Every freaking 5 minutes this movie made me surprise and smile...

Every freaking 5 minutes this movie made me surprise and smile, it's hard to find another movie that will be filled with such amount of dark comedy. It has some resembles with Get Out but the comparison will not be in favor of Get Out. I really can feel existential crisis of the protagonist although he is not a good person. Almost every dialogue here is incredibly witty. It's much smarter, darker, funnier than Get Out, but it didn't get the Oscar for the best screenplay.

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watch "Adaptation" the next night after watching this for a nice head-trip

John Cusack really looked like David Foster Wallace in this film.

yeah, I'm actually planing to watch it

yeah it's kino

>Kaufman trash

I remember when I first saw a trailer for this movie and thinking it was so weird to have the actor's name in the title and for him to play himself in the movie

Ah kids just finding out about Kaufman films is a great thing
Watch Synechdoche New York if you want a life ruiner
It’ll be far darker than anything you’ve watched

I could barely finish that movie without falling asleep

I don't think it's really similar to Get Out at all besides the basic premise. If there's any recent black movie it's similar to, it's Sorry to Bother You

Synechdoche is ludicrously over rated.

It's like the film version of an ego death lsd dose but it's happening to someone else so it's not so bad

ITT plebs

You should see all of Kaufman's films. Good stuff.

Too young to understand.

>too dumb to understand how bad Synechdoche sucked — it was like watching somebody trying to sick their own dick for two hours
Being John Malkovich and Adaptation are so-so for a single viewing — definitely not canon

It's one of my favourite movies. Go see everything else by Kaufman, especially Anomalisa.

Try this one, brainlets.

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Anomalisa is the only kaufman that is truly shit
>oh no the successful chad doesn't know true love

Crappy 70s german aesthetics
Being John Malkovitch is a totally different movie. Much better acting than world on a wire too.

The credit roll halfway through was so out of nowhere it was actually kind of funny.

Get Out was Being John Malkovich for narcissistic, low iq niggers.

yeah nigger....EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE YOU lmao

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You must hate classic Disney movies
>o bloobloo the princess hasn't found true love

You have to be 18 to post here son.

Love Kaufman. Disliked Anamolisa.

I got addicted to Synecdoche. Watched it about 100 times.
>Its everything.

Stop having sex with dogs

this was before he got pretentious and angsty as fuck

I liked Anomalisa's animation alot, hated everything else

>hurr durr look it’s John Malkovitch everywhere, what a great actor irl


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I thought cusack and diaz were as good as they ever could be and also that woman who's a cunt in everything
Fassbinder movies are mostly shit which is why he made so many so quickly.

Has anyone listened to Hope Leaves the Theater? If not, find it online and listen to it right now. It's a radio drama, double billed with one by the Coen Brothers in a feature called Theater of the New Ear

Ignore those other plebs, Anomalisa is kino.

I love the title of the newspaper in the movie "the schenectdian" lol. There's certainly no real life newspaper with that title

>I thought cusack and diaz were as good as they ever could be
absolutely true, I didn't even recognize Diaz from first scenes, and I guess this is the only one good movie there Cusack played in.
>hat woman who's a cunt in everything
she was so fucking good in this movie

It's total shit.

>fassbinder is shit
>Diaz and Cusack are worth watching
honestly, there’s no hope I give up - keep watching mediocre fare and thinking it’s blowing your mind

If that's all you got from Anomalisa, I feel sorry for you.