Ignoring the fact that he turned to the dark side, why isn't he considered a mary sue...

Ignoring the fact that he turned to the dark side, why isn't he considered a mary sue? He was amazing in almost everything he did.

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Because mary sues are female characters,

gary stu

Obi Wan is 10 times the Mary Sue.

Because he literally failed at everything he tried to do.

he had an established backstory as a slave with mechanical skills as well as latent piloting skills

The only thing he managed to do was get pussy and I'm not gonna lie, that's pretty good in my book. He fucked up everything else.

>Ignoring the fact that he turned to the dark side

Ignoring the part that literally stops him being a Mary Sue. The fact he is one before but turns to the darkside and fucks everything up for everyone is the whole point.

Because he had the massive, unavoidable flaw of arrogance and a reluctance to respect his elders

>won pod race
>created a protocol droid as a child
>created a pod race pod
>won his freedom
>destroyed a droid flagship and saved thousands of lives
>killed a tusken raider horde single-handedly, women and children as well
>pounded padme in her prime, more than once
>is said to have been saving obi-wan during their missions more than once
>makes a good choice as a young padawan when he tells the clones to fire at the CIS ships
>manages to kill Dooku in single combat
>saves obi-wan when buzz droids attack his shit
>saved the emperor and obi-wan and thousands of clone lives at the beginning of E03
>lands a destroyed ship with three survivors and a droid
>becomes the youngest jedi in the council

he was super powerful but he was shown to be reckless and over confidant which eventually got his ass burnt.

>whiny stupid bitch that needed to be smacked to place every 30 minutes
>everybody in the order thought he shouldnt be a jedi except obi wan and quai gon
>gets slain by his own master (but obi wan didnt have the spine to execute for the confirmed kill)
>gets wrecked by his own son
>betrays those who care for him not once but three times (jedi, obi-wan and padme, and the empire and sidious)
>no father
>shitty life before becoming a jedi
>used as a pawn more so than a chosen one
gee idk. Hes strong but hes not exactly walking the ez street

>Is manipulated by Sheev into bringing about the end of the Jedi and enslavement of the entire Galaxy

he was created by the Force itself so of course he's OP but he's super flawed as a character.

>>won pod race
>>created a protocol droid as a child
>>created a pod race pod
>>won his freedom
>>destroyed a droid flagship and saved thousands of lives
Literally the point first movie was to make him look like the savior in shining armor to then break him down to the monster he is in the 3rd/4th movie.

>>killed a tusken raider horde single-handedly, women and children as well
Murdering inferior trash cold blood, not the Jedi way, pushing him away from the light side

>>pounded padme in her prime, more than once
Getting in a failed relationship that's ultimately his downfall

>>is said to have been saving obi-wan during their missions more than once
Literally every episode in the clone wars is a struggle against obstacles he has to overcome

>>makes a good choice as a young padawan when he tells the clones to fire at the CIS ships

>>manages to kill Dooku in single combat
After losing countless times beforehand, including losing his arms and almost dying. Dooku is already old while Anakin is at his prime.

>>saves obi-wan when buzz droids attack his shit
Great pilot thanks to years of training and his love for flying

>>saved the emperor and obi-wan and thousands of clone lives at the beginning of E03
Kills countless Jedi and Padawan, literally stopping him from being a marry sue

>>lands a destroyed ship with three survivors and a droid
Lands half a ship, there were only three humans on the ship at that point, the rest where droids and a dead sith

>>becomes the youngest jedi in the council
>Not even becoming Jedi master, despite proving himself in the clone wars over and over again, also while having his own Padawan...

He loses a hand to dooku because of his overconfidence

His pride, anger, and childishness make him flawed

“ignoring the fact he killed children and his wife and hundreds of people and destroyed the galaxy, why isn’t he considered a mary sue”

>he was created by the force
I hate this meme. His mom was obviously a sex slave (never shown working at the shop or anything, flying kike still wouldn’t sell her) so she probably took atleast 500 loads each year. Then suddenly some wealthy, powerful space monks with superstitious beliefs and show an interest in your son so you feed their delusions with the whole immaculate conception so they’ll take him and you can go back to go back to getting dicked down without having to hide it from your son.

Because he experienced loss and was ultimately ruined

>born into slavery
>mother you had to abandon is killed by sand people
>has his arm cut off
>only survives his fight with obi because he was saved by palpatine

Someone libtard hipster faggot tried to make the same “if she’s a mary sue he’s a gary stu” argument, and it just doesn’t hold up. I didn’t even watch the last jedi because of how poorly Rey was written. I’ll never watch another Star Wars movie again actually.

Anakin was a flawed character, and other characters recognized his flaws. A Mary Sue would be perfect in every way, or at least be perceived as such by the other characters.

>Ignoring the main reason he isn't a Mary Sue...

Why didn't the eagles just fly the proton torpedo down the death stars trench and shove it right up voldemorts asshole?

You people are retarded. And should be shot in the street.

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> so she probably took at least 500 loads each year.

My sides.

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He was a Mary Sue in The Phantom Menace.
After that, he was a whiny cunt who fucked up a lot.

muh dick

isn't it canon that Palpatine/Plagueis basically created him from the force though?

he was the chosen one

They explained it with his high midichlorian count, higher than even Master Yodas

>that pic

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His abilities are Incredible, but a Mary Sue gets everything they want and accomplishes their goals. Anakin literally fails every personal goal he has in the prequels and is left a broken shell, despite his great power.

>Besides murdering hundreds of Innocents that we know of, and thousands more offscreen directly with potentially millions more he was directly responsible for; besides failing to protect his own mother; besides failing to protect his own wife, in fact causing her death; besides losing half the major battles he is on-screen for; besides his own reckless and arrogant attitude failing him from being recognized as a true Jedi master; ignoring all this, why is this powerful villain character who fails more than succeeds a Mary Sue?

Is having a high midichlorian count the star wars version of having high test?

And on top of his high force potential, nobody seems to account for his 10+ years of Jedi tutelage under the guy who dropped the first Sith in 1,000 years. And he wasn't even ready. Yoda and others helped train this super high potential kid. 10+ years of training and trials from some of the best. That's not Mary sue.

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I don't think the Plagueis novel is cannon anymore. Otherwise, yes, their experiment to make the Force tip into he dark side caused it "fight back" by creating Anakin, who's destiny is to balance it. They didn't intend for a "chosen one" to be born and didn't realize what the Force had done until Qui-Gon brings Anakin to the Temple. They really were expecting the Force to make their blood boil with the midichlorians if anything.

Ding ding ding
Rey in Anakin reincarnated

You can't be a tragic character and a Mary sue, retard

That plagueis book was kino

What about Jeanne d'Arc?

Also everyone likes a Mary sue (rey) instantly. Pretty much only obi wan and Padme liked him. Sheev too I guess, but that's different


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>be a slave till you're 9
>be separated from your mother and indoctrinated by emotionless, celibate monks
>jedi treat you like shit because you're different (joined too long) and masters don't trust you (as seen in Episode 1 where they judge him like a piece of meat)
>be told to suppress all your emotions
>be groomed by the greatest manipulator in the galaxy, and he's your only non-Jedi friend and the only one that's not stupidly hard on you all the time for your humanly mistakes
>be given a god complex because you're told you're literally the chosen one and soon to be most powerful person of all time
>have nightmares about your mother dying, but be told by Jedi to just ignore it
>finally get chance to see your mom
>she was tortured and raped to death and dies in your arms
>have to fight on the front lines of a galactic war for 3 years
>have premonitions about your wife dying the same way the ones about your mother came true
>freak the fuck out
>Jedi still don't trust you, ask you to spy on your best non-Jedi friend
>put you on council but don't promote you to master, even though you're top 5 strongest Jedi in the galaxy, making you seem like a joke
>still turn in sith lord who promised to save your beloved wife because of your loyalty to the Jedi
>Jedi don't trust you again and don't take you to arrest the most powerful villain in the galaxy
>go to help anyway and see Jedi, who was a dick to you your whole life, about to break his own rules like a fucking hypocrite and murder a prisoner
>see last chance to save your dear wife, freak out in a split second decision and cut douchebag Jedi's hands off
>now feel like you've fucked up so hard you have no choice but to join the dark side, hey at least you can save your wife...

>mary sue

Let's not forget OT fags hated ani for being jedi failure which couldn't even make "chad" flirtings
But now this ßoý filed niggers are trying to shill for (((Disney))) how Anakin is actually MArey SUE


Saint Joan of Arc. She's widely considered to be a tragic figure, but she's also one of the biggest contenders for a real life Mary Sue.

A real person? Do you know what a Mary sue is?

Do you reckon he used to sneak into padmes room when he was guarding her and mind trick blow jobs off her? I know i woukd have...

Because he was a whiny bitch and the Jedi Council hated him

I read alot of those old EU books before Disney bought it and I remember plagueis the most well written of them. Also the subject matter is really interesting

Considering how powerful he was in the Force i would not be surprised if Anakin unknowingly force-persuaded Padme into thoses kinds of feelings for him.

First movie
>won pod race thanks to years of owning, repairing, and racing a pod racer plus new found force abilities

Second movie
>got a decade or more of training

Third movie
>got advanced training and close to being a master

First movie
>Years of salvaging let her repair the falcon quickly
>no training and beat a highly trained (by Luke) lightsaber guy

Don't forget the Clone Wars between Episode II and III.

honestly Plagueis seems pretty chill for a Sith Lord.

this is a good post user. Anakin's life truly was fucked.

>wanna see my death stick?

don't forget
>wife dies anyway

True. Ironically, her fictional counterparts are nowhere near as sue-ish as she is

He was given a fuckhuge power level and still managed to be an enormous fuck-up, failing to even believably live up to the descriptions of him by Obi-Wan in A New Hope.

No, that was always a retarded "lol it wasn't the Force at all, it was the Sith who created him!"

It's an invention of writers who didn't fucking watch episode 3. Palpatine conveniently goes on and on about this Sith legend, and explicitly says "he taught his apprentice everything he knew" - in other words, that the Sith oh so conveniently had exactly what Anakin wanted. Then Anakin turns, and what does Palpatine say? "Only one has ever known how to cheat death you must go and kill all the Jedi to be the second" so clearly if Plagueis was the one, then Palpatine was bullshitting him from the start. And if Plagueis wasn't the one, then Palpatine was still bullshitting him.

But nope, gotta be all "secret Sith experiment".

He was considered a mary sue in Episode I, hence the hatred for Jake Lloyd.
In Episode III he was constantly in anger and frustration, which the audience could relate to because these movies were absolute shit.
And nobody cared about Episode II, we were to busy looking at Portman's abdomen.

Even without the Dark Side he was an arrogant little bitch who constantly tried to show up his master.

>tfw as a 12-13 year old boy in the cinema I was confusedly cheering for the alien tiger ripping her clothes off

God damn he was terrible in those movies

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>Ignoring his biggest flaw
He was cocky and arrogant and a flyboy and slaughtered kids etc, hardly the model jedi people (obi wan) describe him as

His Mary-Sueness is an integral part of the prequels and is established in-universe right from the get-go in episode one with the midichlorian bullshit. There is never any pretence or denial that he sort of is one, it's kind of the point of the story. In general people don't like the prequels anyway so it's not as if it's even been that important of an issue

He gets some lee-way by being a prophecy-related chosen one. That aside he also was a pretty big fuck up.

Now Anakin from Episode 1 is borderline (if not outright) Mary Sue. No character flaws, crazy successful at everything he does, all while being ten. It's because George likely had child viewers in mind when making the character, and he knew children were shallow and identify only with flawless, perfect individuals.
Coincidentally this is the same reason Disney made Rey a Mary sue. Women are the same.

its still the Force that created him, though, just in reaction to Palpatine and Plaguis dicking around

Most Sith Lords are chill

Anakin actually attempted to finish off Obi-Wan exactly how Obi-Wan killed Darth Maul. He really should have straightened out his priorities

>loses to his Master but a lesser Jedi, getting cut into pieces
>last resort full Dark side
>put back together

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>This character is a flawless Mary Sue if you only pretend those flaws don't exist!!!1

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