better hobby.
Woudln't this be /tg/? It's card game, after all
Only one of Bolas's five Planeswalker cards depicts him pre-mending.
So, you just hate MTG in general then.
I read the book trilogy about the Mending. Have you?
Jesus christ reading through the actual mending event was a slog.
Holy shit he's not a fucking different person now. Are you being stupid on purpose or were you just born this way? What the fuck is hard to grasp about this?
>Um excuthe me thir but I have read the complete works of Urtha, HAVE YOU?? SIR! SIR!! HAVE YOU, SIR!?!
>Doesn't know what a fucking nuwalker is
u wot m8? I never thought or implied he was a different person. Literally what the fuck are you talking about.
back to fucking /vg/mtgag/
Beowulf was so fucking based.
Okay, lemme break this down better. The Lorwyn walkers are typically considered planeswalkers, planescripples. Garbage. I think Liliana is an oldwalker, but just barely and she's the odd (wo)man out because all the planesewalker cards of that cycle were nubabbies. Eventually, other cards were made of oldwalkers like Bolas and retconned Jaya. So calling Liliana a nuwalker is sort of borderline because she's sort of in between the two. She's old, but she's part of the new cancer of planeswalker cards.
NO. What are YOU arguing about? You're the one who keeps replying with protestations.
*considered nuwalkers, planescripples
For me, it was after Innistrad block.
>What are YOU arguing about?
Someone said Bolas rarely got cards. ()
I said Bolas has 5 Planeswalker cards. ()
Someone said Bolas rarely got post-Mending cards. ()
I said most of Bolas's cards are post-Mending. ()
You somehow thought I was saying Bolas was a different person??? Or something??? I have no idea, since I wasn't. ()
Nigga just wanted to clean pools.
Jace being a bad character is such a dumb meme, he has gotten a lot of character development and is a great character ever since he became a pirate. He is only ever snarky and clever on flavor text, in actuality he's a bumbling nerd that WISHES he was as cool as that
Stop reaching, guy.
The Jew confirmed he wouldn't be showing up.
Holy fuck I hate rosewater so fucking much and I stopped playing after Khans.
>saved by snusnu
>Someone said Bolas rarely got cards
>I said Bolas has 5 Planeswalker cards
>Someone said Bolas rarely got post-Mending cards
Wrong. I was saying OLDwalkers rarely got cards. Pay attention. Bolas is one of the few who has and stupid ass jewater has made him the central BORING big bad for far too fucking long. You don't even know who you're arguing with. You jumped into a conversation halfway through.
If anyone is a fucking Gary Stue it's god damned Jace. The most personality-less fucking robot spike self-insert possible. He even dresses like a fag.
So you deny you're a jacefag (or want everyone to think you're not), then you insult MTG in general. But you're a big fan, right? Fuck off, retard. You're just arguing to argue. No more (You)s, tranny. You're getting cut off. You've attention whored enough for one night.
haha imagine if she shoved you all the way up her pusy wouldn't that be weird haha
what movie?
I did not know this card existed and I love it.
>So you deny you're a jacefag (or want everyone to think you're not), then you insult MTG in general. But you're a big fan, right? Fuck off, retard. You're just arguing to argue. No more (You)s, tranny. You're getting cut off. You've attention whored enough for one night.
Imagine being this mad because someone insulted your waifu
>Wrong. I was saying OLDwalkers rarely got cards. Pay attention.
Except you didn't. You said "walkers".
Stop getting mad about your own mistakes.
Just proxy it. Only faggots will complain
>Bolas sets up a beacon to attract every Planeswalker possible
>Garruk, the Planeswalker hunter, doesn't show up
I'm mad about this, and if Angrath dies I'll be even more mad
>If anyone is a fucking Gary Stue it's god damned Jace. The most personality-less fucking robot spike self-insert possible. He even dresses like a fag.
So how many of the stories about jace did you read recently? Did you read the ixalan story?
Koth and Elspeth don't show up, either.
Koth is busy BTFOing New Phyrexia alone and Elspeth is still dead
If Bolas wins we're going back to Theros so he can try to kill Erebos and I'm sure Elspeth will show up then
Un-sets are great.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Elspeth get fucking rekt at some point
I skimmed it. Jace is boring as fuck. You seem to have forgotten this is after he literally BECAME the Guildpact. Because that's not at all a Gary Stu thing to do. I'm pretty sure Jace is the rosewater self-insert. Dresses like a combination of a chad and an unlikeable nerd faggot. I bet rosewater actually thinks he's cool because all of his employees tell him he is.
Elspeth has been wandering around Nyx for a while, her Mythic Edition art is her with a torch trying to find her way out and come back to life
>If Bolas wins
have sex
She's dead but she can still planeswalk, can't she? She's just a returned, no literally dead.
They made a lot of mistakes early on, but they did a lot to fix it in the most recent years. But apparently you didn't read it so you cannot argue AT ALL about what I said, which is that Jace got a lot better recently and is now one of the better characters.
At least Jace isn't Nissa or Chandra for example.
Who do you want as a main villian, then?
inb4 Bolas fuses with Emrakul
You know you don't have to play with the $200 version, right
The Phyrexians would be neat, although I'm sure lots of people would bitch. They need to get off the bolas dick already. Everybody hates it and it's annoying.
When will MTG be good again? Everything over the past near-decade has mostly been "your creatures get bigger or better" Devotion is probably one of the more interesting mechanics they've tried, yet havent brought it back as fast as they did with others like raid
As long as it maintains its current fanbase of MCU-watching, meme-spouting, politically correct subhumans, nothing will change and it will keep getting worse.
>Apparently they are doing a nordic set after this which continues down this path.
Everyone will be black. You guys notice they specifically target the color white to overrepresent with the most blacks? Not even a joke. Next time you see a new set, do a head count.
>Elesh Norn gets a new card appearance for a reprint in a side set
Better idea: not give a shit about whatever the fuck you're bitching about
Unironically, non shitpostingly, this.
I'm about as far from the typically racist Yea Forums user you can get, and even I noticed this. I play a lot of white weenie and at some point I noticed all of my creatures were black dudes, and it's very clearly intentional.
almost every movie made now is near fully CGI anyways so everyone is watching an animated/cartoon movie.
>once a week socially
normal people are supposed to talk about each other, not a card game.
i'm sure there's some people who just come in only to play the game and once it's done they leave. only bothering to go to the event because they didn't figure out a way to play solitaire with a card game deck like MTG.
why do you care, though?
Even better idea. Stop pretending to be a girl when you have a dick, regardless of how small it may be.
>all PWs with only negative abilities die
>Bolas is narrowly defeated, explodes into planeswalker sparks
>everyone walks away
>next set: Garruk arrives too late
>absorbs the sparks
>starts hunting down PWs
Logical next step.
I mean they push blacks a lot now. Glad I dropped mtg years ago.
you know you can talking before, during, and after games, right
Why do you? Claiming to not care over and over again is caring, you're just in favor of pushing it.
>supporting a hobby that actively hates you
I only said it once, because I'm curious.
I have no idea what I'm reading there. I know it's English but it makes no sense to us normies.
I'm not super bothered by it but it strikes me as a hamfisted pre-emptive attempt to avoid accusations of racism or lack of inclusiveness from some vocal minority of the fanbase who likes to get offended by that sort of thing.
How does the inclusion of black characters indicate hatred from a game company?
You fucking trannies say almost that sentence VERBATIM every single time it comes up. It's LONG past your ability to pretend at being a neutral observer. You're clearly interested in pushing it.
I LITERALLY only asked once, here:
Are you high?
Less nogs I have to see in art the better.
I'm the one you asked, this is my response. Everyone else is an impostor and I'm clearly not as mad as they are.
>all PWs with only negative abilities die
>MtG is mostly played by white males
>Wiz actively and consciously makes most of the human art of the cards be about black people
>Wiz also made several comments about toxic white masculinity and how it''s time for more representation and for the old fans to move aside
Yeah I wonder...
This thread is full of toxic masculinity. No wonder women don't play this game.
>conspiracy theories and spinning narratives to fit your point
expected nothing less from a non-pig eater
>No wonder women don't play this game.
>women don't play nu mtg
based women
if only it were true
Because almost every single magic player is a white male. It's one of those things where the demographics aren't even a close contest. Imagine if your family took down every single picture of you and replaced every one of them and most of your other family members with random photos of black people you didn't know. But they didn't just do it the once. For the rest of your life, they busy-body themselves around your person making sure they cover your eyes if they see a white person and change all your avatars or game characters into blacks without your permission and make sure every book, movie, game, song you indulge in is certified "black enough". And when you ask them why, they get enraged and fly into a tantrum. And they never stop. For the rest of your life, this is how you live. Now, this is an unrealistic scenario, but your kind are dense, so I have to talk down to your level. Nobody wants to look at niggers because they're ugly. Constantly pushing them at TWICE the representation for their race in a hobby that is comprised almost exclusively of white males isn't just odd, it's spitting in your face. It's literally saying to your customers "We don't want your business, muh demographics is destiny, everywhere must be the USA as we project it in 25 years"
Now, if blacks were having this done to them, you would call it "erasure" and nobody would even stop for a moment to question the evil racism behind it.
All the great directors ware nerds and shut ins faggot.
The women I knew who played just borrowed spare decks from their BFs and flowcharted
Then get some original lines, because all the rest of you trannies ask this 60 times a thread.
why are you picturing yourself in every card
1 gem was added to your mtgarena account
Stay ignorant
Holy shit was the RAYCIS photographer notified about the RAYCIS lack of diversity and representation in this photograph?!
But my question was formed in an independent vacuum based on my curiosity. That makes it original
>why are you picturing yourself in every card
Why are blacks? In a game they don't even fucking play?
>Now, if blacks were having this done to them, you would call it "erasure" and nobody would even stop for a moment to question the evil racism behind it.
Tell me this sentence is wrong.
No it wasn't. And that's why you get no more (You)s. You're cut off. Being a retard is one thing. Lying about your motivations is another.
But it was. It's the truth and you can't successfully refute it.
MTG movie with Idris Elba as Teferi when???
Ugh, look at them. Why can't they be an INDIVIDUAL such as myself?
I entered this thread for an interesting discussion only to be derailed by a bunch of worthless MTG fags. Jesus Christ I hope fantasy card games get outlawed when the nanny state takes over
Why are there so many niggers in the art of the cards, lads?
Legendary allright ^^
All magic is black magic.
Idris Elba needs to be banned from movies.
No you didn't.
For exactly the reason you think.
Gantz but I wouldn't know whatever dumb suffix it is
What do you mean, he managed to get the one brown guy in the entire room in the photo
Go fuck yourself dweeb, you don’t tell me what I did and what I didn’t intend
In one of the Battle for Zendikar sets the only depictions of white human men in art were getting killed. No joke.
What’s funny is the Asian set was all asians, the Ixilan set had only whites as pirates, etc The Nordic set will have tons of blacks for sure. And asians. And vague brown people.
K. If this was something with a majority black audience (like 90%) and it was filled with white men, would your reaction to the blacks be "What are you throwing a fit about? Why do you care?"
Lol I don't think I noticed that.
There are definitely Asian and black pirates in Ixalan dude
Man I want to fuck Liliana
For the next tranny who tries to pull the "why do you care?" shit, ask Jordan Peele that.
He probably mean conquistador vampires.
Now what would happen if some white director said that he won't cast blacks.
netflix has it, ive watched 50 times or more.
I FUCKING loved the Lawn mower man!
Oh, not even that. And what Jordan Peele here said wasn't even that bad. So a white director should be able to get away with it fine. But if anyone even THOUGHT that a white director felt this way, his career would be ended by twitter literally overnight.
I don't know why you'd lie about something so easy to check. The Battle for Zendikar block only had 27 Human cards.
I don't mind them existing. They enable visuals that would otherwise not be possible so that's pretty neat
Well yeah, that's what I meant.
>Now what would happen if some white director said that he won't cast blacks.
you dont even have to go there (people will say blacks are too oppressed)
what if a minority director like guillermo del toro or an asian or indian director said no blacks....
>muh anti white racism
This. Besides, he was robbed of his godhood by the assholes who changed the nature of the spark. He's just getting back what's his.
I'll bet anything that blacks are more than 12% of the cards, ya dumb, smug fuck. Oh, and do include ALL card art with humans or elves in it.
So you'd be alright with a white director saying he doesn't want a black lead? Or would you scream like a banshee night and day until he lost his career over it?
Fuck niggers and fuck nu lore (besides Lili and beefslab). Old mtg died years ago.
Nobody said anything about strict proportional representation of black people based on the US population, you just lied about there being "no white males" in battle for zendikar and "all of the pirates are white" in Ixalan, which are just verifiably not true.
The only reason why I kind of like the emphasis on planeswalkers is the hope that we will FINALLY get good planeswalker removal, possibly even a planeswalker wipe.
I'm not the one who said it, but I know damn well WHY he said it.
>I'm sure there's even a 'muh lore' contingent ready to justify the spending too. Sad.
Magic lorefags are actually rare and are generally not the ones that think prices should be high. The only people that like high prices are those that leech off the game via speculating on the secondary market.
I don't know if undead can be planeswalkers. Ugin is maybe the closest to that.
Complaining and bitching about the representation or lack of representation of races in card games is fucking stupid. If you are going to be complaining, at least complain about things that actually matter, like how bad flavortext has been recently or the homogenization of art.
Actually, it's mostly spikes also, because they're all bitchy rich kids who think paying to win is a sign of skill. Lorefags are the ones who've been getting shit on since numagic took over and the game started going downhill.
The flavour text has definitely gotten a little too "jokey" for my tastes, which was one of the things I wasn't fond of in Hearthstone back when I played it. Guilds of Ravnica also holds the award for worst flavour text of all time with Experimental Frenzy, and that card is ass cancer on every other level too.
So it totally wouldn't matter to you if we got all these niggers and trannies removed from the game? Cool. Since you don't care and we do, WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY HERE?
>ass cancer on every other level too
And still not as cancerous as fucking Risk Factor or Light Up the Stage
But I love Toy Story.
>at least complain about things that actually matter
like nigs in art
>the Ixilan set had only whites as pirates
Ixilan sets had pirates as the mutlicultural good guys, lots of brown women. The white people were the nazi vampires, who everybody absolutely loved because they were so cool, so they had to sabotage their own popularity poll to stop the nazi vampires from winning
I don't even mind those cards as much, the thing that annoys me about Frenzy is how it can win almost any game, even if the player has no right to win. Experimental Frenzy mirror matchups are the absolute worst experience I've ever had playing MTG.
They were not nazis, they were nospanish conquistadors. I liked them though, some sexy vampire ladies among them. Not worth getting back magic the pozzening though.
There's really nothing Nazi-like about the vampires, they're clearly Spanish conquistadors (and at least one of them is black).
Because the people who create the game do, duh. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, I don't know why you dislike having them so much.
Why do you hate black people in art? Some of them are pretty cute, pic related.
Oh of course, but everybody who isn't multicultural is a nazi nowadays.
They were super cool, their conquistador armors were great.
>and at least one of them is black
They find ways to ruin it.
I don't hate them that much, I hate multiculti portrayal though.
And I'm sure you say the same thing when the roles are reversed. The fact is, there is no neutral position on this issue. You wouldn't be submitting comment if you didn't actually care. You are in favor of it. Plain and simple.
So it's just another fucking strawman, claiming that everyone thought the vampires were cool because they were Nazis, people point out that they're clearly not Nazis and then you walk back the point and make some ridiculous unrelated claim that nobody with a brain has ever actually made.
Seriously, fuck whoever designed Ixalan Pirates. Not a single good vehicle and not single
I have been playing a Steamkin+Frenzy deck for a while (in MTG Arena though) and I can say it varies quite a lot. Sure, it CAN win you the game but it can also set you up into a landclump and fuck you over. Meanwhile, 2 cards for 1CMC is bonkers, it's slowly creeping towards Ancestrall Recall level and Risk Factor, which can effectively get you 6 cards or smash opponents face for 8 is just plain evil.
*a single pirate with vehicle synergy
I play frenzy from time to time in MTGA as well and while I know it can definitely backfire the fact that it can allow you to pull a lost game out of your ass, and there's very little skill involved in the matter really rubs me the wrong way.
We can do this all day, my Viper folder is bottomless
Honestly, both mono red and Esper should get their arsenals seriously curtailed. And they should finally print something that kills instants dead in a color that is not control.
>you say the same thing when the roles are reversed
What does this even mean
Would I be saying "You know, there's nothing wrong with having lots of white/asian/indian/elf people in the art, some of them are even cute"?
I am not neutral, I think it's something that is stupid and not worth discussing, especially when there are much more relevant issues in regards to magic's aesthetic side.
Mine isn't, I only had that image saved. Fuck.
It was very noticeable in the writing that the people who created the set were vastly different from the ones who were writing the story. It was very funny to see how the vampires were completely vilified in the story even though they were never even meant that way other than a couple of characters. Meanwhile the only 'evil' pirate was Angrath who was best boy, and all the pirates were just well-meaning fugitives with a great and inclusive society.
>You are in favor of it. Plain and simple.
That's not a bad thing.
>Viper folder is bottomless
Based Viper poster
>6 CMC with somewhat restrictive colour requirements for a 4/3 with First strike
I love how shitty creatures used to be in MTG, it's charming
The flooding of card art with niggers is literally the most vile thing affecting MTG aesthetics right now.
Now go tell Jordan Peele he has to open up his movies to more white men.
why? it's a matter of proportion in hollywood. there's still 477843134678885 movies staring white men
how did you feel about mirage block
Oh is it? So you care that blacks are overrepresented in MTG by twice the actual value? Good. So do we.
>the most vile thing affecting MTG aesthetics right now
>So you care that blacks are overrepresented in MTG by twice the actual value?
>Good. So do we.
who the fuck is "we"
There are more blacks in the world than whites in the world. Are you complaining that 60% of the cards aren't an asian of some form?
I've literally always called it the affirmative action block, but it is useful for African wildlife.
Nope, even the furfag cancer isn't as bad as the niggers being shoved in especially all the white cards. It also seems like they've toned down the furfag shit in recent years. Boy it was getting REAL fucking sketchy there for a while.
Who could have forseen this outcome? Representation only matters when it's niggers and it doesn't matter if they're overrepresented, but it does matter if whites are. You know what you call reverse racism? Racism.
Not him, but pretty sure Mirage portrayed blacks in their own nations inside Dominaria, which is welcome, unlike multiculti shite with black notgreeks in Theros, for example. But then again, new planes are just one dimensional theme parks so no surprise. They don't flesh out them, add many nations.
In America? Africans are not the primary market for MTG, retardnon. America is. In fact, the west in general is overwhelmingly the largest consumer of MTG products and Europe is for damn sure whiter than America. So who is being represented here, exactly? Where are all the Chinese? Latinos? Indians? China and India alone have more people EACH than the entire fucking continent of Africa.
Something is amiss here.
Based Satan
99% of this thread needs to unironically have sex.
>you have to show the race of your customers and only your customers
>furfag cancer
Drop your identity fucking politics for one god damn second and look at the card. What is bad about it? It's not because of the identity of one of the fucking groups in it. How can you look at that image and say "oh yeah, he's obviously talking about furries being shit"?
Based Coach Z telling it like it is
We do. We didn't cut ours off.
Because they want representation. Isn't that your entire argument for shoving niggers into everything?
>Drop your identity fucking politics for one god damn second and look at the card. What is bad about it? It's not because of the identity of one of the fucking groups in it. How can you look at that image and say "oh yeah, he's obviously talking about furries being shit"?
Lol listen to the nigger get uppity. Fuck off, smelly nigger.
Probably best of the series, much better than the shitty manga or unfinished anime.
Shame its so short, but at lest it adapts the chapter of the mange before it gets retarded.
>your entire argument for shoving niggers into everything
When did I say that? My opinion is that it doesn't matter and you're a retard for caring.
>Lol listen to the nigger get uppity. Fuck off, smelly nigger.
So you can't see what's clearly wrong with the art in and resort to ad hom? Jesus, people like you shouldn't be allowed in public.
He probably doesn't spend very much time in public user, a ban wouldn't serve any practical purpose
>We didn't cut ours off.
Cut what off? What are you gibbering about?
>When did I say that? My opinion is that it doesn't matter
Yes, but we have already established that that is a lie, so you can stop saying it now.
>defends the trailer
>waifus Liliana
>defends forced diversity
>defends furries
Sex. It's another word for genitalia. We have our sex. We didn't get a jew to cut it off to rot our crotches out.
Honestly this is one of the primary things that bother me. I hate that this card game is being used as some political bandwagon for black identity politics. And you just KNOW it's only black identity politics, because there's very little asians or mexicans, it's always blacks. Gothic european setting? Yeah there's a lot of blacks and 1 asian. South american setting? Yeah there's not only a lot of mexicans, but also a shit ton of blacks. But asians? Yeah I don't fucking think so.
And that proves that it's black identity politics interfering with everything, and NOT that it's about inclusion and racism. Meanwhile magic is very big in japan, but nobody gives a fuck about them because they didn't have muh slavery.
And why does this all annoy me? I'm not even american. Black identity politics has absolutely ZERO relation to me. There's almost no black people in my country. Yet they have to specifically make changes (and boast about it) for their own good boy points.
My favourite part of observing arguments on Yea Forums is when someone assumes every single person in an entire thread with an opinion they disagree with is the same person
Lili is a waifu, trailer is ok, fuck "diversity".
>So you can't see what's clearly wrong with the art in
what, exactly?
i'm not seeing anything wrong
buddy, are you having a stroke
I know. They should just call everyone incel and nazi like us normal humans.
how is it "interfering" with anything
We did? I don't remember that. I remember someone saying "you c-can't be neutral, everyone has to pick a suh-suh-suh-shu-side!" and I believe that established them as a retard.
It's truly a shame that you are allowed outside. I'm absolutely certain you either don't play Magic (arena doesn't count), or you make your FNM a worse place to be just by showing up.
>defends furries
Who? Where?
HORRIBLE quality. The perspective on the arms is fucked, the "artstyle" is trash, the background makes it look like you have your fov set too high. It's abysmal quality. It's the kind of artwork that's actually a problem in mtg.
Interfering with the choice of characters and art. They are explicitly changing their character designs because of the black lives matter bullshit. They hired some chick as a diversity specialist who immediately made a self insert planeswalker who was a sassy black girl with a big fro.
I'd prefer it if there were no such constraints, or that if there were constraints, that they'd go for ACTUAL diversity rather than black identity politics
Noone enters a thread to violently post "I don't care" 37 times.
looks perfectly fine to me. besides, even it it was bad, it's going on a tiny card anyway
That's revolting
I'd assume people who complain about black people showing up in art would be okay with something like this, because he's a thug who's shaking people down for money
name a character that was changed
All the angels on Dominaria were changed. They used to be blonde gorgeous women but now they're black women with sidecuts and short hair. Kaya was made specifically for black identity politics. Samut was made out to be perfect while she looked absolutely atrocious and they completely forgot to give her a character other than 'fast', because they were too busy making a strong black independent woman.
No characters were changed because you can't suddenly change someone's race, it's all about the new characters that are introduced.
Honestly, I have such bad negro fatigue, I'd be just fine with never seeing another for the rest of my life in art or otherwise.
>No characters were changed because you can't suddenly change someone's race, it's all about the new characters that are introduced.
so... no interference then.
Frankly I think anyone complaining of "negro fatigue" is probably not in a healthy state mentally
If you're in a healthy mental state, then you're a native of the asylum and you don't belong on a world where sanity is the norm. This is an intensely unhealthy world.
>All the angels on Dominaria were changed. They used to be blonde gorgeous women but now they're black women with sidecuts and short hair.
>a vast majority of card art is specifically black to make sure there's a lot of black people on cards
>a lot of new characters are black specifically to make sure there's a lot of black characters
>yeah but no EXISTING characters were suddenly turned into Idris Elba so there's no interference with the writing, character design, worldbuilding and card art
Are you even reading your own posts? You sound ridiculous
No, but he's from Ravnica, the muttland of mtg, so maybe it makes a bit more sense.
I didn't. I entered a thread to talk about the trailer in the OP and you retards can do nothing but vomit your opinions about wizards having the AUDACITY to have NONWHITES in their art.
>taxation is theft
based autistarian
Look at his ARMS. Look at the tiny little skull. Look at the way detail fades into obscurity the father you get from Ajani's facing, forcing camera effects onto a canvas so that you can draw attention to a centre point without being bothered to use the lines of the piece naturally. Look at that WOLF.
>Samut was made out to be perfect
Samut is a retard who made multiple mistakes and can't understand people. She's basically a black stereotype.
That's literally all you've been doing all thread long.
The VERY FIRST Ravnica set from ~14 years ago had a black guy as the main character of it's novel. Why are you complaining about black people now?
Well yeah there's still angels like the old angels, but a very large portion of the new angels look more like this
Who are the best current MTG artists and why are they Jesper Ejsing, Seb McKinnon and Noah Bradley?
You'll notice no one mentioned race in art for ~150 posts.
>implying I didn't dislike Ravnica for being multiculti metropolis shithole from the beginning.
Ravnica was never interesting for me.
This is actually like the only one I kind of have a problem with, not because she's black but because she's not even attractive. Angels, if NOTHING else, should be beautiful by some standard and she looks like any old middle-aged woman with wings.
That's literally the only one.
Wrong. The Serra Angel reprint is black and so are several legendaries. Also some mystery meat.