>prepubecent childs and normalfags used to love Joker
>a simple clown makes everyones trigger
Explain this to me.
Other urls found in this thread:
Make incelkino and everyone loses their minds
The normalfags love this trash
Your grassroots marketing isn't going to work, shill
>>a simple clown makes everyones trigger
who's being triggered by this Joker/the trailer? why do you say people hate this?
> Artistic Capeshit!
> psychological thriller capeshit!
> R-Rated Capeshit!
> Serious Drama Capeshit!
will this shit end when whites become a minority?
A fuck ton has changed in 9 years. Namely shootings
There's some weird backlash in the US right now agaisnt Caucasian Males by the liberal media. I'm watching all this shitshow from my country.
Some fags posted twitter screencaps of like 2 people complaining this was made for angry white incels to relate to and now they're forcing that meme
>right now
But Joker isn't white
he's jewish
>makes everyones trigger
That isn't English, subhuman. Your country has imageboards that use your mother tongue. Use them.
what are you talking about, the general public reception so far is incredibly positive, are you sure you arent visiting tumblr too much or stalking too many sjw twitter accounts?
I clearly said Caucasian, not White. Joaquin Phoenix is a Caucasian male.
A lot of people from the worst place of the internet.
>Going on Yea Forums and correcting people's spelling for leaving the last two letters out of a word
Great job user.
>nov, 2018
This movie was announced this year.
that's a funny joke
m8 I see no capes in this trailer.
because that was his only mistake
It's all because of shitskins
It’s PG13 not R, this is a kids movie pretending to be mature
If I tell you that the star of a movie will be a black guy or a women, nobody panics. Because it’s all part of the plan.
But I say that one little movie will have a white male protagonist and everybody loses their minds!
I think we just are at a point where people are sick and tired of edgelord clowns.
It was announced last year.
>makes everyones trigger
Nonwhites off my board now
He is not from Caucasia though.
He's white presenting and thus has or at least represents white privilege. Please educate yourself.
Yea Forums is now a non white site, deal with it