What films correctly portray Alcoholism?

What films correctly portray Alcoholism?

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Leaving Las Vegas

God I wish that were me

Based and Steelpilled. Here's the film you're looking for.

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Wake in Fright

>Daylight creeping in through the curtains
>Computer still running
>Half finished drink on the desk among the empty beer cans
>Two empty handles of heap spirits just about off camera near the bottom.


also cracking the first NATTY DADDY of the right now
cheers fellas
it can be user, don't let your dreams be dream

last night my mom was being weak so i had to beg my sister for some steel reserve

Mom was being weak

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this is parody/homage to a much much older video of a kid in Alaska walking down the street drinking beer in like 0 degree temperature or something

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pure hilarious kino, thank me later

I hope this guy is an user and has to be confronted with this picture all the time, has a realization and gets his shit together.

That's a based from me dog.

found it pretty quickly


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how about I thank you now, retard?

>dont drink often
>buy 6 7% ipa cans of beer
>start drinking at 4pm
>fall asleep at 840pm
>wake up at 2am
>go back to sleep at 3am
is this what alacoholics do because i didn't do anything but be unproductive

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ah you beat me to it

marijuana > alcohol

>wanting to live life productively
lol gay

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-06 tv - Television Film » Searching for posts with the image hash ‘BKFdrgVrHWA (791x2597, 1.08M)

they're both jewish as hell

You aren't a alcoholic till you can go to work drunk and fully function like a normal human being. Literally the best thing ever is being a functioning alcoholic.


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/thread and i don't /thread recklessly

smashed is the only movie where I've seen a character wet the bed and piss themselves from drinking. which is quite realistic.

lad I used to work with would drink vodka all day long...he was a forklift driver



how many days of drinking and how much alcohol consumption is needed to be labeled as an alcoholic. i drank everclear knockoff for a week straight when i used to live by a liquor store

Know what's better?
Being able to function in work with out it.

I've been in work drunk and functioned well but I stopped drinking completely mainly because I don't want to be beholden to an addiction. What happens if you end up not being able to get it? Withdrawal is dangerous as fuck.

This is pretty good portraying different levels of depression.

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That's a binge.
An alcoholic is someone that needs it to function and do things non-addicts can do without it.

It's the essence of any addiction.

i became a full blown alcoholic this past winter where I was getting the shakes and feeling like my heart was failing. I'll not do that again, it was very unpleasant

is this guy native or what ethnicity?

There's this guy I work with. He's 6'3" , in really good shape but drinks 15 cans of beer and a bottle of wine each night. He's a fucking odd case.e

Granted every now and then he'll vanish for a few days on an absolute bender.

who's this thicclet

shadow demons right before bed

when it interferes with life/work/family relations.

I knew a guy that would look down on me for drinking bourbon, but the would regularly drink 40s cause it was "ironic"

I'll never understand

Based doc for you lads.

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forgotten substance abuse kino

I still regularly use "Ironman numbers" it's just so perfect

>no hiss

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physical dependency


For one I drink longer than that, at 11pm and wake up at 9:40am for work.

I consider myself to be pretty close to acholic, I would knock out 3/4's a fifth of bourbon a week for about 2 years. Not a lot on paper, but I'm a 135 scrawny dude, so yea~

I actually watched some videos from AA though to see if that would help me, and it was crazy shit I didn't think was possible. Like a fifth a day, waking up in a mix of yours and someone else's (who you don't know) vomit, weird sex acts for cash to buy another bottom shelf bottle of vodka. Real fucked shit.

So yeah, everyone that enjoys a good drink has the thought, but to be a true alcoholic is some hard core shit. You're probably fine as long as you take gaps.

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>iron man numbers

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I just went through detox a few months back, it actually was a pretty good time. Lots of horny women that were coming off of opiates, the food was better then jail or the homeless shelter by a long shot, there were plenty of books to read and newspapers delivered every day. I actually had a really great time, it was a marked improvement to living in my car

Based as fuck

Funny thing is this guys idiocy actually saved him, if he were to have tried this with straight vodka it would have burned a giant hole in his tongue and throat and he would have died in incredible pain, the excess water in that thing save him and he'll never know it

Ive drank about a fifth a night since I was like 19, off and on though, I take breaks. I also don't weigh much

I have a friend who drinks a lot more than that, I dont even know how much, but whenever i crash at his place when he wake up he downs a lot of whiskey with his coffee and just drinks all day, even at work.

i drink a lot but liver cirrhosis is pretty scary, the thought of it keeps me from going overboard entirely

oh and I'm gay and he fucks me all the time, if that matters


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>oh and I'm gay and he fucks me all the time, if that matters
this is why people look down on gay people because you're saying information that isn't important


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Fuck off and let him be, I'm sure he based

What the fuck is going on in this? Why is she yelling, what threads are doing numbers? someone help

>tfw drink due to unrelenting guilt and anger
>nothing relieves these feelings

god bless dirt cheap vodka and whiskey

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Do you seriously think I wrote that? I didn't fucking write that, obviously the other user is pretending to be me

that's not 'good'.' I mean, you can do what you want as long as it doesn't interfere with your job/school/whatever.

But yeah, that amount will prob come back to bite you in a few years.

Post more blackino

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I've always been romantically attracted to the idea of being an alcoholic or being a drug addict but never tried either

Based degenerate


>mfw have asian flush syndrome set get fucked off half the amount of alcohol a normal person would
>mfw white as white could be
>mfw half the time it results in a debilitating headache and my temporal artery feels like its going to burst

haha, no alcohol dependence for me!

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don't feel bad alcohol is a shit drug
try marijuana my dude

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>ywn live in the middle of nowhere and drink bottom-barrel alcohol just to pass through the time of your monotonous and meaningless existence

I thought this was a meme until I saw an Asian woman who had it try to drink alcohol and she got extremely sick after like half a beer

What don't you like about living in your car? Do you have a job?

No offense but I've had my years of being a "pot head" and I found that it made me so slow I could barely function, would give me crippling social anxiety around people I wasn't 100% comfortable around, made me second guess every aspect of my being and would force me down insecure rabbit holes. I find I'm much happier and productive when not high on marijuana. I also hate how it makes my friends, makes them scatterbrained and apathetic. I've had numerous times in which my friend would specifically go to one area of the room to get something and comeback empty handed because they forgot what they went there for, woke up one morning and the stove top was on. Just against it really.

under the volcano

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that's what i do despite living in a nice suburban neighborhood

wow man that shit hit like a mofucka.

Wrong purely because of drug testing. Hangovers are fucking gay but the fact that I can drink 12 beers and two bottles of whiskey and then go into work 5 hours later pretty much puts it over on weed.


what does steel reserve taste like bros?

lol, weed man. like haha I smoke and like get real high and watched like all of bojak horseman in one sitting

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how do you go into work after that?

Down from 375mls of tito's a night to six pints of water-tier beer. Going to bed with nothing but a buzz kind of sucks but it's enough, I guess.

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but weed is legal in my country

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that's something a gay person would say

are you me

Ehhh I was being hyperbolic. More like 12 hours. The hangover is a fucking bitch but as long as I get my shit done I'm completely immune to consequence. I can even talk about being hungover to my boss and he'll just laugh because alcohol isn't an illegal substance.

Weed on the other hand which has no hangover will get me fired if I ever get randomly tested. Truly a living hell

raging bull
its not just the alcohol usually

they just cut that with grain alcohol after fermentation, don't they?

wtf are you talking about? Its just a dude drinking a beer

Don't think so user, just take solace in the fact that we can be well adjusted productive members of society without substance abuse issues.

At work tonight (I work overnights in a hospital) drinking Bombay sapphire. What you lads drinking tonight?

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Go freeze some grain alcohol and then drink it and then report back and let me know how that goes. I'm just another stupid idiot on Yea Forums, what's the worst that could happen?

Fyre Fraud

>32 years old
>go back to college
>get together with 8 or 9 people
>most of them in their early 20's
>get embarrassingly drunk
>probably showed my power level, talked loudly about myself and made jokes in poor taste
Burned some bridges right there bros. Anyway to solve this?

We already know what will happen because google exists

When he breaks out in tears it gets me every time I've never lost someone that close to me but I'm dreading it.
>the tracks in the snow from him pacing around the grave between recording

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literally me last night, though the chair i use is a large comfy arm chair.

I usually keep my gin in the freezer. I haven't died yet.

I hate the old fuck that works the liquor store at 9am. He always judges me. “Getting started early huh?” “ Weren’t you in here yesterday”? Wish he would just ring me up and let me be.

You're much more likely to get caught for coming into work still half drunk all of the time than get piss tested. Unless you work in an industry that does it regularly.

Reflect, adapt, and overcome user. No use in killing yourself over something that's already set in stone.

On my off days I binge on speed and alcohol and the next few days at work are me just going along trying to stay up.

No, how do I change their opinion of me?

>“Getting started early huh?” “ Weren’t you in here yesterday”
does he seriously do this lmao?

Let the man who perish drinkers.

For real guys my friend is a really heavy drinker and heroin and meth user. He has two kids and acts like an insane person either getting blacked out drunk every night or being high on math, heroin, or xanax

I feel awful for his kids (one is 6 one is 1) what should I do? Should I tell his mom? Should I call the police on him?

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i need alcohol to survive i cannot function without the numbing effect IVE BECOME SO NUMB

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He thinks you're better than this, user. Guaranteed he doesn't say that to the old bums that stop in there every day.

Sounds like he doesn't have custody of his kids anyways and you're just a fucking busybody. Is that true user, are you a fucking busybody?

Shameless with William H. Macy, and Jeremy Allen White (Lip) got me to stop drinking so much. I can relate to Lip's character so much. He went to class drink, pissed himself, got kicked out of college, high iq, went to rehab, and has a serious temper. That show should've ended with season four, but they're all my imaginary second family so I kept going. Emmy Rossum is the only Jewees I've ever fallen so hard for so fuck all of you. (US) Shameless is a must watch for any alcoholics in this thread.

I was expecting to laugh at this ironically but feel like I've lost something now