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Webm thread
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Why are Eastern European women so hot?
NOW I understand why Slater always plays cucks.
they just are
is that the guy who opens old rations and eats them?
nah. you're thinking of somebody else
hehe, I made that one
he he, I asked you for it
aha, waves
>kids today
>LOL LOL ROFL look at that disgusting flat ass!!
Never realized that was Roger Daltrey before. Nice. Good flick too.
got up and walked right out of the theater
Hah. I love If Looks Could Kill. I'm actually surprised someone else remembers it
How tf do aliens stay hydrated when they are constantly leaking goo?
Did you do this too?
>it'll get worse before it gets better
I want to believe.
I asked for it too
fucking landwhales
Glad you liked it
Alotta Fagina or Areola Canasta?
I used it, this one too
I need more like this ASAP
the proper term is “thicc”, user
I can't watch white people dancing and i'm white.
Alotta Fagina for me. Haven't seen Looks in a while though, so I might need a refresher.
Gianna is just a poor man's Jessica Biel.
I kind of miss her.
Yes steve1989
>shoots her the moment she lies
What a guy.
My Aryan Amazon.
Is this scene long enough to fap to, or is it just the length of the webm?
yeah... she's a whore
and that's a good thing.
Any chance of having 'trigger discipline' for swords as well?
>can't hold her gun right
>shitty salute while standing at parade rest
my inner /k/ommando is raging
Okay but any tricks to optimize the drawing?
That sword looks flaccid.
Nice double dubs.
Biel was in the A-Team film?
why not just jump out the window
yfw this actually works irl
because the movie ended?
>tfw no cute goth gf in high school
t. Homosexual
I'd contribute more, but I'm focusing on calling out lost /pol/fags on Yea Forums for their own stupidity.
chinamin are fucked in the head
At this point, GS webm belongs with the rest.
Don't forget to dilate.
Brigitteposter here
>every one of us knows who he is
>and what God expects him to do
My 'sides
I've never seen this but it looks comfy. Worth a watch?
>Brienne of fucking Tarth?
What is this
It's a comfy watch, with a lot of cults and stuff, and great scenery. Don't expect a masterpiece, though.
Thanks. Looks like I'll add it to my lazy Sunday list to watch.
what is the reason you fap to girls being abused ? why do you find it hot ? what triggered this fetish ? be specific
in this, her belly is her hottest body part
Couldn't tell you with any level of certainty, but I'm pretty sure my sexual awakening as a child was the result of a scene in a movie involving violence towards a woman. I can tell you it doesn't manifest at all in my day to day or my behaviour, but I can't avoid the fact that it makes my pee pee hard. I wish it didn't, but suppressing it isn't going to do me any good as long as I have a healthy outlet.
why do you care, legbeard?
afraid of your answer user ?
I think it's funny how I'm the one who made both of the posts that prompted the question and I gave a frank and honest answer, and some random unrelated person felt the need to lash out even though the question wasn't even directed at them.
Is that 2 dudes?
Nice to see the lads still flying the flag
>fixed version
It's just not the same
Man, what a fucking career Billy Bob has had
The 3 MB limit is bullshit.
Is anyone still watching Vikings?
I dropped out ages ago
Apparently next season is the last
It has Monica Bellucci in a brothel if that piques your interest.
It's always been my biggest issue
I don't care about sound but man, a higher file size would be so fucking helpful
Thats not how you pour a beer
Yes that's all fine and well but it's Emilie Dequenne who won my heart
I love redheaded French chicks
How can something be gay and not-gay at the same time?
aaa a a aa a
The guy getting his soul removed by the wraith gets me every time.
man, a-team was so good
Light eyes, pale skin blonde hair.
Although I wish there were more black haired ones, the contrast between black hair and pale skin and light eyes is GOAT.
>the contrast between black hair and pale skin and light eyes is GOAT.
Ah yes
Dadario would be a perfect example if she didn't look insane.
>naked and belligerent
No way to go through life, lass
Every fucking time.
I'm gonna have to take a trip there and see for myself what the fuck is going on there.
Miller is BACK
You'd think Biden would learn to stop this by now
was the cameraman drunk
here's a fun game
google ''florida man [insert your birthdate here]''
why doesn't the boyfriend just have sex?
I found the news article.
Her boyfriend looks like a low T söycuck.
Given the young lady's propensity for random acts of violence, sex with her might be a dangerous proposition
>that sweater
That settles it, she's insane
What's wrong with the sweater?
They were actually having sex here
>It has Monica Bellucci in a brothel if that piques your interest.
And yet the only webms we have of it are some dudes talking in a field?
This is a Christian website, user
i played this game
its hard
nice box
Isn't it delicious
Based Tractenburgposter
is she a Pole?
night lads
>raises a walther-looking pistol
>when it hits the ground it's a nickel beretta
I might have the tism
Yeah, weird film. It's something like 4 different genres in one, kung fu action + romance + horror mystery
the full video is better
>'Florida Man' laughs in the face of Hurricane Florence
>Lane Pittman has become known for dancing to heavy metal music in the middle of bad storms.
>Lane Pittman from Jacksonville Beach, Florida is not afraid to walk into the eye of a storm. He did it during Hurricane Irma in 2017 and Hurricane Matthew in 2016.
>Donning a pair of blue shorts he walks into the storm waving an American flag and completes the act by headbanging to some heavy metal.
God bless Florida
god i love izombie
Nothing wrong with it. Military consultants are usually retired, so they use dated techniques. Most modern handguns have that front trigger guard area checkered for you to hang onto.
Actually, it is. Hard pouring is the proper way to dispense a bottled or canned beer into a glass. Better head, less gas, smoother drink.
Those beers are like 80% head when you take into account the top of the glass is wider than the bottom
>Christian website.
>Gets dubs
It's supposed to have a good head on it.
It settles over time and turns back into beer. Pouring this way, you maintain the head much longer and stop the beer going totally flat but most importantly, you allow the CO2 to rise out of the glass, which gives a better taste, better consistency and stops you getting bloated.
A lot of people will drink beer and get bloated because everyone tries to pour as gently as possible, which keeps all the CO2 in the beer.
is the woman was hot this would be some serious fap material
sup reddit
gf liked to be choked
have sex incel
>when your squad finally decides to frag your CO
What the fuck was the ending of this movie?
and to think that the guy that played robin fucked all these extras
and all the fangirls that came backstage for a "batsperm autograph"
and batman watched
behind the scenes of that adam west batman show would've been a 24/7 orgy
imagine the smell
Interesting I'll give it a shot. I usually drink straight from the bottle.
Is there more of this kind of thing in Izombie?
Burt Ward talked a load of shit, that was all stories to sell his book
do u even imfdb?
nobody can convey hate quite like oliver reed
BRAINWASHING COMPLETE ... I bet you buy all the shit of the dumb shopping channels too .... fucking kys
walked out of the theatre
jelly incel is jelly
whatever helps you sleep at night besides your furious fapping lmao
true story, i almost had lunch with milla jovavich but our schedules clashed. she liked that i was 6'1", said that hollywood guys are short. she's cute as a button in person.
Better with the Tangerine Dream soundtrack.
Zoom Zoom.
Well some, sorta, like delaying the draw on a larger blade that is scabbarded to the hip when standing off with a drawn opponent. Drawing the blade may give them the time they need to strike you while in a transitionary move, delay your draw and pull them in to you, if they bring the sword down in a right to left arc of any kind you can then straight draw to block their swing and smack them as hard as you can in the face with the pommel. Hopefully you'll fuck them up enough to finish them off easily. kinda like trigger discipline. i guess. a bit.
Typical anime. Mc never gets the girl
kinda trashy and goes on forever, chill to watch while doing something else
*right to left torso and up strike, if they go for a sweep (dangerous) or an under and up (rare, tricky) best to step off from the swing and risk a knick/slash. If they're a lefty and you're scabbarded righty, other techniques are available.
I really like swords, i hope i'm not an incel, is there a blood test they can do?
i don't know what this is but i love it, reminds me of home
don'y forget period piece investigation gothic with a bit of politics social commentary
its a weird pill to swallow but almost every chick likes to be choked and treated roughly during sex so this is a pretty easily catered to fetish. if you can have sex in the first place that is
more russian wacky comedies
>he doesn't know about the signature dutch angle the show had
whenever a villain is on screen the camera is crooked
i love cats
picked up
that looks fucking dumb. glad i haven't seen any of these
What's this movie called?
I remember getting one of my first boners to it.
>tfw reading it with that nigerian accent
its about two minutes long user.
top of the lake, a awful NZ tv show
good to see rachel user around ,even if i most likely missed him