Sup Yea Forums. Just watched pic related. What did I think of it?

Sup Yea Forums. Just watched pic related. What did I think of it?

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I see 10 sequels planned in the future. Wasn't bad, dropped the ball in the end

why does everyone say that the ending is a pile of shit? what happens there? just spoil me, i won't ever watch this

herrr people pay to watch others get tortured. no winner in the end winner gets killed or they at least try

A mediocre modern remake of the Saw movies that tried to capitalize on the current trendiness of escape rooms.

It wasn't a very good horror movie, and it wasn't a very good thriller. I honestly enjoyed Happy Death Day a lot more.

It's just for a moment, the film could have been really good if they tried harder with a twist no one see's coming. But they didn't so it won't be remembered. Give it a watch for cutie red head and quiet African American girl

The real twist is that was the guy that stuck his face up Rooney's ass in Girl with dragon tattoo remake

For torture porn it was okay. The escape rooms got kinda shitty at the end, the first 3 were pretty interesting though. The characters were stereotypes which is honestly fine for a film like this. Ending was stupid and anticlimactic.

>A mediocre modern remake of the Saw movies
More of a spiritual successor to The Collection and Hostel tbqh famalam.

What this movie did do right was diversity and the smart black girl trope: it wasn't forced, there was no sjw lecturing, she actually had conflict that wasn't muh discrimination and she was interesting.

They even cast a black guy as cutthroat business psycho which goes in against stereotypes but worked rather brilliantly.

Hollywood take note.

>For torture porn it was okay.
Except for it pretty much lacking torture.

It was so pussified I had a hard time enjoying it. After the first few rooms I thought the twist would be that no one actually died...because you don't see anyone actually die.
People comparing this to torture porn need to get their eyeballs checked.

The guy from Reaper was in it, so yeah, it was fun.

>the current trendiness of escape rooms
lol what?


god i miss that show

You mean sons of tucson, invasion and mad love? Why can't he be popular like his Breaker High castmate goose?

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>god i miss that show
t. Kevin Smith

Are you crying on social media again?

I too thought that everyone would have survived and it was all a sham. That would have been far more interesting than what they did do at the end.

>pg 13 Cube

You thought what ever you thought.
God damn worthless parasite.

They cast the nigger as the "alpha."

so just like real life then?

He was well over the creepy, evil and manipulative line. If any character was alpha it was Jessica from true blood.

And the other nigger girl saved the white boi..